The FictionMags Index
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French, Todd (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Ice Run, (ss) Dread #4, Summer 1998
- Desert Hallucinations, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #4, 1999
- Reviews, (rc) Mindmares #7, Summer 1999, etc.
- Skipping Stones, (ss) Mindmares #7, Summer 1999
- The Darkwind, (pm) Mindmares #8, Fall 1999
- Scarecrow, (pm) Flesh & Blood v2 #5, 1999
- Comin’ Through, (pm) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000
- Casting Out, (ss) Dread #12, Summer 2000
- Settling, (pm) Flesh & Blood #10, 2002
- Futility, (pm) Space and Time #101, Fall 2007
- Out of the Pool, (ss) Space and Time #104, Summer 2008
- When the Traveling Players Move On, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v4 #2, 2008
- The Beach Runner, (pm) Disturbed Digest #3, December 2013
- The Water Nymph, (ss) Devolution Z Bigfoot Special 2015
- So How Do Shadows Find Their Final Forms?, (pm) Devolution Z #8, March 2016
- Okay, I’ll Swim to You, (ss) Devolution Z #10, May 2016
- Tips, (pm) Disturbed Digest #14, September 2016
- Trapdoor Music, (ss) Disturbed Digest #16, March 2017
- Flare of Amber Points in the Closet There, (pm) Disturbed Digest #21, June 2018
- #1, (pm) Space and Time #133, Spring/Summer 2019
French, Willard (1854-?) (items)
- The Crime and the Criminal, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1902
- On the Doubtful Side of a Doubtful Case, (ss) The Argosy May 1904
- The Mantle of de Maupassant, (ss) The Smart Set June 1904
- The Mastiff, (nv) The Smart Set October 1904
- A Visit to the Great Crater of Taal, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine January 1905
- An Isolated American Island: How We Are Neglecting Our Duty to Guam, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine March 1905
- The Mother-of-Pearl Men, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1905
- Senator Cullom’s Personal Memories of Lincoln, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1906
- In the Court of Last Resort, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine June 1906
- Current Misconceptions of the Philippines, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine August 1906
- The Rt. Hon. George Houston Reid, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine March 1907
- Things Impromptu, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1907
- The Influx of New Senators, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1907
- New Zealand: The Brighter Britain of the South Pacific, (ar) Putnam’s Magazine November 1909
- The Lorelei, (na) The Smart Set January 1910
- Common Sense in Education, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1914
- The Production of Presidents, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine September 1914
- Investigating Icebers, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine October 1914
French, William Leslie (fl. 1900s-1920s) (items)
- Jack Mason’s Consent, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1901
- The Wages of Sin, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine February 1901
- The Conductor’s Story, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine March 1901
- The Brakeman’s Story, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine April 1901
- How Bert Sullivan Saved the Train, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine May 1901
- All Kinds of Luck, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine June 1901
- The Unlucky 220, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine July 1901
- The Location of a Town Site, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine August 1901
- The Results of a Snow-Storm, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine September 1901
- A Change of Heart, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine October 1901
- A Hot Trip, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine November 1901
- The Holdup of the Limited, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine December 1901
- A Flagging Experience, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1902
- Henry Pelliser’s Home Leaving, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine March 1902
- “Jack”, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine April 1902
- Taking a Chance, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine May 1902
- Walter Delray, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine June 1902
- Jim Kelly’s Habit, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine July 1902
- Woman’s Rights, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine August 1902
- Concha’s Treachery, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine September 1902
- Mildred Medford, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine October 1902
- The Express Messenger’s Story, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine November 1902
- A Christmas Homecoming, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine December 1902
- Arthur Graham’s First Trip, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1903
- Fred Lowman’s Reinstatement, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine February 1903
- An Incident of Industrial Life, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine March 1903
- Lame Johnny’s Gratitude, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine May 1903
- Edward Howland’s Vindication, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine June 1903
- An Unrewarded Act, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine July 1903
- The Black Mountain Coal Run, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine August 1903
- A Trying Experience, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine September 1903
- The Experience of Two Nights, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine November 1903
- Sand Creek Bridge, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine December 1903
- A Costly Error, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1904
- Taming a Tyrant, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine February 1904
- Nelly’s Way, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine March 1904
- Snowbound, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine April 1904
- The “Lady Passenger”, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine May 1904
- John Seaton, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine June 1904
- Show Me Your Hand, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- Finger Facts, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1907
- Thumbs, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1908
- Take Your Pen in Hand, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- Your Hand Is a Sign-Post to Health, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1908
- Character in Handwriting, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1908
- How Your Writing Shows Your Character, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1913
- Penmanship and Courtship, (ss) Woman’s World April 1914
- Girls! Here’s How to Pick a Husband!, (ar) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day June 1923
- How to Spot the Danger Signals in Your Handwriting, (ar) National Brain Power July 1923
Freneau, Philip (1752-1832) (about) (items)
- The Wild Honeysuckle, (pm) The Columbian Herald July 6 1786
- The Battle of Lake Champlain, (pm)
- The British Prison-Ship, (ss)
- The Capture of the “Guerriere” by the “Constitution”, (pm)
- Death’s Epitaph, (pm)
- Epitaph to Roses, (pm)
- The Indian Burying Ground, (pm)
- May to April, (pm)
- On a Traveling Speculator, (pm)
- Song, (pm)
- To a Honey Bee, (pm)
- To a Katydid, (pm)
Frenkel, James R(aymond) (1948- ) (books) (items)
- Headnotes, (ms) The Best from If, Volume I ed. Editors of If, Award, 1973
- Foreword, (fw) Gordon R. Dickson’s SF Best by Gordon R. Dickson, Dell, 1978
- Introduction, (in) Binary Star #4 ed. James R. Frenkel, Dell, 1980, etc.
- Spider Robinson, (ar) World Fantasy Convention, 1984 ed. Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1984
- Obituaries: 1988, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1989, etc.
- Obituaries: 1994, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1995
- Obituaries: 1995, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1996
- Obituaries: 1996, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 1997
- Obituaries: 1997, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1998
- Obituaries: 1998, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Twelfth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 1999
- Obituaries: 1999, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 2000
- Obituaries: 2000, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 2001
- Obituaries: 2001, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 2002
- Obituaries: 2002, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 2003
- Obituaries: 2003, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Gavin Grant & Kelly Link, St. Martin's Griffin, 2004
- Obituaries: 2004, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Griffin, 2005
- Kinuko Y. Craft: An Appreciation, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005 [Ref. Kinuko Y. Craft]
- Obituaries: 2005, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror 2006: Nineteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Griffin, 2006
- Jack, (ar) In Memory of Wonder’s Child: Jack Williamson ed. Stephen Haffner, Haffner Press, 2007
- Obituaries: 2006, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: Twentieth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2007
- Obituaries: 2007, (ob) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty-First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2008
- Frederik Pohl: Homage to the Master, (ar) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- A Bit of Why Science Fiction Matters Now, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #266, October 2010
- David Hartwell’s Passion, (ob) The New York Review of Science Fiction #330, February 2016 [Ref. David G. Hartwell]
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