The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 369
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Nealey, (Robert) Wadsworth (1908-1980) (about) (chron.)
- * Action in the Afternoon [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories February 1956
- * Boothill Trespass [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories August 1954
- * Cow Creek [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories April 1956
- * The End of the Trail [Marshal Sergeant], (nv) Real Western Stories April 1953
- * The Gift Horse [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories October 1955
- * Gun Job [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories August 1956
- * The Lawdogs [Marshal Sergeant], (nv) Real Western Stories June 1956
- * Marshal Sergeant [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories February 1953
- * The Old Gunfighter, (ss) Famous Western February 1956
- * The Pale Men [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories December 1954
- * Rawhide Range, (na) Western Action November 1956
- * Sleep on Your Gun!, (na) Real Western Stories June 1951
- * Smart as Any Man [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories June 1955
- * The Stingy Men [Marshal Sergeant], (ss) Real Western Stories December 1955
Nebel, (Louis) Frederick (1903-1967); used pseudonyms Eric Lewis & Lewis Nebel (about) (chron.)
- * Alone, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd August 1926
- * The Big Moon Lake Patrol, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd June 1926
- * The Black Fox Skin, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd April 1926
- * Black Fury, (na) North•West Stories December 1929, as "The Trail to Caribou"
- * Boomerang Bonanza, (ss) North•West Stories 1st October 1927, as "The Raw White Edge"
- * Builders of Empire, (nv) North•West Stories August 1930, as "King of the Yukon"
- * Cache Law, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd September 1926
- * Chechako Plunder, (nv) North•West Stories August 1929, as "Die-Hard Donovan"
- * Chechako Trail, (nv) North•West Stories April 1930
- * Code of the Iron Fist, (nv) North•West Stories April 1930, as "Chechako Trail"
- * The Come Back, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine February 1927
- * Courage of the Strong, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927
- * Defiance Valley, (nv) North•West Stories 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr 1926
- * The Devil’s Double-Cross, (nv) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #46, March 1928
- * Die-Hard Donovan, (nv) North•West Stories August 1929
- * The Drifting Kid [The Drifting Kid], (ss) Lariat Story Magazine December 1926
- * The Drifting Kid Strikes [The Drifting Kid], (ss) Lariat Story Magazine May 1927
- * The Driftin’ Kid Draws Fire, (ss) Quick Trigger Stories of the West June/July 1930
- * East of Big Moon, (ss) North•West Stories 1st November 1926
- * Empire of the Devil, (na) Frontier Stories March 1930
- * Eskimo Sorcery on Baffin Island, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd February 1926
- * Far North of Chilkoot, (na) North•West Stories 2nd September 1928
- * The Firelight Patrol, (ss) North•West Stories September 1925, as by Lewis Nebel
- * The Freight of Honor, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd March 1926
- * The Frontier of Vengeance, (na) North•West Stories 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1926, 1st Jan, 2nd Jan 1927
- * The Girl from Golden River, (nv) Action Stories October 1932, as "The Ice Giant"
- * Girl of the Golden Snows, (na) North•West Stories 1st December 1926 (+3), as "The Frontier of Vengeance"
- * Gold!, (nv) North•West Stories May 1931
- * The Hell-Bender, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine April 1927
- * The Hell Drivers, (na) North•West Stories 2nd April 1927, as "A Man Must Fight"
- * High Jinks at Sky High, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine November 1926
- * The Ice Giant, (nv) Action Stories October 1932
- * It Takes a Man, (na) North•West Stories 2nd October 1927
- * King of the Yukon, (nv) North•West Stories August 1930
- * Lair of the Gun-Wolf, (nv) North•West Stories February 1931, as "The Law Dies Hard"
- * The Law Dies Hard, (nv) North•West Stories February 1931
- * Law of the Trapline, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd April 1926
- * Leave It to Loppy, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine March 1927
- * The Lovable Tramp, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd December 1926
- * A Man Must Fight, (na) North•West Stories 2nd April 1927
- * The Outcast Breed, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927, as "Courage of the Strong"
- * Patrol of Courage, (ts) North•West Stories 1st May 1926
- * Pound for Pound, (ss) The Danger Trail November 1928
- * The Raw White Edge, (ss) North•West Stories 1st October 1927
- * Red Coat of Tradition, (na) North•West Stories 2nd June 1928
- * Red Night, (ss) North•West Stories 1st August 1927
- * Return of the Exile, (ss) North•West Stories 1st July 1927
- * Soda-Pop Mary, (ss) The Lariat Story Magazine January 1926
- * Stuart of the City Patrol, (ss) North•West Stories December 1925
- * Sun Dog Gold, (na) North•West Stories 2nd January 1928
- * Tell It to the Mounted, (na) North•West Stories 2nd December 1926, as by Eric Lewis
- * The Tenderfoot Girl of the Yukon Trail, (na) North•West Stories May 1929 (+3), as "The Yukon Trail"
- * Trade Law, (ss) North•West Stories July 1925, as by Lewis Nebel
- * Trail Tales of the North:
* ___ Alone, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd August 1926
* ___ Cache Law, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd September 1926
* ___ The Freight of Honor, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd March 1926
* ___ Law of the Trapline, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd April 1926
* ___ The Lovable Tramp, (ts) North•West Stories 2nd December 1926
* ___ Patrol of Courage, (ts) North•West Stories 1st May 1926
- * The Trail to Caribou, (na) North•West Stories December 1929
- * Tundra Gold, (na) North•West Stories 2nd September 1928, as "Far North of Chilkoot"
- * The Tundra Tamer, (nv) Action Stories October 1932, as "The Ice Giant"
- * Valley of Greed, (na) North•West Stories Winter 1936
- * The Valley of Wanted Men, (nv) North•West Stories 1st March 1926 (+2), as "Defiance Valley"
- * Voyageur of the Wasteland, (nv) North•West Stories 1st January 1926, as "The White Peril"
- * Whelp of the Timber Wolf, (na) North•West Stories 2nd December 1926, as "Tell It to the Mounted", by Eric Lewis
- * White Evidence, (ss) The Lariat Story Magazine November 1925, as by Lewis Nebel
- * The White Peril, (nv) North•West Stories 1st January 1926
- * White Woman, (ss) North•West Stories 1st July 1927, as "Return of the Exile"
- * Wolves of the Wild, (nv) Ace-High Novels April 1932
- * The Yukon Trail, (na) North•West Stories May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1929
- * Yukon Wings, (na) North•West Stories Spring 1936
_____, [ref.]
Neilson, Max (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym used by Norman A. Daniels (1905-1995) & Paul Stevens (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Double-Cross Hellion, (ss) Spicy Western Stories May 1939, as by Laurence Donovan
- * Driftin’ Sinner, (ss) Speed Western Stories November 1945
- * End of a Chapter, (ss) Spicy Western Stories October 1937, as "Smoky Sixes", by James A. Lawson
- * Enough Rope, (ss) Romantic Western January 1939, as "Thoroughbred", by Ross Putnam
- * 4-Square Girl, (ss) Spicy Western Stories October 1940
- * Gals Gowned—Gun Style, (ss) Leading Western January 1946
- * Give a Man a Bad Name, (ss) Speed Western Stories October 1944
- * Gunsmoke Trade, (ss) The Lone Ranger Magazine September 1937, as by Edwin K. Sloat
- * Halfway to Hell, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1937, as "Northwest of Hell", by James A. Lawson
- * Hell on Wheels, (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1937, as "Rodeo Rats", by Rex Norman
- * In Gold Lies Madness, (ss) Speed Western Stories February 1945
- * Killer’s Round-Up, (ss) (by Paul Stevens) Spicy Western Stories December 1940
- * Kingpin Killer, (ss) Speed Western Stories November 1944, as "Easy Pays the Hard Way", by Laurence Donovan
- * Lazy Man’s Way, (ss) Spicy Western Stories May 1938, as "Manana!", by Wallace Kayton
- * Lead Pizen, (ss) Speed Western Stories December 1946
- * Lobo-Snarled Loop, (ss) Speed Western Stories July 1945
- * Locoed Trapper, (ss) Speed Western Stories October 1947
- * Love’s a Hellion, (ss) Spicy Western Stories March 1940, as by Laurence Donovan
- * Love Snarls a Loop [Bob Blake], (ss) Fighting Western January 1947
- * Lovin’ Hoss Thief [Johnny Severn], (ss) Fighting Western October 1945
- * Murder: New and Improved, (ss) Spicy Western Stories January 1938, as "Death Among the Maguey", by Rex Norman
- * Paid in Lead, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1940
- * Payoff Pasear, (nv) Spicy Western Stories December 1938, as "Montana Rendezvous", by Luke Terry
- * Pride on the Prod, (nv) Speed Western Stories August 1945
- * Ride ’Em Cowboy, (ss) Spicy Western Stories September 1939, as by Laurence Donovan
- * Spurs for a Lady, (nv) Romantic Western July 1938, as "Spiking the Gibbet", by Larry Dunn
- * Stampede, (ss) Spicy Western Stories May 1940, as "Whip-Branded", by Laurence Donovan
- * Table Stakes, (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1939, as "Wild Wagon Wheels", by Larry Dunn
- * That Salt Creek Kid, (ss) Fighting Western May 1947
- * Tophand Owlhooter, (ss) Speed Western Stories December 1945
- * Tough Trick, (ss) Romantic Western January 1939 [Ref. Joseph Sokoli], as "Six-Gun Socrates", by James A. Lawson
- * Trap for a Coyote, (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1937, as "Lust of the Lawless", by Robert Leslie Bellem
- * Two Guns Are Better, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1942
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