The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 544
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Thurston, Howard (1869-1936) (items)
- Mystery Page, (ms) Midnight #3, September 2 1922
- Thurston Articles, (ms) Midnight #4, September 9 1922
- Your Greatest Mystery Solved, (cl) Midnight #5, September 16 1922
- Easy Tricks That You Can Do, (ms) Midnight Mystery Stories #16, December 2 1922
- Easy Tricks You Can Learn, (cl) Midnight Mystery Stories #20, January 6 1923, etc.
Tiernan, John L. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- The Man They Buried Twice, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 3 1927
- The Borrowed Corpse, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 24 1927
- The One-Horse Man, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 14 1928
- Earthquake, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 28 1928
- Locked Out, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction March 17 1928
- Smoked Out, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction March 24 1928
- Holdup, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 14 1928
- Written Out, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 5 1928
- One Minute to Twelve, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 12 1928
- Bluff, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 19 1928
- The Man from Boston, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 26 1928
- The Clock Told, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 7 1928
- Everything Has to End, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 21 1928
- Not Guilty, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 4 1928
- Too Young to Hang, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 22 1928
- The Strange Voice, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 24 1928
- Double-Crossed, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #5, November 1928
- Second Day Party, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 16 1929
- The Spot, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 15 1929
- The Undertakers, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 29 1929
- Sit Tight, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 10 1929
- A Damn Good Suicide, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #14, August 1929
- The Alibi Bride, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 26 1929
- Rain, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 11 1930
- The Missing Bullet, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 8 1930
- The Matinee Murders, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 12 1930
- The Killing, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 7 1930
- The Nerve Cure, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 21 1930
- Toll, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 27 1931
- The Governor Steps In, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 22 1931
- Located, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 5 1931
- Dumb, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 3 1931
- Super Special, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 10 1931
- The Third Degree, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 27 1932
- The Finger Writes, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 20 1932
- A Lot of Noise, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 7 1934
- Calling Car—, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 28 1934
- The Ranger Guy, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1935
- Whip of Death, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine January 1936
- The Perfect Gun, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1936
- Secret of the Dead Lips, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine February 1936
- Don’t Chisel on Murder!, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine April 1937
- My Deadly Enemy, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine April 1937
Tilden, Michael; [i.e., Francis Lothrop Tilden] (1900-1963); used pseudonyms Winston Bouvé & John Emory (items)
- Famous Murder Mysteries, (cl) Detective Classics January 1930, etc.
- Murder Upstairs, (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1932
- The Dinwiddie Job, (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1932
- The Crimson Pay-Off, (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1933
- Death on Buzzard Island, (ss) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1933
- Snatched!, (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1933
- Murder on Board, (ss) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1933
- Blood Will Tell, (ss) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1933, as by John Emory
- Murder Mansion, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine July 1933
- Rain Trail, (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1933
- Mr. Grawitz Comes Home, (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1933
Tillett, Dorothy Stockbridge (1896-1983); used pseudonym John Stephen Strange (items)
- The Fortescue Affair, (sl) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 1 1927, etc., as by John Stephen Strange
- The Strangler Fig, (n.) Doubleday Crime Club, 1930, as by John Stephen Strange
- Black Hawthorn, (n.) Doubleday, 1933, as by John Stephen Strange
- Silent Witnesses [Barney Gantt], (n.) Doubleday, 1938, as by John Stephen Strange
- Look Your Last [Barney Gantt], (n.) Doubleday, 1943, as by John Stephen Strange
- Make My Bed Soon [Barney Gantt], (n.) Doubleday, 1948, as by John Stephen Strange
Tillotson, Joseph W(irt) (1905-1959); used pseudonym Robert Fuqua (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective August 1943, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective August 1944, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery February 1945, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective November 1945, as by Robert Fuqua
- Picture Puzzle, (il) Mammoth Detective March 1946
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective March 1946
- Famous American Murders, (ia) Mammoth Detective May 1946, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery August 1946, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective September 1946, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery February 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective March 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective April 1947, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery April 1947, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective June 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery June 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective June 1947, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Mystery June 1947, as by Robert Fuqua
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective August 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) Mammoth Detective September 1947, as by Robert Fuqua
Timlin, Mark (1944- ) (items)
- Robin Cook aka Derek Raymond 1931-1994, (ob) A Shot in the Dark #1, September 1994 [Ref. Derek Raymond]
- The Origins of Nick Sharman, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #3, March 1995
- Texas Gothic, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #5, September 1995 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
- Bouchercon 26, (ms) Crime Time #2, 1996
- A Street That Rhymed at 3am, (ss) A Shot in the Dark #11, Spring 1997
- A Personal View, (cl) Crime Time v2 #2, 1998, etc.
- When Jesse Didn’t Call, (ss) Shots Spring 1999
- I Spied a Pale Horse, (ex) Toxic, 1999
- Dedicated to the Late John Thaw, (ar) Crime Time #30, 2002
- Chapter One from All the Empty Places [Nick Sharman], (ex) No Exit Press, 2000
Timm, Bruce (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Story Magazine #9, September 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled Detective #10, December 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled Detective #11, April 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled Detective #12, October 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #13, March 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #14, September 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #15, February 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #16, August 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #17, February 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #18, June 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #19, November 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #20, August 1995
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #21, January 1996
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #23, September 1997
- [front cover], (cv) Hardboiled #24, July 1998
Timmins, William F(rederick) (1915-1985) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Clues August 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) Clues November 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) Clues Detective Stories December 1934
- [illustration(s)], (il) Clues Detective Stories May 1942
- [front cover], (cv) Clues Detective Stories September 1942
- [front cover], (cv) Clues Detective Stories November 1942
- [illustration(s)], (il) Clues Detective Stories November 1942
- [front cover], (cv) The Shadow January 1 1943
- [front cover], (cv) Clues Detective Stories January 1943
- [front cover], (cv) Clues Detective Stories March 1943
- [front cover], (cv) Clues Detective Stories May 1943
Timperley, Rosemary (Kenyon) (1920-1988); used pseudonym Ruth Cameron (items)
- The Underground People, (vi) The London Mystery Magazine #25, June 1955
- A Horror of Roses, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #30, September 1956
- Dreams Are More Than Shadows, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #31, December 1956
- The Child Who Was Strange in Sunshine, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #32, March 1957
- The Imprisoned Child, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #33, June 1957
- Jessamyn, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #34, September 1957
- A Witch in the Office, (vi) The London Mystery Magazine #35, December 1957
- A Nice Swing, (ss) London Mystery Selection #36, March 1958
- The Shadow of the Bed, (ss) London Mystery Selection #38, September 1958
- Button-Holed, (ss) London Mystery Selection #39, December 1958
- The Woman, (ss) London Mystery Selection #40, March 1959
- The Ever-Buried, (vi) London Mystery Selection #41, April 1959
- The Nobodies, (vi) London Mystery Selection #43, December 1959
- The Other Little Boy, (ss) London Mystery Selection #44, March 1960
- Something of a Mystery, (vi) London Mystery Selection #48, March 1961
- Burnt Evil, (ss) London Mystery Selection #50, September 1961
- The Grab, (vi) London Mystery Selection #51, November 1961
- The Hands, (ss) London Mystery Selection #52, March 1962
- The Haunted Office, (ss) London Mystery Selection #54, 1962
- The Shadow, (vi) London Mystery Selection #56, March 1963
- The Giant Snowman, (ss) London Mystery Selection #59, December 1963
- Magic with Knobs On, (ss) London Mystery Selection #61, June 1964
- The Grey Country, (ss) London Mystery Selection #62, September 1964
- The Coat, (vi) London Mystery Selection #63, December 1964
- Night Sister, (ss) London Mystery Selection #66, September 1965
- Strange Communication, (vi) London Mystery Selection #68, March 1966
- She Watched and Waited, (vi) London Mystery Selection #70, September 1966
- Ghost, (vi) London Mystery Selection #72, February 1967
- Journey Back, (ss) London Mystery Selection #76, March 1968
- Mrs. Mackenzie, (ss) London Mystery Selection #77, June 1968
- Out of the Trap, (ss) London Mystery Selection #78, September 1968
- The Woman in the Corridor, (ss) London Mystery Selection #81, June 1969
- Different from Yesterday, (ss) London Mystery Selection #86, September 1970
- The Merging Trick, (vi) London Mystery Selection #92, March 1972
- The Red Cloak, (ss) London Mystery Selection #94, September 1972
- The Strawberry Man, (ss) London Mystery Selection #110, September 1976
- That Poor Girl, (ss) London Mystery Selection #111, December 1976
- The Screaming Silence, (ss) London Mystery Selection #112, March 1977
- In at the Death, (ss) London Mystery Selection #113, June 1977
- Her Name Was Mary, (ss) London Mystery Selection #114, September 1977
- The Agent, (ss) London Mystery Selection #115, December 1977
- Lest He Forget, (ss) London Mystery Selection #116, March 1978
- The Man in the Mortuary, (ss) London Mystery Selection #117, June 1978
- A Bit of ’Ush, (ss) London Mystery Selection #120, March 1979
- The Classroom Monster, (ss) London Mystery Selection #121, June 1979
- Restless Wandering, (ss) London Mystery Selection #123, December 1979
- The Ghostly Violin, (ss) London Mystery Selection #126, September 1980
- Into the Dying-Room, (ss) London Mystery Selection #127, December 1980
- Secret Companion, (ss) London Mystery Selection #129, June 1981
- The Woman in Grey, (ss) London Mystery Selection #129, June 1981, as by Ruth Cameron
- The Phantom Line, (ss) London Mystery Selection #130, September 1981
- Man in the Stocking-Mask, (ss) London Mystery Selection #132, March 1982, as by Ruth Cameron
- A Shadow Among the Shadows, (ss) London Mystery Selection #132, March 1982
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