The FictionMags Index
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[]Archer, Jeffrey (Howard) (1940- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Alibi, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * And Thereby Hangs a Tale, (co) Macmillan, 2010
- * Baked Beans on Toast? Certainly Not, How Disgraceful, (ar) The Daily Telegraph November 2 2024
- * Better the Devil You Know, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Blind Date, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Caste-Off, (nv) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, (oc) Macmillan, 2007
- * Charity Begins at Home, (nv) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * Checkmate, (ss) A Twist in the Tale by Jeffrey Archer, Hodder, 1988
- * The Commissioner, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * Don’t Drink the Water, (nv) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * Double-Cross, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * The First Miracle, (ss) A Quiver Full of Arrows by Jeffrey Archer, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980
- * A Good Eye, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * A Greek Tragedy, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * High Heels, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * In the Eye of the Beholder, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * It Can’t Be October Already, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * “I Will Survive”, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Know What I Mean?, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * The Luck of the Irish, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Maestro, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * The Man Who Robbed His Own Post Office, (nv) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * Members Only, (nv) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Never Stop on the Motorway, (ss) Twelve Red Herrings by Jeffrey Archer, Collins, 1994
- * No Room at the Inn, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * One-Night Stand, (ss) A Quiver Full of Arrows by Jeffrey Archer, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980
- * Politically Correct, (nv) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Preface, (pr) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * The Prodigal Daughter, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1982
- * The Queen’s Birthday Telegram, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * The Red King, (nv) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
- * Stuck on You, (ss) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * The Undiplomatic Diplomat, (nv) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * Where There’s a Will, (nv) And Thereby Hangs a Tale, Macmillan, 2010
- * The Wisdom of Solomon, (ss) Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories, Macmillan, 2007
_____, [ref.]
[]Archer, Jules (1915-2008); used pseudonym Shailer Upton Lawton (about) (chron.)
- * Ah, Sweet Mystery of Knife, (ss) Mystery Digest March 1958
- * Any Man’s Woman, (ar) Adventure December 1963, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Are European Women Sexually Superior?, (ar) Male November 1953, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Are You a “Love Coward”?, (ar) Adventure June 1960
- * Are You Worried About It?, (ar) Rogue December 1955
- * Babes for Your Blacklist, (ar) Rogue December 1956
- * Big Dame Hunter, (ar) Rogue August 1956
- * Blanket Battleground, (hu) Mayfair v24 #9, 1989
- * The Bloody Butchers of Milne, (ts) Battle Cry December 1955
- * Can You Avoid These Love Traps, (ar) Man’s Adventure April 1965
- * Can You Handle These 10 Sex Situations?, (ar) Real Men July 1956
- * The Case of the House of Hate, (ss) The Evening Citizen September 17 1949
- * The Chimney of Holy John, (ss) Collier’s October 15 1949
- * The Cigarette, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories April 1955
- * Coffin Drop!, (ss) Detective Tales June 1947
- * The Compassionate Approach, (ar) Rogue September 1957
- * Dead Pigeon, (vi) Esquire December 1951
- * Did We Attack First at Pearl Harbor?, (ar) Adventure February 1964
- * A Dingo for Delilah, (ss) Adventure August 1947
- * Disease Trackers, (ar) Adventure August 1964
- * Do Dames Make a Sucker of You?, (ar) Sir Knight v3 #5, 1962
- * Does College Hurt the Man?, (ar) Cavalier March 1953
- * Don’t Be Shocked by Love, (ar) Adventure April 1960
- * Don’t Underestimate the Homos, (ar) Adventure June 1962
- * Emily Wants to Kill Me, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1949
- * Erne to Roost, (ss) Mayfair v22 #12, 1987
- * Feather in His Cap, (ss) Sir! October 1944
- * 15 Mistakes Everyone Makes on the Stock Market, (ar) Bluebook for Men April 1962
- * Final Hours, (ss) Adventure December 1949
- * Fire and Water, (ar) Adventure May 1951
- * Flattery Will Get You Somewhere, (ar) Rogue August 1957
- * Flower of Death, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories June 1955
- * Franco and the Spanish Civil War, (ar) Mankind December 1967
- * Gorgeous Gabriele, (ar) Adventure April 1963
- * Green Bells of Hell, (ss) Doc Savage July/August 1947
- * Highway to Hell, (ar) Adventure March 1948
- * Hot Girls in the Cool Pacific, (ar) Caper March 1959
- * The House of Hate, (ss) The Evening Citizen September 17 1949, as "The Case of the House of Hate"
- * How to Be a Cad, (ar) Rogue June 1956
- * How to Deliver a Baby, (ar) Cavalcade (Australia) April 1951
- * How to Make Out at Parties, (ar) Rogue December 1958
- * How to Stay Married—and Happy, (ar) Argosy April 1949, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * I Can’t Stand Blood, (nv) Black Book Detective September 1948
- * The Initiation, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #5, Fall 1989
- * Inspiration Hill, (ar) Liberty October 5 1946
- * It’s Your Funeral, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories December 1954
- * The Jibe and Jeer Technique, (ar) Rogue October 1957
- * Keep Love the Hell Out of It, (ss) Fling v1 #5, 1958
- * King Kong: World War II’s Greatest Traitor, (ts) See for Men November 1959
- * Ladies’ Man, (ss) Redbook May 1955
- * The Lady and the Gunslinger, (ts) Men May 1956
- * Magic-Fella Skin, (nv) Doc Savage July/August 1948
- * A Manual for Heels, (ar) Rogue October 1956
- * The Man Who Clowned His Way to State Capitol, (ar) Adam December 1960 [Ref. Vic Meyers]
- * The Man Who Found Five Billion Dollars, (ar) Adventure April 1956
- * Men Who Molest Women, (ar) Man’s Magazine January 1962, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Men with Tails, (ar) Australian Cavalcade October 1946
- * The Mistake of Christopher Columbus, (ss) Imagination September 1951
- * Murder Is a Matter of Opinion, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1948
- * My Body Lies Over the Sea, (nv) Malcolm’s March 1954
- * Nero: The Mad Emperor of Rome, (ar) Mayfair v25 #7, 1990
- * New Year Dissolutions, (hu) Mayfair v24 #1, 1989
- * 9 Ways a Man Can Go Wrong Sexually, (ar) Adventure August 1960
- * One for the Book, (ss) Mystery Digest May 1958
- * One Man Invasion of Mexico, (ar) Espionage Magazine July 1987
- * Open the Chastity Belt—Richard!, (ms) Rogue February 1957
- * Out of the Frying Pan, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1948
- * Over-Passionate Women: Dilemma of U.S. Males, (ar) Bluebook for Men September 1962
- * The Pagliacci Murders, (ss) National Forum Winter 1987
- * Persistent Image, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1957
- * The Phony, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1949
- * Rx for Glamour Girls, (ar) Rogue December 1957
- * The Secret of Enduring Sex Power, (ar) Adventure April 1962
- * Seduction—When Is It Rape?, (ar) Rogue February 1956
- * Set It to Music, (ss) Scientific Detective April 1947
- * Sex and the College Teacher, (ar) Fling December 1964
- * Sex and the Hard Drinker, (ar) Adventure October 1964
- * Sex Facts for Men, (ar) Stag June 1954, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * The Sex Life of an Unfaithful Wife, (ar) Male December 1953, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Sex Manuel for Men, (ar) Stag October 1953, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Sex Traps for Bachelors, (ar) Adventure September 1956
- * Sexual Freaks, (ar) Man’s Magazine June 1963, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * Sexual Timing, (ar) Man’s Magazine November 1959, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * The Shadow Sex, (ar) Adventure August 1963
- * Shocking Sex Episodes in Your Life, (ar) Adventure October 1960
- * Sin Is Where You Find It, (ar) Adventure August 1961
- * Sin Under the A-Bomb, (ar) Bluebook for Men March 1964
- * Sold to Satan!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1948
- * So You Want a Glamour Girl, (ar) Rogue April 1957
- * Takeo Yoshikawa: Success at Pearl Harbor, (ar) Espionage Magazine June 1986
- * 10 Sex Secrets No Woman Tells, (ar) Adventure October 1962
- * They Ordered Her to Die, (ar) Man’s Adventure September 1957 [Ref. Pauline Cushman]
- * Thunder Down Under, (nv) Adventure April 1949
- * Tiger by the Tail, (ss) Malcolm’s January 1954
- * To Barbary or to Hell, (ss) Adventure January 1950
- * Two Came Back, (ss) Doc Savage May/June 1948
- * Underworld of Sex, (ar) Cavalier August 1953
- * Virgins Make Better Husbands, (ar) Stag October 1951
- * Wake Up to a Nightmare, (nv) Malcolm’s May 1954
- * We Called Him Traitor!, (ts) Male August 1951
- * The West’s Wildest Hell-Raiser, (ts) Stag January 1957
- * What to Tell Your Wife About Sex, (ar) Male August 1956, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * When a Girl Goes to Prison, (ar) True Confessions March 1959
- * White-Water Jets, (ar) Argosy August 1950
- * The Wide-Awake Business of Sleep, (ar) Collier’s September 17 1949
- * Wine, Woman, and S’Long, (ss) Mystery Digest September 1957
- * Woman’s Most Intimate Secret—Virginity, (ar) Adventure August 1962
- * Your Wife’s Secret Sex Thoughts, (ar) Man’s Magazine November 1958, as by Shailer Upton Lawton
- * You Slay Me, Darling, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1949, as "Emily Wants to Kill Me"
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