The FictionMags Index
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[]Louise (chron.)
- * Be Flattered—Not Frozen!, (ms) Oracle #1249, January 12 1957
- * The Boy She’ll Leave Behind, (ms) Oracle #1261, April 6 1957
- * Bring Fears Into the Open, (ms) Oracle #1262, April 13 1957
- * Consult Your Oracle, (cl) The Oracle #904 Jun 3, Jul 22 1950, Oct 20, Nov 3, Dec 15, Dec 22 1951, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2,
Aug 16 1952
- * Don’t Hide Your Emotions, (ms) Oracle #1254, February 16 1957
- * Don’t Keep This Memory Alive, (ms) Oracle #1270, June 8 1957
- * Fed-up with Married Life, (ms) Oracle #1267, May 18 1957
- * Gets Tired of Boys, (ms) Oracle #1257, March 9 1957
- * “Give Your Parents Time”, (ms) Oracle #1269, June 1 1957
- * The Happiest Couple, (ms) Oracle #1255, February 23 1957
- * He Doesn’t Believe in Love, (ms) Oracle #1256, March 2 1957
- * Her Boy Friend’s Family, (ms) Oracle #1272, June 22 1957
- * Her Sister’s Husband, (ms) Oracle #1265, May 4 1957
- * He’s Never Taken a Girl Out, (ms) Oracle #1248, January 5 1957
- * He Talks of Other Women, (ms) Oracle #1251, January 26 1957
- * How to Be Happier, (ms) Oracle #1268, May 25 1957
- * In No Hurry to Settle Down, (ms) Oracle #1252, February 2 1957
- * A Jealous Second Wife, (ms) Oracle #1273, June 29 1957
- * Not Attracted, (ms) Oracle #1250, January 19 1957
- * A Selfish Kind of Love, (ms) Oracle #1253, February 9 1957
- * Shall She Marry Without Love?, (ms) Oracle #1271, June 15 1957
- * Sweetheart Disappears, (ms) Oracle #1266, May 11 1957
- * This Coldness Will Pass, (ms) Oracle #1258, March 16 1957
- * Too Young to Be Engaged, (ms) Oracle #1259, March 23 1957
- * Unburden Your Heart, (ms) Oracle #1260, March 30 1957
- * Will Good Luck Last?, (ms) Oracle #1264, April 27 1957
- * Will Soon Be Gay Again, (ms) Oracle #1263, April 20 1957
[]Louise, A. Z. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bury Me with My Bonnet, (pm) Fiyah #10, Spring 2019
- * Cooking Tutorial ASMR—soft spoken—beef shank, (pm) Small Wonders #19, January 2025
- * Germination, (pm) The Future Fire #50, 2019
- * Hoops, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2020
- * Hourglass, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2022
- * Imago, (ss) Glitter + Ashes ed. Dave Ring, Neon Hemlock Press, 2020
- * Mother to None, (vi) Baffling Magazine #4, July 2021
- * Raster, (pm) Abyss & Apex #73, 1st Quarter 2020
- * Seventeen Days, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #8, August 2019
- * She’s Not a Phoenix, (pm) Strange Horizons June 11 2018
- * Single Origin, (vi) Fantasy Magazine #66, April 2021
- * Whiskey and Bones, (ss) Lackington’s #21, Spring 2020
[]Louise, Renée (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * The Charm of the Cloak, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1914
- * The Realm of Fashion, (cl) The Lady’s Realm Oct, Nov/Dec 1914, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1915
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1916
[]Lounsbury, Thomas R(aynesford) (1838-1915) (about) (chron.)
- * Archaic Speech of the Uneducated, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1909
- * The Aristocracy of the Parts of Speech, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1908
- * Artificial and Natural Change in Usage, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1910
- * As to Certain Comparisons, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1908
- * Causes of Expletives, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1907
- * The Coming and Going of Expletives, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1907
- * Compulsory Composition in Colleges, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1911
- * Conflicts of Usage, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1908
- * The Correct Use of Words, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1908
- * Expletives and Non-Expletives, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1907
- * The French Element in English, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1908
- * Henry Fielding, (??) The Century Magazine February 1884
- * Is English Becoming Corrupt?, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Dec 1903, Jan 1904
- * The Linguistic Authority of Great Writers, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1905
- * On the Hostility to Certain Words, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1906
- * Pedantic Usage, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1906
- * A Philistine Friendship, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1899
- * The Problem of Spelling Reform, (??) The Century Magazine December 1882
- * The Question of “Honor”, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1905
- * Schoolmastering the Speech, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1906
- * The Standard of Pronunciation in English, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Jul, Sep 1903
- * The Standard of Usage, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1905
- * The Story of an Idiom, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1904
- * “To” and the Infinitive, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1904
- * The Two Locksley Halls, (??) Scribner’s Magazine August 1889
- * Uncertainties of Usage, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1905
- * The United States Naval Academy, (??) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1896
- * Wardour Street English, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1909
[]Lourey, Jess(ica Heather) (1970- ) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the First Problem, (ss) Blood Work ed. Rick Ollerman, Down & Out Books, 2018
- * Death by Potato Salad, (ss) Fifteen Tales of Murder, Mayhem, and Malice, Nodin Press, 2012
- * The Locked Fish-Cleaning House Mystery, (ss) Resort to Murder, Nodin Press, 2007
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[]Louÿs, Pierre(-Félix) [born Pierre Félix Louis] (1870-1925) (about) (chron.)
- * Adam’s Rib—Etiquette for Little Girls, (hu)
- Adam August 1975; from An Erotic Manual of Etiquette for Little Girls, by Pierre Louÿs, translated from the French by Maurice Gloser (pseud. of Mary Glavin), Avanti Art Editions, June 1972.
- * Aphrodite, (sl) Secret Memoirs of Gallant Men and Fair Women October 1927
- * An Ascent of the Venusberg, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Four: Caresses of Nightmare ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2002; translated from the French (“Ascension au Venusberg”, 1903).
- * The Birth of Prometheus, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1919
- * Cleopatra’s Lover, (ss) Gay Blade December 1956
- * The Enchanted Lyre, (vi) 1896
- * An Erotic Manual of Etiquette for Little Girls, (hu) Knight February 1973
- * The Extraordinary Adventures of Madame Esquollier, (ss)
- * The Extraordinary Adventures of Madame Esquollier, (ss) The Golden Book Magazine #124, April 1935; translated by Mina Lewiton
- * False Esther, (ss) Reedy’s Mirror June 24 1920
- * The House on the Nile, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1941
- * The House on the Nile: from the Twilight of the Nymphs, (ex) The Double Dealer January 1926; translated by Joseph T. Shipley
- * The Impersonation of Esther, (ss)
- * A Landing from the Roadstead of Nemours, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Six: Evil Smiles ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2003; translated from the French (“Escale en rade de Nemours”, 1903).
- * Leda; or,The Praise of Blissful Darkness, (ss) Decadence and Symbolism ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2018; translated from the French (“Leda, ou la louange des bienheureuses ténèbres”, Libraire de l’Art Indépendant, 1893) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * A New Sensation, (ss)
- * The Old Man and the Nymphs, (vi) Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys, 1894
- * The Shutter, (ss) The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence: The Black Feast ed. Brian M. Stableford, Dedalus, 1992; translated from the French (“Le persienne”, 1903) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * The Tomb of the Naiads, (vi) Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys, 1894
- * Twilight of the Nymphs, (nv) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #3, 1951
- * The Venetian Blind, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Five: Black Shroud of Fear ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2002; translated from the French (“Le persienne”, 1903).
- * The Wearer of Purple, (ss) The Collected Works of Pierre Louÿs by Pierre Louÿs, Liveright, 1932
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