The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 167
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McFarlane, Adam Beau (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Angels and Animals, (ss) Pulp Adventures #27, Fall 2017
- * Captain Warwick’s Hand, (ss) Pulp Adventures #33, Fall 2019
- * Comrade, (ss) Pulp Adventures #34, Winter 2020
- * Give ’Em Hell, Helen, (ss) Pulp Adventures #35, Spring 2020
- * His Hour Upon the Stage [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Pulp Adventures #37, Fall 2020
- * Let Justice Be Done, (ss) Pulp Adventures #40, Spring 2022
- * The Making of a Pirate, (ss) Pulp Adventures #39, Fall 2021
- * Monster in the Maze, (ss) Pulp Adventures #26, Summer 2017
- * Robot Graveyard, (ss) Pulp Adventures #20, Winter 2016
- * Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Ghost [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Pulp Adventures #23, Fall 2016
- * Sherlock Holmes and the East End Nightmare [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Pulp Adventures #22, Summer 2016
- * Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Quarantine [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Pulp Adventures #21, Spring/Summer 2016
- * The Sixty-Year Sleep, (ss) Pulp Adventures #29, Spring 2018
- * Time and Tide, (ss) Pulp Adventures #32, Summer 2019
McFarlane, (Charles) Leslie (1902-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * Alias Killer Keene, (na) Top-Notch August 1936
- * Chain on the Trestle, (ss) Top-Notch June 1937
- * A Gamble with Guilt, (ss) Top-Notch May 1933
- * Goliath, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1932
- * The Hooded Raider, (nv) All Star Detective Stories March 1931
- * Lost River Mystery, (nv) Top-Notch May 1934
- * Man Hunt, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch October 1 1932
- * The Men from Stony Mountain, (na) Top-Notch March 1936
- * Murder at Lone Wolf, (ss) The Master Thriller Series #26, 1939
- * Pay Night in Ghost Town, (nv) Top-Notch Apr, May 1937
- * The Snow Hawk [The Snow Hawk], (nv) Top-Notch October 1933
- * The Snow Hawk in Killer’s Valley [The Snow Hawk], (nv) Top-Notch January 1934
- * The Snow Hawk’s Date with Danger [The Snow Hawk], (nv) Top-Notch December 1933
- * The Snow Hawk’s Last Trail [The Snow Hawk], (nv) Top-Notch February 1934
- * The Snow Hawk’s Murder Trail [The Snow Hawk], (nv) Top-Notch November 1933
- * The Streets of Shadow, (n.) Dutton, 1930
- * The Suspension of Corporal Geary, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch December 1932
- * The Wolf, (ss) Top-Notch June 1936
MacIsaac, Fred(erick John) (1882-1940); used pseudonym Francis Moore (about) (chron.)
- * Bird Strategy, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * Brain of a Canary, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * Day of Small Things, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1920, as by Francis Moore
- * Eyes of Evil, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov 1928
- * Fandango Island, (sl) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Dec 1932, Jan, Feb 1933
- * The Fox’s Bag of Tricks, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * Hail to the Summer!, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1926, as by Francis Moore
- * The Horse and the Cowboy, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * Illuminated Fish, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1924, as by Francis Moore
- * Kingdom of the Bee, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * The Maligned Cat, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1920, as by Francis Moore
- * The Master Hand, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1924, as by Francis Moore
- * Merely That, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1920, as by Francis Moore
- * Passing of the Buffalo, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1921, as by Francis Moore
- * The Story That Wasn’t Printed, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1927
- * Through the Portal, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1924, as by Francis Moore
- * Toward a Brighter Day, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1926, as by Francis Moore
MacKay, Bob; pseudonym of Max Plaisted (1902-1956) (about) (chron.)
- * Ace Jordan, (cs) Thrilling Adventures May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1937
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1938
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1939
Jan, Feb 1940,
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