The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3097
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[]E., A. (chron.)
- * The Christmas Card, (vi) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1913
- * A Dog’s Pet, (nf) Wide Awake June 1892
- * The Drawing-Room Drama, (pl) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1914
- * Dulci Fistula - A Class Song, (pm) Tipyn o’ Bob January 1907
- * Elocution Without Tears, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1914
- * Greeting!, (pm) (by Anne Edgar ,[?]) The Novel Magazine December 1928
- * Grown-Up Nursery Rhyme, (pm) (by Anne Edgar ,[?]) The Novel Magazine January 1929
- * The Last Hero, (pm) Overland Monthly November 1916
- * Men and Things:
* ___ XII. A Dog’s Pet, (nf) Wide Awake June 1892
- * A Night with a Human, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1914
- * On a Fine Morning in London, (pm) The Bohemian November 1893
- * Sea Song, (pm) (by Anne Edgar ,[?]) The Novel Magazine January 1928
- * Spring Fingers, (pm) (by Anne Edgar ,[?]) The Novel Magazine May 1928
- * Wanted—A Composer, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1914
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Chums September 18 1928
_____, [?]
[]E., B. (chron.)
- * The Five Cats, (vi) St. Nicholas July 1881
- * For Very Little Folks:
* ___ The Five Cats, (vi) St. Nicholas July 1881
- * In Your Hat, (ed) (by Bruce Elliott) The Dude Mar, Nov 1960, Mar, May, Jul 1961
- * My Lost Lady (with B. D.), (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1909
- * On the Cuff, (cl) (by Bruce Elliott) The Gent June 1959
- * Sound On (with Nat Lehrman), (cl) (by Bruce Elliott) The Dude July 1961, as by B. E. & N. L.
[]E., C. L. (chron.)
- * About Valentines, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society February 1863
- * An Afternoon at “The Academy”, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society #6, July 1862
- * At the Westminster Play, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society February 1864
- * The Fancy Fair at Kensington, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society August 1863
- * London Society Underground, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society May 1863
- * Mild Protest, (pm) Pep Stories May 1934
- * The Model’s Story, (ss) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society December 1864
- * Pay Day, (ms) Telling Tales 2nd February 1924
- * The Royal Academy Exhibition, (ar) (by Charles L. Eastlake ,[?]) London Society June 1863
[]E., E. E. (chron.)
- * Outdoor Dress, (cl) C.B. Fry’s Magazine Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1906, Jan 1907
[]E., E. P. (chron.)
- * About Names, (nf) Wide Awake December 1892
- * At Long Range, (nf) Wide Awake May 1892
- * A Brazilian Bath, (nf) Wide Awake March 1893
- * In a Circulating Library, (nf) Wide Awake February 1893
- * Men and Things:
* ___ V. An Unequal Distribution, (nf) Wide Awake June 1892
* ___ VII. About Names, (nf) Wide Awake December 1892
* ___ XXIII. In a Circulating Library, (nf) Wide Awake February 1893
* ___ XXXVIII. A Brazilian Bath, (nf) Wide Awake March 1893
* ___ L. Presence of Mind, (nf) Wide Awake November 1892
* ___ LXXVI. At Long Range, (nf) Wide Awake May 1892
- * Presence of Mind, (nf) Wide Awake November 1892
- * An Unequal Distribution, (nf) Wide Awake June 1892
[]E., J. R. (chron.)
- * Bath—Past and Present, (ar) The Idler Dec 1909, Jan 1910
- * Bristol and Clifton, (ar) The Idler April 1910
- * “God and the Right”, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1876
- * Hope Deferred, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1875
- * Last Words, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1878
- * The Patient Speaks His Mind, (ss) The New Yorker September 24 1938
- * Some Ancient Monuments of Ireland, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine June 1911
- * Twilight, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1875
- * Waiting, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1875
[]E., M. (chron.)
- * Funny Hat, (ss) Wide Awake September 1877
- * How Droll!, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1876
- * Life in the Living, (pm) The Windsor Magazine July 1928
- * A Picture Wanted, (pm) Harper’s Young People #207, October 16 1883
- * Please Send Me a Valentine, Somebody, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1888
- * They Died at Sing Sing, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine March 1964
- * A Woman’s Right, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1915
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Detective Novels Magazine August 1942
[]E., M. L. (chron.)
- * Authors and Books, (br) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #109 Jan, #110 Feb, #111 Mar, #112 Apr, #113 May, #114 Jun, #115 Jul, #116 Aug, #117 Sep, #118 Oct, #119 Nov 1934,
#121 Jan, #122 Feb, #123 Mar, #124 Apr, #125 May, #126 Jun, #128 Aug, #129 Sep 1935
- * Authors and Books: Books for Christmas, (br) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #120, December 1934
- * Books for Christmas, (br) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #108, December 1933
- * Children’s Books, (br) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #120, December 1934
- * Four Corners of the Earth, (cl) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #98 Feb, #99 Mar, #100 Apr, #103 Jul, #107 Nov 1933
- * Spring, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1873
- * Travel Notes, (cl) (by Mary Letha Elting) The Golden Book Magazine #104 Aug, #105 Sep 1933
- * With the Stream, (pm) The Argosy (UK) October 1873
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