The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6925
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[]Mann, Adam (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Angela’s Luck, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1948
- * Fast-Draw Freeze-Out, (ss) Western Short Stories December 1941
- * The Greatest Cricketer That Ever Was, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1948
- * The Gun That Was Never Drawn, (ss) Western Short Stories November 1940
- * Last-Chance Lead for a Gallows-Ghost, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine January 1941
- * Lawman on the Dodge [Deputy Tim Chester], (ss) Real Western November 1939
- * Men Must Die!, (ss) Cowboy Short Stories November 1939
- * Monte Queen’s Last Gamble, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1940
- * No Price on His Head, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories January 1943
- * One-Way Ticket to Hell, (ss) Best Western Magazine July 1941
- * The Owlhoot Sends a Gallows-Ghost, (ss) Complete Cowboy December 1941
- * Pay Dirt Swindle, (ss) Western Trails July 1942
- * Powdersmoke Is My Plow!, (ss) Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine January 1942
- * A Rebel for Eternal Range, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories February 1941
- * We’ll Fight, Range-Hog—with Fists or .45’s!, (ss) Best Western Magazine October 1941
- * When Broken Cowmen Buy New Bullets, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1941
- * When Fighting Wages Buy Wire and Water, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories June 1941
[]Mann, Antony (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Air Cube, (ss) Interzone #194, September/October 2004
- * ALS 150, (ss) The Alsiso Project ed. Andrew Hook, Elastic Press, 2004
- * The Benefits (and Disadvantages) of Having a Closed Mind, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #9, Summer 2000
- * Billy, Cutter, and the Cadillac, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2002
- * Burma Skyway, (ss) The Third Alternative #26, 2001
- * Candy Moments, (ss) Interzone #229, July/August 2010
- * The Deal, (ss) Milo and I, Elastic Press, 2003
- * Esther Gordon Framlingham, (ss) Crimewave #7, 2003
- * The Face Tree, (ss) Interzone #245, March/April 2013
- * The Greater Good, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2015
- * Green, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #6, October 2000
- * Gunned Down, (ss) Signals-2 (25 London Magazine Stories) ed. Jane Rye, London Magazine, 1999
- * The Guy I Told Stuff To, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2017
- * Mighty Fine Days, (ss) Nemonymous #2, May 2002, uncredited.
- * Milo and I, (co) Elastic Press, December 2003
- * Milo and I, (ss) Crimewave #5, 2001
- * The Oedipus Variation, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2002
- * Pigs, (ss) Chapman #91, 1998
- * Pitch, (ss) Sci-Fright #5, 1999
- * Polly, (ss) Mystery Weekly June 2017
- * Preston’s Move, (ss) Chess January 1998
- * Run Over While Staring at a Woman’s Legs, (ss) The Dream Zone #3, July 1999
- * Save the Snutch, (ss) Poe’s Progeny ed. Gary Fry, Gray Friar Press, 2005
- * Sex and the Single Xanthrocite, (ss) Premonitions #5, 2004
- * Shopping, (vi) Crimewave #4, 2000
- * Showtime, (ss) Midnight Street #1, Winter/Spring 2004
- * The Simpson Frames, (ss) Crimewave #12, 2013
- * Sweet Little Memory, (ss) Midnight Street #1, Winter/Spring 2004
- * Taking Care of Frank, (ss) Crimewave #2, 1999
- * Telepathic Goatboy, (ss) The Dream Zone #8, January 2001
- * Things Are All Right, Now, (ss) Crimewave #3, 2000
- * A Toast to the Newborn, (ss) Unhinged #4, 1999
- * Vault, (ss) The Third Alternative #18, 1999
- * When?, (ss) Fusing Horizons #2, Spring 2004
_____, [ref.]
[]Mann, Arthur (William) (1901-1963); used pseudonyms Rumann Hart & A. R. Thurman (about) (chron.)
- * Aces High, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine February 1948
- * Alien in the Big League, (sr) Esquire September 1943 [Ref. Jess Flores]
- * Ambidexterity, Unltd., (ss) Super Sports September 1947
- * And His Golf Is Getting Better All the Time, (??) Collier’s August 11 1945
- * And Still Champion?, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1936
- * Another Feller, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine August 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Athletic Hart, (ar) Collier’s September 9 1944
- * Backboard Busters, (nv) Complete Sports March 1937
- * Bad Boy Bounces Back, (??) Collier’s September 30 1944
- * Bad Man on Ice, (ar) Liberty November 25 1939
- * The Baiting of Booky Burke, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1933
- * Balata Baloney, (ss) Super Sports October 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The Baseball Nut, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine May 1934
- * Baseball Players vs. Winter, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 25 1933
- * Baseball Prodigy, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1943/1944, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Baseball’s Amazing Sislers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 14 1953
- * Baseball’s Bad Boy, (ar) Liberty March 9 1940
- * Baseball’s Ugly Duckling-Durable Durocher, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1939
- * Bats in the Dugout, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports May 1938, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Batter Up, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1947
- * Bean Ball, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine July/August 1946
- * Behind the Cycling Curtain, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 10 1933
- * Big League Wisdom [Lew Young], (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1942
- * Big Shoulders, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine September 1934
- * Big Train—The Story of Walter Johnson, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep 1938
- * Bike Magic, (ss) Ten Story Sports October 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Billy De Voe—Dark Horse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 25 1933
- * Blondes in the Grandstand, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine July 1934
- * Blood on Ice (with James C. Hendy), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 31 1938
- * Blunders of Sport, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Mar 25, Aug 25 1932, Feb 25 1933, May 25, Jun 10, Jun 25, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug,
1st Sep, 2nd Sep 1935
- * Blunders of Sport—I, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 25 1932
- * Blunders of Sport—II, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1932
- * Blunders of Sport:
* ___ No: 3— Zeal Costs a Title, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 25 1932
* ___ No. 5— A Fortune Lost, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 10 1932
- * Booky Burke Buys the Balls, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd July 1936
- * Booky Burke Turns Up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 10 1934
- * Brother Battery, (ar) Collier’s August 8 1942
- * The Brother Holdouts, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd April 1938
- * Buck and the New Deal, (nv) Athlete January 1940
- * The Business, (nv) Athlete Sep, Oct 1939
- * The Business in Baseball, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1938
- * The Business of Boxing, (ss) Sports Winners Fall 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The Busy Deans, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 10 1935
- * Chain-Store Player, (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May 1936
- * Charged Battery, (ss) Sports Winners September 1939
- * Circus Baseball, (ss) Super Sports December 1938
- * Clash of Symbols, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1944/1945
- * Clay Court Dynamite, (nv) Thrilling Sports July 1937
- * The Clown, (ss) Super Sports December 1946
- * Coach and Four, (nv) The All-America Sports Magazine February 1934
- * Color Bearer, (nv) Sports Fiction November 1938
- * Combinations, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine January 1934
- * Connecticut Yankee, (ar) Collier’s April 1 1944
- * Convertible Coup, (ss) Ten Story Sports February 1938, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Copper Scent, (ss) The Wizard December 1940
- * The Coup in the Saucer, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1931
- * Court Contempt, (ss) Ten Story Sports December 1938, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Court Giants, (ss) Ten Story Sports April 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Court Order, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine March/April 1946
- * Court Summons, (ss) Ten Story Sports December 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Court Tactics, (vi) Collier’s January 31 1942
- * The Cracked Pitcher, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1942
- * Dangerous Curves, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1934
- * The Desert League, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine October 1938
- * Diamond Cutter, (ss) Super Sports July 1946, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Diamond Dust, (ss) Sports Fiction Spring 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The Dodgers’ Problem Child (Duke Snider), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1954
- * Don’t Get Hurt: Pantywaist, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports April 1939
- * Double-Cross Battery, (nv) Baseball Stories Spring 1945
- * Double Fight, (ss) Knockout Magazine September/October 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Double Fight [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 1942
- * Doubling in Brass, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine December 1934
- * Early Frost, (ss) Sports Winners January 1943
- * Eastern Star [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1940
- * The Eel, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine December 1933
- * Escape Mechanism, (ss) The Wizard October 1940
- * Expert Tennis, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Aug 25, Sep 10, Sep 25 1933
- * False Alarm, (ss) The Wizard April 1941
- * Feld’s Angels, (ss) Ten Story Sports February 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The Fifty-Fifty Split, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine April 1934
- * Fight Camp Scoop, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1935
- * Fighting Brothers, (nv) Thrilling Sports March 1940
- * Fighting Finns, (ss) Sports Winners February 1938
- * Fighting for Nothing, (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug 1935
- * Finish Fight, (nv) Sports Winners January 1939
- * Firebrand on Ice, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Feb, Mar 1943
- * Fistic Invasion, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine October/December 1944
- * Flaming Youth, (ar) Athlete April 1940
- * Flash in the Pan, (ss) Ten Story Sports October 1937
- * The Flying Dutchman, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct 1937
- * Football “Scholar”, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine November 1934
- * Foreign Entanglement [Dude Emory], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1943
- * The Forgettin’ Man, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * A Fortune Lost, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 10 1932
- * The Foundering of Terney Jensen, (ss) Complete Story Magazine January 10 1925
- * Fresh Heir, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Friendless Corpse [Lew Curry], (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1944
- * Front Office Baseball, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine August 1937
- * Front Page Guy, (nv) Crack Detective Stories May 1944
- * Frozen Assets, (nv) Blue Ribbon Sports December 1937
- * The Gay Receiver, (nv) Ten Story Sports June 1938
- * Getting Square with Frenchy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1934
- * A Ghost at First, (ss) All Sports Magazine March 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Ghost of the White Lines, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine Nov, Dec 1937, Jan 1938
- * Glamor Guy, (ar) Collier’s April 6 1946
- * Goal Master, (ss) Sports Winners March 1939
- * The Great Goalie, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Feb 25, Mar 10, Mar 25 1935
- * The Great Gotch, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr 1938
- * Greek Bearing Gifts, (??) Collier’s September 23 1944
- * The Green Network, (ss) Best Sports Magazine June 1937
- * Gridiron Heat, (nv) Super Sports February 1943, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Grid Leak, (ss) Ten Story Sports December 1938
- * Grinding Wheels, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine April 1938
- * The Guess Hitter, (ss) Sports Winners October 1938
- * Half a League Onward, (ar) Esquire July 1944 [Ref. Ford Frick]
- * Hellion in the Backfield, (na) Popular Sports Magazine February 1938
- * He Wanted to Wrestle, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1935
- * He Won’t Be Boss, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1940
- * Hex Appeal, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports November 1938, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Hold ’Em, Line!, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine February 1937
- * Holdout Blues, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1940
- * Homestretch Pressure [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1941
- * The Honest Fixer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1933
- * Honor of the Family, (??) Collier’s December 16 1944
- * Hot Baskets, (ss) Star Sports Magazine February 1937
- * Hot Feet, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1934
- * Hot Penicillin, (ss) The Shadow February 1944
- * How Great Is Joe Louis?, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1941
- * How to Bait an Umpire, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1943
- * How to Buy a Ball Club for Peanuts, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1955
- * How to Play Basket Ball, (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 10 1931
- * How to Play Basket Ball (Lessons I-II), (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 25 1931
- * How to Play Basket Ball (Lessons IX-X), (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1931
- * How to Play Basket Ball (Lessons VII-VIII), (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1931
- * How to Play Basket Ball (Lessons V-VI), (cl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1931
- * The Hunch Player, (ss) Sports Fiction July 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Hunger at the Plate, (ss) Exciting Sports Summer 1942, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The Ice Beater, (nv) Five-Novels Magazine January/March 1945
- * Icebound, (ar) Collier’s February 11 1939
- * Icebound Shore, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar 1940
- * Ice Business, (ss) Star Sports Magazine February 1937
- * Ice in His Blood, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Jan, Feb 1942
- * Ice Tongs, (ss) Ten Story Sports February 1938
- * If at First, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine October/November 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * The India Rubber Man, (ss) Blue Ribbon Sports February 1939, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Indoor Tanning, (ss) Sports Fiction April 1938, as by A. R. Thurman
- * Infield Milestone [Lew Young], (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 1941
- * Information Squeeze, (ss) Cash Gorman August 1941
- * Inside Job, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1945
- * Inspiration Pitcher, (ss) Star Sports Magazine July 1937, as by A. R. Thurman
- * International Pastime, (ss) All Sports Magazine Spring 1944
- * Ivory Hunter’s Headache, (ss) Sports Fiction September 1939
- * Jackie Robinson: What Really Happened, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1950 (+1), as "The Truth About the Jackie Robinson Case"
- * Joe McCarthy, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 25 1932
- * Just a Breeze, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 10 1934
- * Keystone Combination, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1937
- * Keystone Cousins, (nv) Sports Winners July 1939
- * The Kid Brother, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st November 1937
- * Kid Zero, (nv) Fight Stories Winter 1944/1945
- * King Strangler, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine Jul 10, Jul 25, Aug 10 1933
- * The Lady Loses, (vi) Collier’s May 20 1939
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