The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2469
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[]D., L. (chron.)
- * At His Word, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st June 1917
- * Autumn, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Grand Magazine October 1926
- * Castle in Spain, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Novel Magazine October 1923
- * Cornish Diamonds, (ar) Woman’s Magazine (UK) June 1936
- * Gipsy Song, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Novel Magazine February 1924
- * Harlequinade, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Novel Magazine January 1924
- * In Lavender, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Grand Magazine August 1926
- * The Invisible Thief, (ts) The Passing Show June 9 1934
- * Lesson for Mummy, (hu) (by Lionel Davidson) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 20 1959
- * Make-Believe, (pm) (by Lily Dean ,[?]) The Grand Magazine September 1926
- * Mr. Freeman on American Speech, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1883
- * My Gems, (pm) The Argosy (UK) November 1898
- * Princess or Beggar-Maid?, (pm) (by Lily Dean) The Blue Magazine #98, August 1927
- * This Really Happened:
* ___ The Invisible Thief, (ts) The Passing Show June 9 1934
- * The Twilight of Remembered Things, (pm) The Forum August 1919
- * When Minutes Seem Like Years!, (pm) Droll Stories October 1926
[]D., M. (chron.)
- * At the “Silent” Drama, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine November 1925
- * A Ballade of Burden, (pm) Temple Bar January 1901
- * Bismarck, by Himself (with Louis Elkind), (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1903 [Ref. Otto von Bismarck]
- * Catching the Moon, (pm) (by Mabel Dean ,[?]) The Novel Magazine May 1925
- * Doyne’s Wonderful Dogs, (ss) All the Year Round
- * Gipsy Born, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1922
- * Great Men and Good Manners, (nf) Wide Awake July 1889
- * Heart o’ Mine, (pm) The Royal Magazine March 1927
- * Joey Joanne, (ts) The Cornhill Magazine May 1922
- * Men and Things:
* ___ XXVI. Great Men and Good Manners, (nf) Wide Awake July 1889
* ___ XXXVII. The Oddities of Genius, (nf) Wide Awake August 1889
- * Misdirected, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1897
- * Mist, (pm) (by Mabel Dean ,[?]) The Grand Magazine October 1926
- * The Oddities of Genius, (nf) Wide Awake August 1889
- * Private Theatricals, (ss) The Australian Journal #125, October 1875
- * Sunia: A Himalayan Idyll, (ss) Longman’s Magazine May 1898
- * “There’s a Fair on the Green!”, (pm) (by Mabel Dean ,[?]) The Novel Magazine July 1923
- * The Training of a Doctor, (ar) The London Magazine May 1903
[]D., M. M. (chron.)
- * “’77”, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1877
- * Alice in Wonderland, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1881
- * The Bee Charmer (with G. W. Edwards), (pm) St. Nicholas June 1882
- * Calling the Flowers, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1879
- * Carlo, Jane and Me, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1881
- * Cat’s Cradle, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1883
- * Christmas Eve, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1891
- * Coming, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1874
- * Coming Home, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1878
- * Confusion, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1882
- * The Crow-Child, (ss) St. Nicholas November 1880
- * A Dear Little Goose, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1880
- * A Dear Little Schemer, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1887
- * Dressing Mary Ann, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1879
- * Elberon, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1881
- * The Elf and the Spider, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1881
- * The Family with Whom Everything Went Wrong, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1879
- * First Steps, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1888
- * A Garret Adventure, (ss) St. Nicholas January 1874
- * Half a Loaf Is Better than No Bread, (vi) St. Nicholas January 1874
- * Informed, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1887
- * International, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1886
- * “I Wish I Knew My Letters Well”, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1879
- * Jeannette and Jo, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1876
- * The King of May, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1879
- * The Land of Pluck, (ar) (by Mary Mapes Dodge) St. Nicholas December 1890
- * The Letters at School, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1876
- * Little Vemba Brown, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1890
- * Little Whimpy, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1874
- * The Little Woman and the Big Girl, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1879
- * The Man Who Didn’t Know When to Stop, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1878
- * Marie de Valois, (ss) The Argosy (UK) July 1878
- * Mieux Vaut Avoir La Moitie D’Un Pain Que Ne Pas Avoir De Pain, (vi) St. Nicholas December 1873
- * The Minuet, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1877
- * “A Miss Is as Good as a Mile”, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1883
- * A Mistake, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1878
- * Monkeys and Dogs to the Front, (ss) St. Nicholas November 1878
- * Mother, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1877
- * Northerly, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1887
- * On Bells, (ar) The Argosy (UK) December 1874
- * Out of the Sky, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1876
- * Over the Way, (pm) (by Mary Mapes Dodge) Scribner’s Monthly March 1875
- * A Philopena, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1887
- * Poor Marionette!, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1887
- * The Princes in the Tower, (bg) St. Nicholas January 1874
- * Pussy’s Class, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1874
- * Riddles for Very Little Folks, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1886
- * Signs of May (with M. L. D. Watson), (pm) St. Nicholas May 1883
- * The Smiling Dolly, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1878
- * Snow-Flakes, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1876
- * The Sun and the Stars, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1874
- * Three Velvety Bees, (pm) St. Nicholas July 1886
- * To a Young Girl, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1875
- * Trapper Joe, (vi) St. Nicholas October 1881
- * Two Years Old, (pm) Wide Awake May 1880
- * A Valentine, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1877
- * Wondering Tom (republished by request from Our Young Folks), (ss) St. Nicholas January 1879
- * Worth Your Weight in Gold, (ar) St. Nicholas October 1876
- * The “Worthy Poor”, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1877
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