The FictionMags Index
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Henderson, Zenna (née Chlarson) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Incident After [People], (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * The Indelible Kind [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1968
- * Ingathering, (co) NESFA Press, April 1995
- * Introducing the Author, (bg) Imagination August 1953
- * J-Line to Nowhere, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1969
- * Jordan [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1959
- * Katie-Mary’s Trip [People], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1975
- * The Last Step, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1958
- * Lea 1 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Lea 2 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Lea 3 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Lea 4 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Lea 5 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Lea 6 [People], (lk) Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- * Loo Ree, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1953
- * Love Every Third Stir, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * Mark & Meris 1 [People], (lk) The People: No Different Flesh, Gollancz, 1966
- * Mark & Meris 2 [People], (lk) The People: No Different Flesh, Gollancz, 1966
- * Mark & Meris 3 [People], (lk) The People: No Different Flesh, Gollancz, 1966
- * Mark & Meris 4 [People], (lk) The People: No Different Flesh, Gollancz, 1966
- * Mark & Meris 5 [People], (lk) The People: No Different Flesh, Gollancz, 1966
- * Michal Without [People], (nv) Ingathering, NESFA, 1995
- * No Different Flesh [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1965
- * …Old…As a Garment, (ss) Speculations ed. Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance, Houghton Mifflin, 1982
- * One of Them, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * The People Collection [People], (co) Corgi, June 1991
- * The People: No Different Flesh [People], (co) Victor Gollancz, 1966
- * The People Series [People], (ar) The Great Science Fiction Series ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin Harry Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1980
- * Pilgrimage [People], (co) Doubleday, 1961
- * Pottage [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1955
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fifth Series ed. Anthony Boucher, Doubleday, 1956
- SF: The Year’s Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy ed. Judith Merril, Dell, 1956
- Pilgrimage, Doubleday, 1961
- Great Science Fiction Stories ed. Cordelia Titcomb Smith, Dell, 1964
- School and Society Through Science Fiction ed. Joseph D. Olander, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1974
- The People Collection, Corgi, 1991
- Ingathering, NESFA, 1995
- * Realize, (pm) The Catholic World June 1957
- * Return [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1961
- * Shadow on the Moon [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1962
- * Sharing Time, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * Something Bright, (ss) Galaxy Magazine February 1960
- Galaxy Magazine (UK) #78, 1960
- 6th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1961
- The Seventh Galaxy Reader ed. Frederik Pohl, Doubleday, 1964
- The Anything Box, Doubleday, 1965
- Tales Beyond Time ed. L. Sprague & Catherine Crook de Camp, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1973
- Science Fiction 2 ed. Robert Pierce, Houghton Mifflin, 1973
- Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- Galaxy Volume 1 ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Paperbacks, 1981
- Believing, NESFA Press, 2020
- * Stevie and the Dark, (ss) Imagination May 1952, as "The Dark Came Out to Play…"
- * Subcommittee, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1962
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) November 1962
- The 8th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1963
- The Anything Box, Doubleday, 1965
- Gentle Invaders ed. Hans Stefan Santesson, Belmont, 1969
- Young Extraterrestrials ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row, 1984
- New Eves ed. Janrae Frank, Jean Stine & Forrest J Ackerman, Longmeadow Press, 1994
- Believing, NESFA Press, 2020
- * The Substitute, (ss) Imagination August 1953
- * Swept and Garnished, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * The Taste of Aunt Sophronia, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * Tell Us a Story [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1980
- * That Boy [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1971
- * There Was a Garden, (ss) Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance, Doubleday, 1978
- * Things, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1960
- * Three-Cornered and Secure, (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * Through a Glass—Darkly, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1970
- New Worlds of Fantasy #3 ed. Terry Carr, Ace, 1971
- Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- A Treasury of Modern Fantasy ed. Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1981
- Masters of Fantasy ed. Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad, 1992
- Believing, NESFA Press, 2020
- * Thrumthing and Out, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1972
- * Troubling of the Water [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1966
- * Turn the Page, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1957
- * Walking Aunt Daid, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1955
- * The Walls [People], (ss) Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- * Wilderness [People], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1957
- * You Know What, Teacher?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1954
- Ellery Queen’s Awards: 9th Series ed. Ellery Queen, Little Brown, 1954
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) September 1954
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #89, November 1954
- The Quintessence of Queen ed. Anthony Boucher, Random House, 1962
- Holding Wonder, Doubleday, 1971
- Modern Fiction About School Teaching ed. Jay S. Blanchard & Ursula Casanova, Allyn & Bacon, 1996
- Believing, NESFA Press, 2020
_____, [ref.]
- * Believing by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2020
- * Ingathering: The Complete People Stories by Preston Hunter, (br) Irreantum Spring 2000/2001
- * An Interview with Zenna Henderson by Paul Walker, (iv) Odyssey Spring 1976
- * The People: No Different Flesh by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1977
- * Pilgrimage by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction September 1961
- * Pilgrimage by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1977
- * Pilgrimage: The Book of the People by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1961
- * Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo by Henna Zenderson, (ss) Inside #53, September 1958
- * Zenna Henderson by Bud Webster, (ar) Helix #4, Spring 2007
- * Zenna Henderson: In Memoriam by Alice Laurance, (ob) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #81, Fall 1983
- * Zenna Henderson’s People by Sandra Miesel, (ar) 1978
[]Hendren, E. (“Patsy”) (chron.)
- * The Art of Successful Batting, (ar) Chums June 21 1924
- * The Final Test, (sl) Chums Apr 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29, Jun 5, Jun 12, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3,
Jul 10 1927
- * Our Special Cricket Article: How to Keep Fit for Cricket, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #950, August 23 1919
- * What a Forward Should Know, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1915
- * Women Can’t Play Cricket, (ar) The Passing Show August 13 1932
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