British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 2
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Series/Imprint Index —
- Crusoe, Jack
- Crusoe Island
- Curly Kail
- Curly Kit
- Cuthbert, the office boy
- Dabber, Cornelius
- Dack, Captain
- Dainty, Jim & Co.
- Dainty Lance
- Dale, Donald
- Dale, Martin (The Picaroon)
- Dale, Martin
- Dale, Tom
- Dalroy, Kildare, Murphy, Little Tomahawk
- Dane, Nick
- Daneholm School
- Danesbury School
- Danvers, Big Bill
- Danvers, Dick
- Danvers, Slim
- Dare, Dan
- Dare, Douglas
- Dare, Philip
- Dare of ’D’ Division
- Daring, Dick
- Darkies
- Darrel, Don
- Darrell, Frank
- Darrells
- Daunt, John
- Dawson, John
- Dayton, Rollo
- Dead Shot Dave
- Deadwood Dick
- de Broke, Launcelot
- Dene, Alan
- Dennis the Dapper Dustman
- Denton, Jack
- Denver, Jimmy
- Denver Doll
- Derring, Clive
- Dick, Dan & Darkie
- Dick Ferris & Co.
- Dingle, Professor
- Donovan, Dreadnought
- Donovan, Mike
- Donovan, Sam
- Doran, Danny
- Doran, Wiz
- Dorne, Dick
- Dorothea, The
- Dotty & Co.
- Douglas, Don
- Drake, Fenton
- Drake, Jimmy & Co.
- Drew, Valerie
- Drummond, Hugh “Bulldog” (about)
- Dubbs
- Dud, The
- Duff, Mike
- Dugan, Jimmy
- Dugan [Jim Kempster]
- Dunn, Bouncer
- Dunn, Sgt. Derek
- Dupin, C. Auguste (about)
- Durrant, Jack
- Duval, Claude
- Eaglehawk
- Edison, Tom, Jr.
- Egan, Iron
- Electric Bob
- Ellis, Capt. Guy (Grey Shadow)
- Elmer
- Elmwood School
- Elver, Horace Augustus
- Erek, Caveboy
- Etherington, James, the Smasher
- Ever-Ready Jack
- Eversleigh, Jack & Dick
- Fairfax, Lee
- Fairy Castle
- Fane, Flip
- Fan Tan
- Farnham, Nat
- Farrell, Detective Peter
- Farringdon
- Fenn, Phantom
- Fenton, Jack
- Ferret, Frank
- Fiery Harp Commandos, The
- Fighting Hector
- Fighting Pals, The
- Finch, Tom
- First Flight
- Fisher, Bob
- Five Fighting Redskins
- Five Mavericks, The
- Flatchley, John (The Thunderbolt)
- Flight, Shirley
- Flinders, Steve
- Flip-Up Larry
- Flying Beetle
- Flying Fury
- Flying Tramp
- Flynn, Pat
- Foozle
- Forbes, Pete see under Jack King
- Fordyce, Jack
- Foreign Legion: John Bull
- Foreign Legion
- Forester, Ned
- Fortunato
- Four Adventurers
- Four Just Men, The see under The Just Men
- Fox, Gordon
- Frazer, Frank
- Fred & I
- Free, Ned
- Freeston, Ralph
- Frere, Royston
- Fryer, Jim
- Fury, Captain Nick
- Gaily, Jack
- Gallante, Trigger
- Galloping Goldmine
- Galloway, Claude
- Gantrey Rules
- Gan Waga
- Gar, Jo (about)
- Gardner, Dick
- Garth, Allen, the Aeroplane Detective
- Gatunga, the Axe-Man
- Gaunt, Victor
- Gentle Georgie
- Gentleman Jack
- Gentleman Tramp
- Gerrard, Jigger
- Gervaise, Jules (about)
- Ghost Ship, The
- Gilliver, Marcus
- Gilson, Ted
- Gimlet
- Gipsy Jim, Snapper and Gus
- Goggles
- Goode, Billie
- Goode, Clarence
- Gordon, Flash
- Gordon, Midshipman Streak
- Gower, Royston
- Grail, Jubal
- Grandpa
- Green, Kit
- Green, Noel
- Gregg, G-Man
- Gregson, Grip
- Grenville, Keith
- Greyfriars (about)
- ________: (Charles Hamilton ,[?])
- ________: (S. Rossiter Shepherd)
- Greyfriars (By Date)
- ________: (April 6, 1912)
- ________: (August 4, 1917)
- ________: (April 15, 1922)
- ________: (May 8, 1926)
- ________: (August 8, 1931)
- ________: (September 19, 1936)
- ________: ( )
- Greyfriars (By Title)
- ________: (The Bootleggers’ Revenge)
- ________: (Coker’s Conquest)
- ________: (Gosling’s Schooldays)
- ________: (An Island Mystery!)
- ________: (Peter Todd’s Plot)
- ________: (The Secret of the Turret!)
- ________: (Walker on the Warpath!)
- Greyfriars, [ref.]
- Greyhouse
- Greyminster
- Grey Shadow see under Capt. Guy Ellis
- Greystones
- Greystone
- Griffith, Lester
- Grindle, Rex
- Grundt, Adolphe
- Gryce, Jim
- Gummidge, Worzel
- Gunter, Jammy
- Hadley, Captain Jim
- Halliday, Hot-Shot
- Halloran [Bowman]
- Hamilton, Rory
- Hammond, Bull-Dog
- Happy Company
- Happy-Go-Lucky Hikers, The
- Harcourt, Bill
- Harding, Jimmy
- Hardy, Clement
- Hardy, Jim & Bob
- Harley School
- Harrigan, Hardbake
- Harris, Hey-Presto
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