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Leiber, Fritz (Reuter, Jr.) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * You’re All Alone, (co) Ace, May 1972
- * You’re All Alone, (na) Fantastic Adventures July 1950
- * [letter], (lt) Acolyte Fall 1945
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales September 1946
- * [letter], (lt) Publications of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies May, Aug 1959, Apr 1960
- * [letter], (lt) Galaxy Magazine October 1959
- * [letter], (lt) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies Oct 1960, Nov 1961, Feb 1962
- * [letter], (lt) Riverside Quarterly January 1966
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #40 Oct 1970, #24 Feb 1978, #41 Win 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #16, May 1979
- * [letter from Pacific Palisades, CA], (lt) Trumpet #5, April 1967
- * [unknown poem], (pm) New Purposes #9, May 1 1949
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Jonquil Leiber): New Purposes #15, #1 Jan 1, #2 Jan 15, #3 Feb 1, #4 Feb 15, #5 Mar 1, #6 Mar 15, #7 Mar, #8 Apr, #9 May 1,
#10 May 15, #11 Jun 1, #12 Jun 15, #13 Jul, #14 Aug 1 1949
#16 Mar 1950
- * The World Fantasy Awards Volume Two (with Stuart David Schiff), (an) Doubleday, 1980
_____, [ref.]
- * The Addition of Second Narratives: Textual Differences between Fritz Leiber’s ‘The Pale Brown Thing’ and Our Lady of Darkness by John Howard, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * The Adventures of Dr. Dragonet: A Brief Look at Fritz Leiber’s Shortest-Ever Series by Don Lee, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * Algol Interview: Fritz Leiber by Jim Purviance, (iv) Algol Summer/Fall 1978
- * An Appreciation of Fritz Leiber’s Fiction by Thomas D. Sadler, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Bazaar of the Bizarre by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) Starship #35, Summer 1979
- * The Big Time by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- * The Big Time by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1967
- * The Big Time by Derek Vanderpool, (br) Science Fiction Review #7, February 1992
- * A Bit of the Dark World: An Interview with Fritz Leiber by Gregorio Montejo, (iv) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #5, 1989
- * Bits of the Dark World: The Horror Fiction of Fritz Leiber by Michael E. Stamm, (ar) Discovering Modern Horror Fiction ed. Darrell Schweitzer, Starmont, 1988
- * The Bleak Shore by Dennis Lien, (br) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * “The Burrowers Beneath” by Fritz Leiber by Edward P. Berglund, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #66, Lammas 1989
- * The Button Molder: A Jamesian Story? by Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #22, 1996
- * The Change War by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- * The Change War by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * Checklist of Author’s Works: 1956-1966 by Mike Ashley, (bi) The History of the Science Fiction Magazine: Part 4: 1956-1965 ed. Mike Ashley, NEL, 1978
- * A Comment About Fritz Leiber by David Palter, (ms) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Conjure Wife by Gerald W. Page, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * Conjure Wife by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction March 1954
- * Conjure Wife by Robert Frazier, (br) Fantastic Universe May 1954
- * Conjure Wife by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- * Conjure Wife by Paul Walker, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1978
- * Dead Ringers: The Leiber-Lovecraft Connection by Stefan Dziemianowicz, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #76, Hallowmas 1990
- * The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich by Joseph Milicia, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #104, April 1997
- * Demain les Loups (The Night of the Wolf) by Michel Jeury, (br) Fiction (France) #291, June 1978
- * Discovering Fritz Leiber: A Reminiscence by Michael Barrett, (ar) Dark Horizons #58, Winter 2010
- * Doing It Right by David G. Hartwell, (ob) Locus November 1992, as "[appeciation of Fritz Leiber]"
- * Escaping from the Button Molder: The Fiction of Fritz Leiber by John Howard, (ar) Wormwood #37, 2021
- * Exorcism from Heaven: A Brief Description & Explanation of The Demons of the Upper Air by Curtis Shumaker, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * Fafhrd and Fritz by Bruce Byfield, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #104, April 1997
- * Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser: Two Who Sought Adventure by Bill Ward, (ar) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #0, 2017
- * A Few Too Few Words by Harlan Ellison, (ar) Seacon ’79 Programme Book ed. Graham Charnock, Seacon, 1979
- * Fritzish Thoughts by Richard Brandt, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Fritz Leiber by Judith Merril, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1969
- * Fritz Leiber by Eric M. Heideman, (ar) Tales of the Unanticipated #6, Fall/Winter 1989
- * Fritz Leiber by Brian M. Stableford, (ar) Interzone #123, September 1997
- * Fritz Leiber by John C. Pelan, (ar) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Fritz Leiber by Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday June 8 2014
- * Fritz Leiber by Richard A. Lupoff, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume Two ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
- * Fritz Leiber by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1976
- * Fritz Leiber 1910-1992 by Frederik Pohl, (bg) The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume One ed. Frederik Pohl, Tor, 1999
- * Fritz Leiber: 1910-1992 by C. N. Brown & Frank M. Robinson, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * Fritz Leiber: 25 December 1910—5 September 1992 by John Clute, (ob) The Independent September 14 1992
- * Fritz Leiber: A Bibliography by Al Lewis, (bi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1969
- * Fritz Leiber: A Bibliography by Lan, (bi) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Fritz Leiber: A Chronology by Robert Sabella, (ms) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Fritz Leiber: Actor Extraordinaire by Linda J. Dunn, (ss) Alternate Skiffy ed. Mike Resnick & Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Wildside Press, 1997
- * Fritz Leiber: A Man of Variety by John Thiel, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Fritz Leiber: An Interview by Gregorio Montejo, (iv) Fungi Quarterly #1, Spring 1984
- * Fritz Leiber: A Preliminary Checklist by Donn Albright, Phil Garland & Charles E. Yenter, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #40, December 1974
- * Fritz Leiber at Bay by Justin Leiber, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * A Fritz Leiber Bibliography by Chris Morgan, (bi) Seacon ’79 Programme Book ed. Graham Charnock, Seacon, 1979
- * Fritz Leiber: Chicago’s Oneiromancer by Ben J. S. Szumskyj, (in) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * Fritz Leiber: Destiny x 3 by Sam Moskowitz, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1963
- * Fritz Leiber & Eyes by Justin Leiber, (ar) Starship #35, Summer 1979
- * Fritz Leiber Interviewed by Darrell Schweitzer, 1976 by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1976, as "Fritz Leiber"
- * Fritz Leiber Jr. by Jon D. Swartz, (ar) Paperback Parade #111, April 2021
- * Fritz Leiber Revisited: From Hyde Park to Geary Street by James Wade, (bg) Whispers October 1979
- * Fritz Leiber’s “A Bit of the Dark World” by Rosemary Pardoe, (rv) Lady Wardrop’s Journal #45, 2016
- * Fritz Leiber: Smoke, Ghosts & Terror by Daniel R. Robichaud, II, (ar) Shroud #5, Winter 2009
- * Fritz Leiber’s Our Lady of Darkness Annotations by John Howard & Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #21, 1996
- * Fritz Leiber’s ‘The Button Molder’: A Jamesian Story? by Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #22, 1996, as "The Button Molder: A Jamesian Story?"
- * Fritz Leiber: Swordsman and Philosopher by Justin Leiber, (ar) Riverside Quarterly August 1991
- * From Lankhmar to the Tenderloin: Two Early Pilgrimages to Fritz Leiber by Marc Laidlaw, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #8, Winter 1991
- * From Simorgya to Stardock: The Odyssey of the Two Greatest Heroes in Lankhmar by Michael Barrett, (ar) The Silver Eeel 1978, as "The Two Greatest Heroes in Lankhmar"
- * From the Editor: Fritz and I by Lan, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Gather, Darkness! by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction Mar 1951, Apr 1963
- * Gather, Darkness! by Lynn C. Mitchell, (br) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
- * Gentleman Fritz by Poul Anderson, (ob) Locus October 1992, as "[appeciation of Fritz Leiber]"
- * The Ghost Light by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- * The Ghost Light by Michael P. Hodel, (br) Weird Tales Fall 1984
- * The Ghost Stories of Fritz Leiber by John Howard, (ar) All Hallows #4, 1993
- * Gonna Roll the Bones by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1976
- * The Green Millenium by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1954
- * The Green Millenium by Creath Thorne, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, October 1969
- * The Green Millennium by Robert Frazier, (br) Fantastic Universe May 1954
- * The Green Millennium by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1954
- * The Green Millennium by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction August 1954
- * The Green Millennium by Harlan Ellison, (br) Dimensions #15, August/October 1954
- * The Green Millennium by Noah W. McLeod, (br) Psychotic #18, January/February 1955
- * Heroes and Horrors by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #29, January/February 1979
- * Heroes and Horrors by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) Starship #35, Summer 1979
- * The Howling Tower by Dennis Lien, (br) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * Ill Met in Lankhmar by Robert A. Latham, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #94, June 1996
- * In Memoriam: Fritz Leiber by John Howard, (ob) Ghosts & Scholars #15, 1993
- * In Memoriam: Fritz Leiber by James Morrow, (ob) Nebula Awards 28 ed. James Morrow, Harcourt Brace, 1994
- * In Smoke and Soot I Will Worship: The Ghost Stories of Fritz Leiber by John Howard, (ar) All Hallows #4, 1993, as "The Ghost Stories of Fritz Leiber"
- * Interview with Fritz Leiber by Tony Markham, (iv) The Leading Edge #4, Fall 1982
- * An Interview with Fritz Leiber by Paul Walker, (iv) The Alien Critic #5, May 1973
- * An Interview with Fritz Leiber by Rodger Gerberding, (iv) The Mage #10, Summer 1988
- * An Interview with Fritz Leiber by Terry A. Garey, Rodger Gerberding & Eric M. Heideman, (iv) Tales of the Unanticipated #6, Fall/Winter 1989
- * An Interview with Fritz Leiber by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Winter 1992
- * Introduction to “Space-Time for Springers” by James Lincoln Warren, (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 2009
- * The Jewels in the Forest by Dennis Lien, (br) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * Knight Moves: Chess and Psychology in Leiber’s Fiction by Curtis Shumaker, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * The Leiber Chronicles by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #32, April 1991
- * Leiber’s Three Challenges by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) Amra v2 #44, 1967
- * Leiber—View by Frederick J. Mayer, (iv) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- * A Lost Leiber by Darrell Schweitzer, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #225, May 2007
- * Lovecraft: A Symposium (with Robert Bloch) by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1964
- * Memories of a Fantasy Fan by Donald S. Fryer, (ar) Blood ’n’ Thunder Annual 2022
- * The Mind Spider by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- * Minstrel of Lankhmar: A Discussion with Fritz Leiber by Byron Preiss, (iv) Weird Heroes ed. Byron Preiss, Pyramid, 1975
- * Modern Demons and a Twisted Mind: The Fantastic Fiction of Fritz Leiber by Lan, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * My Love Affair with Fritz Leiber by Marion Zimmer Bradley, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * Night Monsters by Creath Thorne, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, October 1969
- * Night Monsters and Green Millennium by Fritz Leiber by Ron Goulart, (br) Venture Science Fiction August 1969
- * The Night of the Wolf by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1967
- * Night’s Black Agents by Algis Budrys, (br) The Washington Post March 5 1978
- * No Secret Place: The Haunted Cities of Fritz Leiber by Joel Lane, (ar) Wormwood #10, 2008
- * Of Swords and Scrivening by Michael Curtis, (ar) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #6, 2021
- * Of Sword & Sorcery: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser by Paul C. Allen, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976
- * Our Lady of Darkness by Marc Laidlaw, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005
- * Our Lady of Darkness by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #20, February 1977
- * Our Lady of Darkness by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1978
- * Our Lady of Darkness by John Clute, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978
- * Our Lady of Darkness by Ray Faraday Nelson, (br) Science Fiction Review #27, September/October 1978
- * Our Lady of Darkness: A Jamesian Classic by Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #20, 1995
- * Our Lady of Darkness: A Universe Shot Through with Invisible Forces by John Howard, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #20, 1995
- * The Pale Brown Thing by Rosemary Pardoe, (br) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #30, October 2016
- * Passing the Torch: H.P. Lovecraft’s Influence on Fritz Leiber by S. T. Joshi, (ar) Studies in Weird Fiction #24, 1998
- * Return to Lankhmar by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #119, July 1998
- * Rime Isle by Paul C. Allen, (br) Fantasy Crossroads #13, June 1978
- * Sailing the True Void: H.P. Lovecraft in Fritz Leiber’s The Wanderer by John Langan, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * Selected Stories by Paul Kincaid, (br) Interzone #230, September/October 2010
- * SF’s Wizard-in-Residence by Paul M. Sammon, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March 1982
- * Shadow, Anima & Sinister Landscapes: Leiber’s Women and Jungian Archetypes by Curtis Shumaker, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * The Shadows Over Fritz Leiber by Edward P. Berglund, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #66, Lammas 1989, as "“The Burrowers Beneath” by Fritz Leiber"
- * Ship of Shadows by Bruce R. Gillespie, (br) SF Commentary #62/63/64/65/66, June 1981
- * The Silver Eggheads by John Carnell, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962
- * The Silver Eggheads by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction June 1962
- * The Silver Eggheads by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- * Sleeping in Fritz Leiber’s Bed by James P. Killus, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #189, May 2004
- * Smoke Ghost by Allen Koszowski, (il) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1996
- * The Social Side by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- * Sources by Harlan Ellison, (ar) Touchstone: A Tribute to Fritz Leiber and Ray Bradbury ed. James Tucker & Erin McKee, The Mysterious Stranger Press, 1978
- * A Specter Is Haunting Texas by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, June 1969
- * A Specter Is Haunting Texas by Ron Goulart, (br) Venture Science Fiction November 1969
- * A Specter Is Haunting Texas by Earl Wells, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #51, November 1992
- * A Spectre Is Haunting Texas by Philip Harbottle, (br) Cypher #6, October/December 1971
- * Swords Against Death by Fred Patten, (br) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970
- * Swords against Death, (br) Amra v2 #54, 1971, uncredited.
- * Swords Against Wizardry by Karl Würf, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968
- * Swords and Deviltry by Fred Patten, (br) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970
- * The Swords of Lankhmar by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968
- * Swords of the Mist by Richard Delap, (br) Science Fiction Review #29, January 1969
- * Thoughts on Fritz Leiber by Thomas D. Sadler, (ar) Lan’s Lantern #38, July 1992
- * Torrent of Eldritch Terrors: A Look at Fritz Leiber’s story ‘The Death of Princes’ & Annotations by John Howard, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer 2004
- * The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar by Dennis Lien, (br) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * Two Sought Adventure by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1958
- * Two Sought Adventure by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1958
- * Two Sought Adventure by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe June 1958
- * Universe Shot Through with Invisible Forces: Our Lady of Darkness as a Lovecraftian Novel by John Howard, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #20, 1995, as "Our Lady of Darkness: A Universe Shot Through with Invisible Forces"
- * The Wanderer by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- * The Wanderer by Bruce R. Gillespie, (br) SF Commentary #48/49/50, October/November/December 1976
- * While My Guitar Gently Weeps by Gary McMahon, (ss) Poe’s Progeny ed. Gary Fry, Gray Friar Press, 2005
- * Witches Three (with James Blish & Fletcher Pratt) by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1953
- * Witches Three (with James Blish & Fletcher Pratt) by Sam Moskowitz, (br) Science-Fiction Plus June 1953
- * Witches Three (with James Blish & Fletcher Pratt) by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction December 1953
- * A World Without Fritz by Stephen King, (ob) Locus October 1992, as "[appeciation of Fritz Leiber]"
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Robert Bloch, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Stephen King, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Ramsey Campbell, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Frederik Pohl, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Edward Bryant, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Poul Anderson, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Michael Moorcock, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Roger Zelazny, (ob) Locus October 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Susan Dexter, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Michael Swanwick, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by David G. Hartwell, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by L. Sprague de Camp, (ob) Locus November 1992
- * [appeciation of Fritz Leiber] by Catherine Crook de Camp, (ob) Locus November 1992
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