The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 397
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Payne, Stephen (chron.) (continued)
- * Timberline Grass, (ss) West March 20 1929
- * The Tobacco Kid, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1939
- * Tommy, (ss) Western Adventures November 1930
- * Too Cocky and Handsome, (ss) 2-Gun Western November 1956
- * Too Durned Good a Hand, (ss) Wild West Weekly June 23 1928
- * Too Hot for Hoss Thieves [Pole Pickett], (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 9 1939
- * Too Many Thieves, (na) Ranch Romances 1st June 1950
- * Too Much Shortening, (ss) Ranch Romances 3rd January 1949
- * The Tops and the Tails, (ss) West September 16 1931
- * Tough Breaks, (ss) Cowboy Stories February 1930
- * Tough Nuts All, (ss) Wild West Weekly November 24 1928
- * Tracks, (nv) West March 17 1928
- * Tracks in the Sage, (nv) Mammoth Western April 1946
- * Tragic Wool, (ss) West February 5 1927
- * The Trail and the Train, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd January 1930
- * The Trailin’ o’ Cougar Collins, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 3 1934
- * Trail of a Bad Un, (ss) Wild West Weekly June 2 1928
- * Trail of an Outlaw, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st January 1930
- * Trails Apart, (ss) Thrilling Western October 1934
- * Trail That Hombre! [Blondy], (nv) Wild West Weekly November 1 1930
- * Trail Wise Ranny, (ss) Popular Western November 1935
- * The Trained Horse, (ss) All Western Magazine #57, January 1937
- * Trained Ponies, (ss) Wild West Weekly June 29 1929
- * Trick and Fancy, (nv) Rodeo Romances October 1946
- * Trigger Tribute, (ss) Red Seal Western October 1936
- * A Trigger Truce, (ss) Red Seal Western June 1936
- * Trixie from Texas, (sl) Ranch Romances 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct 1938
- * Troubled Troubadour, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1947
- * Trouble for Two, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd November 1927
- * Trouble on Big Thief River, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 14 1934
- * Truce, (ss) Mammoth Western August 1949
- * Tubby and the Breachy Bovine [Tubby Morrison], (ss) Lariat Story Magazine February 1926
- * Twin Loops, (ss) Two Gun Western Stories April 1929
- * Twin-Muzzle Welcome, (ss) Cowboy Stories July 1931
- * Twin Wallets, (ss) West July 5 1926
- * Twisted Ropes, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine August 1927
- * Twisted Trails, (ss) Western Trails March 1931
- * Twists at the Tomahawk, (na) Ranch Romances 1st May 1933
- * Two Cranks and a Killer, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Two Rip-Tootin’ Cow-Punchers, (ss) Wild West Weekly May 19 1928
- * Under His Hat, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine July 1948
- * Undersirable Citizens, (ss) Cowboy Stories 2nd June 1928
- * Under the Hammer, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1949
- * Unpredictable Archie, (ss) West May 1947
- * The Unwelcome Stranger, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1970
- * The Vanquished Posse, (nv) West April 14 1928
- * Voice of the Mountains, (ss) West May 19 1928
- * Waddy Unwhipped, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st March 1931
- * Waking Up Joe, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st October 1944
- * Walking Top Hand, (ss) Frontier Stories September/October 1932
- * The Wampus Cat, (ss) Western Rangers April 1931
- * Wanted, a Cook, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1945
- * Wanted: A Hero, (ss) Western Short Stories April 1949
- * War and the Wrangler, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 4 1934
- * War on Peace River, (na) Ranch Romances 1st February 1937
- * War on the Oxbow Range, (nv) Thrilling Western March 1950
- * Warrior Draw, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1946
- * Water and the Whiphand, (ss) West September 17 1930
- * Water Branded, (ss) All Western Magazine #37, May 1935
- * Wheels Under Woollies, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine May 1928
- * Whip Talk, (ss) West October 8 1927
- * White Horse in the Dark, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st July 1938
- * Whitewashing Hornsby, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1939
- * A Wife for a Westerner, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine May 1970
- * Wigwam or Bust, (nv) Thrilling Western April 1946
- * The Wild Cat o’ Wild Cat Creek, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 25 1933
- * Wild Cattle, (ss) West October 28 1931
- * Wild Man’s Range, (ss) Dime Western Magazine August 1933
- * The Winchester Medico, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st December 1931
- * Winchesters in the Sage, (ss) Western Trails April 1932
- * Wind of the West, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1933
- * Winter in April, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st February 1946
- * Wolf Tooth Brakes [Blondy], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 1 1930
- * Wolf Traps, (ss) The Masked Rider Western Magazine August 1934
- * The Wooden Horse of Windicut, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 13 1934
- * Woolies!, (ss) West September 4 1929
- * The Word Wranglers, (ss) West March 1949
- * The Work Horse, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1954
- * Workin’ Men, (nv) West April 1 1931
- * Wreckin’ the Hot Spur Stage, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 12 1934
- * The Wrong Brand, (ss) West August 6 1927
- * Wrong Hoss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 28 1933
- * Wrong Prisoner, (ss) Western Rangers December 1930
- * X Marks the Roamer [Rufe the Roamer & Whiskey Sam], (ss) Western Rangers February 1932
- * Youth in the Saddle, (nv) Rodeo Romances December 1947
- * [unknown story], (ss) Western Round-Up January 1935
_____, [ref.]
Peacock, Wilbur Scott (1915-1979) (about) (chron.)
- * The Affair at Stinking Well, (nv) Giant Western December 1949
- * Back Trails, (na) Ranch Romances 1st November 1949
- * Bounty on the Sheriff, (ss) Real Western June 1942
- * Broken Range, (nv) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1949
- * Bullet Hymn for a Lawman’s Wedding, (ss) Double Action Western March 1942
- * Death Steals a Lawman’s Gun, (ss) New Western Magazine October 1940
- * The Feud at the Rocking M, (nv) Western Yarns January 1943
- * Golden Stallion, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1950
- * Guns for Salvation Range, (na) Ace-High Western Stories March 1942
- * Gun-Smart, (ss) New Western Magazine January 1953
- * Guntown, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine August 1947
- * Hot-Lead Haul, (ss) Western Trails February 1946
- * Incident at Kellogg’s Grove, (ss) Popular Western March 1953
- * A Killer Is Born, (ss) New Western Magazine November 1941
- * The Kingpin Calls for Help, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1941
- * Lacy Runs a Fence Brand, (ss) Famous Western Summer 1944
- * The Last Gunman, (nv) Western Novels and Short Stories March 1954
- * Lawman’s Burden, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1943/1944
- * The Long Rifle, (ss) Dime Western Magazine August 1948
- * Man’s Decision, (ss) Giant Western February 1950
- * Nester, (ss) Famous Western November 1946
- * Reward of Merit, (ss) Dime Western Magazine September 1948
- * Ride North, (na) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1949
- * Riders of Rebel Range, (na) Exciting Western September 1952
- * “R.I.P.” Means—Rise if Possible!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine April 1949
- * Six-Guns for a Half Pint, (ss) Real Western February 1944
- * The Slow-Draw Champion of Dry Springs, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 1940
- * Snake River Jim Stakes a Claim, (ss) 2-Gun Western February 1957
- * Snake River’s Range-Hog Medicine [Snake River Jim], (ss) New Western Magazine August 1947
- * Snake River’s Smoky Swindle [Snake River Jim], (na) New Western Magazine January 1949
- * Sundown’s Gun, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1948
- * The Tinhorn and the Lady, (na) Ranch Romances 1st December 1948
- * Wolf Song, (ss) North•West Romances Summer 1945
_____, ed.
Pearsol, John G(ilmore) (1895-1943); used pseudonym Luke Shane (about) (chron.)
- * The Adios Trail, (ss) Frontier Stories November 1931
- * All the Way to Boothill, (nv) Ace-High Magazine August 1939
- * Backtrail from Hell, (ss) Ace-High Western Magazine December 1936
- * A Badge, a Ring—and Five Killers, (nv) Dime Western Magazine September 1938
- * Badge for Sale, (ss) Star Western June 1937
- * Badgeman’s Breed, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine July 1942
- * Badge of the Damned, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories January 1944
- * Badman—by Mistake!, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine August/September 1939
- * A Badman Is Born, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 1938
- * Bardin Blood, (ss) Two Gun Western Stories February 1930
- * Battle Spoils, (ss) Dime Western Magazine April 1933
- * Belle Starr, (ar) Nickel Western January 1933
- * Big Bend Buckaroos, (ss) Frontier Stories November 1930
- * The Big Swede’s Hot Lead Preachment, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1936
- * Blind Hate, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 17 1937
- * Blizzard Law for Frozen Range, (nv) Star Western October 1941
- * Blood Bondage of the Dark Trails, (ss)
- * Blood Brothers, (ss) Two Gun Stories December 1931
- * Blood Buys a Boomtown Badge-Toter, (ss) Western Short Stories July 1941
- * Boom-Camp Bullet Miracle, (nv) Star Western April 1941
- * Boothill Backfires [Pecos Raine], (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1938
- * The Boothill Buscadero, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine February 1931, as "The Nacozari Kid"
- * Boothill—by Adoption!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1938
- * Boothill, by Request!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1936
- * Boothill Courage, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1936
- * Boothill Gold, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1936
- * Boothill Medico, (ss) Dime Western Magazine February 1936
- * The Boothill Orphan’s Manhunt, (ss) New Western Magazine March 1944
- * Boothill Returns a Hero, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories May 1942
- * Boothill’s Honkatonk Hostage, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1942
- * The Boothill Tinhorn, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1939
- * Born in Boothill, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1938
- * Boss of Poverty Range, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1937
- * Bound to Gunsmoke, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1936
- * Bounty Hunter’s Gunsmoke Glory, (nv) Star Western January 1937
- * Brand of Dishonor, (ss) Western Aces August 1941
- * Brand of the Damned, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1937
- * The Breaking of Buck McKee, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1940
- * Bronc Buster’s Last Ride, (ss) Dime Western Magazine November 1937
- * Brotherhood of Gunflame, (nv) Star Western October 1937
- * Bullet Pay for Border Hoppers, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1940
- * Bullets Are Easier, (ss) Dime Western Magazine October 1937
- * Bullets for Breakfast, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1942
- * Bullets for Friendliness, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1936
- * Bullets to Buy a Ranch, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1941
- * Bushwhack Volunteer, (ss) Ace-High Magazine May 1937
- * Busted Cowman, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1938
- * “…But the Stranger Didn’t Scare”, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine May 1939
- * Cain-Brand for a Brother Cowman, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1937
- * Call for a Gunman, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1936
- * Cattleman Blood Breaks the Drouth, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1938
- * Champion for a Six-Gun Renegade, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories September 1940
- * “Chiricahua, That’s All!”, (ss) Two Gun Stories September 1930
- * Code, (ss) Two Gun Western Stories June 1930
- * Cold-Trail Coyote, (ss) Red Seal Western June 1938
- * Confessions of a Gunman, (sl) Two Gun Western Stories Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1929
- * The Coronado Brand, (ss) Western Round-Up August 1934
- * The Cost of Courage, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 1937
- * Counterfeit Coward, (ss) New Western Magazine September 1941
- * Counterfeit Gunman’s Last Job, (nv) .44 Western Magazine July/August 1939
- * Coward Courageous, (ss) New Western Magazine October/November 1936
- * A Coward Guards the Pass, (ss) Ace-High Magazine December 1937
- * Coward’s Gunsmoke Medicine, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine January/February 1937
- * A Cow-Boss to Die For, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1938
- * Cowman Bait for a Gun-Wolf’s Trap, (nv) Star Western December 1937
- * Cowman, Beware the Night!, (ss) Dime Western Magazine January 1938
- * A Cowman Traitor Guards the Pass!, (na) Star Western November 1939
- * The Cowman Who Lived in Hell, (nv) Star Western October 1936
- * The Cowman Who Stood Alone, (nv) Ace-High Magazine November 1939
- * Cowmen’s Graves for Sale!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine September/October 1939
- * Coyote Tracks, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine October 1931
- * Cripple’s Boothill March, (ss) .44 Western Magazine September 1942
- * Curse of the Fighting Slades, (ss) Star Western April 1937
- * Damn the Smuggler Legion!, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine April 1941
- * Dark Horses, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine January/February 1934
- * Dark-Trail Doctor, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1943
- * Dead Man’s Guns, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 15 1935
- * Dead Man’s Street, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1938, as "The Horseman from Hell"
- * Death and the Tinhorn, (ss) .44 Western Magazine May/June 1939
- * Death Comes on Horseback [Pecos Raine], (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1937
- * Death Is My Partner, (ss) Dime Western Magazine December 1 1935, as "The Devil’s Partners"
- * Death’s Deputy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 4 1939
- * Death’s Private Manhunt, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1939
- * Death’s Saddle-Mate, (ss) Western Trails May 1940
- * Death Wears a Law Badge, (ss) Dime Western Magazine January 1936
- * De Luxe Is Right!, (ss) Two Gun Western Stories April 1930
- * Deputized to Die, (ss) Dime Western Magazine January 1937
- * The Deputy from Yesterday, (ss) Star Western February 1939
- * Derelict Badge-Toter, (ss) Dime Western Magazine February 1938
- * Derelict of the Wanted Legion, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine January 1940
- * Derelicts Die Hard, (ss) Star Western May 1937
- * The Devil Buys a Badge, (ss) Ace-High Magazine February 1939
- * The Devil Dons a Badge, (ss) Ace-High Magazine August 1938
- * The Devil Laughs at Badmen, (nv) Western Aces February 1943
- * The Devil’s Brand, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales May 1954
- * The Devil’s Partners, (ss) Dime Western Magazine December 1 1935
- * The Devil’s Rodeo, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories October 1940
- * Die for Texas, You Traitor!, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine June 1942
- * Dishonor Trail, (na) Red Seal Western June 1939
- * Doctor to the Damned, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1938
- * Don’t Bet on a Badman, (ss) .44 Western Magazine September/October 1938
- * Double Pay-Off, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine January 1932
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