The FictionMags Index
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MacLiesh, Dorothy (Delius Allan) (chron.) (continued)
- * On a Rising Moon, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1936, as by Dorothy Black
- * One Day’s Sport, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1931, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Only Girl on Board, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Only Two Years, My Lovely, (ss) Liberty June 11 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Orange Pompoms, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * Outcasts, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1925, as by Dorothy Black
- * Out of Dreams, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Pagoda [The Firm], (ss) The Story-teller November 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Pa Jama Prelude, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1927, as by Dorothy Black
- * Passing the Love of Women, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1927, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Passmores at No. 20 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week December 26 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Perfect Crime, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Philanderer, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine April 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * Picnic in the Snow, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1938, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Pipes of Pan, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine January 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * Poor Sport, (ss) The Story-teller January 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Portrait of a Gentleman, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine October 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Pretty Man, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1924, as by Dorothy Black
- * Prey for Sharks, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Priceless Ass, (ss) Woman’s Journal April 1961, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Prisoner, (ss) , as by Peter Delius
- * Prisoners of Love, (n.) The Illustrated Love Magazine March 1930, as by Dorothy Black
- * Queer Bedfellows, (ss) The Passing Show July 20 1935, as by Dorothy Black
- * Questionable Character, (ss) This Week October 8 1939, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Quiet One, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) April 1925, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Real Thing, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Re-Incarnation of Ping-Shong, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #12, June 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * Reserved Seats, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Roses at Christmas, (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #4, January 1927, as by Dorothy Black
- * Salvage, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * Saving Their Bacon, (ss) John Bull March 5 1949, as by Dorothy Black
- * Sea Change, (ss) Woman’s Journal May 1962, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Second Chance, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1925, as by Dorothy Black
- * Sedition, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1931, as by Dorothy Black
- * She Knew What She Wanted, (ss) Woman’s Journal July 1953, as by Dorothy Black
- * She Liked Tall Men, (ss) The Delineator March 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * She Never Knew Why, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * Ship’s Doctor, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1936, as by Dorothy Black
- * Should Auld Acquaintance, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * Silver Lining [Atlantic Crossing], (ss) This Week February 5 1939, as by Dorothy Black
- * Silver Shoes, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * Six Penn’orth of Coppers, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1924, as by Dorothy Black
- * Smoke in His Eyes, (ss) This Week February 7 1943, as by Dorothy Black
- * Solo for Flute, (ss) Woman’s Journal January 1949, as by Dorothy Black
- * Some Bright Young People, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * “Some Mischief Still”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1930, as by Dorothy Black
- * Some of the Nicest Presents I’ve Had (with E. Temple Thurston), (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1927, as by Dorothy Black & E. Temple Thurston
- * Something for Nothing, (ss) Britannia and Eve March 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * Something in the Wind, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * Something to Write Home About, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1931, as by Dorothy Black
- * “Somewhere East of Suez”:
* ___ I. Full Circle, (ss) The Story-teller September 1933, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ II. Love Calls the Tune, (ss) The Story-teller October 1933, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ III—“I Heard a Wise Man Say”, (ss) The Story-teller November 1933, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ IV. “Excuse Me!”, (ss) The Story-teller December 1933, as by Dorothy Black
- * Some Women at Sea, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Song at Twilight, (ss) This Week October 29 1939, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Sowers Went Forth, (ss) Country Gentleman April 1943, as by Dorothy Black
- * “Sparks”, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * Spell, (ss) Chatelaine January 1930, as by Dorothy Black
- * A Spice of Danger, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #15, September 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * Springtime in the Heart, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1935, as by Dorothy Black
- * Spun Yarn, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1938, as by Dorothy Black
- * Star, and Garters, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * Still Waters, (ss) The Story-teller February 1935, as by Dorothy Black
- * Story of Captain Thistle, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * Strange Things Happen to Women:
* ___ Time and Mrs. Mallinson, (ts) John Bull July 2 1938, as by Dorothy Black
- * Strange Things Sometimes Happen, (ss) This Week February 25 1940, as by Dorothy Black
- * Such Folk Are Dangerous, (ss) The Passing Show December 8 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Sunday’s Child, (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * Swallow Flies East, (nv) The Grand Magazine June 1939, as by Dorothy Black
- * Teaching 3-Ton Pupils, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * That Seventh Commandment, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1927, as by Dorothy Black
- * There’s No Tariff on Goodwill, (ar) Nash’s Annual Winter 1947/1948, as by Dorothy Black
- * These Foolish Things, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1942, as by Dorothy Black
- * They Simply Fade Away, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1931, as by Dorothy Black
- * This Equality Business, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * This for Remembrance, (ss) The Story-teller July 1933, as by Dorothy Black
- * This Is Where You Laugh, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * This Thing Called Love, (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1946, as by Dorothy Black
- * Three Letters, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1923, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Three Musketeers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * Time and Mrs. Mallinson, (ts) John Bull July 2 1938, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Time for Sentiment, (sl) Canadian Home Journal December 1940, as by Dorothy Black
- * To Every Woman Once—, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * “To Set the Captives Free”, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * Tough Guy, (ss) Britannia and Eve June 1935, as by Dorothy Black
- * Tutu, Once More!, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine December 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * Unborn To-morrow, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1930, as by Dorothy Black
- * Under the Deodar, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * A Very Bad Burglar, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * Vital Das, Failed B.A., (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Way of a Man, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1924, as by Dorothy Black
- * A Way of Life, (ss) Woman’s Journal August 1961, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Way of Peace, (ss) Liberty January 12 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * Web, (ss) Chatelaine February 1930, as by Dorothy Black
- * We Two Now Part, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * What All the World Is Seeking, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1925, as by Dorothy Black
- * What Dreams Are Worth, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1926, as by Dorothy Black
- * What Shall It Profit a Woman?, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * When Love Is Done, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1924, as by Dorothy Black
- * Where There’s a Will, (ss) The Passing Show May 5 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Where We Are All Spoiled Darlings, (ar) The Passing Show March 3 1934, as by Dorothy Black
- * Whistling in the Dark, (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1964, as by Peter Delius
- * The White Box, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1932, as by Dorothy Black
- * “Whose Goodness Faileth Never”, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * Why Wait for Tomorrow?, (ss) This Week April 25 1943, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Wild Bird, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine August 1922, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Wintons at No.10 [The Avenue], (ss) This Week December 19 1937, as by Dorothy Black
- * Without Precedent, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1927, as by Dorothy Black
- * The Woman’s Part, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1928, as by Dorothy Black
- * Women at Sea:
* ___ Alison, (ss) Smart Set August 1929, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ Fanny, (ss) Smart Set December 1929, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ Fenella, (ss) Smart Set September 1929, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ Jean, (ss) Smart Set July 1929, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ Laura, (ss) Smart Set October 1929, as by Dorothy Black
* ___ Maris, (ss) Smart Set November 1929, as by Dorothy Black
- * Women Don’t Forget, (ss) Britannia and Eve June 1933, as by Dorothy Black
- * You Can’t Get Out!, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1924, as by Dorothy Black
- * You Can’t See the World for Nothing, (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1933, as by Dorothy Black
- * Yours Truly, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1936, as by Dorothy Black
- * [unknown story], (ss) Fiction Magazine March 1943, as by Dorothy Black
- * [untitled?], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 21, Oct 6 1928, as by Dorothy Black
[]Maclin, Stefanie (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Blood in Tears, (pm) Electric Velocipede #26, 2013
- * Counterpart, (pm) Strange Horizons November 4 2013
- * February Twentieth, 10:13 PM, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2010
- * Respect, (pm) Abyss & Apex #23, 3rd Quarter 2007
- * Rosemary, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #94, February 2013
- * Sentiment, (pm) Kaleidotrope #5, October 2008
- * “The trees are just woods, and the woods just trees”, (pm) Electric Velocipede #26, 2013
- * Unraveled, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2010
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