The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
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Hamilton, Edmond (Moore) (1904-1977); used pseudonyms Alexander Blade, Will Garth, Brett Sterling & S. M. Tenneshaw (about) (items)
- The Monster-God of Mamurth, (ss) Weird Tales August 1926
- The Time-Raider, (n.) Weird Tales October 1927 (+3)
- Crashing Suns [Interstellar Patrol], (na) Weird Tales August 1928 (+1)
- The Star-Stealers [Interstellar Patrol], (nv) Weird Tales February 1929
- The Sea Horror, (nv) Weird Tales March 1929
- Cities in the Air, (n.) Air Wonder Stories November 1929 (+1)
- The Life-Masters, (nv) Weird Tales January 1930
- The Comet-Drivers [Interstellar Patrol], (nv) Weird Tales February 1930
- The Space Visitors, (ss) Air Wonder Stories March 1930
- Evans of the Earth-Guard, (ss) Air Wonder Stories April 1930
- The Invisible Master [Sgt. Wade], (nv) Scientific Detective Monthly April 1930
- The Murder in the Clinic [Sgt. Wade], (nv) Scientific Detective Monthly May 1930
- The Universe Wreckers, (n.) Amazing Stories May 1930 (+2)
- The Three from the Tomb, (nv) Weird Tales February 1932
- The Dogs of Doctor Dwann, (nv) Weird Tales October 1932
- Carter Makes a Squeal, (vi) Popular Detective May 1935
- Murder at Weed Key, (na) Thrilling Detective May 1935
- The Ramrod Key Killings, (ss) Popular Detective February 1936
- Leopard’s Paw, (vi) Popular Detective March 1936
- The Earth Dwellers, (ss) Thrilling Mystery April 1936
- Murder in the King Family, (nv) Thrilling Detective April 1936
- Murder Mountain, (vi) Popular Detective April 1936
- Beasts That Once Were Men, (ss) Thrilling Mystery May 1936
- Copper Proof, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1936
- Crimson Gold, (ss) Popular Detective May 1936
- Hell Train, (ss) G-Men June 1936
- His Sworn Duty, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1936
- The Crime Crusader, (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1936
- Crooked Cop, (ss) Popular Detective August 1936
- Children of Terror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1936
- Snow Clue, (ss) Popular Detective September 1936
- Last Bequest, (vi) Popular Detective October 1936
- Face to Face, (ss) Popular Detective December 1936
- Sea Murder, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1936
- Murder Press, (vi) Popular Detective January 1937
- Ball Bearing Death, (ss) Popular Detective February 1937
- Kid Stuff, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1937
- The Corpse Died Twice, (vi) Popular Detective April 1937
- Death Dolls, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1937
- Death Comes in Glass, (ss) Thrilling Detective September 1937
- Prize Title Contest Story, (ss) The Phantom Detective October 1937
- Woman from the Ice, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1938
- Debtor at Eight, (ss) Detective Short Stories September 1939
- A Brother to Him, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1940
- Dreamer’s Worlds, (nv) Weird Tales November 1941
- Forgotten World, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 1946
- Come Home from Earth, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1947
- Transuranic, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1948
- The Knowledge Machine, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1948
- Battle for the Stars, (na) Imagination June 1956, as by Alexander Blade
- Last Call for Doomsday!, (na) Imagination December 1956, as by S. M. Tenneshaw
- Requiem, (ss) Amazing Stories April 1962
- Sunfire!, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1962
- Outside the Universe [Interstellar Patrol], (n.) Ace, 1964
Hamilton, Michael; pseudonym of John S. Glasby (1928-2011) (items)
- The Other Seance, (ss) Supernatural Stories #3, 1954, as by Michael Hamilton
- Coven of Thirteen, (nv) Out of This World v1 #2, 1955, as by Michael Hamilton
- When Darkness Falls, (nv) Supernatural Stories #45, 1961, as by Michael Hamilton
- Solitude, (nv) Supernatural Stories #79, 1963, as by Michael Hamilton
Hamilton, Nan(oni Patricia Maude) (1917-2008) (about) (items)
- Incident at the Bridge, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1977
- File #348, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1978
- Too Many Pebbles [Sam Ohara], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1978
- The Melted-Sugar Glaze, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 17 1979
- The Visit of Uncle Ushiro [Sam Ohara], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 21 1980
- Seeds of Murder, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 9 1981
- The Masks of Noh, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1983
- Uncle Ushiro’s Fish Story [Sam Ohara], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1984
- Masugi’s Final Masterpiece, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1986
- Now You See It…Now You Don’t [Sam Ohara], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1992
Hamlin, Curt (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- Americans Are Not Born, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories February 1942
- Gangster’s Home-Coming, (ss) Detective Tales February 1942
- Loaded for Skunk, (ss) Detective Tales March 1942
- All Sewed Up, (ss) Detective Tales April 1947
- Death Is a Small Thing, (nv) New Detective Magazine July 1947
- The Attic Room, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1947
- An Axe to Grind, (ss) Detective Tales November 1947
- Fare for the Meat Wagon, (ss) Detective Tales February 1948
- Killer Come Home, (ss) Black Mask March 1948
- Objective—Death, (na) New Detective Magazine March 1948
- Strangler’s Moon, (ss) Shock March 1948
- One Man’s Poison, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1949
- Killer on the Loose!, (nv) 15 Mystery Stories October 1950
- To the Highest Bidder, (ss) Detective Tales January 1951
Hamling, William L(awrence) (1921-2017); used pseudonyms Alexander Blade & Richard H. Nelson (about) (items)
- Death Rides a Convoy, (ss) Mammoth Detective November 1944
- I’ll Dig Your Grave, (ss) Mammoth Mystery February 1945
- Murder on Your Hands, (ss) Mammoth Detective February 1945
- Good Luck Murders, (ss) Mammoth Detective May 1945
- Why Don’t You Die?, (ss) Mammoth Detective August 1945
- Death Drinks the Dregs, (ss) Mammoth Detective November 1945
- Presenting the Author, (bg) Mammoth Detective November 1945
- …But the Patient Died, (ss) Mammoth Detective January 1946
- You’ll Die Laughing, (nv) Mammoth Detective July 1946
- There’s Always Tomorrow, (nv) Mammoth Detective September 1946
- The Two Strangers, (ss) .44 Western Magazine July 1951, as by Richard H. Nelson
Hammer, Charles D.; pseudonym of Robert Silverberg (1935- ) (items)
- Voodoo Woman, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine January 1959
- Joyride to Hell, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine February 1959
- Thirst for Vengeance, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine May 1959
- Hot-Rod Hoodlums, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine June 1959
- Kill for Kicks, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine July 1959
- I’ll Cut You to Ribbons, (nv) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1959
- Murder on Her Mind, (nv) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1959
- I’m Not Chicken, (nv) Trapped Detective Story Magazine May 1960
- Convention Girl, (nv) Guilty Detective Story Magazine June 1960
- The Syndicate Moves In, (nv) Trapped Detective Story Magazine August 1960
- The Naked Killer, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine May 1961
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