The FictionMags Index
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Johnson, Tom (books) (items) (continued)
- Encounter in Nevada, (nv) Startling Science Stories #16, November 1998
- Read (with Ginger Johnson), (ed) Weird Stories #26, November 1998
- Crime’s Last Stand [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #24, January 1999
- Alien Contact, (ed) UFO #1, February 1999, etc.
- The ‘Way Out’ Donald Keyhoe, (ar) UFO #1, February 1999
- Hale-Bop, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #9, August 1999
- Yes, He, Too, Was an E.T., (ar) UFO #4, August 1999
- Crimson Harvest [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Therese Drippé), (nv) Double Danger Tales #31, September 1999
- Duh, You Gotta Read It, Man (with Ginger Johnson), (ar) Startling Science Stories #26, September 1999
- Duh, You Gotta Read It Man? - Our Roswell Vacation (with Ginger Johnson), (ms) Double Danger Tales #31, September 1999
- The Eyes of Satan [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) Double Danger Tales #37, March 2000
- The Death Plague [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (na) Double Danger Tales #39, August 2000
- Doodlebug, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #71, April 2001
- Calling the Black Ghost [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #44, May 2001
- Shadowhawke: First Flight (with K. G. McAbee), (na) Double Danger Tales #46, September 2001
- The Black Ghost at Bay [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #47, October 2001
- Kansas Encounter, (nv) Alien Worlds #19, October 2001
- The Angel, (ar) 2001
- The Last Black Bat Story, (ar) The Pulpster #11, 2001
- Lost on Jur, (sl) Alien Worlds #23, February 2002, etc.
- Drugs of Destruction [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #51, March 2002
- Dark Night of the Black Ghost [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (ss) Double Danger Tales #54, September 2002
- The Queen of Jur, (sl) Alien Worlds #36, March 2003, etc.
- Calling Captain Danger, (na) Startling Stories #1, 2007
- The Forever Man: A Saga of Omega Station, (nv) Startling Stories #4, 2007
- Introduction, (in) Double Danger Tales #1, 2007, etc.
- Science Notes: Before Jurassic Park, (cl) Startling Stories #4, 2007
- The Seymouria, (ar) Startling Stories #2, 2007
- What Goes There?, (nv) Startling Stories #2, 2007
- Introduction, (in) Doctor Death by Edward P. Norris, Altus Press, 2008
- The Readers’ Jury, (ed) Triple Detective #1, 2008
- The Stolen Formula [Secret Agent X] (with Elia Back), (na) Triple Detective #1, 2008
- Introduction, (in) Secret Agent X: The Complete Series, Vol. 1 by Paul Chadwick, Altus Press, 2008
- The Black Bat’s War [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Triple Detective #3, 2009, as by G. Wayman Jones
- Dark Streets of Doom [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (na) Triple Detective #3, 2009
- The Main Characters, (ar) The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2009
- The Original Masked Marvel, (ar) The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2009
- The Phantom Detective Index, (bi) The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2009
- Some Final Notes, (ms) The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2009
- Introduction, (in) Ki-Gor: The Complete Series—Volume 1 by John Peter Drummond, Altus Press, 2009
- Introduction, (in) Alias Mr. Death: The Complete Series by D. L. Champion, Steeger Books, 2009
- City of Phantoms [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) Triple Detective #4, 2010, as by Robert Wallace
- The Gibbering Gas of Madness [Jeff Shannon (The Eagle)], (na) Triple Detective #4, 2010, as by Kerry McRoberts
- Introduction, (ex) Pulp Detectives by Tom Johnson, Altus Press, 2010
- The Legend, (nv) Triple Detective #4, 2010
- Alias the Whirlwind [El Torbellino (The Whirlwind)] (with Johnston McCulley), (Altus Press, July 2011, co)
- Señor El Torbellino [El Torbellino (The Whirlwind)], (ss) Alias the Whirlwind with Johnston McCulley, Altus Press, 2011
- The Bat in the Beginning, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Bat’s Death-Defying Act, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Black Bat Series, (bi) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Black Bat’s Fighting Technique, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Celebrity Murders, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Eyes of Murder, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- An Index of the Adventures, (bi) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Introduction to “The Lady’s Out for Blood”, (is) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Letter Department, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Main Characters, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Some Thoughts on the Series, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- The Man in Purple [Richard Staegel] (with Johnston McCulley), (Altus Press, November 2011, co)
- Seven Men of Greed [Richard Staegel], (na) The Man in Purple with Johnston McCulley, Altus Press, 2011
- Introduction to “Give ’Em Hell”, (is) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Introduction to “I Cover the Murder Front”, (is) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Reprints, Rejections & Rewrites, (ar) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Top Ten and a Stinker, (ar) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- Murder Town, (nv) Double Danger Tales #64, December 2011
- The Golden Lion, (nv) Double Danger Tales #65, February 2012
- The Moon Goddess, (nv) Double Danger Tales #65, February 2012
- Echoes 30 (with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray), (Altus Press, June 2012, co)
- The Black Shadow [Dorus Noel], (ss) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Dorus Noel, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Editorial, (ed) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012, etc.
- An Essay of New Pulp Heroes, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- The Green Lama, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- The Masked Woman, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- The Missing Red Finger, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Mr. Jones, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Red Mask, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Reprints, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- Secret Service Aurelius Smith, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- The Rollicking Rogue and the Hero Pulp Explosion, (ar) The Pulpster #22, 2013
- Edward P. Norris: A Bibliography, (bi) The Pulpster #24, 2015 [Ref. Edward P. Norris]
- Rediscovering Nibs Holloway’s Creator, (ar) The Pulpster #24, 2015 [Ref. Edward P. Norris]
- Earl Norman Spy Series, (ar) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- Introduction, (in) The Black Bat Archives: Volume 1 by Norman A. Daniels, Altus Press, 2017
- Introduction, (in) The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 1 by Frank Johnson, Thrilling, 2017
- Introduction, (in) The Eagle Archives by Norman A. Daniels, Thrilling, 2017
- Introduction, (in) The Masked Detective Archives, Volume 1 by Norman A. Daniels, Thrilling, 2017
- Where Did It Start?, (aw) The Complete Adventures of the Domino Lady by Lars Anderson, Altus Press, 2018
- Behind the ’Behind the Mask’ (with Ginger Johnson), (cl)
- The Man in Purple, (ar)
- Mark Hazzard, (ar)
- The Men ’Behind the Mask’, (cl)
- Mike Shayne Author Former Area Resident, (ar) [Ref. Davis Dresser]
- Pulps for Trade, (ms)
- The Purple Scar, (ar)
- Red Finger, (ar)
Johnson, Vance (fl. 1930s-1950s) (items)
- AB Blocker, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st August 1939
- A Home in a Dugout, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1939
- Drag Drivers’ Graveyard, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1940
- Hits in the Tall Corn, (??) Collier’s August 20 1949
- The King’s Man, Charlie, (??) Collier’s December 3 1949
- 55,000 for Breakfast, (??) Collier’s March 11 1950
- Last of the ’Dedicated Old Maids’, (ar) Collier’s October 13 1951
- Chysler at the Crossroads, (ar) Collier’s December 24 1954
Johnson, Veronica Parker (1907-1988); used pseudonym Veronica Parker Johns (items)
- The Boy Is Handsome, (na) The American Magazine June 1946, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Bezique of Death, (ss) Charm March 1948, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Kold Komfort, (ss) Quick Frozen Foods June 1948, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Homecoming, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #103, June 1952, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Introduction to “Bezique of Death”, (is) Maiden Murders, Harper Brothers, 1952, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- The Gentleman Caller, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1955, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- The Bushy-Haired Stranger, (ar) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine February 1956, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Mr. Hyde-de-Ho, (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1956, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Webster and the Wienerwalz [Webster Flagg], (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine January 1957, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- The Cannibal Oxen, (ss) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1957, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- No Trace, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1957, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Green Goose Chase, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1962, as by Veronica Parker Johns
- Death and the Maiden, (ss) Edwina Noone’s Gothic Sampler ed. Edwina Noone, Award, 1966, as by Veronica Parker Johns
Johnson, Victor H(ugo) (1912-1996) (items)
- Black Gang Boss, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1949
- A Voice in the North Sea Fog, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- The Monkey Who Went to Sea, (ss) Argosy November 1951
- He Slud Into Third, (ss) Cavalier January 1953
- Nightmare on the Potomac, (ar) Argosy February 1953
- Prison Riot, (na) Bluebook June 1954
- The Ravisher, (ss) Bluebook August 1954
- A Time for Whiskey, (ss) Bluebook September 1954
- Forced Draft, (ss) Bluebook December 1954
- [response to Sid Levy], (ms) Bluebook January 1955
Johnson, Virginia Wales (1849-1916) (about) (items)
- Wooed by an Attaché, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1874, uncredited.
- A Modern Lohengrin, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1875, uncredited.
- The Judge’s Daughter, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1875, uncredited.
- A Palace of Cobweb, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1875, uncredited.
- Rapp, the Gnome King. A Catskill Fairy Tale, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1875
- In the Gold Avenue, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
- The Chef’s Beefsteak, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science November 1877
- “Many Leaves and Few Grapes.” A Christmas Story, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1877, uncredited.
- The Image of San Donato. A Christmas Story, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1879, uncredited.
- The Old Woman with a Bag, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1880, uncredited.
- An Easter Card, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1880
- The Man Who Came Home, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1881
- The Terra-Cotta Bust, (n.) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine November 1887
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