The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5060
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[]Hopkins, Eric C. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * And My Indigestion, (ar) The Fantast December 1941
- * Aspects of Violence, (pm) The Fantast December 1941
- * As Youd Likes It, or The Quality of Percy Is Not Brains, (pm) Gargoyle #2, April 1941
- * Composite Criticism, (ms) The Fantast June 1939
- * The Fan in His Supernatural Haunt, (vi) The Satellite February 1940
- * Machines, Men and Methods, (ar) The Fantast August 1939
- * Ostensibly on Swearing, (ar) The Fantast July 1942
- * [letter], (lt) The Fantast Sep 1939, Apr 1941, Apr 1942
- * [letter from Edinburgh], (lt) The Fantast May, Jun 1939
_____, [ref.]
[]Hopkins, Everard (1860-1928) (about) (chron.)
- * An Accident in the Ring, (il) Black & White #19, June 13 1891
- * Charlotte Corday, 1, (ar) Atalanta #62, November 1892
- * Charlotte Corday, 2, (ar) Atalanta #63, December 1892
- * Garden Party at Marlborough House, (il) Black & White #24, July 18 1891
- * Off for the Honeymoon!, (il) Black & White #31, September 5 1891
- * Rejected, (il) Black & White #23, July 11 1891
- * “Returned with Thanks”, (il) Black & White #32, September 12 1891
- * St. George, (pm) Atalanta #45, June 1891
- * A Serenade in Venice, (il) Black & White #28, August 15 1891
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Atalanta #45 Jun 1891, #55 Apr 1892
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Atalanta Mar, Apr, May 1889, #39 Dec 1890, #55 Apr, #62 Nov, #63 Dec 1892, #65 Feb 1893
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1890, Jan, Feb 1891
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black & White #18 Jun 6, #24 Jul 18 1891
[]Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889) (about) (chron.)
- * Banner of England, (pm) Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins>, Humphrey Milford, 1918, as "What Shall I Do for the Land That Bred Me"
- * I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, (pm)
- * Pied Beauty, (pm) Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins>, Humphrey Milford, 1918
- * A Self-Portrait, (il) The London Magazine May 1958
- * Spring, (pm) Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins>, Humphrey Milford, 1918
- * What Shall I Do for the Land That Bred Me, (pm) Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins>, Humphrey Milford, 1918
_____, [ref.]
[]Hopkins, Gertrude Cornwell (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Curtains for Girls’ Rooms (with Blanche A. Sloat), (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1 1910
- * In the Orchard, (ss) Live Stories 2nd August 1923
- * A Peasant Dies “Somewhere in France”, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1917
- * The Pines, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1916
- * Portrait of a New England Gentlewoman, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1917
- * Song for June, (pm) Grit Story Section June 12 1932
- * The Stencil Beginner, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1 1910
- * Stenciled Baby Coverlets, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1912
- * The Watcher for the Sun, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 20 1915
- * The White-Bloomed Bough, (pm) The Smart Set May 1915
- * The Young Girl’s Bedroom, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1 1910
[]Hopkins, Harry (1913-1988) (chron.)
- * The Archbishop Preaches “Out with the British”, (ar) John Bull September 3 1955
- * Basil Spence Shapes Things to Come, (ar) John Bull December 14 1957
- * Behind the Iron Curtain, (cl) John Bull October 5 1946
- * Big Bosses Who Run a Powder-Keg City, (ar) John Bull August 29 1953
- * Big City of the Little Man, (ar) John Bull November 20 1954
- * Bill Pack Helps to Sort Out Malaya, (ar) John Bull November 17 1951
- * Black Boys in Search of a Future, (ar) John Bull June 26 1948
- * Boffins Are Making It, (ar) John Bull January 10 1948
- * Boffins with Mud on Their Boots…, (ar) John Bull January 31 1948
- * Boom in the Shipyards, (ar) John Bull July 5 1947
- * Brave New Land of Silt and Sugar, (ar) John Bull January 8 1955
- * Britain’s Atomic Story, (ar) John Bull Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25 1950
- * Britain’s Forgotten Sixth, (ar) John Bull April 17 1948
- * Britain’s Sheiks Hit the Jackpot, (ar) John Bull March 8 1952
- * A Bustling Future for Our Canals, (ar) John Bull October 12 1957
- * The Bustling Optimists Borrow Prosperity, (ar) John Bull October 8 1955
- * Carry On—Sergeant-Major!, (ar) John Bull February 19 1949
- * The Challenge of Three Flags, (ar) John Bull September 10 1955
- * Clocking On in Tick-Tock Valley, (ar) John Bull December 11 1948
- * Clogs to Wedge Heels, (cl) John Bull December 7 1946
- * Cornwall Still Has Buried Treasure, (ar) John Bull October 16 1948
- * The Correspondence Schools, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1947
- * Crank or Crusader?, (ar) John Bull January 24 1948
- * Crossroads of the World:
* ___ The Bustling Optimists Borrow Prosperity, (ar) John Bull October 8 1955
* ___ Fireworks on Carnival Island, (ar) John Bull May 12 1956
* ___ Inside Egypt, (ar) John Bull January 7 1956
* ___ Lebanon Lives on Its Wits, (ar) John Bull November 12 1955
* ___ No Jobs in Paradise, (ar) John Bull September 24 1955
* ___ Turmoil Beyond Malta, (ar) John Bull May 19 1956
* ___ Vision in the Sands, (ar) John Bull January 14 1956
- * Cyprus, the Turbulent Island, (ar) John Bull August 27 1955
- * Dairy on Britain’s Doorstep, (ar) John Bull June 12 1948
- * Danger Mark for Britain’s Water, (ar) John Bull June 1 1957
- * Down in the Forest Progress Stirs…, (ar) John Bull January 29 1949
- * Do You Want to Get Your Son to a Public School?, (ar) John Bull May 31 1958
- * Eire Gets the Cleaners In, (ar) John Bull June 5 1948
- * England’s Men of Iron Forges New Links, (ar) John Bull December 12 1953
- * Faster and Faster—Britain Leading, (ar) John Bull April 29 1950
- * Fireworks on Carnival Island, (ar) John Bull May 12 1956
- * The Five Towns, (ar) John Bull April 11 1953
- * From Mirage to Miracle, (ar) The Passing Show May 8 1937
- * Germany Tries Again, (ar) John Bull August 13 1949
- * G.I. Joe Stands by in Britain, (ar) John Bull January 6 1951
- * The Glorious Twelfth—Ulster’s Annual Fling, (ar) John Bull July 15 1950
- * Harry Hopkins Reports from the Far East, (ar) John Bull Jul 21, Jul 28 1951
- * He Breeds Beautiful Coats, (ar) John Bull January 8 1949
- * Here Come the Air Giants, (ar) John Bull May 20 1950
- * The Herring and Holiday Boom Town, (ar) John Bull August 15 1953
- * His Hens Lay by Numbers, (ar) John Bull April 2 1949
- * Homes for Tomorrow, (ar) John Bull Aug 12, Aug 19 1950
- * How Is the Empire?, (ar) John Bull May 17 1947
- * Husbands-in-Jail, (ar) John Bull September 4 1948
- * I Fly Into Paradise Island, (ar) John Bull June 14 1952
- * If You Really Put Your Mind to It, (ar) John Bull September 18 1948
- * I Join a Buddhist Pilgrimage in Mandalay, (ar) John Bull July 19 1952
- * I Join an Outpost in No-Man’s-Land, (ar) John Bull September 1 1951
- * I Meet a Gangster Boss and an Army of Girl Soldiers, (ar) John Bull September 8 1951
- * India: Now It’s Parnership, (ar) John Bull July 13 1946
- * Inside Egypt, (ar) John Bull January 7 1956
- * Into England’s Deep South, (ar) John Bull September 4 1954
- * Into the Jungle with White Man’s Medicine, (ar) John Bull February 9 1952
- * Ireland’s Family of Fate, (ar) John Bull July 30 1949
- * Irene McIver, Pioneer, (ar) John Bull June 3 1950
- * Is This Cruelty—or Progress?, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * It’s So Peaceful in the Wild Men’s Land, (ar) John Bull February 2 1952
- * Ivan, Too, Tunes In to London, (ar) John Bull December 3 1949
- * John Peel’s Happy Hunting Ground, (ar) John Bull September 11 1954
- * Journey Into Britain:
* ___ Big Bosses Who Run a Powder-Keg City, (cl) John Bull August 29 1953
* ___ Big City of the Little Man, (ar) John Bull November 20 1954
* ___ England’s Men of Iron Forges New Links, (ar) John Bull December 12 1953
* ___ The Five Towns, (ar) John Bull April 11 1953
* ___ The Herring and Holiday Boom Town, (cl) John Bull August 15 1953
* ___ Our Far West Surrenders to a Sun-Suit Invasion, (cl) John Bull August 1 1953
* ___ A Seaport Fights the Spectre of Its Rip-Roaring Past, (cl) John Bull August 22 1953
* ___ Smugglers’ Country, (ar) John Bull November 6 1954
* ___ A Tale of Two Cities in One, (ar) John Bull June 13 1953
* ___ Town That Grows Rich on Rags, (ar) John Bull July 18 1953
* ___ Town That Sprang Up on Chair Legs, (ar) John Bull August 8 1953
* ___ The Vale of Green Fingers, (ar) John Bull May 16 1953
- * July 5 Gets a Highland Preview, (ar) John Bull May 8 1948
- * King Idris Rules a Paper Kingdom, (ar) John Bull March 24 1956
- * Lebanon Lives on Its Wits, (ar) John Bull November 12 1955
- * Let’s “Go Get” Those Dollars, (ar) John Bull May 3 1947
- * Listen—Bells!, (ar) John Bull January 3 1948
- * The “Lost Weekenders” Now Cure Themselves, (ar) John Bull March 27 1948
- * L.S. Lowry Sees Beauty Through the Smoke, (ar) John Bull November 16 1957 [Ref. L. S. Lowry]
- * Malcolm MacDonald Shows West How to Meet East, (ar) John Bull November 1 1952
- * Milk-Bar to Mill—and No Complaints, (ar) John Bull February 7 1948
- * “Mr. Lillingston, I Presume”, (ar) John Bull April 10 1948
- * The Morning After the Revolution, (ar) John Bull June 21 1952
- * Must Malta Be Another Cyprus?, (ar) John Bull June 7 1958
- * Nation of Dancers Sets Up in Business, (ar) John Bull June 7 1952
- * Newcastle—Fortress for the Geordie, (ar) John Bull December 25 1954
- * A New Pattern for Our Health, (ar) John Bull July 13 1957
- * No Jobs in Paradise, (ar) John Bull September 24 1955
- * No-Man’s-Land in Search of a Leader, (ar) John Bull July 12 1952
- * No—We Still Haven’t Got a Real Health Services, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
- * Oil Sultan’s Poor Little Rich Land, (ar) John Bull February 16 1952
- * Oil Under England, (ar) John Bull September 29 1956
- * One Job at a Time, (ar) John Bull March 5 1949
- * Opportunity Unlimited, (ar) John Bull Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28 1956
- * Our Far West Surrenders to a Sun-Suit Invasion, (ar) John Bull August 1 1953
- * Passion Play Village Invites the World, (ar) John Bull June 25 1949
- * Real Scotch Will Flow Again, (ar) John Bull December 25 1948
- * Report from Malaya, (ar) John Bull Nov 3, Nov 10 1951
- * Riches by Pipeline, (ar) John Bull November 5 1955
- * A Seaport Fights the Spectre of Its Rip-Roaring Past, (ar) John Bull August 22 1953
- * Seven Lost Days of Gambling Madness, (ar) John Bull August 2 1952
- * Shadow of Hate Over Britain, (ar) John Bull October 18 1947
- * The Short, Sharp Shock for Teddy Boys, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 27 1959
- * Slow Train to Nowhere, (ar) John Bull September 18 1954
- * Smugglers’ Country, (ar) John Bull November 6 1954
- * Spotters Always Find Their Engines!, (ar) John Bull August 21 1948
- * Steel—A Drama in Many Acts, (ar) John Bull November 27 1948
- * Swansong of the Sahibs, (ar) John Bull August 9 1947
- * Switching Tracks on the Great Iron Way, (ar) John Bull July 20 1957
- * A Tale of Two Cities in One, (ar) John Bull June 13 1953
- * There’s Gold in These Sands, (ar) John Bull August 7 1948
- * Too Old at Forty?, (ar) John Bull November 13 1948
- * Town That Grows Rich on Rags, (ar) John Bull July 18 1953
- * Town That Sprang Up on Chair Legs, (ar) John Bull August 8 1953
- * Town That Wants to Be a Village, (ar) John Bull May 26 1951
- * Turmoil Beyond Malta, (ar) John Bull May 19 1956
- * Uncle Ho Versus the Playboy King, (ar) John Bull September 15 1951
- * Uniforce, the Good Mixers, (ar) John Bull February 11 1950
- * The Vale of Green Fingers, (ar) John Bull May 16 1953
- * Vision in the Sands, (ar) John Bull January 14 1956
- * The Wardens Stage a Blitz, (ar) John Bull March 10 1951
- * Was It Worse Last Time?, (ar) John Bull November 30 1946
- * “Wassail!” Is the Toast, (ar) John Bull September 17 1949
- * We’ve Got to Find Them Jobs, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 11/August 29 1959
- * What’s Buzzing in the Attic?, (ar) John Bull July 10 1948
- * What’s Happening Down Acacia Avenue?, (ar) John Bull September 27 1947
- * What They’re Doing Now, (ar) John Bull May 10 1947
- * Where the Thistle Meets the Rose, (ar) John Bull December 18 1954
- * Why Do Planes Crash?, (ar) John Bull June 11 1949
- * Will Hongkong Be Next on Mao’s List?, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated October 25 1958
- * Will Ireland Be One Again?, (ar) John Bull June 19 1948
- * Will the Gipsies Ever Settle Down?, (ar) John Bull March 12 1949
- * The Winged Invaders, (ar) John Bull August 11 1956
- * Your Future Hangs on These Few Votes, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 3 1959
- * Youth Under the Microscope, (ar) John Bull February 14 1948
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