The FictionMags Index
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Stay, Douglas (Alan Summers) (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- Small Parts, (ss) The Leading Edge #29, August 1994
- Thorncrown, (ss) The Leading Edge #35, February 1998
- Meet George Jetson, (ar) The Leading Edge #37, March 1999
- True Names, (ar) The Leading Edge #38, November 1999
- The Future of Fiction, (ed) The Leading Edge #39, March 2000
- Excerpt from the Acesis Travel Guide, (ed) The Leading Edge #40, September 2000
Stayer, Keith (items)
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #1, 1994
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #2, Winter 1995
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #3, Spring 1995
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #4, Summer 1995
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #5, Fall 1995
- [front cover], (cv) Outer Darkness Annual Fall 1995
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #6, Winter 1996
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #7, Spring 1996
- O.D. Feature Drawing, (il) Outer Darkness #8, Summer 1996
- [front cover], (cv) Outer Darkness #9, Autumn 1996
- Dances with Werewolves (with Aaron B. Larson), (pm) Outer Darkness #11, Spring 1997
Steacy, Ken (1955- ) (books) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Bakka Magazine #4, Summer 1976
- Nice!, (cs) Bakka Magazine #5, Spring/Summer 1977
- [front cover], (cv) Stardust SF v2 #3, 1978/79
- [illustration(s)], (il) Epic Illustrated April 1982
- Night and the Enemy (with Harlan Ellison), (Comico, November 1987, co)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Night and the Enemy with Harlan Ellison, Comico, 1987
Stead, Alfred (fl. 1900s-1910s) (items)
- Korea and Her Emperor, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1902
- Colour Effects in War, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1914
- Saving the Wounded, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1914
- Tommy in the Trenches, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1914
- The Never-Ending Picnic, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1915
- Shells, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1915
- Commonsense About Montenegro, (ar) Land & Water February 3 1916
- Save the Serbian Army, (ar) Land & Water February 10 1916
- Roumania’s Decisio, (ar) Land & Water February 17 1916
- The Bulgarian Obsession, (ar) Land & Water March 9 1916
- The Need for a Balkan Policy, (ar) Land & Water March 30 1916
- The Agony of Serbia, (ar) Land & Water April 6 1916
- Roumania—The Deciding Factor in the Near East, (ar) The Fortnightly Review
Stead, Berkham; pseudonym of A. N. D. Rackowe (fl. 1920s-1940s) (items)
- The Broadway Way, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1926
- Cleo Was a Naughty Girl, (ss) Droll Stories October 1926
- Not Guilty, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1926
- A Woman of Thirty, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine December 1926
- A Self-Made Man, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine January 1927
- Putting Ollie Straight, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1927
- Y’Gotta Know, Y’Know, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1927
- Said the Dickey Bird, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1927
- Greater Than Love, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1927
- Set a Thief—, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine October 1927
- Oh, Fie, Mr. Futts!, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1928
- Duty Comes First, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine February 1928
- A Lady Finds Out, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1928
- If the End Be Well, (nv) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine May 1928
- At What Price, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine August 1928
- “I’ll Get By—”, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1929
- The Martha Women, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1929
- Florida Love, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1929
- The Leopard’s Spots, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1930
- Her Two Weeks, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1930
- Pug’s Poison, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1931
- The Master-Key, (nv) Breezy Stories May 1931
- Honey, Go Straight, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1931
- The Night Is Ours, (nv) Breezy Stories December 1931
- A Man of Importance, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1932
- Mad Marriage, (nv) Breezy Stories March 1933
- Sweet Scandal, (nv) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories May 1933
- Ladies Must Live, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1933
- Polite Blackmail, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine November 1933
- Love-Affair, (nv) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1934
- Once Is Enough, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine November 1934
- A Clever Woman, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine April 1935
- Good Women—And Bad, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1935
- A Lovely Woman, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine July 1935
- Broadway Darkness, (nv) Breezy Stories August 1935
- Live Dangerously, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1935
- Summer School, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1935
- Evidence, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1936
- Mink Coat, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1936
- An Old Illness, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1936
- Art Is So Long, (nv) Breezy Stories July 1936
- The Moon Was High, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1936
- A Night Out, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1936
- A Lady Grows Up, (nv) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine December 1936
- Lost Loveliness, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine February 1937
- End of a Decade, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1937
- Another Name for Love, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine February 1939
- The Hundred-Dollar Salad, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1939
- At What a Price, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1940
- The Easy Way, (nv) Breezy Stories October 1943
Stead, Christina (Ellen) (1902-1983) (items)
- ‘O, If I Could but Shiver!’, (ss) The Fairies Return, Peter Davies, 1934
- The Gold Bride, (ss) Salzburg Tales by Christina Stead, Appleton, 1934
- The Sensitive Goldfish, (ss) Salzburg Tales by Christina Stead, Appleton, 1934
- The Huntress, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 23 1965
- The Azhdanov Tailors, (ss) Commentary July 1971
- The Milk Run, (ss) The New Yorker December 9 1972
- Guest of the Redshields, (ss)
- UNO 1945, (ss)
Stead, Doris (M.) (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Interlude, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories September 1932
- Two Women, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories November 1932
- Unholy Paradise, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories September 1933
- The Devil in Rehearsal, (vi) Top-Notch November 1934
- Love and Good-By, (vi) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1935
- Marriage Truant, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1935
- The Devil in Eden, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine July 1935
- The Moon for a Candle, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1935
- Valley of the Shadow, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1935
- Passion Rides, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1935
- Heartwreck, (ss) Breezy Stories December 1935
- Design for Loving, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1936
- Lord Bill, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1936
- Strangers May Meet, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1936
- A Few Stupid Lines, (vi) Breezy Stories July 1936
- Night Moth, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1936
- Every Woman Needs Love, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1936
- Cake for the Devil, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine December 1936
- Exposé, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine February 1937
- Valley of the Moon, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine May 1937
- Wild Oats in September, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1937
- Oasis, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine July 1937
- Sweet Hell, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine August 1937
- Quicksand, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine September 1937
- Don’t Look Back, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine October 1937
- You Only Love Once, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine November 1937
- No Scandal, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine December 1937
- Never Leave Me, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine January 1938
- The Actress and the Cowboy, (ss) Romantic Range February 1938
- Double Check, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine February 1938
- Eden to the Left, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine March 1938
- Fate and the Devil, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine May 1938
- Strangers in Love, (ss) Romantic Range May 1938
- Dusty Moon, (ss) Romantic Range June 1938
- Love Me Forever, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1938
- The Moon in a Cocked Hat, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine August 1938
- Don’t Break My Heart, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine October 1938
- Something to Remember, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1938
- You Belong to Me, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine January 1939
- Until I Die, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine February 1939
- Love Trap, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1939
- Women Are Unlucky, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1939
- Ripcord, (ss) Liberty April 13 1940
- Punch & Judy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1940
- Reprieve, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1940
- Off Duty, (vi)
- Vienna Waltz, (vi)
Stead, W(illiam) T(homas) (1849-1912) (about) (items)
- Chinese Gordon, (??) The Century Magazine August 1884
- The Two Babylons: London and Chicago, (ar) The New Review #60, May 1894
- Man of Genius, (ms) Review of Reviews March 1895 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- Are Interviews a Blessing or a Curse?, (sy) The Idler December 1895
- Mr. Gladstone at Eighty-Six, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1896
- Mr. W.T. Stead Says, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine August 1896
- Should We Establish a Matrimonial Bureau?, (sy) The Woman at Home February 1897
- Hymns That Have Helped, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1897
- The Cape to Cairo Railway, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1899
- The Czar of Russia, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1900
- What Kind of Sovereign Is Queen Victoria?, (ar) The Cosmopolitan June 1900
- The Paris Exposition, (ar) The Cosmopolitan August 1900
- Mr. Andrew Carnegie at Play, (ar) The Harmsworth London Magazine September 1901 [Ref. Andrew Carnegie]
- The Future of the English-Speaking World, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1902
- The Coronation and Its Significance, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1902
- Concerning the New Dynasty, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1902
- The Rothschilds, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 27 1902
- Cecil John Rhodes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1903
- Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 17 1903
- Leopold II, Sovereign of the Congo, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 31 1903
- Pretenders and Rois Faineants, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 21 1903
- Some European Potentates, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1903
- Baron Shibusawa of Japan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 4 1903
- King Menelek of Abyssinia, (ar) The Cosmopolitan July 1903
- Right Hon. John Morley, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1903 [Ref. John Morley]
- The Romance of Princess Radziwill, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 23 1904
- South Africa After the War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 9 1904
- South Africa After the War: Lord Milner and Doctor Jameson, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 23 1904
- South Africa After the War: The Boer Generals in Peace, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 6 1904
- South Africa After the War: The Black, White and Yellow Problem, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1904
- South Africa After the War: Olive Schreiner and Rudyard Kipling, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1904
- South Africa After the War: The Outlook for the Future, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 5 1904
- Have We Lived on Earth Before? Shall We Live on Earth Again?, III., (ar) The London Magazine November 1904
- Winston Churchill, M.P., England’s Coming Man, (ar) Tom Watson’s Magazine July 1905
- John Redmond, Member of Parliament, (ar) Tom Watson’s Magazine September 1905
- Russia and Her Rulers: The Czar and His Family, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1905
- Russia and Her Rulers: Sergius the First, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1905
- Russia and Her Rulers: The Revolutionary Usurpers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1905
- Nicholas the Irresolute: The Secret of the Collapse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1906
- The United States of Muscovy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 27 1906
- Problem of the Tolstoy Household, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1906
- “John Burns of Battersea”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1906
- The Revolution of the Century, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1906
- My System. A Personal Confession and Some Practical Advice, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1906
- Alfred Beit, Diamond King, Empire Builder, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1906
- The Salvation of the Stage, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine December 1906
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe. I - London, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1907
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe. II - Paris, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1907
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe. III - Rome, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 13 1907
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe. IV - Vienna, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1907
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe. V—Berlin, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1907
- The Restoration of the Transvaal, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1907
- The Coming Parliament of Man: as Seen from the Capitals of Europe., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1907
- Why Monarchs Endure, (ar) Appleton’s Magazine December 1908
- The Art of Public Speaking, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1909
- A Newspaper of the Future, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1909
- Since I Was a Boy, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine January 1911
- Why I Believe in King George, (ar) Everybody’s Weekly April 15 1911
- The Progress of Peace, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine June 1911
- Photographing Invisible Beings, (ar)
- A Visit to the Devil’s Castle, (ts)
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