The FictionMags Index
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[]Mosher, John (Chapin) (1892-1942) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beanstalk, (pl) The Smart Set December 1919
- * La Belle Hobbs, (ss) The Smart Set May 1920
- * The Guest at Kerr Manor, (ss) The Smart Set November 1923
- * In Honor of Their Daughter, (ss) The New Yorker
- * The Liebeslied of Abigail Bronk, (ss) The Smart Set April 1924
- * Lochinvar, Ltd., (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1923
- * Next Door to Zelli’s, (ss) The Smart Set August 1923
- * Out in the Sun, (ss) The New Yorker September 16 1939
- * The Picture Face, (ss) The Smart Set February 1924
- * Princess Takes a Potion, (ss) Broom July 1922
- * Sauce for the Emperor, (pl) The Smart Set January 1917
- * The Tonic, (ss) The New Yorker May 10 1930
- * Tourist-Class, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1926
- * Under the Moon, (ss) The Smart Set May 1915
- * What Happened to Japhet, (ss) The Smart Set December 1923, as "What Happened to Tophet"
- * What Happened to Tophet, (ss) The Smart Set December 1923
[]Mosher, John C. (chron.)
- * Adieu, Dear Coccyx, (ss) The New Yorker September 7 1940
- * The Anthem, (ss) The New Yorker August 25 1928
- * Are You Shy? or, Just Disagreeable?, (ss) The New Yorker September 17 1927
- * Beach Combers, (ss) The New Yorker May 27 1939
- * The Best Dressed Man Has Amnesia, (ss) The New Yorker July 31 1926
- * Bliss, (ss) The New Yorker December 12 1931
- * Bon Voyage, (ss) The New Yorker July 10 1926
- * Breathing Spell, (ss) The New Yorker June 10 1933
- * Business-Woman, (ss) The New Yorker October 1 1932
- * Commercial Correspondence, (ss) The New Yorker January 7 1928
- * Dear Old Golden Rule Days, (ss) The New Yorker September 15 1934
- * Dinner at Eight, (ss) The New Yorker September 17 1932
- * Don’t Bother to Dress, (ss) The New Yorker February 9 1929
- * Exiles, (ss) The New Yorker April 5 1941
- * Fate of a Tea-Room Attendant, (ss) The New Yorker October 30 1926
- * The Finger Man, (ss) The New Yorker February 13 1932
- * The Flash of the Petticoat, (ss) The New Yorker February 23 1935
- * Flowers for the Occasion, (ss) The New Yorker October 12 1935
- * The Funny Man, (ss) The New Yorker May 4 1929
- * Gentleman of Leisure, (ss) The New Yorker June 6 1931
- * Go Rest, Young Man, (ss) The New Yorker December 14 1935
- * High Finance, (ss) The New Yorker August 27 1927
- * A Hint in the Park, (ss) The New Yorker August 8 1931
- * A House of Tone, (ss) The New Yorker June 11 1932
- * Indian Summer of a Credit Man, (ss) The New Yorker October 13 1928
- * In the Honor of Their Daughter, (ss) The New Yorker December 2 1939
- * Is Your Son an Usher?, (ss) The New Yorker January 29 1927
- * Jaunt to Coney, (ss) The New Yorker June 30 1934
- * Lady with a Pretzel, (ss) The New Yorker November 10 1928
- * Lares and Penates, (ss) The New Yorker September 15 1928
- * Lovers as Guests, (ss) The New Yorker August 13 1932
- * The Man Who Wasn’t Dressed Properly, (ss) The New Yorker January 30 1937
- * The Man with a Box, (ss) The New Yorker March 6 1926
- * A Mean Streak, (ss) The New Yorker March 2 1940
- * Merrymakers, (ss) The New Yorker December 17 1932
- * Murder for Pleasure Fiction, (ss) The New Yorker March 17 1928
- * Musical Evening, (ss) The New Yorker October 29 1932
- * My Affair with an Actress, (ss) The New Yorker January 21 1928
- * My Own Cherry Tree, (ss) The New Yorker February 18 1928
- * The Mysterious Death of the Typical New Yorker, (ss) The New Yorker August 28 1926
- * No Cocktails, (ss) The New Yorker September 21 1929
- * The Ocean Came Over, (ss) The New Yorker December 24 1938
- * Old Love, (ss) The New Yorker November 21 1931
- * On to the Persian Room, (ss) The New Yorker January 22 1938
- * Opera Hat, (ss) The New Yorker November 5 1927
- * O Pioneers, (ss) The New Yorker November 26 1927
- * Over the Neon Light, (ss) The New Yorker February 10 1934
- * The Perfect Host, (ss) The New Yorker April 4 1942
- * Romance of the Secret Service, (ss) The New Yorker October 6 1928
- * Roof Farming, (ss) The New Yorker April 30 1927
- * Sabbath in Westchester, (ss) The New Yorker July 30 1927
- * Saints in Bed, (ss) The New Yorker July 29 1933
- * Salon, (ss) The New Yorker March 18 1933
- * Secrets of Big Business, (ss) The New Yorker December 11 1926
- * Self-Service Love, (ss) The New Yorker August 21 1926
- * Seven-o’Clock Dinner, (ss) The New Yorker September 16 1933
- * The Shark’s-Fin Soup, (ss) The New Yorker December 23 1933
- * So Many Mothers, (ss) The New Yorker December 17 1927
- * Spasm at a Luncheon, (ss) The New Yorker August 22 1931
- * Storm at Sea, (ss) The New Yorker August 29 1931
- * Study in Sentiment, (ss) The New Yorker November 14 1931
- * Summer Clothes, (ss) The New Yorker June 4 1927
- * Surprise!, (ss) The New Yorker October 8 1927
- * The Tennyson Case, (ss) The New Yorker February 5 1927
- * They Used to Have Yachts, (ss) The New Yorker June 9 1934
- * The Thousand-Dollar Bill, (ss) The New Yorker February 14 1931
- * Trip to the Moon, (ss) The New Yorker October 28 1933
- * Visiting Englishman, (ss) The New Yorker January 31 1931
- * Wake Up, You’re Forty, (ss) The New Yorker April 30 1932
- * The White Poodle, (ss) The New Yorker January 28 1933
- * With Reference to Romance, (ss) The New Yorker May 14 1938
[]Mosher, Thomas B. (fl. 1890s-1910s)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Bibelot v1 1895, v2 1896, v3 1897, v4 1898, v5 1899, v10 1904, v11 1905, v12 1906, v13 1907,
v14 1908, v15 1909, v16 1910
v17 1911, v18 1912, v19 1913, v20 1914
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[]Moshfegh, Ottessa (1981- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beach Boy, (ss) The New Yorker January 4 2016
- * “Counterblast” by Marjorie Celona, (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2018 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2018 [Ref. Marjorie Celona]
- * “Everyone asked me why I had written such a disgusting female character”, (ar) The Guardian November 25 2023
- * An Honest Woman, (ss) The New Yorker October 24 2016
- * Ina, (ex) from Lapvona, Jonathan Cape, June 2022
- * I Saw Dead People, (ar) The New Yorker November 20 2017
- * I Was a Public Schooler, (ss) The Paris Review #233, Summer 2020
- * The Locked Room, (ss) The Baffler #30, Spring 2016
- * Measure for Measure, (ex)
- * Slumming, (ss) The Paris Review #211, Winter 2014
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[]Mosig, Dirk W(alter) (1943- ) (chron.)
- * The Four Faces of the Outsider, (ar) Nyctalops #9, July 1974 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Great American Throw-Away, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #33, Lammas 1985
- * H.P. Lovecraft, (ar) Evermist Winter 1975 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * H.P. Lovecraft: A European Tribute, (ar) The Argonaut #5, Winter 1978/Spring 1979; revised from editorial for The Miskatonic, Aug ’77.
- * H.P. Lovecraft, Créateur de mythes (original title?), (ar) Requiem #12, October 1976; translated by Esther Rochon
- * H.P. Lovecraft: Rabid Racist—or Compassionate Gentleman?, (ar) Xenophile #18, October 1975 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Innsmouth and the Lovecraft Oeuvre: A Holistic Approach, (ar) Nyctalops #14, March 1978
- * Lovecraft: A Review and a Response (Part 2) (with L. Sprague de Camp), (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975
- * Lovecraft: The Dissonance Factor in Imaginative Literature, (ar) Gothic June 1979 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Myth-Maker, (ar) Whispers December 1976 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Poe, Hawthorne, and Lovecraft, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #33, Lammas 1985 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe & Nathaniel Hawthorne]
- * Poet of the Unconscious, (ar) Paragon May 1980
- * Poet of the Unknown, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #20, Eastertide 1984
- * The Prophet from Providence, (ar) Whispers December 1973 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Shadow Over Providence, (ar) Myrddin #3, 1976
- * Toward a Greater Appreciation of H.P. Lovecraft: The Analytic Approach, (ar) Whispers July 1973 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Was Lovecraft a Racist?, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #98, Eastertide 1998 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The White Ship: A Psychic Odyssey, (ar) Whispers November 1974
- * [letter], (lt) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #4, Spring 1976
- * [letter from Georgia], (lt) Weird Tales Summer 1974
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[]Mosiman, Billie Sue (1947-2018) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Abiding Depths, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1989
- * The Anomaly of Mondays, (ss) More Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1995
- * Antidote, (ss) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- * Back in the World, (ss) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- * Base Corruption, (ss) Murder for Father ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1994
- * Black Sabbath Bookstore, (ss) Haunts #4, Fall/Winter 1985
- * The Boy Who Would Be King, (ss) Murderous Intent Spring 1995
- * The Care and Handling of a Book Manuscript, (ar) Portents #6, 1988
- * Cheap Thrills, (ar) Paperback Parade #6, February 1988
- * Cherokee Dreaming, (ss) Tales from the Great Turtle ed. Piers Anthony & Richard Gilliam, Tor, 1994
- * A Civilized Man, (ss) Hardboiled #19, November 1994
- * Country Boy, (ss) A World of Horror ed. Eric J. Guignard, Dark Moon Books, 2018
- * A Determined Woman, (ss) Psycho-Paths ed. Robert Bloch, Tor, 1991
- * Disappearing in the Desert, (ss) The 3rd Spectral Book of Horror Stories ed. Joseph Rubas, Tickety Boo Press, 2016
- * Dove Songs, (ss) The Horror Show Winter 1985
- * Dread Inlet, (ss) Lighthouse Hauntings ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Down East Books, 2002
- * Fallen Angel, Malignant Devil, (nv) Frankenstein: The Monster Wakes ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1993
- * Final Dreams, (ss) The Mage #6, Winter 1987
- * Good Samaritan, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1986
- * The Growl, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1987
- * Heartbreak Avenue, (ss) Mystery in the Sunshine State ed. Stuart M. Kaminsky, Pineapple Press, 1999
- * Hideyhole, (nv) Seeds of Fear ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1995
- * Hill Gods, (ss) The Mage #4, Winter 1985
- * Horns, Teeth, and Knobs, (ss) Yet More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad! ed. Weldon Burge, Smart Rhino Publications, 2017
- * Interview with a Psycho, (ss) Robert Bloch’s Psychos ed. Robert Bloch, Cemetery Dance, 1997
- * Introduction, (in)
- * The Land Down Under, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1994
- * The Last Man, (ss) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- * The Lesson, (ss) Monsters in Our Midst ed. Robert Bloch, Tor, 1993
- * Life Near the Bone, (ss) Predators ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1993
- * Long Lonely Empty Road, (ss) Jamais Vu #2, Spring 2014
- * Love Lies Bleedin’, (ss) The UFO Files ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1998
- * Mistress Fame, (ss) Marilyn: Shades of Blonde ed. Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, 1997
- * Morbid Descent, (ss) 2AM Summer 1987
- * No Restrictions, (ss) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine #16, 1993
- * Of Things Mysterious, (ss) The Horror Show Fall 1984
- * Of Tryants and Sovereigns, (ss) Murder for Mother ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1994
- * Open All Night, (ss) Hardboiled #11/12, 1990
- * Pretty Boy, (ss) Invitation to Murder ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Dark Harvest, 1991
- * The Real-Life Adventures of Manny Fitz (with Suzanne Mosiman Garcia), (ss) Great Writers & Kids Write Mystery Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House, 1996
- * Rescue, (ss) 2AM Winter 1988
- * Reveries, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1984
- * The Shape of Its Absence, (ss) Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1994
- * Slouching Toward Jericho, (ss) Murder Most Delicious ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1995
- * Southern Justice, (ss) Santa Clues ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh, Signet, 1993
- * Speed Trap, (ss) Detective Story Magazine #3, December 1988
- * Talk Shows Just Kill Me, (ss) Danger in D.C. ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1993
- * Technicolor Love, (ss) Dead of Night #12, Spring 1995
- * Twisted and Gnarled, (ss) Dark Screams: Volume Eight ed. Richard Chizmar & Brian James Freeman, Hydra, 2017
- * The View from the Castle Tower, (cl) Deathrealm; Sum 95 - Win 96.
- * The View from the Castle Tower, (cl) Deathrealm #24 Sum, #25 Aut, #26 Win 1995, #27 Spr, #28 Sum, #29 Aut, #30 Win 1996, #31 Sum 1997
- * Walls Came Tumbling, (ss) New Mystery v1 #2, 1992
- * War, the Last, (ss) Monster Brigade 3000 ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh, Ace, 1996
- * What Rough Beast?, (ss) Not Your Average Monster ed. Pete Kahle, Bloodshot Books, 2015
- * Womb of Night (with Lawrence Schimel), (ss) Dark Animus #3, May 2003
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
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