The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 439
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Kayser, Ronal (chron.) (continued)
- * Heavenly Homicide [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask January 1947, as by Dale Clark
- * Heir in the Air [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask September 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Hired for the Hot Seat, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Hollywood Knife Life, (nv) Detective Tales February 1943, as "Hollywood Wolf Hunt", by Dale Clark
- * Hollywood Wolf Hunt, (nv) Detective Tales February 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Homecoming, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 4 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Homicide Gal from Hollywood, (nv) Detective Tales February 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Homicide Has Its Points, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Honeymoon in the Morgue, (ss) Black Mask May 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Hot Spot, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Hot Towels [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask June 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Hounds of the Restless Dead, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Hundred Grand Libel, (nv) Popular Detective April 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * I Ain’t Got No Body [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask January 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * I Am the Alibi [Walter Judson], (nv) Double Detective August 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * I’ll See You Dead, (ss) Detective Tales August 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * The Invisible Witness, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 30 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * It Rained Murder, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1949, as by Dale Clark
- * Keep ’Em Dying!, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories June 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * The Killer and the Cop, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Killer in the Wind [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask September 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Kiss of Death, (nv) Thrilling Mystery February 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * A Knife in His Chest, (nv) Popular Detective June 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Lameleg, Lamebrain, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 10 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Layoff—Payoff, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Lens Load of Murder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Let’s Trade Corpses [Highland Park Price (High Price)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Little Pal o’ Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1947, as by Dale Clark
- * Live Bait, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 21 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Locked in with Death, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Look Alive—You’re Dead! [Socrates Bean], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * Make Mine Monoxide, (ss) Detective Fiction July 1951, as by Dale Clark
- * Man Beyond the Law, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 7 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Man Hunt, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 8 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * The Man Who Died Twice, (nv) Ten Detective Aces October 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * The Man with the Red Feather, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 25 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Me and My Gun, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Mercy, Hijacked, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 19 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Mercy Killing, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Monkey See, (ss) Black Mask May 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Mop Up the Mob, (nv) The Feds December 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Mortgage on a Murder, (ss) Detective Short Stories November 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * The Mouthpiece and the Moll, (nv) Double Detective July 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder and Mama, (nv) Private Detective Stories November 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder, Eastbound, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 4 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Had a Little Lamb [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask March 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder in Haste, (vi) Black Mask October 1941
- * Murder Is Extra, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 31 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Is No Joke [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask May 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Lode [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask February 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Makes the Honeymoon, (nv) New Detective Magazine February 1952, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Man, (nv) Popular Detective June 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Melts Ice, (ss) The Phantom Detective May 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder o’ Mine [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask January 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Rides the Flood, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 8 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder’s Birth Certificate, (nv) Thrilling Mystery Fall 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Shoots a Stingy Gun, (ss) Super-Detective August 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder’s Not Funny, (nv) Star Detective Magazine July 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Murder Wholesale, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 2, Apr 9, Apr 16, Apr 23 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * My Friend—The Corpse, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Necktie Party [“Plates” O’Rion], (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * A New Hole in His Head, (nv) Detective Tales July 1947, as by Dale Clark
- * Nightmare Killer, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Night of Crime, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 20 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * The Nip and the Bite [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask September 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * No Ceiling on Murder, (ss) Clues Detective Stories January 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Now I Slay Me— [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask November 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Old-Fashioned Cop, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine (UK) January 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * One Draftee—Dead, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * One Vote for Death, (ss) Detective Tales July 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * Open and Shut [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask July 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Out of Court, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 1 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * P.D. File 213, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * The Perfect Cop, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 3 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Pets Are People, (ss) Double Detective September 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Portrait of Death, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 5 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Pose, Cop!, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 10 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * The Possessed, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1947, as by Dale Clark
- * Pots o’ Death, (nv) New Detective Magazine July 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Quake and Kill, (nv) Detective Fiction September 17 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Razor-Edge, (ss) Ace-High Detective Magazine January 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Red Blood and Green Soap, (ss) Mammoth Detective March 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Red Racket, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 8 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Rhymes with Crimes [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask July 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Ringside, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 11 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Rob and Kill [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask November 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * A Room to Die In, (nv) Double Detective April 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Roundabout Road, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Sailor, Be Wary, (ss) Double Detective March 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * San Quentin Quail [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask October 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Sap Cop, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Say It with Murder [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask September 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Scratched Evidence, (ss) Special Detective November 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Shakedown, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 5 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * The Shame of the Nation, (na) Double Detective November 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Shave and a Homicide [“Plates” O’Rion], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine July 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Shaved Slugs [Highland Park Price (High Price)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * The Short and Merry One, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Show Them No Mercy, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Shrine of the Thunder God, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * Silk for a Killer, (ss) Detective Fiction April 1942, as by Dale Clark
- * Silver Sword, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Sing for Your Shroud [“Plates” O’Rion], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Skin Game [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask February 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Slave of the Swamp Satan, (nv) Thrilling Mystery September 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Slay as You Go [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask February 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Slay Close to Me [Highland Park Price (High Price)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Slay, Fido, Slay [Highland Park Price (High Price)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine November 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Slay on Sight [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask July 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Smoke Sign, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 10 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * The Sound of the Shot [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask September 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * The Stalking Statue, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine June 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Steps to Crime, (nv) Private Detective Stories February 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * The Sting of the Hornet [Walter Judson], (nv) Double Detective July 1940, as by Dale Clark
- * Stone-Blind Killer, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine January 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Stripes for the Sleuth, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Suicide Side Dish, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * Sweepstakes, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 15 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Tag! You’re Dead! [“Plates” O’Rion], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Tail of the Horse, (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Temper, It’s Terrible, (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * That’s Murder for You! [Mike O’Hanna], (nv) Black Mask January 1945, as by Dale Clark
- * They Dine with Death, (nv) Pocket Detective Magazine August 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Thieves’ Blueprint, (nv) G-Men Detective June 1943, as by Dale Clark
- * Third-Story Man, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 7 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * This Can’t Last Forever, (nv) Mammoth Detective August 1946, as by Dale Clark
- * This Will Slay You [Mike O’Hanna], (ss) Black Mask December 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * Three Men on a Check, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 30 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Tommy-Gun Interlude, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Too Many Locks, (ss) Detective Tales March 1944, as by Dale Clark
- * Tough Cop, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine July 1937, as by Dale Clark
- * Transatlantic Kill, (ss) Clues Detective Stories February 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * Trigger-Happy Honey, (nv) Famous Detective Stories February 1951, as by Dale Clark
- * Triple Alibi, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 12 1936, as by Dale Clark
- * Various Traces [Munro], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #62, January 1949, as by Dale Clark
- * The Widow Wears Red, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 17 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * You Be the Jury, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 29 1939, as by Dale Clark
- * You Bet Your Life, (ss) Double Detective February 1941, as by Dale Clark
- * You Meet Such Nice Murderers, (nv) Double Detective May 1938, as by Dale Clark
- * “You’re Killing Me”, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1943, as by Dale Clark
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