British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 3
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Series/Imprint Index —
- Hartley, Rex
- Harverson, John (The Shadow)
- Hatfield, Jim
- Hathway Hall
- Haughton’s Academy, Dr.
- Hawke, Dixon
- Hawk of the Plains
- Hay, Carleton
- Haygarth College
- Hazel, Jim
- Henry VIII of Hotel Roberto
- Herriard, Harry
- Hickson’s
- High Coombe
- High, Low and Nippy
- Hinton, Tony
- H.M.S. Automat
- Hobbs, Tough Guy
- Hobson, Grant
- Hogan, Mick
- Holdfast, “Bulldog”
- Holmes, Sherlock (about)
- Holmes, Sherlock (By Date)
- Holmes, Sherlock (By Title)
- Holt, Clay
- Holt, Martin
- Hood, Harold
- Hood, Robin
- Hood, Robin, [ref.]
- Hop-Talk
- Horton, Red
- Hoss Boss, The
- Hubbard, Det. Insp.
- Human Tiger
- Hume, Mervyn
- Hunter, Maxton (By Date)
- Incas [Anonymous]
- Invaders from Mars
- Invisible Speedman
- Iron-Hoss Pete
- Iron Mask
- Jack-a-Lantern
- Jack and Jerry
- Jack, Sam & Pete
- Jackson, Fizz
- Jennings & Darbishire
- Jim, Buck & Rastus
- Jim of the Jungle
- Jolly Japers, The
- Jones, Bud
- Jones, Sheerluck
- Jones Minor & Smith Minor
- Jungle Kid, The
- Jurgens, Cort
- Justice, Captain
- Justice, Dr.
- Just Men, The (about)
- Kahma Kim
- Kangaroo Kit
- Kay, Octavius
- Kean, Maxwell
- Kearney, Lance
- Keen, Detective Norton
- Keen, Gable
- Keen, Mustard
- Keene, Barry
- Keene, Russell
- Kellaway, Bill
- Kelly, Cocksure
- Kelly, Ned
- Kelly the Cop
- Kennedy, Robert
- Kennedy, Secret Agent Burt
- Kennedy, Stunt
- Kerr, K.O.
- Kershaw, John Willy (’Snifty’)
- Kid Colt
- Kiddie of the Camp
- King, Husky
- King, Jack & Pete Forbes
- King, Joe
- King, Ken (King of the Islands)
- ________: (Charles Hamilton & Alan J. Cobham)
- King Dirk
- King of the Islands see under Ken King
- Kit & Cora
- Knapp, Det. Insp. Xavier
- Knox, Freddie
- K.O. Kid
- Kole & Koke
- Kyd, Captain
- Lake, Stephen (’Silence’)
- Lally, Tick
- Landon, John
- Lang, Ted “Lightning”
- Langdale College
- Langley, Richard
- Lannagan
- Lanyard, Michael (The Lone Wolf) (about)
- Laughing Outlaw, The
- Lavery, Michael
- Lawrence, Frank
- Lawrence, Hon. Gerry
- Lawson, Lanky
- League of Avengers
- League of Crimson Dominoes
- Lee, Nelson
- Lee, Nelson (By Date)
- Leroy, J.R. (Rick)
- Liberty Boys
- Lightning Lorry Lads, The
- Lightnin’
- Lincoln, Victoria
- Link, Abel
- Liversedge, Frank
- Live-Wire Lawrence
- Llewellyn, Taffy
- Locke, Ferrers
- Locksley
- Lone Pine
- Lone Wolf, The see under Michael Lanyard
- Long, Spike
- Lord, Ferrers
- Loree, Kit
- Lorrigan, Square-Jaw
- Lowther, Ken
- Lupin, Arsène (about)
- Lyncroft School
- Lynx, Inspector
- Lyon, John
- Lyre, Ima
- Mackay, Kilty
- MacKenzie, Edmund E. see under Jack King
- Madcap Form Mistress, The
- Mad Carew
- Maddocks, Billy
- Magellan
- Magic Bag Express
- Malcolm, Jimmy
- Marlowe, “Cissie”
- Martin of the Flying Corps
- Martinson, John
- Mary the Red-Cross Sister
- Mason, Perry (about)
- Mason, Pike
- Master Diver
- Matthews, Midshipman Phil
- Max, Marcus
- May, Paul
- Maynard, Professor
- McBride, Kid
- McCarthy, Patrick Aloysius
- McCord, Whip
- McCoy, Billy
- McCoy, Chip
- McLeod, Buck
- Mendoza, Julian
- Meredith, Sir John
- Merle, Mustang
- Merlin, Marcus
- Merlo the Magician
- Merriman, Max
- Merry, Tom
- Merry Maroons
- Mervo, the Merman
- Meteoro, Don
- Mickey’s Magician
- Mico, El
- Miggles
- Mikrah
- Milford School
- Million, Brett
- Mirza, Yakoob
- Misfitt
- Molesworth, Nigel (about)
- Montana, Captain
- Montelier, Gentleman Desperado
- Moonlight, Captain
- Moorcombe
- Moran, Charlie
- Morand, Doc
- Morcove
- Moreland, Jack & Co.
- Moreton, Randall
- Morgan, Peter
- Morgan, Punch
- Moto, Mr.
- Motor-Bike Boys
- Motor Bike Reg
- Motor-Boat Boys
- Mounties
- Muggins, Billy
- Mulcahey, Professor
- Mulligan, Buck
- Murdoch, Peter
- Murray, River Cop Jack
- Mustard & Pepper
- Mystery Man of Mayfair
- Mystery Ship of the Seven Seas
- Neeo
- Nelson, Buck and Fang
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