The FictionMags Index
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Derleth, August (William) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Shadow on the Stair, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Shadow Out of Space (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) The Survivor and Others by H. P. Lovecraft & August Derleth, Arkham House, 1957
- * Shadows on the Field, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Sheath for the Heart, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Shell of Night, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * The Sheraton Mirror, (ss) Weird Tales September 1932
- * Sherlock Holmes, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * The Shores of Night, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Shuttered House [Sac Prairie], (ss) Weird Tales April 1937
- Someone in the Dark, Arkham House, 1941
- Avon Fantasy Reader 1 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Book Co., 1947
- Weird Tales ed. Peter Haining, Neville Spearman, 1976
- Weird Tales Vol. 1 ed. Peter Haining, Sphere, 1978
- “Who Shall I Say Is Calling?” and Other Stories, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * The Shuttered Room (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1959
- * “The Shuttered Room” on Film, (mr) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * Shy Bird, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Side-Show, as Usual, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Sign-Post, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * The Silence That Is Love, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Silence to the Harborers of Past Illusions, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Simple Nocturne, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Simple Things, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * The Sinister Shadow [Sac Prairie], (nv) Life Story Magazine #55, May 1944
- * Sin of Omission, (ss) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * Sirius: Midnight, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * Sister Bridget [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Sisters [Sac Prairie], (ss) The University Review Autumn 1938
- * The Six Silver Spiders [Solar Pons], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #83, October 1950
- * Sixteen Years on Death, (pm) The Tryout April 1927
- * The Skater, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * The Skiers, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * The Slanting Shadow, (ss) The Fantasy Fan February 1935
- * The Slayers and the Slain, (ss) Weird Tales September 1949
- * The Sleepers, (ss) Weird Tales December 1927
- * The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things, (The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, February 2009, co)
- * A Slight Case of Perjury, (ar) Wisconsin Murders, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * Smokewood, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Snow, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Snow Legend, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Snowstorm, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Snowy Night, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Soap-Coupon Telescope, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Soaring Hawk, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Solar Pons and the Adventure of the Bishop’s Companion [Solar Pons], (ss) Mystery Monthly June 1976
- * Solar Pons, Off-Trail, (si) A Praed Street Dossier, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume One [Solar Pons], (Arkham House, 1982, co) ; edited by Basil Copper
- * The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume Two [Solar Pons], (Arkham House, 1982, co) ; edited by Basil Copper
- * The Solitary, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Solitary Sandpiper, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Solitude, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * So Many Seconds by the Clock, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Someone at the Pasture Gate, (pm)
- * Someone in the Dark, (Arkham House, 1941, co)
- * Someone Lost, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Some Private Walden, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Something from Out There, (ss) Weird Tales January 1951
- * Something in Wood, (ss) Weird Tales March 1948
- * Something Left Behind, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Something Near, (Arkham House, 1945, co)
- * Somewhere Down This Road the Old Farm Is, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Somewhere in the Loft, He Lingers, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Sonate: Clair de Lune, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Song in Praise, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * The Song of the Pewee, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Song of the Saw-Whet Owl, (pm) Trails Summer 1934
- * Sophie Hornly [Sac Prairie], (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Sound of Peace, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Sound of Silence, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * The Sources of the Tales [Solar Pons], (ar) Praed Street Papers, Candlelight Press, 1965
- * The Sparrow in the Willows, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Spawn of the Maelstrom (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1939
- * Spider in Her Dewy Web, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Spider in the Lamp, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * The Splinter, (ss) The Tryout March 1927
- * Spring, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Spring Come on Forever, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Spring Evening: Airmail, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Spring Evening: Doves, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Spring Evening: Pond Dwellers, (pm)
- * Spring Evening: The Indian Pass, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Spring Evening: The Ojibwa Smile, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Spring Evening: The Old Men Remember, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Spring Evening: The Toad Sings, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Spring Evening: The Turtle Sings, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Spring Evening: Wild Crabapple Blooming, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Spring Evening: Woodcock, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Spring Fever, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Spring Once More, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Squirrel on the Gravestone, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Starlight, Moonbright, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Star on the Chimney, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * Star-Owned, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Star Pasture, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Star Pool, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * The Statement of Justin Parker, (ss) Weird Tales December 1928
- * The Stereopticon in Grandma’s Parlor, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Stock Train Going By, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Stranger in the Night, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Stranger to Night Alarm, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Streetlight Shadows, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Strike Up the Band!, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Stuff of Dreams [Sac Prairie], (ss) New Stories (UK) October/November 1935
- * Sugar Bush by Moonlight, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Sumac Burning, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Summer Afternoon: Boy with Fishpole, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Summer Afternoon: Calliope in the Village, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Summer Afternoon: Quail in the Deep Grass, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Summer Afternoon: Sunlight on Old Houses, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Summer Afternoon: The Crows, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Summer of Discovery, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Summer Sprite, (pm) Habitant of Dusk, Walden Press, 1946
- * Sundown, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Sunfishing, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * The Survivor (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) Weird Tales July 1954; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * Swamp Owl, (pm) Tomorrow August 1942
- * Sweet in Air, the Corn at Evening, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Swimmer in Midstream, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Swimming Hole, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Tadpoles, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * The Tail of the Dog, (ss) Literary Cavalcade October 1959
- * Tales from Not Long for This World, (Ballantine Books, 1961, co)
- * Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * Talisman, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Talking Leaves, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Ted Birkett [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Telegram, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Telephone in the Library, (nv) Weird Tales June 1936
- * The Telescope, (ss) Story #2 ed. Whit & Hallie Burnett, A.A. Wyn, 1952
- * The Tenant, (ss) Weird Tales March 1928
- * The Tenant at Number Seven, (ss) Weird Tales November 1928
- * Terror Over London [Solar Pons], (na) The Final Adventures of Solar Pons, Mycroft & Moran, 1998
- * The Testament of Claiborne Boyd [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales March 1949
- * “That Feller Oates!” [Sac Prairie], (ss) The American Mercury March 1948
- * That Heathen Alonzo [Sac Prairie], (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- * That Is Not Dead, (The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, February 2009, co)
- * These Childless Marriages, (ss) 10 Story Book May 1932
- * They Shall Rise (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales April 1936
- * A Thin Gentleman with Gloves, (ss) Weird Tales November 1943
- Weird Tales (Canada) March 1944, as "A Thin Man with Gloves"
- Something Near, Arkham House, 1945
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #66, January 1950
- When Evil Wakes ed. August Derleth, Souvenir Press, 1963, as by Simon West
- Realms of Darkness ed. Mary Danby, Octopus US, 1985, as by Simon West
- That Is Not Dead, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * The Thing That Walked on the Wind [Cthulhu], (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
- Something Near, Arkham House, 1945
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #24, 1946
- Avon Fantasy Reader 13 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Novels Inc., 1950
- Boris Karloff’s Favorite Horror Stories ed. Boris Karloff, Avon, 1965
- Friendly Aliens ed. John Robert Colombo, Hounslow Press, 1981
- Windigo ed. John Robert Colombo, Prairie Books, 1982
- Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos ed. Robert M. Price, Fedogan & Bremer, 1992
- The Cthulhu Mythos, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- In Lovecraft’s Shadow, Mycroft & Moran, 1998
- * The Thinker and the Thought [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #4, 1954
- The Sands of Mars and Other Stories, Jubilee, 1958, as "Thinker, Mark VII"
- Satellite Series #213, 1958, as "Thinker, Mark VII"
- Harrigan’s File, Arkham House, 1975, as "Mark VII"
- * Thinker, Mark VII [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #4, 1954, as "The Thinker and the Thought"
- * A Thin Man with Gloves, (ss) Weird Tales November 1943, as "A Thin Gentleman with Gloves"
- * The Thirteenth Coffin [Solar Pons], (nv) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #10, June 1956
- * Thirty Years of Arkham House, (ms) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969, uncredited.
- * This Great Lover Won Women by Magic Powers, (ar) True Mystic Crimes April 1931, as by Tally Mason
- * This Wound, (The Prairie Press, 1962, oc)
- * Thomas Bardshaw [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Those Who Seek, (ss) Weird Tales January 1932
- * The Thrasher Sings, (pm)
- * 3 A.M., (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Three Anonymous Girls, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Three Birches, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Three Birds Flying, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Three Boys at a Brook, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Three Deer Mice, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Three Gentlemen in Black, (ss) Weird Tales August 1938
- * Three Problems for Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (Mycroft & Moran, 1952, oc)
- * The Three-Storied House, (ss) Weird Tales July 1928
- * The Thrush Sings Evening, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Timber!, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Time Being Winter, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Time Lost, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Time Marches On, (ss) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * The Tiny Detail, (ss) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * To All Watchers and Night-Travelers, (pm) And You, Thoreau!, The Poets of the Year, 1944
- * To a Nighthawk Dying, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * To a Spaceship, (pm) Wonder Stories March 1934
- * Today Is Strong with Yesterday, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Tomahawk, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * “Tom Beck Cut Down the Apple Tree…”, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Tomorrow and Tomorrow, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Torch Signals, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Track-Repairer of the Planetary Orbit, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * The Trail of Cthulhu [Laban Shrewsbury], (Arkham House, 1962, co)
- * The Trail of Cthulhu [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales March 1944
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