The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1496
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[]Burns (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) If July 1962
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Magazine Aug, Oct 1960, Oct, Dec 1961, Aug 1963
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Magazine (UK) #81, #82 1960, #88 1961, #89 1962
- * [illustration(s)], (il) If Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1962, Sep, Dec 1966, Jan, Feb 1967
- * [illustration(s)], (il) If (UK) #15 Mar, #16 May, #17 Jul, #18 Sep 1962, Jul, Oct 1967
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1966
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Worlds of Tomorrow (UK) Summer 1967
[]Burns, Alan (1929-2013) (about) (chron.)
- * Babel, (ex) Calder & Boyars, 1969
- * The Liberated Feminist, (ar) Zimri #3, June 1972
- * Nebula Award Stories 2, (br) Zimri #3, June 1972 [Ref. Brian Aldiss & Harry Harrison]
- * New Writings in SF 20, (br) Zimri #3, June 1972 [Ref. E. J. Carnell]
- * The Water of the Wondrous Isles, (br) Zimri #3, June 1972 [Ref. William Morris]
- * [letter], (lt) Zimri #3 Jun 1972, #4 Jan 1973
[]Burns, Alan (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Citizen’s Rights, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955
- * Deviant, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #25, 1962
- * Housel, (ss) Science Fantasy #72, May 1965
- * King Kull and the Sea Witch, (pm) Amra v2 #13, 1960
- * NEZFEZ—1, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955
- * Passenger, (ss) Science Fantasy #79, December 1965
- * Pixy Planet, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962
- * Placebo, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #30, 1963
- * [limerick], (pm) Amra v2 #11, 1960
[]Burns, Caltha (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * Charming Gabrielle, (ss) Tales of Temptation December 1926
- * Countess Maritza, (??) American Beauties July 1926
- * Definition, (pm) Paris Nights November 1926
- * The Husband Snatcher, (ss) Sex Stories March 1927
- * Love in a Taxi, (ss) Paris Nights July 1928
- * Loves of Long Ago, (ar) Sentimental Stories April 1927 [Ref. Lola Montez]
- * Mistress of the Medici, (ar) Tales of Temptation January 1927 [Ref. Bianca Capello]
- * Mlle. Genevieve Makes Herself at Home, (ss) Paris Nights October 1928
- * Passions of the Past, (cl) Tales of Temptation March 1927
- * The Right Way Is the Best Way, (hu) Laughter November 1926
- * Sufficient Unto the Day, (pm) Laughter December 1926
- * The Tale of Diane de Poitiers, (ar) Paris Nights July 1927
- * Up the Hill, (ss) Paris Nights December 1927/January 1928
- * [unknown title], (ar) American Beauties August 1926
[]Burns, Christopher (1944- ) (chron.)
- * Among the Wounded, (ss) Interzone #22, Winter 1987
- * Angelo’s Passion, (ss) The London Magazine December 1987
- * Babel, (ss) Interzone #25, September/October 1988
- * Daniel’s Skyline, (ss) The Time Out Book of New York Short Stories ed. Nicholas Royle, Penguin, 1997
- * Dealing in Fictions, (ss) The London Magazine 1985
- * Fogged Plates, (ss) Interzone #11, Spring 1985
- * Foreigner, (ss) The Warwick Review September 2010
- * Frau im Mond, (ar) Cinema Futura ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2010
- * John’s Return to Liverpool, (ss) Interzone #10, Winter 1984/1985
- * Life Afterwards, (ss) Interzone #114, December 1996
- * The Numbers, (ss) Nightjar Press, June 2016
- * Quaint Honor, (ss) Neonlit: Time Out Book of New Writing Vol. 1 ed. Nicholas Royle, Quartet, 1998
- * A Visit to the Bonesetter, (ss) Nightjar Press, November 2021
_____, [ref.]
[]Burns, Cliff (1963- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Against a Dark Background, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #67, March 1994 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- * Also Starring, (vi) Tesseracts4 ed. Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet, Beach Holme Books, 1992
- * Apocalypse Beach, (vi) Portents #5, 1987
- * April 26, 1987—7:56 PM, (vi) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * “Arrival”, (ss)
- * Blues for a Dying Breed, (ss) In Dreams ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, Gollancz, 1992
- * Canada and the Art of Subtle Censorship, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Carl, (ss) New Blood
- * Cattletruck, (ss) Midnight Graffiti #3, Spring 1989
- * Charles Beaumont: An Introduction, (ar) The Silver Web #7, Fall/Winter 1991 [Ref. Charles Beaumont]
- * Conundrum, (vi) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Could You Tell Us Where You Get Your Ideas From?, (ss) Revelations from Yuggoth #3, February 1989
- * Cranes, (pm) Genuinely Inspired Primitive by Cliff Burns, Cliff Burns, 1993
- * The Cycle of Life, (vi) Not One of Us #11, November 1993
- * The Dark of Night/The Light of Day, (vi) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- * Daughter, (ss) Crimewave #4, 2000
- * Dry, (ss)
- * The End, (ss)
- * Final Showing, (ss)
- * Five Thoughts, (vi) Not One of Us #8, October 1991
- * Freak Accident, (ss) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Glory Days (Slight Return), (vi) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- * The Haunted House, (vi) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * The Hibakusha, (ss) Nøctulpa #2, Spring 1988
- * “The Horror! The Horror!”, (ar) Jabberwocky Summer 1989
- * In Dreams, Awake, (ss) Space & Time #84, Fall 1994
- * Invisible Boy, (ss) 1987
- * The Iron Dragon’s Daughter, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #76, December 1994 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * The Joy of Necrophilious Bestiality, (pm) New Blood Summer 1989
- * Kafka Fuck, (vi) The Silver Web #8, Spring/Summer 1992
- * “Live! From Planet Earth!”, (ss)
- * Looking Into the Abyss, (ar) The Silver Web #9, Winter/Spring 1993
- * The Lovers Speak: Three Stories of Hearts in Darkness, (gp) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- * Man Disassembling, (vi) EOTU
- * Monologue, (vi)
- * Murder of John Lennon (A Collage), (ss) EOTU
- * New World Man, (ss) On Spec Fall 1997
- * Old Friends, (vi)
- * Place of Meeting, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- * Printed Matter, (ss) On Spec Spring 2004
- * Public Enemy, (vi) Not One of Us #4, November 1988
- * RSVP, (ss) Grain
- * Sex & Other Acts of the Imagination, (co) Harman Burns Publications, December 1990
- * Sex * Tet: A Horrific Medley of Old Favourites, (gp)
- * Snow Angels, (ss) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- * Something in the Air (Tonight), (vi) The Stake #4, 1993
- * Son of Nixon, (ss) TransVersions #5, 1996
- * The Strange Music, (vi)
- * Strays, (ss) Premonitions #1, Winter 1992
- * Surrealist World, (ss) On Spec Summer 2005
- * Teenage Wasteland, (ss)
- * This Year’s Model, (vi) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- * Untitled #1,000,000, (pm) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Untitled #1,000,001, (pm) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Untitled #1,000,002, (pm) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Visions of Depravity, (ss) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion #1, 1992
- * Walt Disney in Hell, (vi)
- * Windigo, (ss) Roadworks #12, Summer 2001
- * The Woman Who Gave Good Phone, (vi) Gauntlet #1, 1990
- * The Word, (br) The Silver Web #10 Fll/Win 1993, #11 Spr/Sum 1994, #12 Sum 1995, #13 1996, #14 1997
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