The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 5039
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Marcus, Rick (fl. 1960s) (items)
- [photography] (with Iris Bancroft, Russell Gay, Serge Jacques, Paul Johnson, Dan Kriz, Orman Longstreet, Bob Mantell & Harrison Marks), (pt) Film & Figure Spring 1968
- [photography] (with Iris Bancroft, William Henry Cook, Russell Gay, Stan Grossman, Dan Kriz, Orman Longstreet, Harrison Marks & Gary Sohler), (pt) Classic Line and Form Summer 1968
Marcus, Seymour (fl. 1910s-1930s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) The Forum December 1919
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 1st August 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales 1st August 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 1st September 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales 1st September 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 1st January 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd January 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales 2nd March 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd April 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales 2nd May 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales June 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd July 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Droll Stories November 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 1st January 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd January 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd March 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories 2nd April 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories September 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories March 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories July 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories April 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Breezy Stories November 1931
Marcuse, Katherine (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- Wedding Eve - 1940, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 3 1940
- Twenty-First Century Mother, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #41, January 15 1954
- The Holiday, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955
- Children Should Be Seen, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #65, January 15 1956
- Look Back for Tomorrow, (ss) Chatelaine July 1960
- Honeymoon with Murder, (ss) Chatelaine July 1961
- The Instant Love, (ss) Chatelaine June 1965
- What Other Love?, (ss) Chatelaine March 1969
Marden, Orison Swett (1850-1924) (items)
- Don’t Take Your Business Troubles Home, (ar) Success November 1903
- Business Talks, 1: He Can Who Thinks He Can, (ar) The World & His Wife #12, October 1905
- Success with a Flaw, (ar) Success Magazine December 1905
- Economy That Costs Too Much, (ar) Success Magazine November 1906
- Don’t Let Your Past Spoil Your Future, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine March 1907
- Expensive Economy, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1907
- The Right to Be Disagreeable, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine March 1907
- Keeping in Tune, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1907
- Freedom at any Cost, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 1907
- Keeping One’s Eyes Open, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1908
- Secrets of Opulence, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1909
- Method in Success, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 1910
- The Secret of Popularity: How It Leads to Success, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1910
- Demoralization of Inferior Work, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1910
- The Inspiration of Work Well Done, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1910
- The Plight of the Liar, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1910
- Change the Thought, Change the Man, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1911
- Success and Happiness for You, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1911
- The Great Within, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1911
- The Power of Suggestion, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1911
- Ambition!, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine December 1911
- “I Had a Friend”, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine January 1912
- Education in Reading, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine February 1912
- Poise, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1912
- Value of Personal Appearance, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine April 1912
- The Man with a Purpose, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine May 1912
- The Pain of Success, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine June 1912
- The Persistence That Never Gives Up, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine June 1912
- What Kind of Impression Do You Make?, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine June 1912
- The “Scientific Toy” That Made Its Maker a Millionaire, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine July 1912
- Self Faith, the Miracle Worker, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine July 1912
- The Story of Thomas A. Edison’s Invention of the Incandescent Lighting System and the Difficulties Which Were Encountered and Overcome, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine August 1912
- Worrying Over Things You Cannot Help, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine August 1912
- Because It Is Right, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine September 1912
- Effort That Counts, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine September 1912
- Satisfied with Reflected Glory of Ancestors, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine September 1912
- What the World Owes to Dreamers and Where Would Civilization Be To-day but for Them, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine September 1912
- The Hurry Habit Spoils Life, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine October 1912
- Dr. Marden’s Inspirational Talks, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1912
- The Attitude with Which You Approach Your Task, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine December 1912
- Hope and Achievement, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine December 1912
- Lost in His Calling, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine December 1912
- Self Respect and Getting On, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine December 1912
- Home Joy Killers, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine January 1913
- The Power of the Home Joy, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine February 1913
- After Failure, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine March 1913
- Health as Business Capital, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1913
- Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine March 1913
- Push On or Go to the Bottom, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine March 1913
- The Exceptional Man, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine April 1913
- The Yound Man Finds Himself, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine May 1913
- Why a Good Appearance Wins, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine June 1913
- The Best Way to Settle a Grudge, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine July 1913
- The Sin of Tired Nerves, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine July 1913
- Longevity and Happiness, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine August 1913
- Things That You Keep Back, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine September 1913
- The Alchemy of a Cheerful Mind, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine October 1913
- Health, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1913
- The Boomerang of Deceit, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine December 1913
- The Exceptional Salesman, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1914
- Start the Day Expecting to Succeed, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine May 1914
- Building Up the Infant Character, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine July 1914
- Concentration—The Real Secret of Success, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine August 1914
- The Guerdon of Initiative, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine September 1914
- Manhood: How to Keep It, (ar) Physical Culture September 1914
- Be an Artist in Your Line, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine October 1914
- The Man of Decision, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1914
- Making a Boy to Put on the Market, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine December 1914
- The Best Gift of All, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine January 1915
- The Triumph of Common Virtues, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1915
- Self-Reliance, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine April 1915
- Make Your Life a Message, (ar) Pictorial Review May 1915
- Personal Power, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine May 1915
- Lifting Better Up to Best, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine June 1915
- Masterfulness and Physical Vigor, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine July 1915
- Prosperity, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine August 1915
- The Stimulus of a Great Purpose, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine September 1915
- Character, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine October 1915
- Unlocking Our Possibilities, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine November 1915
- Ideals, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine January 1916
- Making Life a Masterpiece, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine March 1916
- To the Boy Who Wants a Good Time, (ar) The Boys’ Magazine December 1916
- Opportunities for Boys in American Industry, (ar) The Boys’ Magazine October 1917
- The Germ Brothers and Their Dark Dungeon, (vi) The New Success April 1920
- The Editor’s Chat, (cl) The New Success July 1920, etc.
- Eliminating Crime by Surgery, (ar) The New Success October 1920
- Where Prosperity Begins, (es) 1920
- The Editor’s Chair, (cl) The New Success January 1921
- The Loafer, (ar) The New Success August 1921
- The McFlimsey Emporium, (ar) The New Success August 1921
- Physically Done Up at Forty, (ar) The New Success August 1921
- Half-Doing Things, (ms) Success
- How a Wife Is Kept in the Background, (ar) Success
- The Law of Prosperity, (ar) Success
- New Thought Creates New Life, (ar) Success
- Product of Tired Brains, (ar) Success
- Stand for Something, (ar) Success
- Strive to Cultivate the Habit of Good Will, (ar) Success
- The Wealth in Endeavor, (ms) Success
- We Do Just What We Have To, (ar) Success
- Why Can’t I Do It?, (es)
- You Can, But Will You?, (es)
Marden, William (Edward) (1947- ) (items)
- Got Those Rainy Day Blues, (ss) Dark Visions #2, 1985
- The Last Eve, (ss) Timewarp #3, 1985
- If This Should Ever Get Out, (ss) Alpha Adventures #15, February 1987
- In the Pocket, (ss) Hardboiled #7, Spring 1987
- The Professionals, (vi) Vision #8, 1991
- Lazarus Thanks You, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- Steel in His Belly, (ss) Hardboiled #13, March 1992
- Books to Be on the Lookout For, (br) Hardboiled #14, September 1992, etc.
- Messavi, (ss) Bardic Runes #6, 1992
- The Pickup, (vi) Vision #12, 1992
- Spawn of the Harbor, (ss) Bardic Runes #7, 1993
- Getting Out of the Pitts, (ss) Spellbound #1, Summer 1993
- “We’ll Be Back After These Few Words…”, (vi) Pirate Writings #2, Summer 1993
- The Way of Gods, (ss) The Best of the Midwest’s Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: Volume II ed. Brian Smart, ESA Books, 1993
- Autoerotic, (ss) Technosex ed. Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press, 1994
- In Dreams of Black Sleep, (ss) Shadow Sword #2, Summer 1994
- Lady White Eyes, (nv) Spellbound #2, Summer 1994
- Star Light, Star Bright, (ss) Pirate Writings #4, Summer 1994
- The Professional’s Code, (ss) Shadow Sword #4, November 1994
- Fool’s Gold, (ss) Noir: The Illustrated Crime Fiction Quarterly Winter 1994
- Love That Will Not Die, (ss) Into the Darkness #2, 1994
- About Ten Years After, (vi) Alternate Hilarities #6, 1994
- A Piece of the Rock, (ss) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #126, January 1995
- The Unwritten Law, (ss) Noir: The Illustrated Crime Fiction Quarterly Spring 1995
- The Power of One, (nv) Shadow Sword #6, Spring 1995, etc.
- A Day in the Life of the Greatest Dragon Hunter in the Kingdoms of the West, (ss) Shadow Sword #9, Winter 1996
- A Night Out, (ss) White Knuckles Spring/Summer 1996
- The Dodge, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #5, Fall 1996
- The Planting of Old Banks, (ss) Night Dreams #6, November 1996
- Number of the Beast, (ss) Into the Darkness #5, 1996
- Board Action, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- Going Home!, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- In the Lonely Hours, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- The Last Laugh, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- The Odor of Sanctity, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- Prime Crime, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- The Root of the Matter!, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- Santana Was Bad, (ss) Hardboiled #29/30, September 2003
- Touch of Crimson, (ss) Hungur Magazine November 2009
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