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[]Morris, Jill (chron.)
- * Cooking Tea, (pm) Midnight Street #4, Spring 2005
- * Exquisite Corpse Poem (with Alan D. Gullette, Bil McCabe & Harry O. Morris), (pm) Nyctalops #13, 1977
- * Hybrid, (pm) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- * Inside, (pm) Legend: Worlds of Possibility #6, Summer/Autumn 2002
- * Miss Dilys Millett, (pm) Midnight Street #4, Spring 2005
[]Morris, Joe Alex (Sr.) (1904-1990) (chron.)
- * America’s Strangest Lumberyard, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 11 1952
- * Another Roosevelt Makes His Pitch, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1950
- * Arizona: Air-Conditioned Desert, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1961
- * Aspen, Colorado, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1950
- * Boy I Can Hear Now, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1949
- * Candidate Bubbling with Charm, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1956
- * Can the Rackets Recapture Missori?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 8 1949
- * Chairman Miller, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 29 1962
- * The Cities of America:
* ___ Aspen, Colorado, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1950
* ___ Kingston, Jamaica, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 9 1952
* ___ Sacramento, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1951
* ___ Taos, New Mexico, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1950
* ___ Trenton, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1949
- * The City Where Nobody Lives, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 17 1949
- * The Cripples Walk Out, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 14 1951
- * Cruel Beauty of the Caribbean, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 17 1951
- * Don’t Call Them Incorrigible, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1961
- * Down in Old Mexico, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1955
- * Eighteen Angry Men, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1962
- * Germany Waits to Be Saved, (??) Collier’s September 1 1945
- * The Great Tariff Battle, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1962
- * He Wants to Make Something of Arkansas, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 18 1950
- * The Hillbilly Rockefeller (Winthrop Rockefeller), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 29 1956
- * His Heart Belongs to Jersey, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 5 1952
- * Home-Town TV Makes a Hit (story about KDUB-TV in west Texas), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1955
- * Hooray for the Yanks, (ss) Liberty August 21 1943
- * How They Picked “Miss Teen-Age America”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1962
- * How to Help a Spy, (??) Collier’s December 26 1942
- * Ike and His Favorite Politician, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 21 1953
- * Kingston, Jamaica, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 9 1952
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: Escape to Australia (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 29 1951
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: Sitting Ducks on the Open Sea (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 22 1951
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: The Courting of Jean Faircloth (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 8 1951
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: The General Keeps His Word (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 13, Oct 20 1951
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: The General’s Bitter Days (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 6 1951
- * My Fifteen Years with the MacArthurs: The General’s Last Fight (with Sid Huff), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1951
- * My Fifty Years in the White House (with Ira R. T. Smith), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 1, Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5 1949
- * The Noisy Newsboy of Cleveland, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 10 1954
- * The Rockefellers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Dec 30 1950, Jan 6, Jan 13 1951
- * Sacramento, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1951
- * Second Chance Actress, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 9 1961
- * Senator Douglas Hard Boiled Idealist, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 6 1949
- * “Shoot, Jerry—You’re Faded”, (ar) Liberty July 10 1943
- * Something Special to Eat (with Jack Denton Scott), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 9 1955
- * The Stubbornest Man in Utah, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1950
- * Swindlers on the Turnpikes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 30 1956
- * Taos, New Mexico, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1950
- * That Guy Duff, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 18 1951
- * They Don’t Want Uncle’s Money, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1952
- * They Make the Atom Do Tricks, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 18 1953
- * They Paint Bible Stories You Never Heard Before, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 4 1953
- * They Said No to “Progress”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1953
- * Trenton, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1949
- * Tropical Hideway: Bahamian Isle of Andros, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1955
- * The Truth About the Florida Race Troubles, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 21 1952
- * TV Without Terror, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1955
- * What Sort of President Will Ike Make?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1953
- * What You Can Believe About the Undergrounds, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1943
- * Wing Talk, (cl) Collier’s October 6 1945
- * The World’s Highest-Paid Buffoon, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 10 1950
_____, as told to
[]Morris, Jonathan (1973- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Lant Land [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Life Science ed. John Binns, Big Finish, 2004
- * Maurtiz [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Universe of Terrors ed. John Binns, Big Finish, 2003
- * The Spartacus Syndrome [Bernice Summerfield], (ss) Professor Bernice Summerfield: A Life of Surprises ed. Paul Cornell, Big Finish, 2002
- * The Thief of Sherwood [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Past Tense ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2004
- * The Traitors [Bernice Summerfield], (ss) Professor Bernice Summerfield: Life During Wartime ed. Paul Cornell, Big Finish, 2003
_____, [ref.]
[]Morris, Kate (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * Accused of Murder, (ss) Love Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * The Belated Valentine, (ss) Love Story Magazine January 29 1927
- * Daphne’s Reward, (ss) Love Story Magazine September 11 1926
- * A Lifetime’s Chance, (nv) Love Story Magazine December 13 1924
- * Love and Old Brocade, (ss) Love Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * Love in a Mask, (ss) Love Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * The Prince of Her Dreams, (ss) Love Story Magazine January 31 1925
- * She Didn’t Want to Be Poor, (ss) Love Story Magazine September 25 1926
- * A Thankful Heart, (ss) Love Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * The Triumph of Her Heart, (ss) Love Story Magazine November 15 1924
- * The Woman Wins, (sl) Love Story Magazine Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28 1923
[]Morris, Kenneth (Vennor) (1879-1937); used pseudonyms C. ApArthur, Walshingham Arthur, Aubrey Tyndall Bloggsleigh, Floyd C. Egbert, F. McHugh Hilman, Ambrosius Kesteven, Maurice Langran, Fortescue Lanyard, Vernon Lloyd-Williams, Hankin Maggs, Jefferson D. Malvern, Patton H. Miffkin, Bingham T. Molyneux, Sergius Mompesson, Evan Gregson Mortimer, Ceinydd Morus, Quintus Reynolds, Evan Snowdon, Wentworth Tompkins & Thomson J. Wildredge (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Apples of Knowledge, (ss) The Theosophical Path October 1923
- * The Avatar, (ss) The Theosophical Path August 1916, as by Jefferson D. Malvern
- * Bach’s Fugue in D Minor—An Interpretation, (vi) The Theosophical Path February 1929
- * The Bard of the Mountain, (ss) The Theosophical Path June 1929, as by Walshingham Arthur
- * The Bunch Titania Picked, (ss) The Theosophical Path April 1918, as by Floyd C. Egbert
- * The Cauldron of Ceridwen, (ss) The Theosophical Path December 1917, as by C. ApArthur
- * Daffodil, (ss) The Theosophical Path May 1917, as by Evan Gregson Mortimer
- * Deio the Mountain, (ss) Raja-Yoga Messenger September 1917 (+1)
- * Destroying Delusion, (ss) The Theosophical Path April 1929
- * The Divina Commedia of Evan Leyshon, (ss) The Theosophical Path June 1918, as "Another Chance, or the Divina Commedia of Evan Leyshon", by Patton H. Miffkin
- * The Dragon Path: The Collected Tales of Kenneth Morris, (co) Tor, March 1995 ; edited by Douglas A. Anderson
- * The Epic of Wales, (ss) The International Theosophist March 15 1899 (+3), as by Ceinydd Morus
- * The Eyeless Dragons: A Chinese Story, (ss) The Theosophical Path June 1915, as by Quintus Reynolds
- * Hell, Heaven, and Beethoven, (ss) The Theosophical Path January 1930, as by Bingham T. Molyneux
- * Hu with the White Shield, (nv) The International Theosophist July 13 1900 (+5), as by Ceinydd Morus
- * The Iris, (ss) The Theosophical Path August 1929
- * The King and the Three Ascetics, (ss) The Theosophical Path December 1915, as "The Tower of the Gandharvas", by Ephraim Soulsby Paton
- * The King with the Silver Hand, (ss) Universal Brotherhood Path January 1900, as by Ceinydd Morus
- * The Last Adventure of Don Quixote, (ss) The Theosophical Path September 1917, as by Fortescue Lanyard
- * The Lord of the Planet, (ss) The Theosophical Path November 1922
- * The Lost Poet, (ss) The Theosophical Path October 1915, as by Thomson J. Wildredge
- * Manawyddan Son of the Boundless, (ex) from Book of the Three Dragons, Longmans, Green, 1930
- * A Mermaid’s Tragedy, (ss) The Theosophical Path February 1917, as by Vernon Lloyd-Williams
- * A Mistake in the Mail?, (ss) The Theosophical Path August 1917, as by Floyd C. Egbert
- * The Night of Al Kadr, (ss) The Theosophical Path July 1915, as by C. ApArthur
- * Pali the Nurse, (ss) Raja-Yoga Messenger September 1921
- * Prince Lion of the Sure Hand, (ss) The Crusader August 27 1899 (+1), as by K. V. M.
- * The Prince of the Streamland, (ss) Universal Brotherhood Path April 1900, as by Ceinydd Morus
- * The Prodigal’s Return, (ss) The Theosophical Path April 1919, as by Ambrosius Kesteven
- * Red-Peach-Blossom Inlet, (ss) The Theosophical Path October 1916, as by Hankin Maggs
- * The Regent of the North, (ss) The Theosophical Path August 1915, as by C. ApArthur
- Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment ed. David G. Hartwell, SFBC, 1988
- The Dragon Path: The Collected Tales of Kenneth Morris, Tor, 1995
- Tales Before Tolkien ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Ballantine Del Rey, 2003
- Tales Before Tolkien (var. 1) ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Del Rey, 2005
- Dragon Warriors ed. Jeffrey A. Linscott, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
- * The Rose and the Cup, (ss) The Theosophical Path April 1916, as by Wentworth Tompkins
- * The Saint and the Forest-Gods, (ss) The Theosophical Path January 1917, as by Evan Snowdon
- * The Sapphire Necklace, (ss) The Theosophical Path November 1930
- * The Secret Mountain, (ss) The Theosophical Path June 1919, as by Aubrey Tyndall Bloggsleigh
- * The Secret Mountain and Other Tales, (co) Faber & Gwyer, 1926
- * Sion ap Siencyn, (ss) Raja-Yoga Messenger July 1921
- * The Story of Mabon, (ss) Universal Brotherhood Path March 1902, as by Ceinydd Morus
- * The Temple of the Baby Apollo, (ss) The Theosophical Path November 1915, as by Sergius Mompesson
- * The Victory, (ss) The Theosophical Path August 1923
- * The Violinist’s Dream, (ss) The Theosophical Path July 1916, as by F. McHugh Hilman
- * The White Bird Inn, (ss) 1915
- * A Wild God’s Whim, (ss) The Theosophical Path March 1917, as by Maurice Langran
_____, [ref.]
- * Book of the Three Dragons, by Kenneth Morris (1930) by David Kangford, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 2004
- * The Chalchiuhite Dragon by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #59, May 1992
- * The Chalchiuhite Dragon by William M. Schuyler, Jr., (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #49, September 1992
- * The Dragon Path by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #90, February 1996
- * The Legacy of Columbus: The Lost Races of Edward Myers and Kenneth Morris by Robert K. J. Killheffer, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #44, April 1992
- * Work in Progress: A Bibliographic Checklist of First Editions by L. W. Currey, (bi) The New York Review of Science Fiction #15, November 1989
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