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Clute, John (Frederick) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Scores: A Sly, Swift Behemoth, (br) Infinite Matrix February 28 2002
- * Scores: Shaking the Kaleidoscope, (br) Infinite Matrix November 29 2001
- * Scores: The Ashes of Time Travel, (br) Infinite Matrix December 27 2001
- * Scores: Their Eyes, Their Glittering Eyes, (br) Infinite Matrix November 29 2001
- * Scores: Yore Is Us, (br) Infinite Matrix November 29 2001
- * Scores:
* ___ A Clanking of Homunculi, (rc) Interzone #205, August 2006
* ___ The HARM World, (rc) Interzone #210, June 2007
* ___ Lose the Amnesia, (rc) Interzone #212, September/October 2007
* ___ Playing Games, (rc) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
* ___ Short Bread, (rc) Interzone #207, December 2006
* ___ Short Change, Long Changelings, (rc) Interzone #206, October 2006
- * The Sea’s Furthest End, (br) Foundation #59, Autumn 1993 [Ref. Damien Broderick]
- * Sepulchre, (br) Interzone #22, Winter 1987 [Ref. James Herbert]
- * Sexual Chemistry: Sardonic Tales of the Genetic Revolution, (br) Interzone #50, August 1991 [Ref. Brian Stableford]
- * SF Novels of the Year, (br) New Worlds 1 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1991
- * Shades of Darkness, (br) Interzone #20, Summer 1987 [Ref. Richard Cowper]
- * Ship of Strangers, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- * Short Bread, (rc) Interzone #207, December 2006
- * Short Change, Long Changelings, (rc) Interzone #206, October 2006
- * Shucksma, (br) New Worlds Quarterly 5 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1973
- * Sides, (br) Interzone #212, September/October 2007 [Ref. Peter Straub]
- * Sideshow, (br) Interzone #59, May 1992 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
- * The Silent, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #119, July 1998 [Ref. Jack Dann]
- * Sleeping in Flame, (br) Interzone #32, November/December 1989 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- * Slightly Off Center: Eleven Extraordinarily Exhilarating Tales, (br) Interzone #70, April 1993 [Ref. Neal Barrett, Jr.]
- * Small Gods, (br) Interzone #60, June 1992 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- * The Smithsonian Institution: A Novel, (br) Science Fiction Weekly April 6 1998 [Ref. Gore Vidal]
- * Softspoken, (br) Interzone #210, June 2007 [Ref. Lucius Shepard]
- * Some Notes on a Model for Superman, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #255, November 2009
- * Somerset Dreams and Other Fictions, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
- * Something About an Old Encyclopedia, and a Word About a New, (ar) Foundation #58, Summer 1993
- * The Sorcerer’s House, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #259, March 2010 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * A Soul in a Bottle, (br) Interzone #207, December 2006 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * Sounding Hollow, (rc) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Speaking in Tongues, (br) Interzone #66, December 1992 [Ref. Ian McDonald]
- * Spend the Giant Pizza, (rc) Interzone #56, February 1992
- * A Sperm Called Trilogy, (rc) Interzone #34, March/April 1990
- * Spiderweb, (ss) New Worlds #186, January 1969
- * Spiral Winds, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988 [Ref. Garry Kilworth]
- * Spunk, (rc) Interzone #81, March 1994
- * Staring at the Sun, (br) Foundation #37, Autumn 1986 [Ref. Julian Barnes]
- * Star Rigger’s Way, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Jeffrey A. Carver]
- * Starship Mutiny, (br) Interzone #203, April 2006 [Ref. Mike Resnick]
- * Starstormers, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Nicholas Fisk]
- * The Start of the End of It All, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990 [Ref. Carol Emshwiller]
- * The State of the Art, (br) Interzone #48, June 1991 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- * Stations of the Tide, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #29, January 1991 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * The Stolen Child, (br) Interzone #206, October 2006 [Ref. Keith Donohue]
- * The Stones of Muncaster Cathedral, (br) Interzone #62, August 1992 [Ref. Robert Westall]
- * Stranger Things Happen, (br) Interzone #174, December 2001 [Ref. Kelly Link]
- * Succession Book One: The Risen Empire, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #204, August 2005 [Ref. Scott Westerfeld]
- * Succession Book Two: The Killing of Worlds, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #204, August 2005 [Ref. Scott Westerfeld]
- * A Sudden Wild Magic, (br) Interzone #71, May 1993 [Ref. Diana Wynne Jones]
- * Sunburst, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Nicholas Fisk]
- * Super-Cannes, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * Survivors, (ar) A Mexicon Decade ed. Colin Harris, Mexicon 6, 1994
- * The Sykaos Papers, (br) Interzone #25, September/October 1988 [Ref. E. P. Thompson]
- * A Tad Phatic, (rc) Interzone #119, May 1997
- * A Tale, a Rail, a Pogo, (rc) Interzone #128, February 1998
- * Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988 [Ref. Patricia Highsmith]
- * Teething the Gap, (rc) Interzone #67, January 1993
- * Templars, (rc) Interzone #53, November 1991
- * Terminal Rocks, (rc) Interzone #73, July 1993
- * Terry Pratchett, (ar) Interzone #33, January/February 1990 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- * Theodore Sturgeon: A Working Bibliography, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990 [Ref. Gordon Benson, Jr., Phil Stephensen-Payne & Theodore Sturgeon]
- * There Are Doors, (br) Interzone #30, July/August 1989 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * The Thief of Always, (br) Interzone #69, March 1993 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- * Things Suffered and Things Seen, (rc) Interzone #77, November 1993
- * Thin Ice, Sun Burns, (rc) Interzone #66, December 1992
- * Thirty-Three Years of Nebulas, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #131, July 1999 [Ref. Connie Willis]
- * Thomas Alva Edison Would Be Proud, (rc) Interzone #40, October 1990
- * Threshold Shift, (br) Interzone #207, December 2006 [Ref. Eric Brown]
- * Through the Eye of a Needle, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Hal Clement]
- * Thud!, (br) Interzone #200, October 2005 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- * Time and the Human Condition, (in) Tales in Time ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf, 1997
- * Time’s Child, (br) Interzone #211, July/August 2007 [Ref. Rebecca Ore]
- * Titan, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. John Varley]
- * Titans of Chaos, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #223, March 2007 [Ref. John C. Wright]
- * Tokyo Cancelled, (br) Interzone #198, May/June 2005 [Ref. Rana Dasgupta]
- * Tours of the Black Clock, (br) Interzone #31, September/October 1989 [Ref. Steve Erickson]
- * The Toynbee Convector, (br) Interzone #31, September/October 1989 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- * Transfigurations, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980 [Ref. Michael Bishop]
- * Transformations, (br) Interzone #30, July/August 1989 [Ref. Ann Halam]
- * The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, (br) Interzone #4, Spring 1983 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Traveller, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989 [Ref. Richard Adams]
- * Trinities, (rc) Interzone #25, September/October 1988
- * Trope Exposure, (ar) New Worlds 9 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1975
- * Trouble and Her Friends, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #71, July 1994 [Ref. Melissa Scott]
- * Truckers, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- * True and Blushful Chutzpah, (rc) Interzone #38, August 1990
- * The Truth, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- * A Tupolev Too Far and Other Stories, (br) Interzone #81, March 1994 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * Twelve Tomorrows 2018, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #351, May 2019 [Ref. Wade Roush]
- * Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers, (br) Foundation #25, June 1982 [Ref. Curtis C. Smith]
- * Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers, Second Edition, (br) Foundation #39, Spring 1987 [Ref. Curtis C. Smith]
- * 21st Century Science Fiction, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #328, December 2015 [Ref. David G. Hartwell & Patrick Nielsen Hayden]
- * Twistor, (br) Interzone #32, November/December 1989 [Ref. John Cramer]
- * Two Obituaries, (gp) Interzone #74, August 1993
- * The Two of Them, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- * Ultimate Island: On the Nature of British Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #62, Winter 1994/1995 [Ref. Nicholas Ruddick]
- * Unconquered Countries: Four Novellas, (br) Interzone #85, July 1994 [Ref. Geoff Ryman]
- * Unhampered, (rc) Interzone #86, August 1994
- * Unicorn Mountain, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990 [Ref. Michael Bishop]
- * Universe 2, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #45, May 1992 [Ref. Robert Silverberg & Karen Haber]
- * The Unknown Terrorist, (br) Interzone #211, July/August 2007 [Ref. Richard Flanagan]
- * The Unlimited Dream Company, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * Unquenchable Fire, (br) Foundation #44, Winter 1988/1989 [Ref. Rachel Pollack]
- * Ursula K Le Guin Obituary, (ob) The Guardian January 24 2018 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Use of Cormorants, (rc) Interzone #48, June 1991
- * Use of Weapons, (br) Interzone #41, November 1990 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- * Vacuum Flowers, (br) Interzone #25, September/October 1988 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * Various Booklets by Chris Drumm, (rv) Foundation #29, November 1983 [Ref. Chris Drumm]
- * Verbivore, (br) Interzone #36, June 1990 [Ref. Christine Brooke-Rose]
- * Verging on the Pertinent, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990 [Ref. Carol Emshwiller]
- * Vineland, (br) Interzone #35, May 1990 [Ref. Thomas Pynchon]
- * Virtual Light, (br) Interzone #77, November 1993 [Ref. William Gibson]
- * Vitals, (br) Interzone #181, August 2002 [Ref. Greg Bear]; revised from Science Fiction Weekly #245, 2nd January 2002.
- * Vive?, (rc) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * Voices in the Light, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994 [Ref. Sean McMullen]
- * Voyage to the Red Planet, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #26, October 1990 [Ref. Terry Bisson]
- * Voyage to the Red Planet, (br) Interzone #63, September 1992
- * Waking the Moon, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994 [Ref. Elizabeth Hand]
- * Warpath, (br) Interzone #71, May 1993 [Ref. Tony Daniel]
- * Weeping May Tarry, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Raymond F. Jones & Lester del Rey]
- * A Welcome from the Zones of Thought, (rc) Interzone #58, April 1992
- * The Werewolves of London, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991 [Ref. Brian Stableford]
- * Wetware, (br) Interzone #26, November/December 1988 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- * When They Came, (br) Interzone #207, December 2006 [Ref. Don Webb]
- * The Whips of Disenchantment and the Death of Ire and Bats, (rc) Interzone #59, May 1992
- * The White Book, (br) Interzone #60, June 1992 [Ref. Piero Scanziani]
- * White Queen, (br) Interzone #56, February 1992 [Ref. Gwyneth Jones]
- * Who Goes Here?, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- * Who’s Afraid of Beowulf?, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989 [Ref. Tom Holt]
- * Who Was That Masked Writer?, (rc) Interzone #142, April 1999
- * Why Do Birds, (br) Interzone #66, December 1992 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- * Wilderness, (br) Interzone #50, August 1991 [Ref. Dennis Danvers]
- * Wildlife, (br) Interzone #83, May 1994 [Ref. James Patrick Kelly]
- * With All of Love: Selected Poems, (br) Interzone #101, November 1995 [Ref. James Blish]
- * Wizard, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. John Varley]
- * The Wizard, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #196, December 2004 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Wolf Flow, (br) Interzone #62, August 1992 [Ref. K. W. Jeter]
- * The Wooden Spaceships, (br) Interzone #25, September/October 1988 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- * The World Beyond the Hill, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #35, July 1991 [Ref. Alexei & Cory Panshin]
- * World in Reverse, (br) The New Captain George’s Whizzbang January/February 1969
- * Worldwar: In the Balance, (br) Interzone #88, October 1994 [Ref. Harry Turtledove]
- * A Worm in the Opera, (rc) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Xenocide, (br) Interzone #52, October 1991 [Ref. Orson Scott Card]
- * Xorander, (br) Interzone #17, Autumn 1986 [Ref. Christine Brooke-Rose]
- * X, Y, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #67, March 1994 [Ref. Michael Blumlein]
- * Yellow Matter, (br) Interzone #81, March 1994 [Ref. William Barton]
- * Young Bleys, (br) Interzone #48, June 1991 [Ref. Gordon R. Dickson]
- * Young Wolfe, (br) Interzone #72, June 1993 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #21 Feb 1981, #59 Aut 1993
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #79 Jan 1994, #147 Sep 1999
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #131 Jul, #136 Dec 1999
- * [obituary], (ob) Ansible #118, 1997 [Ref. Sam Moskowitz]
- * [response to letter], (ms) Foundation #26 Oct 1982, #28 Jul 1983 [Ref. James Goddard]
- * [response to Robert M. Philmus], (ms) Interzone #78, December 1993
- * [untitled commentary], (ms) Nebula Awards Showcase 2002 ed. Kim Stanley Robinson, Roc, 2002
- * [untitled memorial], (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #330, February 2016 [Ref. David G. Hartwell]
_____, ed.
- * Advisory Editor:
* ___ Interzone, 84/Win - 2004/Spr.
- * Editor:
* ___ Interzone, 82/Spr - 84/Aut.
- * Editor (with Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Graham James, Roz Kaveney, Simon Ounsley & David Pringle): Interzone #2, Summer 1982
- * Editor (with Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Graham Jones, Roz Kaveney, Simon Ounsley & David Pringle): Interzone #1, Spring 1982
- * Editor (with Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Roz Kaveney, Simon Ounsley & David Pringle): Interzone #3 Aut 1982, #4 Spr 1983
- * Editor (with Alan Dorey, Colin Greenland, Roz Kaveney, Simon Ounsley & David Pringle): Interzone #5 Aut, #6 Win 1983, #7 Spr 1984
- * Editor (with Alan Dorey, Colin Greenland, Simon Ounsley & David Pringle): Interzone #8 Sum, #9 Aut 1984
- * Heroes in the Wind by Robert E. Howard, (Penguin Classics, September 2010, co)
- * Interzone: The 1st Anthology (with Colin Greenland & David Pringle), (J.M. Dent, March 1985, an)
- * Interzone: The 2nd Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle), (Simon & Schuster UK, August 1987, an)
- * Interzone: The 3rd Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle), (Simon & Schuster UK, September 1988, an)
- * Interzone: The 4th Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle), (Simon & Schuster UK, August 1989, an)
- * Interzone: The 5th Anthology (with Lee Montgomerie & David Pringle), (NEL, August 1991, an)
- * Tesseracts8 (with Candas Jane Dorsey), (Tesseract, October 1999, oa)
_____, [ref.]
- * Appleseed by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #166, April 2001
- * Appleseed by Paul Kincaid, (br) Foundation #83, Autumn 2001
- * Appleseed by Damien Broderick, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #172, December 2002
- * The Book of End Times by Brian M. Stableford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #144, August 2000
- * Canary Fever: Reviews by Paul Kincaid, (rc) Interzone #223, July/August 2009
- * Cremators of Science Fiction, 1 & 2: Brian Stableford & John Clute by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #130, April 1998
- * The Critic by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1997
- * The Darkening Garden: A Short Lexicon of Horror by Henry Wessells, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #223, March 2007
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with Paul Barnett) by Andrew Sawyer, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with Paul Barnett) by Ian Watson, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #135, Fall 1997
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with Paul Barnett) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Weird Tales Summer 1998
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with Paul Barnett) by Lincoln Van Rose, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2000
- * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (with Peter Nicholls) by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992
- * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (with Peter Nicholls) by Edward James, (br) Foundation #58, Summer 1993
- * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (with Peter Nicholls) by David G. Hartwell, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #61, September 1993
- * InterGalactic Interview with John Clute by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #25, November 2011
- * Interview with John Clute, (iv) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine June/July 2024
- * An Interview with John Clute by Jason Van Hollander, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #220, December 2006
- * Interzone: The 1st Anthology (with Colin Greenland & David Pringle) by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Foundation #34, Autumn 1985
- * Interzone: The 1st Anthology (with Colin Greenland & David Pringle) by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1987
- * Interzone: The 2nd Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle) by Stefan Lewicki, (br) Foundation #42, Spring 1988
- * Interzone: The 4th Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Interzone: The 4th Anthology (with Simon Ounsley & David Pringle) by Stefan Lewicki, (br) Foundation #49, Summer 1990
- * Interzone: The 5th Anthology (with Lee Montgomerie & David Pringle) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #54, December 1991
- * Interzone: The First Anthology (with Colin Greenland & David Pringle) by Stuart Napier, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * John Clute by David Griffin, (iv) Carnage Hall #5, 1994
- * John Clute: 2001 by David Langford, (iv) 2001
- * John Clute and John Grant: 1999 by David Langford, (iv) 1999
- * John Clute, Contributor by David Brittain, (iv) Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds by David Brittain, Savoy Books, 2013
- * Look at the Evidence by Howard Waldrop, (br) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1996
- * Look at the Evidence: Essays and Reviews by Kenneth V. Bailey, (rc) Foundation #70, Summer 1997
- * Losing Our Amnesia: An Interview with John Clute by David Mathew, (iv) infinity plus November 2001
- * The Nine Billion Names of Fantasy…and an Encyclopedia of Other Concerns by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #142, April 1999
- * Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia by Sam Moskowitz, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #129, Fall 1995
- * The Stars of Modern SF Pick the Best Science Fiction by Various, (ar) The Guardian May 14 2011
- * Stilts in the Heartrock by Nick Gevers, (iv) Interzone #166, April 2001
- * Strokes by Patrick Nielsen Hayden, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #3, November 1988
- * Strokes: Essays and Reviews 1966-1986 by Anthony Trull, (br) Thrust #33, Spring 1989
- * Ten Pounds of Clute by Lawrence Person, (ar) Nova Express Winter/Spring 1998
- * Tesseracts8 (with Candas Jane Dorsey) by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone #157, July 2000
- * Tesseracts8: New Canadian Speculative Fiction (with Candas Jane Dorsey) by Jenny Blackford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #148, December 2000
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