The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 314
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Limerick Luke (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Abilene Lena, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd October 1950
- * After the Honeymoon, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1956
- * Alkali Annies, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1950
- * All Cowboys, No Doubt, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1952
- * All Full of Holes, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1949
- * All Gun and No Get ’Em, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st June 1949
- * All Rub, No Tub, (pm) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1957
- * All Up in the Air, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st July 1956
- * The Arid-zona, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st April 1955
- * Badger Ballad, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st December 1953
- * Bath Night, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1954
- * Bong!, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories Winter 1953
- * Born Thataway, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1954
- * Boss of the Ranch, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st November 1950
- * Buckaroo in Boots, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1951
- * Cactus Casanova, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st March 1957
- * Chuck Challenge, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st June 1953
- * Cold Feet Failure, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1953
- * Converted Cowgal, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st May 1954
- * Convincing Cowboy, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1957
- * Counter Attack, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st August 1953
- * Cowboy’s Lament, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st November 1956
- * Cow-Country College, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st August 1954
- * Cowgirl Caution, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1952
- * Cowgirl’s Complaint, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1952
- * Cowpunchers’ Pinups, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1950
- * Coyotes Keep Busy, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st January 1954
- * Dance Prance, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st September 1957
- * Dear, Dear, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1953
- * Dry Try, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1952
- * Dude Ranch Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1949
- * Due Credit, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st January 1957
- * Easy on the Horse!, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1949
- * The Fast Gal, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st March 1956
- * Fistic Finale, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st March 1955
- * Flute Fruit, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1957
- * Fowl Play, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1954
- * Frontier Philosophy, (pm) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1957
- * Gal Tamer, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1950
- * Ghosts’ Hideout, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1957
- * Give Me Back My Horse and Saddle, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd September 1954
- * High Try, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1953
- * Hossback Man, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st June 1954
- * Injun Injury, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1954
- * Injun Love Call, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st June 1952
- * Itch to His Own, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1953
- * It Got Him in the End, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st September 1951
- * Jack Rabbit Routine, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1954
- * Just an Old Spanish Custom, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st June 1950
- * Ketch Him, Cowgal!, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1950
- * Kissin Cowpoke, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1954
- * Lame Aim, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st January 1958
- * Lass Rope Lyric, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1953
- * Late Date, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1955
- * Light Diet, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1952
- * Light Sleeper, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1955
- * Lip Service, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1953
- * Loco Lyrics, (gp) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1957
- * Loco Lyrics, (pm) 2-Gun Western February 1957
- * Love and Learn, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st March 1953
- * Lucky Breakaway, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1950
- * Maverick Maid from Mass., (pm) Ranch Romances 1st May 1950
- * Money Honey, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st March 1954
- * Muscle Woman, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st October 1957
- * Mussed Miss, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1951
- * Mustang Miss, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1954
- * The Nevada Chance!, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st August 1950
- * New Mexico Noose Item, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1957
- * No Brand, (ss) Ranch Romances August 1958
- * No Feller Would Tell Her, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1958
- * No Way to Get Down!, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st July 1951
- * Optical Delusion, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories Summer 1953
- * Permanent Resident, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1957
- * Pincher Puncher, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1951
- * Quick Getaway, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st January 1953
- * Ranch Rhythm, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1956
- * Rangeland Retort, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st January 1955
- * Reasonable Conclusion, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1955
- * Reluctant Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st May 1956
- * Resourceful Ranny, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1950
- * Rodeo Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st July 1949
- * Romance in the Rough, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st December 1949
- * Rough Ridin’ Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1951
- * Ruined Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1951
- * Runaway Romance, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1957
- * Saddle-Struck, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st October 1952
- * Seat of the Trouble, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1953
- * The Sexes in Texas, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1955
- * She Cured Him, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1951
- * Slick Change, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1957
- * Smart Cowgal, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1954
- * Snow No!, (pm) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1955
- * Soft in the Saddle, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1957
- * Sure Cure, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st April 1956
- * Tamed Dame, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st August 1957
- * Taos Spouse, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1950
- * That Old Montana Muscle, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1956
- * That Old Texas Taffy!, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1950
- * They’ll Do It Every Time, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1955
- * Tie-Fast Man, (pm) Ranch Romances January 1959
- * Tough on Cheaters, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1956
- * Tough Texans, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st September 1950
- * Trade Rat Trick, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1954
- * Trioux Blioux Buckarioux, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1956
- * Tucumcari Mary, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1950
- * Tutor Suitor, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1953
- * Upstanding Character, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1952
- * Ute Brute, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st July 1953
- * Verse, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st September 1956
- * Vigilante Ventilation, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st August 1951
- * Walkie-Talkie, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st December 1954
- * The Way to a Man’s Heart, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1957
- * Western Warm-Up, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1950
- * When Buckaroos Woo, (pm) Ranch Romances August 1959
- * Wildcat Catastrophe, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st November 1953
- * Willing to Learn, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st September 1953
- * The Wrong Weight, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st July 1957
- * Yip-Pee, (pm) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1957
Lincoln, E(lliott) C(urtis) (1884-1970) (about) (chron.)
- * Almost a Horse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 23 1933
- * Big and Willie Clean Up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 5 1936
- * Big George Lights Up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 24 1939
- * Black Major, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 12 1931
- * Black Stallion’s Man, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 6 1930
- * Bodyguard in Chaps, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 12 1939
- * Bolts and Bars, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 5 1930
- * Box Car Buckaroos, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 29 1938
- * Broke Thataway, (ss) Far West Illustrated March 1927
- * Buried Treasure, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 13 1940
- * Buyer, Beware!, (ss) Far West Stories April 1929
- * Cached Cattle, (ss) Far West Stories January 1930
- * The Cat’s Whisker, (ss) Western Story Magazine August 2 1930
- * Chief Lame Bear’s White Stud, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 30 1940
- * Code of the Ranch, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 27 1926
- * A Cougar Alibi, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * Cow Tracks Only, (ss) Far West Illustrated April 1928
- * Crazy Broncs, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd June 1930
- * Cupid in Chaps, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 9 1939
- * Death on the Double Seven, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 16 1939
- * Dog-gone Useless, (ss) Far West Illustrated July 1928
- * The Eye of the Buffalo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 13 1939
- * Flying Heels, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 7 1929
- * For All Montana, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 8 1934
- * Forge of Vengeance, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 24 1940
- * Get Ready to Ride, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 2 1929
- * The Gray Old Buzzard, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 26 1931
- * Gun-Fighting Fathers, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 25 1939
- * A Gunless Gunman, (ss) Far West Stories February 1929
- * Hay-Burner Hoss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 5 1938
- * High Country Holocaust, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story March 22 1941
- * The Hornet Stings, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 26 1931
- * Horse Before the Car, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * Horse Thief? Sure, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 6 1928
- * A Hot Time for Big George, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 18 1937
- * Kicking K Horses, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 18 1931
- * Lookin’ Yellow, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 20 1930
- * Lost! Lost! Lost!, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 5 1929
- * Mad About Sheep, (ss) Far West Illustrated December 1927
- * Mine of Missing Men, (ss) Far West Illustrated May 1927
- * Money Rider, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 1 1939
- * Monte Takes the Rest Cure, (ss) West July 5 1927
- * Old Black Steps Across, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 18 1932
- * One Dog’s Day, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 24 1925
- * One Shot Too Many, (ss) Far West Illustrated August 1927
- * Pack Rat Brand, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 12 1938
- * Pop and the Rodeo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 25 1931
- * Pop’s Bad Horses, (ss) Far West Illustrated November 1927
- * Red-Hot from Montana, (ss) Far West Stories May 1929
- * Red Smoke, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 11 1931
- * The Ridin’ Fool, (ss) Cowboy Stories November 1926
- * Ridin’ Sapphires, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 19 1931
- * Rodeo Cash, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 25 1936
- * Rodeo Trouble Trail, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 30 1940
- * Roped and Tied, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 26 1936
- * The Roped-Off Trail, (ss) Far West Illustrated November 1928
- * Running Bear’s Filly, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 21 1936
- * Saddleful o’ Poison, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 18 1939
- * Sagebrush Raspberry, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 19 1935
- * She Didn’t Know Horses, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * The Silver Horse, (ss) Far West Stories January 1929
- * Starring Wranglers, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 22 1927
- * Syndicate Hoss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 19 1938
- * Telltale Spurs, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 14 1939
- * That Clown Horse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 20 1931
- * Those Bar Six Cows, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 23 1932
- * Too Much Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 23 1935
- * Torn Bars, (ss) Western Story Magazine May 25 1929
- * Track Treachery, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 4 1941
- * Where Buzzards Roost, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 3 1928
- * Willie Joe’s Dollar Day, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 11 1937
- * Willie Joe Sees Stars, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 28 1939
- * With Salt on the Tail, (ss) Western Story Magazine August 22 1925
- * Won by a Head, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 13 1941
- * You Might Call It a Horse, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 2 1929
- * Yours—If You Ride Him, (ss) Western Story Magazine August 10 1929
_____, [ref.]
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