The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 434
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Pinkerton, Pamela (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Discovered—A Silver Thread, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine February 1932
- New Figures for Old, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1932
- Are You the Ultra-Modern Type?, (ar) Mystery January 1933
- The Intellectual Type, (ar) Mystery March 1933
- In Quest of the Feminine, (ar) Mystery April 1933
- The Collegiate Type, (ar) Mystery May 1933
- The Womanly Type, (ar) Mystery June 1933
- The Languorous Type, (ar) Mystery July 1933
- The Aristocratic Type, (ar) Mystery August 1933
- The Sports Type, (ms) Mystery September 1933
- The Business Woman Type, (ar) Mystery October 1933
- The Youthful Type, (ar) Mystery November 1933
- The Vivacious Type, (ar) Mystery December 1933
- Good Teeth in Every Age, (ar) Mystery February 1934
- New Hair Styles, (ms) Mystery March 1934
- Looks Mean Everything, (ms) Mystery April 1934
- It Began in 1890, (ms) Mystery June 1934
- Pretty Girls Look Cool, (ar) Mystery August 1934
- Telltale Lips, (ms) Mystery October 1934
- Which Does Most to Make a Lovely Skin?, (ar) Mystery December 1934
- Sleuthing for Beauty, (cl) Mystery June 1935, etc.
Pinkerton, Robert E(ugene) (1882-1970) (about) (items)
- By the Tide, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1929
- Crime Ship, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 16 1929
- Maverick Foxes, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 4 1930
- Wet Paint, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 26 1932
- Cold Justice, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 4 1932
- Punk, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 23 1932
- Piracy De Luxe, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 15 1932
- Alibi, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 8 1933
- Blind Alley, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 30 1933
- Wilderness, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 21 1933
- Liege Lord, (nv) Argosy March 5 1938
- Sea Triumph, (ss) The Master Thriller Series #25, 1939
Pitman, Pat (fl. 1960s) (items)
- The Bessarabo Cafe (with Colin Wilson), (ar) Encyclopædia of Murder by Colin Wilson & Pat Pitman, Arthur Barker, 1961
- The Overbury Murder (with Colin Wilson), (ar) Encyclopædia of Murder by Colin Wilson & Pat Pitman, Arthur Barker, 1961
- The Triangle (with Colin Wilson), (ar) Encyclopædia of Murder by Colin Wilson & Pat Pitman, Arthur Barker, 1961
- A Victorian Tragedy (with Colin Wilson), (ar) Encyclopædia of Murder by Colin Wilson & Pat Pitman, Arthur Barker, 1961
- The Study of Murder, (ar) John Creasey Mystery Magazine October 1962
Pitt, Stanley (John Joseph) (1925-2002) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Monthly #11, 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Monthly #12, 1952
- [front cover], (cv) American Detective Novels #102, 195?
- [front cover], (cv) American Detective Novels #104, 195?
- [front cover], (cv) American Detective Novels #107, 195?
Plakcy, Neil (Steven) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Oyster Creek, (ss) Crime Hits Home ed. S. J. Rozan, Hanover Square Press, 2022
- The Art of the Deal, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #53, 2022
- Flaking Out in Wilton Manors, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #74, 2023
- Lost Boy, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #101, 2023
- The Restavek, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #116, 2023
- The Shandiclere, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #150, 2024
Plate, Robert (fl. 1940s-1960s) (items)
- Red Water, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1947
- Brusky’s Fault, (ss) Manhunt September 1956
- Stoolie, (ss) Mantrap October 1956
- A Guy Named Mabel, (ss) Murder March 1957
- Victim Number Six, (ss) Manhunt March 1957
- Night Job, (ss) Manhunt April 1957
- Dear Dull John, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1957
- Yellow Stripe, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1958
- Hot Rod Revenge, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine March 1959
- A Lost Evening, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1959
- Murders Are Such a Nuisance, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1959
- Killers Strike Twice, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine August 1959
- The Bodyguard, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1959
- You’ll Die Twice, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine February 1960
- He Won’t Talk, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine May 1960
- The Rocket’s Red Glare, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) February 1963
Pluck, Thomas (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Rain Dog, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #43, July/August 2011
- Legacy of Brutality, (ss) Pulp Modern Autumn 2011
- Six Feet Under God, (ss) Grift Magazine #1, Spring 2012
- Lefty, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #10, 2012
- Gumbo Weather, (ss) Needle #7, Fall/Winter 2012
- Tiger Mother, (ss) Noir Nation #2, September 2012
- Lisa Brackmann Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #55, April 2014 [Ref. Lisa Brackmann]
- Firecracker, (ss) Hardboiled #47, September 2014
- The Last Detail, (ss) Thuglit #19, September/October 2015
- Mannish Water, (ss) Betty Fedora #2, 2015
- Deadbeat, (ss) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #1, 2017
- 88 Lines About .44 Magnums, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #4, Fall/Winter 2020
- Bring Me a Pint of Cherry Garcia, (vi) Rock and a Hard Place #5, Winter/Spring 2021
Plum, Mark (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- John Smith Interferes [John Smith], (ss) Mystery Stories February 1928
- Snow Men, (ss) Mystery Stories April 1928
- The Royal Flush, (ss) Mystery Stories May 1928
- Behind the Bunker, (nv) Mystery Stories August 1928
- The Murders in Astor Place, (ss) Mystery Stories September 1928
- The World Series Murder, (ss) Mystery Stories November 1928
- That Hallowe’en, (ss) Mystery Stories December 1928
- The Duchessa’s Emeralds, (ss) Mystery Stories February 1929
- The Hatpin, (ss) Mystery Stories March 1929
- The Hammer [John Smith], (nv) Mystery Stories April 1929
- The Invisible Murderer, (ss) Mystery Stories May 1929
- False Clues, (ss) Prize Detective Magazine March 1930
- The Dead Man Smiles, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #34, April 1931
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