The FictionMags Index
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[]Hall, Cameron; pseudonym of Harry Harrison (1925-2012); used only once when Harrison took over the editorship of the final issue Fantasy Fiction, which Lester del Rey had done the original editing on.
_____, ed.
[]Hall, Charles Winslow (chron.)
- * The Admission of Texas, (ar) National Magazine May 1900
- * America’s Master of Mirth, (ar) National Magazine October 1913
- * Before the Sea Fight, (pm) National Magazine September 1914
- * The Cabin Passenger of the Swallow, (ss) National Magazine November 1911
- * China and the Will of Peter the Great, (ar) National Magazine August 1900
- * Consolation, (pm) National Magazine July 1912
- * The Covenant of the Boers, (pm) National Magazine December 1899
- * Fair May, (pm) National Magazine May 1900
- * The Fall of Constantinople, (ar) National Magazine March 1913
- * The Harvest Moon of 1914, (pm) National Magazine October 1914
- * Jabez Hamlen at Bunker Hill, (ss) National Magazine June 1901
- * The Landless People of Mexico and Their Origin, (ar) National Magazine June 1914
- * Lost and Hidden Treasure, (ar) National Magazine April 1911
- * Love Undying, (pm) National Magazine December 1911
- * May-Day Memories, (ar) National Magazine May 1914
- * Mexico Under Aztec and Spanish Dominance, (ar) National Magazine July 1914
- * Napoleon and the Louisiana Purchase, (ar) National Magazine January 1900
- * National and State Flowers, (ar) National Magazine June 1913
- * The Nation’s Duty to Aid in Irrigation, (ar) National Magazine February 1902
- * The Nobility of the Trades, (cl) National Magazine Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1911, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct 1912
- * The October Hunt, (ar) National Magazine October 1899
- * On Guard by Moonlight, (pm) National Magazine October 1911
- * Our Canal in Panama, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * Our Country’s Festival, (ar) National Magazine July 1899
- * Pacain, the Loup-Garou, (pm) National Magazine August 1899
- * Pierre Godey’s Story, (pm) National Magazine January 1900
- * The Revival of Falconry, (ar) National Magazine May 1899
- * The Savoy Operas. Gilbert, Sullivan, Grossmith and Barnabee: Their Work in England and America, (ar) National Magazine December 1913
- * Shall We Abandon the Philippines?, (ar) National Magazine August 1913
- * The Story of the Battle of Gettysburg, (ar) National Magazine July 1913
- * The Tartar Invasion of China, (ar) National Magazine September 1900
- * The Tragedy of Mexico, (ar) National Magazine August 1914
- * Twilight of the Gods, (ar) National Magazine September 1914
- * Unsolved Mysteries of American Antiquity, (ar) National Magazine April 1914
- * Waltz Song, (pm) National Magazine May 1912
[]Hall, Clyde (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Magic Hour Mimesis [B-Man], (ss) Pulp Reality #3, Fall 2021
- * Patently False [B-Man], (nv) Pulp Reality #2, Summer 2021
- * Reel One for the B-Man [B-Man], (ss) Pulp Reality #1, 2020
- * Troops of the Forlorn Hope, (nv) Pulp Reality #5, Winter 2025
- * Wind, Reel and Print [B-Man], (ss) Pulp Reality #4, Fall 2022
[]Hall, Coy (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Five and Dime Sinners, (ss) Big Pulp Fall 2012
- * A Hazard of the Job, (ss) Mystery Weekly July 2020
- * The John Wesley Hardin Rag, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #6, Fall 2022
- * Make Ready a Grave, My Friend, Valero Shoots to Kill!, (ss) Big Pulp Winter 2010
- * Sire of the Hatchet, (nv) The Fiends in the Furrows ed. David T. Neal & Christine M. Scott, Nosetouch Press, 2018
- * The Spider Vignettes, (ss) Pulp Modern Summer 2015
- * Tibet Has a Book of the Dead, Too, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #3, Winter 2022
- * The Trail of King Death, (ss) The Big Adios Western Digest Fall 2014
- * Valero Serves a Hungry Grave, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #3, Fall 2017
[]Hall, Desmond W(inter) (1909-1992); used pseudonyms Anthony Gilmore, Ainslee Jenkins, Norman March & H. G. Winter (about) (chron.)
- * Beside the Pool (with Harry Bates), (ss) Liberty May 28 1938, as by H. G. Winter
- * The Bluff of the Hawk [Hawk Carse] (with Harry Bates), (nv) Astounding Stories May 1932, as by Anthony Gilmore
- * Clam and Bacon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1949
- * Down to the War in Submarines (with John D. Dryburgh), (ts) Wide World Adventures Dec 1929, Jan 1930
- * Game of Chance, (ss) Redbook January 1953
- * The Hands of Aten (with Harry Bates), (nv) Astounding Stories July 1931, as by H. G. Winter
- * In the Shadow of the Tii, (ss) Astounding Stories November 1933, as by Ainslee Jenkins
- * Men of Steel, (ss) Weird Tales December 1930, as by Ainslee Jenkins
- * The Midget from the Island (with Harry Bates), (nv) Astounding Stories August 1931, as by H. G. Winter
- * Moa, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1948
- * My Noble Friend, (ss) Collier’s February 4 1950
- * Over the Hill (with Harry Bates), (vi) Liberty September 30 1939, as by H. G. Winter
- * Pickles and Pearls, (ss) Argosy June 1949
- * Pretty Pussy, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 16 1939, as by Norman March
- * Quiet, Praise the Lord, (ss) Collier’s November 3 1951
- * Raiders Invisible, (nv) Astounding Stories November 1931
- * Rosemary, (ss) Good Housekeeping February 1949
- * A Scientist Rises, (ss) Astounding Stories November 1932, as by Desmond W. Hall
- * A Scientist Rises (with Harry Bates), (ss) Astounding Stories November 1932
- * Seed of the Arctic Ice [Kim Torrance] (with Harry Bates), (ss) Astounding Stories February 1932, as by H. G. Winter
- * Slightly Respectable, (ss) Redbook August 1953
- * Summer’s Ending (with Harry Bates), (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 19 1939, as by H. G. Winter
- * Under Arctic Ice [Kim Torrance] (with Harry Bates), (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1933, as by H. G. Winter
- * Werewolves of War, (nv) Astounding Stories February 1931
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
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