The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 189
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Cummings, Ray(mond King) (chron.) (continued)
- * Judy and the Strangler [Melvin Cone], (ss) Detective Tales November 1938
- * The Key to My Coffin, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1949
- * Killer’s Hall-Mark (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales May 1937, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * The Knife of Pedrito, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 10 1932
- * Last Hour, (ss) Popular Detective November 1950
- * Last Loot, (ss) Triple Detective Winter 1951
- * The Last Move [Melvin Cone], (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine March 1947
- * A Lesson Too Late, (ss) Popular Detective March 1948
- * Light of Betrayal [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s October 31 1925
- * The Lincoln Clue, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1947
- * Line of Fire, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1949
- * The Little Pistol, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 23 1934
- * The Little Things, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1954
- * A Little Too Young, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1948
- * A Long Life Line, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Winter 1949
- * Love Lay Dying, (ss) Detective Tales October 1937, as by Ray King
- * “A Man by Day—”, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1938
- * Man by the Road, (ss) Super-Detective January 1946
- * The Man in the Bath [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s June 20 1925
- * The Man on the Armored Truck, (ss) Clues All Star Detective Stories December 1932
- * The Man on the Meteor, (na) Science and Invention January 1924 (+8)
- * The Man on the Stairs, (sl) Flynn’s Feb 28, Mar 7 1925
- * Manufactured Evidence [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s July 25 1925
- * The Man Who Cast Two Shadows, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1940
- * The Man Who Died Twice [Crimes of the Year 2000], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1935
- * The Man Who Taught Terror, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1935
- * Marked for the Hot Seat, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1947
- * Marriage of the Red Monster, (nv) Real Mystery Magazine April 1940, as by Ray King
- * Mate-Feast of the Flame-Monster, (ss) Mystery Tales March 1940, as by Ray King
- * A Matter of Science, (ss) Famous Detective Stories August 1950
- * Mechanical Witness, (ss) Detective Tales August 1937
- * Memories of Guilt [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s August 22 1925
- * Memory of Guilt, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1937
- * The Metal Murderer [Crimes of the Year 2000], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 26 1935
- * Midnight Fiend, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1939
- * The Mind Beyond Control [The Scientific Club], (ss) The Sketch September 9 1925
- * Miracle, (ss) Astonishing Stories October 1942
- * Miser’s Gold, (ss) The Phantom Detective April 1938
- * Misplaced Clues, (ss) Clues October 1931
- * The Missing Clue, (ss) Black Book Detective February 1948
- * The Missing Shoes, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 13 1933
- * The Mongrel, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1947
- * Monster of the Kennels, (ss) Exciting Detective Spring 1942
- * Moonlight and Jungle, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1935
- * Moon Over Murder, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Summer 1947
- * More Than Meets the Eye [Dr. Feather], (ss) Super-Detective October 1944
- * Morning Cheer, (ss) Black Book Detective May 1949
- * Much Too Clever (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) The Phantom Detective January 1949, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * The Mummy Box, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1935
- * The Mummy in My Arms, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1937
- * Murder at 65 Fahrenheit [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective April 1937
- * Murder at One Forty-Five, (ss) Popular Detective April 1938
- * Murder by Candlelight, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1949
- * Murder by Mail, (ss) G-Men October 1939
- * The Murderer on Palmetto Key, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1946
- * The Murderer Sets a Trap [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective September 1937
- * Murderer’s Greed [Tim McGuire], (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1936
- * Murderer’s Luck, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine May 1927
- * The Murderer Takes a Bath, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 16 1936
- * Murder in Silhouette [Melvin Cone], (ss) Detective Yarns March 1940
- * Murder in the Crimson Light, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 21 1933
- * Murder in the Fog [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective December 1937
- * The Murder in the Pool [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s June 13 1925
- * Murder Jig-Saw, (ss) Detective Tales April 1937
- * The Murder Key, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 16 1932
- * The Murder of Jeffrey Stone, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1947
- * Murder Under the Microscope [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective August 1937
- * Murder Without Error, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 13 1937
- * Murder Without Motive, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 6 1935
- * Music of Madness, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1936
- * My Friend, the Killer, (ss) Crack Detective Stories May 1948
- * The Mystery at Cragmoor, (nv) The Black Mask October 1925
- * Nature’s Timepiece, (ss) Flynn’s August 1 1925
- * Needle in Death’s Haystack [Melvin Cone] (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales May 1938, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * Never Touch Pitch, (ss) Crack Detective January 1943
- * Night for a Murder (with Betty Cummings), (nv) Crack Detective Stories September 1944, as by Ray Cummings & Elizabeth Starr
- * The Nine Fingers of Doom, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March/April 1939
- * No Exit!, (ss) Black Book Detective December 1947
- * No Noose for Me, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1949
- * The Note on the Dead Man, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1935
- * Oh Gargie, (ss) Crack Detective Stories April 1947
- * The Pawn’s Move Is Peculiar, (ss) Super-Detective July 1945
- * Pendulum of Death [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective March 1937
- * The Personality Murder, (ss) Detective Action Stories February/March 1937
- * The Phantom’s Murder Trail [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective March 1940, as by Robert Wallace
- * Photograph of Death, (ss) Hollywood Detective July 1945
- * The Picture Death Took [Melvin Cone], (ss) Detective Tales January 1939
- * Picture of Guilt, (vi) Detective Tales December 1937
- * The Plainest Clue, (ss) Clues December 1931
- * Poisoned Harmony [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 23 1925
- * The Poison Specialist [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales March 1937
- * Poor Economy, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1923
- * A Portrait of Alexander Hamilton, (ar) 5 Detective Novels Magazine November 1949
- * Postage Paid to Hell, (ss) Detective Tales February 1938
- * The Precipice, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1945
- * The Prophetic Murderer, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine January 1948
- * The Proven Way, (ss) Speed Detective December 1945
- * The Psychological Approach, (ss) Black Book Detective October 1947
- * Publicity Plus, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1949
- * The Purple Head, (ss) Thrilling Mystery May 1939
- * The Queer Red Line, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1942
- * Red Light Means Death [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective February 1937
- * The Red Wreath, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1948
- * Reel Payoff, (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1948
- * Reprieved by Execution (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales September 1937, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * Requiem for a Small Planet, (nv) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1958
- * Reward for Danger, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1942, as by Ray King
- * Ride to Doom, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1946
- * The Ring They Couldn’t Steal, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 2 1934
- * Roaming Terror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery April 1937
- * The Robot God, (nv) Weird Tales July 1941
- * The Rubber Knife, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 23 1933
- * Ruby of Red Desire [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales July 1937
- * A Run on the Gloversville National, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 1 1932
- * Rupert’s Past, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine November 1946
- * The Scalpel of Doom, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1947
- * The Scarlet Letter, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 12 1936
- * School for Beasts (with Gabrielle Cummings), (nv) Mystery Tales December 1939, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * Sculptor of Corpses [Tim & Robert McClure], (nv) Thrilling Mystery September 1939
- * The Secret Grave, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1939
- * Secret of the Brain, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine April 1943
- * See No Murder, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1949
- * The Shadowgraph Test, (ss) Clues Detective Stories March 1939
- * Shadow of a Killer [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales August 1936
- * The Shadowy Thing, (ss) Private Detective Stories November 1945
- * Ship of Terror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery March 1939
- * Shoes for a Corpse [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales January 1937
- * A Shot in the Dark [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective September 1936
- * Silence Is Golden, (ss) Popular Detective November 1947
- * The Silver Coffin [T. McGuirk], (ss) New Detective Magazine December 1951
- * The Silver Lining, (ss)
- * The Smoke Lure, (ss) Clues Detective Stories July 1939
- * Souvenir of Doom, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1941
- * Space-Flight of Terror, (nv) Science Fiction January 1941
- * Special Talent, (ss) G-Men Detective September 1947
- * Stamp of Doom, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1946
- * The Stranger, (ss) G-Men Detective Fall 1949
- * A Streak of Crimson, (ss) The Phantom Detective Fall 1949
- * Strings of the Strad [Dr. Feather], (ss) Hollywood Detective March 1945
- * Studio Crime [Crimes of the Year 2000], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 20 1935
- * The Suicide of Richard Manse, (ss) The Phantom Detective Winter 1952
- * The Swimming Corpse (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales March 1937, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * The System of T. McGuirk [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask April 1925
- * Telling What He Knew [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s March 21 1925
- * That Well-Groomed Look, (ss) G-Men Detective May 1947
- * The Thief, (ss) Super-Detective March 1946
- * The Thing He Could Not See, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 31 1932
- * The Thing He Stabbed, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 16 1935
- * The Thing in His Pocket, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 24 1934
- * The Thing in the Boat, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 2 1933
- * The Thing in the Bottle, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1941
- * The Thing in the Marsh, (ss) Exciting Detective Winter 1941
- * The Thing That Wouldn’t Burn, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 1 1934
- * Thoughts of Guilt [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective October 1936
- * The Tick of Terror [Melvin Cone], (ss) Detective Tales July 1938
- * Time for Murder, (ss) Black Book Detective March 1949
- * Time Out for Murder, (ss) The Phantom Detective November 1947
- * Timepiece of Death, (ss) Speed Mystery March 1945
- * T. McGuirk—Assistant Bank Robber [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask July 1924
- * T. McGuirk—Burglary Adjuster [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask May 1924
- * T. McGuirk Catches a Crook [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask September 1926
- * T. McGuirk—Detective [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask August 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Enforces the Liquor Law [T. McGuirk], (vi) The Black Mask September 15 1923
- * T. McGuirk Juggles a Diamond [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask June 1925
- * T. McGuirk Juggles the Pawn Tickets [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask July 15 1923
- * T. McGuirk—Klansman [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask June 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Lends a Helping Hand [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask September 1925
- * T. McGuirk, Movie Actor [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask February 1 1924
- * T. McGuirk Steals a Diamond [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask December 1922
- * T. McGuirk Tries the Luck Charms [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask October 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Walks Straight and Narrow [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask January 1923
- * Tommy Duff’s Big Case, (ss) Triple Detective Fall 1950
- * Too Many Clues [Dr. Feather], (ss) Super-Detective December 1944
- * Trailed by Telepathy, (ss) Popular Detective September 1937, as by Ray King
- * Trail to Death, (nv) Super-Detective April 1945
- * Trail to Murder, (nv) Super-Detective January 1947
- * Trail to Tragedy, (nv) Super-Detective November 1946
- * The Trap, (ss) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories November 1932
- * Trapped by Astronomy [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective March 1938
- * Trick Stuff, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine January 1947
- * Tricky Guy, (ss) Crack Detective Stories September 1949
- * Tryst with Terror, (ss) Real Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Ray King
- * Two Strikes on the Jailbird, (ss) G-Men Detective July 1947
- * Unexpected Alibi, (ss) Detective Tales September 1937
- * The Violin of Carito, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1942
- * V Is for Vengeance [T. McGuirk], (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1945
- * Voice of the Violin, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1950
- * The Walking Dog, (ss) Popular Detective August 1938, as by Ray King
- * The Wanted Men, (ss) Clues October 1927
- * Wash Away the Blood, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1951
- * The Wax Alibi, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1935
- * Weight of the Evidence [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective December 1936
- * What the Binoculars Saw, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1950
- * What Thought Did [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * When Rosa Confessed [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 9 1925
- * Whistle Stop, (ss) Popular Detective January 1951
- * White—with a Splash of Crimson, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Spring 1949
- * A Whorl-Type Pattern, (ss) Speed Detective June 1945
- * Wings of Horror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1937
- * Without Error, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Winter 1943
- * The Wolfhound, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 11 1936
- * The Wrath of Kymanchu, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1948
- * The Wrath of Umantah, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1948
- * Wreck of the Sub-Sea Freighter [Crimes of the Year 2000], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 14 1935
- * Wrong Evidence, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1948
- * X, the Murderer [The Scientific Club], (ss) Popular Detective December 1938, as by Ray King
- * X—The Unknown, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine March 1928
- * Yesterday’s Murder, (ss) Detective Tales September 1938
- * You Can’t Burlesque Murder, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries November 1939
- * You Can’t Steal Luck (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales January 1938, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * “You Do Solemnly Swear…”, (ss) Speed Detective December 1946
- * You’ll Die Laughing, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1949
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