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Book Contents Lists: Page 1186

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    Giant Book of Horror ed. Stephen Jones (Parragon, September 1996, 0-75281-846-5, £2.99, xii+589pp, tp, an)
        Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1991 as The Mammoth Book of Terror) dark fantasy anthology. This drops the Introduction from the original. An instant remainder edition; simultaneous with the Magpie edition.

    Giant Book of Horror ed. Stephen Jones (Magpie, September 1996, 1-85487-620-1, £3.99, xii+589pp, tp, an)
        Reprint (Carroll & Graf 1991 as The Mammoth Book of Terror) dark fantasy anthology. This drops the Introduction from the original. An instant remainder edition; simultaneous with the Parragon edition.

    The Giant Book of Vampires ed. Stephen Jones (Parragon, August 1994, 0-7525-0147-X, £2.99, 557pp, pb, an, cover by Luis Rey)
        Reprint (Carroll & Graf; Robinson 1992 as The Mammoth Book of Vampires) horror anthology. Simultaneous with the Magpie edition.

    The Giant Book of Vampires ed. Stephen Jones (Magpie, August 1994, 1-85487-369-5, £3.99, 557pp, hc, an, cover by Luis Rey)
        Reprint (Carroll & Graf; Robinson 1992 as The Mammoth Book of Vampires) horror anthology.

    The Giant Book of Werewolves ed. Stephen Jones (Parragon, 1995, 978-0-7525-1025-5, xiii+496pp, tp, an, cover by Luis Rey)
        Reprint (Robinson 1994 as The Mammoth Book of Werewolves) horror anthology.
    Details taken from online listing.

    The Giant Book of Zombies ed. Stephen Jones (Parragon, 1995, 978-0-7525-1030-9, £2.99, 518pp, tp, an, cover by Luis Rey)
        Reprint (Robinson 1993) as The Mammoth Book of Zombies

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