The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 245

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    Nouvelle Productions   (about)
    A series of one-shot, thin, digests, sometimes numbered, but usually not, all identified by a seal labelled “A Nouvelle Production” on the cover and the tagline “Streamlined American Fiction”. In general, each issue in the series had a different title.

    Blackout [195?] (Ayers & James Pty. Ltd., 6d, digest)
    Details taken from online listing.

    Lover Power [195?] (Ayers & James Pty. Ltd., 6d, 64pp, digest)
    Details taken from the National Library of Australia.

    Murder in Paradise [195?] (Ayers & James Pty. Ltd., 6d, 64pp, digest)
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Murder in Paradise · Marguerite Gahagan · na; given as by Margaret Gahagan on the cover.

    North•West Stories:   (about)

    Through the November 1924 issue, both the spine and cover of each issue contain the word “Illustrated” more or less prominently in front of the word “Novelets”. The actual title of the magazine, however, was simply Novelets from December 1923 to April 1925. The magazine ceased running interior illustrations after the September 1924 issue and resumed again with the March 1925 issue.

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