The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7088
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[]Mathieu, R. Jean (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The City Sunk, the City Risen, (ss) Ecopunk! ed. Liz Grzyb & Cat Sparks, Ticonderoga Publications, 2017
- * Earth Epitaph, (ss) Triangulation: Dark Skies ed. Chloe Nightingale & Diane Turnshek, PARSEC Ink, 2019
- * Glâcehouse, (ss) Solarpunk Winters ed. Sarena Ulibarri, World Weaver Press, 2020
[]Mathis, L(ouise) Ozelle (1904-1946) (chron.)
- * Attraction, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * Avis, (pm) Love Story Magazine September 3 1927
- * Closed Doors, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 23 1927
- * A Confession, (pm) Love Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * Courage, (pm) Love Story Magazine January 7 1928
- * Current, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * Discovery, (pm) Love Story Magazine November 26 1927
- * Edna, (pm) Love Story Magazine January 14 1928
- * Exiled, (pm) Love Story Magazine December 10 1927
- * Fingers, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * Forgive Me, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * Harbor, (pm) Love Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * If, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 24 1926
- * Imagery, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * Inscription, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * In the Garden, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 27 1927
- * Kashmiri, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * Lines, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 9 1927
- * The Little House, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 13 1927
- * Love’s Reflection, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 30 1927
- * Memory, (pm) Love Story Magazine October 15 1927
- * My Love for You!, (pm) Love Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * Oblivious, (pm) Love Story Magazine October 29 1927
- * Old Pal, (pm) Love Story Magazine July 16 1927
- * ??ou, (pm) Love Story Magazine December 3 1927
- * Reality, (pm) Love Story Magazine September 10 1927
- * Realization, (pm) Love Story Magazine November 19 1927
- * Reflection, (pm) Love Story Magazine October 1 1927
- * Roma, (pm) Love Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Two Memories, (pm) Love Story Magazine May 5 1928
- * Unexplainable, (pm) Love Story Magazine August 20 1927
- * White Flowers, (pm) Love Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * You, (pm) Love Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * [letter from Houston, TX], (lt) Weird Tales January 1927
[]Mathison, Volney G. (1897-1965); used pseudonym Dex Volney (about) (chron.)
- * Alaskan Shanghai, (ss) Adventure February 1 1931
- * Bad Eggs, (ss) Argosy December 6 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * Black Water Men, (nv) All-Fiction March 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Blizzard Bird, (ss) Action Stories January 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * Blue Fox Brothers, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 28 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * The Blue Skull, (nv) Action Stories August 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Blue Tiger, (nv) Action Novels August/September 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * The Boa, (ss) Outdoor Stories March 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Boomerang, (ss) Sea Stories June 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * A Brass Pounder in Northern Waters, (na) Sea Stories Magazine September 1926, as by Dex Volney
- * The Bullet Sprinklers, (ss) Action Stories September 1927
- * Cold Courage, (ss) Action Stories March 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * Cowgirl Carries On, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 14 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * A Daughter of Cortez, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly January 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * The Death Bottle, (ss) Weird Tales March 1925
- * Digger Fool Brunn, (nv) Adventure October 1 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * The Doom Idol, (ss) Action Stories December 1926
- * Eagle of the North, (na) North•West Stories December 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * Easy Money, (ss) Argosy April 11 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Fourth Man, (ss) North•West Stories August 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Frozen Feud, (na) North•West Stories January 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * Getaway, (ss) Action Stories October 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Gold Lust, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd November 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * The Gold Snake and the Singing Tiger, (ss) Complete Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * The Gold Test, (ss) Adventure June 15 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Guns in the Shadows, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Guns of the North, (ss) All-Fiction April 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Harbor Mob, (ss) All Star Detective Stories November 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The He-Wolf’s Whelp, (nv) North•West Romances February 1943, as by Dex Volney
- * His Celestial Brothers [Zig Jones], (ss) Sea Stories November 1927, as by Dex Volney
- * Java Vultures, (ss) Sea Stories January 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Kiernan’s Wife, (ss) Complete Stories 1st December 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Killers’ Pass, (ss) All Star Detective Stories December 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * Kinross the Killer, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Klondike Cache, (nv) North•West Stories December 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Lagoon Looters, (nv) Action Novels February 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * Land of the Lawless, (nv) North•West Stories September 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Last Days of the Pagoda, (ss) People’s July 15 1924
- * Lead—No Grit, (ss) Adventure May 15 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * The Lily-Whites of Chignik, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 16 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * The Long Trek, (ss) Action Stories April 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Magic Cargo, (ss) Action Novels October 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Mongolians’ Ray, (ss) Amazing Stories June 1929
- * Mongrel [Zig Jones], (ss) Sea Stories September 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Moonshine and Lead, (ss) Action Stories January 1928
- * No Gun Play, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 11 1932, as by Dex Volney
- * The Nugget, (ss) West October 22 1927, as by Dex Volney
- * Ocean’s Law, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * A Phony Phone, (ss) Radio News January 1921
- * Pirates of the Silver Horde, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1942, as by Dex Volney
- * Pirates of the Snows, (na) North•West Stories July 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Port Boiler, (ss) Sea Stories March 1927, as by Dex Volney
- * The Radio Rescue, (nv) Sea Stories Magazine October 5 1922
- * Rebel Range, (ss) The Golden West Magazine May 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Renegade of Eagle Cove, (ss) North•West Romances Summer 1943, as by Dex Volney
- * The Roving Brass Pounder, (na) Sea Stories Magazine July 1926, as by Dex Volney
- * Sam Jones, Radio Tube Bootlegger, (ss) Radio News July 1926
- * Samuel the Red, (ss) Complete Story Magazine December 10 1924
- * Sea Bounty, (ss) Action Stories January 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * The Sea Hawk, (nv) Action Novels December 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Sea Wolf, (nv) Action Stories October 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * Secret Waters, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Shanghai—Reconciliation [Zig Jones], (ss) Sea Stories January 1929, as by Dex Volney
- * The Silver Fox, (sl) Sea Stories Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1924
- * Silver Reds, (nv) Ace-High Magazine September 1934, as by Dex Volney
- * Snow-Melt, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1927, as by Dex Volney
- * Teleglafee or Bluetee, (ss) People’s July 1 1924
- * The Tenderfoot, (na) North•West Stories October 1930, as by Dex Volney
- * Thor Olsen’s Ace, (ss) Romance March 1929, as by Dex Volney
- * Trouble Comes to Discovery, (ss) West August 25 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * Volcano, (ss) Sea Stories October 1928, as by Dex Volney
- * The Wall Hounds, (ss) People’s August 1 1924
- * The White Frontier, (sl) North•West Stories Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Wilderness Trail, (nv) North•West Stories November 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Winds of the Bering, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1931, as by Dex Volney
- * Zig Jones Speaks His Piece [Zig Jones], (ss) Sea Stories October 1927, as by Dex Volney
[]Matias, D. (fl. 1970s)
_____, trans.
- * Futility by Alexander Gorbovsky, (ss) Vortex ed. C. G. Bearne, MacGibbon & Kee, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Tshchetnost’”, 1972).
- * He Will Wake in Two Hundred Years by Alexander Gorbovsky, (ss) Vortex ed. C. G. Bearne, MacGibbon & Kee, 1970; translated from the Russian (“On prosnetsya cherez dvesti let”, Baikal, May 1964).
- * The Second Martian Invasion by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (with P. Barrett), (ss) Vortex ed. C. G. Bearne, MacGibbon & Kee, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Vtoroye nashestviye marsian”, 1968).
- * Time Scale by Alexander & Sergei Abramov, (nv) Vortex ed. C. G. Bearne, MacGibbon & Kee, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Gamma vremeni”, 1967).
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