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Munro, Alice (Ann) (chron.) (continued)
_____, [ref.]
- * Alice Munro, Nobel Prize Winner Widely Held to Be the Master of the Modern Short Story, (ob) The Daily Telegraph May 14 2024
- * Alice Munro, Nobel Winner and Titan of the Short Story, Dies Aged 92 by Sian Cain & Richard Lea, (ar) The Guardian May 14 2024
- * Alice Munro Obituary by Sarah A. Smith, (ob) The Guardian May 14 2024
- * Alice Munro Obituary: Novel Prizewinning Canadian Short Story Writer, (ob) The Times May 14 2024
- * “Corrie” by Alice Munro by Ron Rash, (ar) The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2012
- * “Passion” by Alice Munro by Colm Tóibín, (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2006 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2006
- * To Alice Munro, (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2014 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2014
- * “What Do You Want to Know For?” by Alice Munro by David Leavitt, (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2008 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2008
[]Munro, Alick (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.); possibly Alexander Richard B. Munro.
- * A Carnival Kiss, (ss) The Tatler October 1 1902
- * The Cave-Dweller, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1903
- * The Courage of a Coward, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1902
- * A Life: Price One Shilling, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1901
- * McNicol’s Wehr-Wolf, (ss) The Ludgate #60, October 1900
- * The Phantom Fisherman, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1904
- * The Terror of the Pond, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1899
- * The Unknown Quantity, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1905
- * The “Vigo’s” Captains, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1903
[]Munro, Donna J. W. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Act of Creation, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2023
- * All the Eyes on Her, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #47/48, July 2022
- * Bubblehead Road, (ss) Ghostlight Spring 2019
- * Cyclopean Light on the Scales of God, (ss) Nothing’s Sacred May 2019
- * Emerging from the Dark, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- * Finding a Familiar, (ss) Night Frights #2, 2021
- * First Day Jitters, (vi) 34 Orchard #9, Spring 2024
- * Floods and Melancholy, (ss) Borderlands 7 ed. Olivia F. & Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 2020
- * Four Horsemen of the Happy Hour, (vi) Penumbric Speculative Fiction December 2021
- * Frozen Fish, (ss) Crossroads June 1995
- * Golden Rule, (ss) Modern Magic ed. W. H. Horner, Fantasist Enterprises, 2006
- * Goodbye Mother, (ss) Space and Time #146, Spring/Summer 2024
- * Haunted Castle on the Midway, (ss) Mithila Review #13, March 2020
- * The Hermes VII, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #6, April 2019
- * Her Teeth Are Long and Full of Venom, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2022
- * In-Between, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #34, January 2019
- * I Speak for the Trees, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- * Mary Sue Rising, (vi) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2024
- * Messages Sent, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- * Nature Verses Nurture, (ss) Black Petals (online) #83, Spring 2018
- * Nine Little Rabbits, All in a Row, (ss) Syntax & Salt Magazine #3, June 2017
- * Passage, (ss) Nothing’s Sacred October 2018
- * Sassy’s Birthday, (vi) Shelter of Daylight Winter 2022
- * Wandering Witches of Triven Glen, (ss) Night Frights #1, 2020
[]Munro, Emma (Ross) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * A Better Tomorrow, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #112, January 2023
- * Dollification, (vi) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Editorial:
* ___ A Better Tomorrow, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #112, January 2023
* ___ Friendship, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #102, March 2022
* ___ Issue 100, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #100, January 2022
* ___ Little Things, Big Things, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #103, April 2022
* ___ Love All the Ways, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #101, February 2022
* ___ Persistence, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #104, May 2022
* ___ Purpose and Choice, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #106, July 2022
* ___ The Reprint Edition, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #105, June 2022
* ___ Strength, Determination, and Persistence, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #107, August 2022
- * Friendship, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #102, March 2022
- * Issue 100, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #100, January 2022
- * Little Things, Big Things, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #103, April 2022
- * Love All the Ways, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #101, February 2022
- * Nuke My Jobbot, (ss) Cosmos #64, August/September 2015
- * Persistence, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #104, May 2022
- * Purpose and Choice, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #106, July 2022
- * The Reprint Edition, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #105, June 2022
- * Spare Parts, (ss) Borderlands #6, January 2006
- * Strength, Determination, and Persistence, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #107, August 2022
- * The Wedding Eaters, (vi) The Sirens Call #54, Summer 2021
- * What Counts as Consent, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #115, April 2023
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Flash Fiction Online #100 Jan, #101 Feb, #102 Mar, #103 Apr, #104 May, #105 Jun, #106 Jul, #107 Aug 2022
- * Editor (with Anna Yeatts): Flash Fiction Online #108 Sep, #109 Oct, #110 Nov, #111 Dec 2022, #112 Jan, #113 Feb, #114 Mar, #115 Apr, #116 May, #117 Jun,
#118 Jul, #119 Aug, #120 Sep, #121 Oct 2023
[]Munro, H(ector) H(ugh) (1870-1916); used pseudonym Saki (books) (chron.)
- * The Achievement of the Cat, (ar) The Square Egg, John Lane, 1924
- * Adrian [Clovis Sangrail], (ss) The Westminster Gazette July 9 1910, as by Saki
- * The Aged Man [The Westminster Alice], (pm) The Westminster Gazette May 16 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice and the Liberal Party [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette November 30 1900, as by Saki
- * Alice Anywhere but in Downing Street [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette October 11 1900, as by Saki
- * Alice at Lambeth [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette December 12 1900, as by Saki
- * Alice at St. Stephen’s [The Westminster Alice], (vi) The Westminster Gazette July 11 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice Goes to Chesterfield [The Westminster Alice], (vi) The Westminster Gazette December 16 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice Has Tea at the Hotel Cecil [The Westminster Alice], (vi) The Westminster Gazette November 29 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice in a Fog [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette November 11 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice in Difficulties [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette October 9 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice in Downing Street [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette July 25 1900, as by Saki
- * Alice in Pall Mall [The Westminster Alice], (vi) The Westminster Gazette November 5 1900, as by Saki
- * Alice Lunches at Westminster [The Westminster Alice], (ss) The Westminster Gazette October 14 1901, as by Saki
- * Alice Wants to Know [The Westminster Alice], (vi) Picture Politics, A Penny Popular Monthly #106, August/September 1902, as by Saki
- * The Almanack, (ss) The Morning Post June 17 1913, as by H. H. Munro
- * Author’s Note, (ms) Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane, 1914
- * The Background [Clovis Sangrail], (ss) Leinsters’ Magazine July 1910, as by Saki
- The Chronicles of Clovis by Saki, John Lane, 1911, as by Saki
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- The Golden Book Magazine #83, November 1931, as by “Saki”
- Books in Brief March 1937, as by “Saki”
- Nugget May 1956, as by Saki
- Tall Short Stories ed. Eric Duthie, Ace Star, 1960, as by Saki
- Incredible Tales by Saki, Dell, 1966, as by Saki
- Short Stories by Saki, Everyman, 1978, as by Saki
- Tales of the Tattooed ed. John Miller, The British Library, 2019, as by Saki
- * A Badger’s-Eye View of the War, (ss) The Morning Post April 24 1916
- The Square Egg, John Lane, 1924, as "The Square Egg"
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as "The Square Egg", by Saki
- Short Stories 2 by Saki, Everyman, 1983, as "The Square Egg", by Saki
- * The Bag, (ss) The Westminster Gazette July 24 1909, as by Saki
- Reginald in Russia by Saki, Methuen, 1910, as by Saki
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- A Saki Sampler by Saki, Superior Reprint, 1945, as by Saki
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #76, November 1950, as by Saki
- Humor, Horror, and the Supernatural by Saki, Scholastic Book Services, 1965, as by Saki
- Short Stories 2 by Saki, Everyman, 1983, as by Saki
- * The Baker’s Dozen, (pl) Journal of the Leinster Regiment October 1909, as by Saki
- * Beasts and Super-Beasts, (co) John Lane, 1914
- * Bertie’s Christmas Eve, (ss) The Westminster Gazette December 23 1911, as by Saki
- * Birds on the Western Front, (ss) The Square Egg, John Lane, 1924
- * The Blind Spot, (ss) The Morning Post March 5 1912
- Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane, 1914
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- The Selected Short Stories of “Saki” by Saki, Penguin, 1939, as by Saki
- Shocking Tales ed. Robert K. Brunner, A.A. Wyn, 1946, as by Saki
- Incredible Tales by Saki, Dell, 1966, as by Saki
- Short Stories by Saki, Everyman, 1978, as by Saki
- Death ed. Stuart David Schiff, Playboy, 1982, as by Saki
- The Faber Book of Murder ed. Simon Rae, Faber and Faber, 1994, as by Saki
- 100 Menacing Little Murder Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998, as by Saki
- * The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water, (vi) The Westminster Gazette January 26 1901, as by Saki
- * The Boar-Pig, (ss) The Morning Post August 20 1912
- Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane, 1914
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- Incredible Tales by Saki, Dell, 1966, as by Saki
- Short Stories 2 by Saki, Everyman, 1983, as by Saki
- * A Bread and Butter Miss, (ss) The Toys of Peace, and Other Papers, John Lane, 1919
- * The Brogue, (ss) The Morning Post June 3 1913
- Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane, 1914
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- Incredible Tales by Saki, Dell, 1966, as by Saki
- The New Roger Caras Treasury of Great Horse Stories ed. Roger A. Caras, Bristol Park Books, 1999, as by Saki
- * The Bull, (ss) The Morning Post April 21 1914
- * The Byzantine Omelette, (ss) The Morning Post March 25 1913
- * Canossa, (ss) The Toys of Peace, and Other Papers, John Lane, 1919
- * The Chaplet [Clovis Sangrail], (ss) The Bystander March 15 1911, as by Saki
- * The Chronicles of Clovis, (co) John Lane, August 1911 , as by Saki
- * Circumstantial Evidence, (ss) The Morning Post March 12 1912, as "Dusk", by H. H. Munro
- * Clovis on Parental Responsibilities [Clovis Sangrail], (ss) The Westminster Gazette May 3 1913, as by Saki
- * Clovis on the Alleged Romance of Business, (vi) The Square Egg, John Lane, 1924
- * The Cobweb, (ss) The Morning Post November 21 1911
- Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane, 1914
- The Complete Short Stories of Saki by Saki, Viking Press, 1930, as by Saki
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #57, April 1949, as by Saki
- Mind in Chains ed. Dr. Christopher Evans, Panther, 1970, as by Saki
- Tales of the Occult ed. Jack C. & Barbara H. Wolf, Fawcett Crest, 1975
- Short Stories 2 by Saki, Everyman, 1983, as by Saki
- 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993, as by Saki
- Masters of the Macabre, BOMC, 1999, as by Saki
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