The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 308
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Lerch, R(oger) S(herman, Jr.) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Phantom Face, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st January 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Phantom Freebooters, (nv) North•West Romances Summer 1945
- * Phantom Trail, (ss) Western Short Stories March 1938, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Plat of the Ghost, (ss) Popular Western January 1940
- * Poison Ivy Kills, (ss) Pete Rice Magazine January 1935, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Queen of the Silent Muskeg, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1945/1946
- * The Raid on Rustler’s Roost, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #58, March 1929, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Ranch Pardners, (ss) Texas Rangers April 1942
- * The Rawhide Reminder, (ss) The Rio Kid Western December 1942
- * Red-Headed Trouble, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 6 1941
- * Red Rides Rough, (ss) Red Star Western September 1940
- * Red Runs the Rapids, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #55, December 1928, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Return to Hell, (nv) Double Action Western March 1953
- * Riders of the Black Death Brand, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine November 1948
- * Riders of the Night, (na) Three Western Novels Magazine December 1949
- * Roundup for Boothill, (ss) Western Short Stories December 1937, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Run, Sheepman, Run!, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales November 1951
- * Rustlers’ Roost, (ss) Triple-X Western #87, August 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Sackatchewan War, (nv) North•West Romances Winter 1946/1947
- * Saddle-Tramp’s Goal, (ss) Double Action Western September 1951
- * Satan’s Cache, (ss) North•West Romances Fall 1947
- * Sawbones Savvy, (ss) Western Adventures August 1942
- * Scalping Bee of Snake River, (ss) Frontier Stories Summer 1945
- * The Scorpion, (ss) North•West Stories November 1929, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Scout for Starvation Caravan, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories September 1944
- * The Search, (na) Best Western May 1953
- * Shackled to His Sixes, (ss) Western Aces February 1942
- * Shoot-Out in Big Fork, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1943
- * Side-Tracked Justice, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st April 1930, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Six-Gun Devil, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine September 1941
- * Six-Gun Souvenir, (ss) Romance Round-Up March/April 1939
- * The Sixth Cottonwood, (ss) Pete Rice Magazine November 1933, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Skull Ranch Riddle, (ss) Western Trails March 1943
- * Slashing Fangs, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #51, August 1928, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Sourdough Challenge, (ss) Popular Western March 1944
- * South of the Border, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd December 1928, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Split Bullets, (ss) Triple-X Western #86, July 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Stacked Deck, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st September 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Stage Guard Hellion, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1944
- * The Stand at Bowstring Pass, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1938, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Star-Toter’s Blood Badge, (ss) Western Trails January 1943
- * Straw Boss for Hell’s Legion, (na) Best Western Magazine August 1939, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Sundown Justice, (ss) Sure-Fire Western November 1937
- * Sundown Killfest, (ss) Western Aces March 1945
- * Texas Sends a Town-Tamer, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories June 1949
- * Tex Cleans Up, (ss) Rangeland Stories June 1929, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Timber Pirates, (nv) North•West Romances Spring 1944
- * T N T, (ss) Ace-High Magazine October 1932, as by L. R. Sherman
- * To a Finish, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd October 1928, as by L. R. Sherman
- * A Token from the Dead, (ss) Pete Rice Magazine November 1934, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Tonto Rattler, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd August 1930, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Trail Boss Collects, (ss) Frontier Stories November 1928, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Trail of Hate, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st October 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Trail of Revenge, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd March 1930, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The Trail of the Wolverine, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st February 1930, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Trouble Valley, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1935, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Twelve Steps to Eternity, (ss) Western Tales December 1941
- * The Under-Cover Partner, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st May 1931, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Vanishing Trails, (nv) Exciting Western October 1945
- * Wagons of the Damned, (na) Frontier Stories Winter 1942
- * Wanted: Cowhands, Must Be Colt-Fast, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine July 1948
- * The Water-Right Rebellion, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1946
- * Water Rights—In Hell!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine May 1944
- * Where the Owl Hoots, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine June 1935, as by L. R. Sherman
- * The White Apache [White Apache], (nv) Frontier Stories Winter 1947
- * The White Death, (ss) Western Trails May 1935, as by L. R. Sherman
- * Wind Up of Spade Bit, (nv) Famous Western August 1951
- * With Wire and Winchesters!, (na) Three Western Novels Magazine December 1950
- * Wolf-Riders of the Red Arroyo, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine July 1944
Leslie, A.; pseudonym of A. Leslie Scott (1893-1974) (chron.)
- * Accused!, (ss) Western Romances #13, April 1931
- * Angel of the Range, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1938
- * Angel Tamer, (ss) Thrilling Western November/December 1949
- * Apache Gold [Larry Neale; Kepnau], (nv) Thrilling Western January 1937
- * The Arizona Ranger [Rance Hatfield, Arizona Ranger], (na) Thrilling Western June 1935
- * Bad Business at the Bar-A, (ss) Western Romances #11, February 1931
- * Barbara Allen, (ss) Western Romances #16, July 1931
- * The Bargain, (ss) Popular Western January 1936
- * Black Diamonds, (na) West November 1940
- * Blood and Gold, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1935
- * Blood and Steel, (ss) Ace-High Magazine December 1934; not the same as the story of the same name in the February 1939 issue of Thrilling Western.
- * Blood and Steel, (na) Thrilling Western February 1939; not the same as the story of the same name in the December 1934 issue of Ace-High Magazine.
- * Blood of Spain, (nv) Western Romances #19, October 1931
- * Blood on the Ceiling, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1948
- * Blotted Brands, (na) Popular Western March 1935
- * Blue Lightning, (ss) Argosy January 7 1933
- * Blue Lightnin’ Strikes, (ss) Range Riders Western September 1948
- * The Border Raiders, (na) West July 1944
- * The Border Ranger, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1935
- * Brand of the Devil, (nv) Thrilling Western March 1938
- * Brush Pards, (ss) Thrilling Western August 1948
- * Bullet Brand, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1936
- * Bullet Justice, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1936
- * The California Ranger, (na) West October 1945
- * Canyon of Fear, (ar) 5 Western Novels Magazine June 1951
- * El Cascabel Rides Again, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1935
- * Covered Wagon Guns, (na) Thrilling Western December 1935
- * Crooked Trails, (nv) Thrilling Western April 1938
- * Crossed Trails, (ss) Exciting Western July 1949
- * Cupid Brands a Heart, (nv) Western Romances #2, March 1930
- * Daughter of the Range, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1936
- * Dead Man’s Gold, (ss) Giant Western August 1950
- * Dead Men’s Gold, (ss) Range Riders Western March 1949
- * Dead Men’s Treasure, (ss) Western Romances #14, May 1931
- * Death on the Hogback Trail, (ss) Giant Western October 1950
- * The Devil’s Roundup, (nv) Popular Western May 1935
- * Duane of Rocky Ridge, (na) Thrilling Western May 1936
- * Dusty Delivers, (ss) Masked Rider Western Summer 1950
- * Fate in Feathers, (ss) Hopalong Cassidy’s Western Magazine Winter 1951
- * The Fighting Red-Head, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1935
- * Gambling Lady, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Spring 1951
- * The Gift of Green-Flame Cave, (na) Western Romances #12, March 1931
- * Girl of the XL, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1936
- * Gold—and a Bushwhacker, (na) Western Romances #15, June 1931
- * Gold and a Girl, (ss) Western Romances #8, November 1930
- * Gold of Western Stars, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1943
- * Gun Pardners, (ss) Giant Western Fall 1947
- * Gun Pards [Jacob Green], (ss) Giant Western June 1949
- * Gun Partner, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1937
- * Guns and Gold, (nv) Western Romances #4, July 1930
- * Guns in the Dark, (nv) Popular Western March 1936
- * Gun-Smoke Girl, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1936
- * Guns of Empire, (na) Thrilling Western August 1939
- * Gun Waif, (nv) Popular Western April 1937
- * The Harmony Trail, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1941
- * Heads to Lose, (ss) Texas Rangers June 1951
- * Hell’s Home Trail, (ss) Popular Western January 1935
- * Heritage of Hate, (nv) Popular Western February 1951
- * Hidden Trails, (ss) Popular Western September 1935
- * Highballing to Hell, (ss) All Western Magazine #35, March 1935
- * Horse Sense, (ss) Giant Western February 1949
- * Jean of the Cross C, (nv) Rodeo Romances Winter 1944
- * Justice on the Range [Rance Hatfield, Arizona Ranger], (nv) Thrilling Western January 1936
- * The King Takes Over, (ss) Exciting Western March 1950
- * Lady Boss, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1942
- * The Land Rush, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1939
- * The Last Play, (ss) Thrilling Western March 1950
- * The Law Takes a Trick, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1951
- * Lead and Flame, (ss) Range Riders Western December 1950
- * Lone Star Love, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1939
- * Love Blots a Brand, (ss) Western Romances #7, October 1930
- * Love Rides the Trail, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1938
- * Master of the Wastelands, (ss) Masked Rider Western January 1951
- * The Maverick, (nv) Giant Western Spring 1948
- * Men of Steel, (ss) Texas Rangers October 1952
- * The Miracle of White Horse Canyon, (nv) Western Romances #26, May 1932
- * Of Men and Mules [Jacob Green], (ss) Giant Western February 1950
- * Old Bill Comes Through, (nv) Texas Rangers December 1948
- * Old Debbil River, (ss) The Rio Kid Western February 1949
- * Old Mike, (ss) Giant Western Winter 1948
- * Old Pete, (ss) The Rio Kid Western September 1951
- * Out of the Storm, (ss) Western Romances #23, February 1932
- * The Overland Stage, (na) Thrilling Western October 1938
- * Pony Express Rider, (na) Thrilling Western August 1936
- * Powder Man, (ss) West July 1948
- * Prairie Girl, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1936
- * Queen High, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1935
- * Ranger Bullets, (na) Thrilling Western September 1935
- * Red Gold, (ss) Western Romances #27, June 1932
- * Red Justice [Larry Neale; Kepnau], (nv) Thrilling Western September 1936
- * Red Man’s Range [Larry Neale; Kepnau], (nv) Thrilling Western April 1937
- * Red Vengeance, (nv) Thrilling Western November 1936
- * Red, White and Black, (ss) The Rio Kid Western January 1951
- * Riddle of the Wastelands, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1952
- * Riders of the Haunted Hills, (nv) Exciting Western March 1952
- * Ridin’ Gal, (nv) Rodeo Romances Fall 1943
- * Ringing Steel, (na) Thrilling Western July 1940; not the same as the story of the same name in the March 1947 issue.
- * Robber’s Roost, (nv) Giant Western June 1950
- * The Rocking Chair Feud, (ss)
- * Romance Gold, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1935
- * Romance of the Wastelands, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1944
- * Romance Rides the Iron Trail, (ss) Western Romances #9, December 1930
- * Romance Trail, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Winter 1951
- * Señor from Arizona, (nv) Western Romances #28, July 1932
- * The Shining Devil, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1949
- * Short Cuts, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1934
- * Sixguns and a Senorita, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories Summer 1950
- * Sky-Top Treasure, (na) Western Romances #10, January 1931
- * The Slick Iron Trail [Jacob Green], (ss) Giant Western February 1951
- * Son of the Border, (na) Popular Western September 1936
- * Tangled Trails, (ss) Popular Western June 1936
- * The Texan, (na) Thrilling Western November 1951
- * The Thundering Trail, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1935
- * The Trail Herd, (na) Thrilling Western February 1936
- * Trails of Steel, (na) Thrilling Western December 1936
- * Train Ticket, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1940
- * Trigger Talk [Jacob Green], (ss) Giant Western August 1949
- * The Trumpets of Jericho [Jacob Green], (ss) Giant Western April 1949
- * The Two Old Reprobates, (ss) The Rio Kid Western August 1949
- * Under Western Stars, (na) West January 1951
- * Unto the Least of These, (ss) Masked Rider Western February 1949
- * Varmints All, (ss) West April 1948
- * The Vengeance Quest, (nv) Western Romances #17, August 1931
- * The Vengeance Trail, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1935; not the same as the story of almost the same title in the October 1948 issue of Masked Rider Western.
- * Vengeance Trail, (ss) Masked Rider Western October 1948; not the same as the story of almost the same title in the February 1935 issue of Thrilling Ranch Stories.
- * Washed in Blood, (ss) Exciting Western November 1948
- * Weasel Blood, (ss) Giant Western June 1951
- * When the Red Man Rode [Larry Neale; Kepnau], (nv) Thrilling Western July 1936
- * Wolf to Catch a Wolf, (ss) West May 1952
- * Yellow Men and Red, (ss) Giant Western Summer 1948
- * [unknown story], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1936
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