The FictionMags Index
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Sridhar, Priya (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- About Love for a Man’s Art, (pm) Hungur Magazine #11, November 2010
- Frightened Children, (ss) Liquid Imagination #20, February 2014
- Mushroom Thumb, (ss) Outposts of Beyond #5, July 2014
- The God in the Forge, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #6, November 2014
- Down the Well, (ss) Liquid Imagination #26, August 2015
- The Opera Singer, (ss) She Walks in Shadows ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Paula R. Stiles, Innsmouth Free Press, 2015
- The Castle’s Women, (ss) Expanded Horizons #47, October 2015
- Fire and Snow, (ss) Outposts of Beyond #10, October 2015
- Dory & Me, (ss) Outposts of Beyond #11, January 2016
- The Boy and the Boemen, (ss) Mirror Dance #33, Spring 2016
- Porphyria: Dazzle Con Debut, (ss) The Future Fire #37, 2016
- The Farthest Nebula, (ss) Mantid Magazine v2, 2016
- Vampire Fruit Bat, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #13, August 2016
- The Jeweled Nawab Jungle Retreat, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #214, December 8 2016
- Feline Enemy # 1, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #16, May 2017
- Found on Proxima B, (ss) Alien Dimensions #12, 2017
- Memoriam, (ss) Where the Stars Rise ed. Lucas K. Law & Derwin Mak, Laksa Media, 2017
- The Serpent by the Lake, (ss) Expanded Horizons #59, August 2018
- The Mask of Niamh Diado, (ss) Outposts of Beyond October 2018
- Poetry Support Group, (ss) The Internet Is Where the Robots Live Now ed. Nicole B. Jacobson, Paper Dog Books, 2018
- The System Is Broken for People of Colour: Why Dan Mallory’s Situation Is a Grumpy Canary in a Coal Mine, (ar) Strange Horizons May 27 2019
- Heavy Reprises of a Dark Berceuse, (ss) Lackington’s #20, Fall 2019
- The Sandbar Original Cast Soundtrack, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #37, October 2019
- Mustard Seeds and the Elephant’s Foot, (ss) If This Goes On ed. Cat Rambo, Parvus Press, 2019
- The Last Blanket Fort Concert, (ss) Shelter of Daylight January 2020
- The Oldest Solution, (ss) Strange Horizons February 17 2020
- Mr. Lieber Comes to Hirta, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #2, February 2020
- How to Build a Better Beau, (ss) LampLight June 2020
- The Taste of Storms, (ss) Curiosities #7, 2020
- The Last-Minute Babysitter, (ss) Night Frights #1, 2020
- Baby Moose, (ss) Shelter of Daylight January 2021
- A Resting Place for Dolls, (ss) The Dark #69, February 2021
- Puddle Duck, (ss) Shelter of Daylight Summer 2021
- This Is How You Make Selkie Skins, (vi) Mermaids Monthly #7, July 2021
- Funnel Dresses, (ss) Zooscape #16, December 20 2022
- Brains in a Jar, Video Games in a Petri Dish, (ar) Clarkesworld #199, April 2023
- There’s a New Octopus Sheriff in Town, (ar) Clarkesworld #203, August 2023
- Space Vineyards and Microgravity Wine, (ar) Clarkesworld #206, November 2023
- A Letter from the Editors (with Bennett North), (ed) Translunar Travelers Lounge #11, August 2024
- Do Termites Celebrate Holidays?, (ar) Clarkesworld #220, January 2025
Sriduangkaew, Benjanun; pseudonym (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (items)
- Chang’e Dashes from the Moon [Scale-Bright], (ss) Expanded Horizons #36, August 2012
- Courtship in the Country of Machine-Gods, (nv) The Future Fire #24, 2012
- Woman of the Sun, Woman of the Moon [Scale-Bright], (nv) GigaNotoSaurus November 1 2012
- The Crows Her Dragon’s Gate [Scale-Bright], (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #118, April 4 2013
- Annex, (ss) Clarkesworld #79, April 2013
- Vector, (ss) We See a Different Frontier ed. Fabio Fernandes & Djibril al-Ayad, Futurefire, 2013
- The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly, (ss) Clockwork Phoenix 4 ed. Mike Allen, Mythic Delirium Books, 2013
- Different Frontiers: Taking Over English, (ar) Strange Horizons November 25 2013
- Paya-Nak, (ss) Scigentasy November 2013
- Fade to Gold, (ss) End of the Road: An Anthology of Original Short Stories ed. Jonathan Oliver, Solaris, 2013
- Silent Bridge, Pale Cascade, (ss) Clarkesworld #87, December 2013
- Zeraquesh in Absentia, (ss) The Dark #3, February 2014
- Golden Daughter, Stone Wife, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #144, April 3 2014
- Elision, (ss) La Femme ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2014
- Autodidact, (ss) Clarkesworld #91, April 2014
- Sixty Years in the Women’s Province, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus July 1 2014
- Ningyo, (ss) Phantasm Japan ed. Nick Mamatas & Masumi Washington, Haikasoru, 2014
- Synecdoche Oracles, (ss) Upgraded ed. Neil Clarke, Wyrm Publishing, 2014
- Scale-Bright [Scale-Bright], (na) Immersion Press, 2014
- And the Burned Moths Remain, (ss) January 14 2015
- The Petals Abide, (ss) Clarkesworld #103, April 2015
- The Insurrectionist and the Empress Who Reigns Over Time, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #178, July 23 2015
- The Occidental Bride, (ss) Clarkesworld #108, September 2015
- Provenance, (ss) She Walks in Shadows ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Paula R. Stiles, Innsmouth Free Press, 2015
- Desert Lexicon, (nv) Meeting Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2015
- The Beast at the End of Time, (ss) Apex Magazine #81, February 2016
- That Which Stands Tends Toward Free Fall, (ss) Clarkesworld #113, February 2016
- The Finch’s Wedding and the Hive That Sings, (ss) Clockwork Phoenix 5 ed. Mike Allen, Mythic Delirium Books, 2016
- Under She Who Devours Suns, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #204, July 21 2016
- Comet’s Call, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) July/September 2016
- The Prince Who Gave Up Her Empire, (ss) Apex Magazine #88, September 2016
- We Are All Wasteland on the Inside, (ss) The Future Fire #39, 2016
- Parable of the Cocoon, (ss) Big Echo #3, February 2017
- The Sun Shall Lie Across Us Like Gold [Governess and We], (ss) Clockwork Cairo ed. Matthew Bright, Twopenny Books, 2017
- No Pearls as Blue as These, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #232, August 17 2017
- Red as Water, White as Ruin, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2018
- Methods Devour Themselves (with J. Moufawad-Paul), (oc) Zero Books, August 2018
- Authorial Intentionality, (aw) Methods Devour Themselves with J. Moufawad-Paul, Zero Books, 2018
- Krungthep Is an Onomatopoeia, (ss) Methods Devour Themselves with J. Moufawad-Paul, Zero Books, 2018
- That Rough-Hewn Sun, (nv) Methods Devour Themselves with J. Moufawad-Paul, Zero Books, 2018
- The Five Secret Truths of Demonkind, (ss) Big Echo #9, August 2018
- That August Song, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #283, August 1 2019
- Tiger, Tiger Bright, (ss) The Dark #51, August 2019
- Where Machines Run with Gold, (na) The Future Fire #50, 2019
- We Will Become as Monsters, (nv) The Future Fire #55, 2020
- The City Still Dreams of Her Name, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #319, December 17 2020
Srinivas, Simo (fl. 2020s) (about) (items)
- A Dark Star Strikes the Stonemason, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #37, November 2022
- Plum Century, (vi) Fantasy Magazine #85, November 2022
- The Ballad of the Octopus, (ss) Khōréō v2 #4, 2023
- The November Lamassus, (ss) Strange Horizons June 19 2023
- Bozpo Witch-Bane, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #93, July 2023
- The Cauldron, (ss) Baffling Magazine #13, October 2023
Srivatsa, Prashanth (fl. 2020s) (items)
- A Girl at the End of the World, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #31, June 2020
- Perumal and the God of Words, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- Seven Dreams of a Valley, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #307, July 2 2020
- Marasa, or a Withdrawal of Pure Joy for Mr. Antar, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #4, July/August 2021
- A Barber in Pigtails, (ss) Tasavvur #1, Winter 2022
- A Little More Kindness, (ss) Reckoning #6, Winter 2022
- Rakshasa in a Pot, (nv) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #51, 2022
- Floating on the Stream That Brings from the Fount, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2023
- The Pillars of Silence, (ss) New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine Fall 2023
- Meet-Your-Hero, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2023
- The Spirit Machines, (ss) Interzone #299, May 2024
Staats, William H. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Ex-Outlaw, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st November 1934
- Crowded Luck, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1935
- Holdup, (ss) Western Romances #58, March 1936
- Barbed Wire, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st January 1937
- Rustler Man, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st February 1937
- Too Cold for Love, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1937
- Renegade Romeo, (ss) Western Love Story Magazine December 1938
- Murder on the Moon, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1939
- Dusky Trails, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1940
- No Place for a Woman, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st February 1941
- Jailbreak, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st May 1947
Stabenow, Dana (Helen) (1952- ) (books) (items)
- Nooses Give [Kate Shugak], (ss) The Mysterious West ed. Tony Hillerman, HarperCollins, 1994
- No Place Like Home, (ss) Star Colonies ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2000
- Missing, Presumed…, (ss) And the Dying Is Easy ed. Joseph Pittman & Annette Riffle, Signet, 2001
- Introduction, (in) Wild Crimes ed. Dana Stabenow, Signet, 2004, etc.
- Wreck Rights, (nv) Wild Crimes ed. Dana Stabenow, Signet, 2004
- Justice Is a Two-Edged Sword, (nv) Powers of Detection ed. Dana Stabenow, Ace, 2004
- Perfect Gift, (ss) Wolfsbane and Mistletoe ed. Charlaine Harris & Toni L. P. Kelner, Ace, 2008
- On the Evidence [Liam Campbell], (ss) At the Scene of the Crime ed. Dana Stabenow, Running Press, 2008
- A Woman’s Work [Seer and Sword], (nv) Unusual Suspects ed. Dana Stabenow, Ace, 2008
- Gold Fever, (nv) Two of the Deadliest ed. Elizabeth George, Harper, 2009
- Cherchez la Femme, (ss) Hook, Line & Sinister ed. T. Jefferson Parker, Countryman Press, 2010
- Siren Song, (ss) The Monster’s Corner ed. Christopher Golden, Piatkus, 2011
Stableford, Brian (Michael) (1948-2024); used pseudonyms S. May Amarinth, Francis Amery, Olympe Chambrionne, Brian Craig, Brian Craig & Kay Stirling (about) (books) (items)
- Beyond Time’s Aegis (with Craig MacKintosh), (nv) Science Fantasy #78, November 1965, as by Brian Craig
- SF or Not SF? A Letter from a Reader, (lt) Science Fantasy #78, November 1965
- Punishment III: The Land That Time Regretted, (rr) Xeron #3, May 1966, as by Kay Stirling
- [letter], (lt) Xeron #3, May 1966, etc.
- The Man Who Came Back, (vi) sf Impulse October 1966
- Mime for Silent Music, (vi) Xeron #5, January 1967
- The Vines (with Craig MacKintosh), (ss) Xeron #5, January 1967, as by Brian Craig
- Inconstancy, (ss) sf Impulse February 1967
- Dreams: The Tale of Asper, (ss) Xeron #7, December 1967
- The Enchanted Incompetent, or The Lay of Hairoil O’Ley, (ss) Xeron #7, December 1967, as by Kay Stirling
- Prisoner in the Ice, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow November 1969
- Cradle of the Sun, (n.) Ace, 1969
- The Compleat Silverberg, (ar) Speculation Autumn 1972 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- Postscript to the Compleat Silverberg, (ar) Speculation March 1973 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- The Evolution of Science Fiction, (ar) Beyond This Horizon ed. Christopher Carrell, Ceolfrith Press, 1973
- A Time of Changes, (br) Foundation #5, January 1974 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- View from Another Shore, (br) Foundation #5, January 1974 [Ref. Franz Rottensteiner]
- Science Fiction: A Sociological Perspective, (ar) Fantastic Stories March 1974
- Heritage of the Star, (br) Foundation #6, May 1974 [Ref. Sylvia Engdahl]
- A Story with a Happy Ending, (vi) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #6, 1974
- The Future in Books: SF: The Nature of the Medium, (es) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1974
- Sad Story, (vi) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #8, 1974
- The Sun’s Tears, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories October 1974
- An Offer of Oblivion, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories December 1974
- Casey Agonistes & Other Stories, (br) Foundation #7/8, March 1975 [Ref. Richard McKenna]
- The Conqueror, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #3, 1975
- Star Rider, (br) Foundation #7/8, March 1975 [Ref. Doris Piserchia]
- The Engineer and the Executioner, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1975
- Judas Story, (ss) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series III ed. Richard Davis, DAW, 1975
- The Social Role of S.F., (ar) Algol Summer 1975
- Grimus, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Salman Rushdie]
- Ice and Iron, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Wilson Tucker]
- The Quincunx of Time, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. James Blish]
- The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Joseph F. Patrouch, Jr. & Isaac Asimov]
- Soul of the Robot, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Barrington J. Bayley]
- The Metamorphosis of Robert Silverberg, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v3 #3, 1976
- Catchworld, (br) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. Chris Boyce]
- Shipwreck, (br) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. Charles Logan]
- William Wilson’s Prospectus for Science Fiction: 1851, (ar) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. William Wilson]
- Captain Fagan Died Alone, (ss) The DAW Science Fiction Reader ed. Donald A. Wollheim, DAW, 1976
- Bridge of Ashes, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- The Fantastic Pulps, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Peter Haining]
- The Hand of Oberon, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- High-Rise, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- Insoluble Problems: Barry Malzberg’s Career in Science Fiction, (ar) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Barry Malzberg]
- The Space Machine, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- Sojan, (br) Vector September 1977 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- Who’s Who in Science Fiction, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1977 [Ref. Brian Ash]
- John Brunner: An Appreciation, (ar) Novacon 7 Programme Book ed. Dave Langford, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1977 [Ref. John Brunner]
- The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- The Best from the Rest of the World, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Donald A. Wollheim]
- Mindbridge, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Joe Haldeman]
- Nebula Maker, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
- A Scanner Darkly, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- The Science Fiction of James Blish, (ar) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. James Blish]
- Slapstick, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- Social Problems Through Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. John W. Milstead, Martin Harry Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia Warrick]
- Sociology Through Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. John W. Milstead, Martin Harry Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia Warrick]
- The Beginning and the End, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- Darwin to Double Helix, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Leonard Isaacs]
- Graven Images, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Edward Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg]
- The Great Los Angeles Blizzard, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Thom Racina]
- If the Stars Are Gods, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund]
- Michaelmas, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Algis J. Budrys]
- Mind of My Mind, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Octavia E. Butler]
- Patternmaster, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Octavia E. Butler]
- Science Fiction and the Image of the Future, (ar) Foundation #14, September 1978
- Locked in the Slaughterhouse, (ar) Arena SF #8, October 1978 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- Altered States, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Paddy Chayefsky]
- Chorale, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Barry N. Malzberg]
- A Double Shadow, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Frederick Turner]
- Enemies of the System, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- Notes Toward a Sociology of Science Fiction, (ar) Foundation #15, January 1979
- Passing for Human, (br) Foundation #15, January 1979 [Ref. Jody Scott]
- Social Design in Science Fiction, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories February 1979
- The Crew of the Mekong, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. E. Voiskunsky & I. Lukodyanov]
- Dreamsnake, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Vonda McIntyre]
- The Jewel-Hinged Jaw, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- The Masters of Solitude, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Marvin Kaye & Parke Godwin]
- Miracle Visitors, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- The Utopian Dream Revisited: Socioeconomic Speculation in the SF of Mack Reynolds, (ar) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Mack Reynolds]
- Mortification of the Flesh, (ss) Ad Astra #5, 1979
- Vector Analysis, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Jack C. Haldeman, II]
- Vertigo, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- Security, (vi) Western Mail November 24 1979
- Macrolife, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. George Zebrowski]
- Science Fiction: A Critical Guide, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Patrick Parrinder]
- Universe 9, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Terry Carr]
- Watchtower, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Elizabeth A. Lynn]
- [response to Brian Aldiss], (ms) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- Because It Was There, (br) Arena SF #10, April 1980 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- Earthchild, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980 [Ref. Doris Piserchia]
- The Jesus Incident, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980 [Ref. Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom]
- Cosmic Encounter, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- Far Future Calling, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
- The Future Between the Wars: The Speculative Fiction of John Gloag, (ar) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. John Gloag]
- Jailbird, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.]
- Naming the Animals: A Haunting, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Ned Crawford]
- The Seed of Evil, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Barrington J. Bayley]
- Cosmic Clockwork Counterfeit, (br) Arena SF #11, November 1980 [Ref. Joan D. Vinge]
- Sugar and Spice, (br) Arena SF #11, November 1980 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- The Incredible Whelk, (ss) Ludd’s Mill #16/17, 1980
- Golem 100, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Alfred Bester]
- The Old Gods Waken, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- Ringworld Engineers, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Larry Niven]
- The Steel, the Mist and the Blazing Sun, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Christopher Anvil]
- Their Immortal Hearts: Three Visions of Time, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Bruce McAllister]
- The Travails of Jane Saint, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Josephine Saxton]
- Ian Watson: An Appreciation, (ar) Yorcon 2 Programme Book ed. Alan Dorey, Yorcon, 1981 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- Man-Made Catastrophes in SF, (ar) Foundation #22, June 1981
- Under Heaven’s Bridge, (br) Foundation #22, June 1981 [Ref. Ian Watson & Michael Bishop]
- Weltanschauung!, (br) Arena SF #12, Summer 1981 [Ref. Gregory Benford]
- The World and Thorinn, (br) Foundation #22, June 1981 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- The Cool War, (br) Foundation #23, October 1981 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- Orbit 21, (br) Foundation #23, October 1981 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- Second Chance, (ss) Pictures at an Exhibition ed. Ian Watson, Greystoke Mobray Ltd., 1981
- The Realistic Romances of Edgar Fawcett, (ar) Foundation #24, February 1982 [Ref. Edgar Fawcett]
- A Gift of Mirrorvax, (br) Foundation #25, June 1982 [Ref. Malcolm MacCloud]
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