The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2182
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * An Arkham Warehouse, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969
- * A.R. Morlan, (iv) The Horror Show Fall 1987 [Ref. A. R. Morlan]
- * Army Bulletin on Mental Telepathy [Psionics], (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1967
- * Around, About, and Inbetween, (sl) Probe #33 Jun 1977, #34 Jan 1978
- * Around the Campus with the Editors of Modern Photography Magazine, (ar) Beyond #1, Fall 1981
- * Around the Universe in 112 Days, (ms) ProtoStellar #1, 1991
- * Around the Universe in 128 Days, (cl) ProtoStellar #2, 1991
- * Around the World in Eighty Days, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Jules Verne]
- * Arrest Woman Accused of Witchcraft, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * The Arrival, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2002
- * Art 2003, (pi) Lighthouse Magazine #2, December 2003
- * Art and Artist Profile of:
* ___ Richard Dahlstrom, (bg) Amazing Experiences December 1990 [Ref. Richard Dahlstrom]
* ___ Jeff Fennel, (bg) Amazing Experiences July 1990 [Ref. Jeff Fennel]
* ___ Shepherd Hendrix, (bg) Amazing Experiences December 1990 [Ref. Shepherd Hendrix]
* ___ Laura Kagawa, (bg) Amazing Experiences September/October 1990 [Ref. Laura Kagawa]
* ___ April Lee, (bg) Amazing Experiences December 1990 [Ref. April Lee]
* ___ Dan Lopez, (bg) Amazing Experiences December 1990 [Ref. Dan Lopez]
* ___ Temple Studios, (bg) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990 [Ref. Phillip & Peter Temple]
- * Art as Collaboration, (iv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2023 [Ref. Carl Scharwath]
- * The Art Director, (bg) Other Worlds Science Stories August 1952 [Ref. Malcolm H. Smith]
- * The Art Director Speaks: Pitfalls of Art Direction, (ar) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Spring 1999
- * The Artefact, (bg) The Singularity #2, December 2015 [Ref. Christoph Struber]
- * Artemis Magazine Photo Contest, (ms) Artemis #7 Sum 2002, #8 Win 2003
- * The Artemis Project, (ms) Artemis #7 Sum 2002, #8 Win 2003
- * The Artful Touch, (vi) (by Charles Dickens) Household Words September 14 1850, uncredited.
- * Arthur C. Clarke, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #22 1954, #124 Nov 1962 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Arthur C. Clarke Interviewed, (iv) Science-Fiction Monthly #12, 1956 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Arthur C. Clarke: Our Man in the Future, (iv) Omega Science Digest July/August 1982 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Arthur Sellings, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #49, July 1956 [Ref. Arthur Sellings]
- * Arthur T. Harris, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1942 [Ref. Arthur T. Harris]
- * Article on the “Futures” from Radix Media, (ar) Three Crows Magazine #6, March 2020
- * Artificial Satellite, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955
- * Art in 2003, (ms) Lighthouse Magazine #2, December 2003
- * Artis Eterne, (ss) (by Dominy Clements) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Artist Biographies, (bg) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * Artist Bios, (bg) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest Fll 2005, Spr, Sum 2006, #10 2007
- * Artist Credits, (ms) Astral Dimensions #5, Winter 1977
- * Artist Guidelines, (ms) Leading Edge #53 Apr, #54 Nov 2007
- * Artistic Detail, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction June 1956
- * Artist Interview, (iv) Apparition Literary Magazine #9 Jan 2020, #8 Oct, #7 Jul 2019 [Ref. Kim Myatt]
- * Artist Interview April Lee, (iv) The Ultimate Unknown #21, 2001 [Ref. April Lee]
- * Artist Interview: Carl Andrée Wallin, Sweden, (iv) Ray Gun Revival #57, 2010 [Ref. Carl Andrée Wallin]
- * Artist Interview: Chris Kindred, (iv) Fiyah #30, Spring 2024 [Ref. Chris Kindred]
- * Artist Interview: Christian Nauck, (iv) Ray Gun Revival #54, 2009 [Ref. Christian Nauck]
- * Artist Interview: Jordan Penland, (iv) Fiyah #29, Winter 2024 [Ref. Jordan Penland]
- * Artist Interview: Juha Järvinen, Finland, (iv) Ray Gun Revival #55, 2009 [Ref. Juha Järvinen]
- * Artist Interview: Kaitlin Edwards, (iv) Fiyah #31, Summer 2024 [Ref. Kaitlin Edwards]
- * Artist Interview: Pierre-Etienne Travers, (iv) Ray Gun Revival #56, 2010 [Ref. Pierre-Etienne Travers]
- * Artist Interview with Crystal Lipsey, (iv) Apparition Literary Magazine #5, January 2019 [Ref. Crystal Lipsey]
- * Artist Interview with Erika Hollice, (iv) Apparition Literary Magazine #11, July 2020 [Ref. Erika Hollice]
- * Artist Interview with Sharlyn Artieda, (iv) Apparition Literary Magazine #4, October 2018 [Ref. Sharlyn Artieda]
- * Artist Profiles, (bg) Aberrations #35 Dec 1995, #36 Apr, #37 May, #38 Jul, #39 Sep 1996
- * Artist Profile—The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta, (pi) Questar October 1980
- * Artists, (bg) Winedark Sea v1, 2000
- * The Artists, (bg) Enigmatic Tales #8 Spr, #9 Sum 2000
- * The Artists, (bg) Midnight Street #8, Winter 2006
- * Artists and Illustrations, (bg) Shimmer v1 #1 2005, v1 #2, v1 #3, v1 #4, v2 #1 2006, v2 #3 2007, v2 #4 2008
- * Artists and Illustrators, (bg) Black Petals (online) #109, Autumn 2024
- * The Artists Behind the Brushes, (bg) Shoreline of Infinity #17, Winter/Spring 2020
- * Artists’ Biographies, (bg) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion #1, 1992
- * Artists’ Biographies, (bg) Prisoners of the Night #9, 1995
- * Artists’ Biographies, (bg) Orb Speculative Fiction #0 Spr/Sum 1999, #1 Aut/Win 2000, #3/4 2002
- * Artists’ Bios, (bg) #1, 2005
- * Artists for Issue #12, (bg) Night Terrors #12, December 2002
- * Artists for Issue #9, (bg) Night Terrors #9, June 2001
- * Artist Showcase: Alexandra Knickel, (iv) Lightspeed #32, January 2013 [Ref. Alexandra Knickel]
- * Artist Showcase: Alexey Zaryuta, (iv) Lightspeed #20, January 2012 [Ref. Alexey Zaryuta]
- * Artist Showcase: Chris Cold & Tobias Roetsch, (iv) Lightspeed #26, July 2012 [Ref. Chris Cold & Tobias Roetsch]
- * Artist Showcase: Dylan Pierpont, (iv) Lightspeed #23, April 2012 [Ref. Dylan Pierpont]
- * Artist Showcase: Erik Schumacher, (iv) Lightspeed #30, November 2012 [Ref. Erik Schumacher]
- * Artist Showcase: Frank Hong, (iv) Lightspeed #28, September 2012 [Ref. Frank Hong]
- * Artist Showcase: Galen Dara, (iv) Lightspeed #28, September 2012 [Ref. Galen Dara]
- * Artist Showcase: Hrvoje Bešlić, (iv) Lightspeed #27, August 2012 [Ref. Hrvoje Bešlić]
- * Artist Showcase: Lius Lasahido, (iv) Lightspeed #31, December 2012 [Ref. Lius Lasahido]
- * Artist Showcase: Marc Simonetti, (iv) Lightspeed #25, June 2012 [Ref. Marc Simonetti]
- * Artist Showcase: Mikhail Rakhmatullin, (iv) Lightspeed #24, May 2012 [Ref. Mikhail Rakhmatullin]
- * Artist Showcase: R.J. Palmer, (iv) Lightspeed #29, October 2012 [Ref. R. J. Palmer]
- * Artist Showcase: Yannick De Smet, (iv) Lightspeed #33, February 2013 [Ref. Yannick De Smet]
- * Artists & Illustrations, (bg) Shimmer v3 #1 2008, #10, #11 2009
- * Artist Spotlight: Chris Drysdale, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #8, August 2015 [Ref. Chris Drysdale]
- * Artist Spotlight: Dark Digital Fantasies by David Ho and Adrian Welch, (ar) Dark Realms #7, Summer 2002
- * Artist Spotlight: Digital Apocalypse from Chad Michael Ward, (ar) Dark Realms #9, Winter 2002
- * Artist Spotlight: Digital Divas and Sensual Sirens by Lady Rhiannon Morrigan, (ar) Dark Realms #11, Summer 2003
- * Artist Spotlight: Franklin Chan, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #6, April 2015 [Ref. Franklin Chan]
- * Artist Spotlight: Gothic-Medieval Photography with Model and Artist Morgana, (ar) Dark Realms #11, Summer 2003
- * Artist Spotlight: Jeremy Vickery, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #11, February 2016 [Ref. Jeremy Vickery]
- * Artist Spotlight: Jessica Tung Chi, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #9, October 2015 [Ref. Jessica Tung Chi]
- * Artist Spotlight: Jonathan Gragg, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #1, April 2014 [Ref. Jonathan Gragg]
- * Artist Spotlight: Josh Hutchinson, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #10, December 2015 [Ref. Joshua Hutchinson]
- * Artist Spotlight On: Caitlin Mkhasibe, (iv) Omenana #11, April 2018 [Ref. Caitlin Mkhasibe]
- * Artist Spotlight on: Olisa Onwualu, (iv) Omenana #10, September 2017 [Ref. Olisa Onwualu]
- * Artist Spotlight on: Tamara Reddy, (iv) Omenana #12, August 2018 [Ref. Tamara Reddy]
- * Artist Spotlight: Sabbas Apterus, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #2, June 2014 [Ref. Sabbas Apterus]
- * Artist Spotlights: Jessica Galbreth and Jordan Smith, (ar) Dark Realms #13, Winter 2003
- * Artist Spotlights: Photography by David Alexy, and Sculpture by Sandra Lira, (ar) Dark Realms #10, Spring 2003
- * Artist Spotlight: Suebsin Pulsiri, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #3, September 2014 [Ref. Suebsin Pulsiri]
- * Artist Spotlight: Surreal Visions of Dark Fantasy from Jason Beam, (ar) Dark Realms #8, Fall 2002
- * Artist Spotlight: The Dark Fantasy Art of Todd Lockwood, (ar) Dark Realms #12, Fall 2003
- * Artist Spotlight: Todor Hristov, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #5, February 2015 [Ref. Todor Hristov]
- * Artists’ & Writers’ Bios, (bg) Dead Lines #1 Jan, #2 May 1995
- * Art Notes, (bg) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, 1992
- * The Art of Doing, (ar) Frothing at the Mouth #1, 2003
- * The Art of Dreaming, (iv) Abaddon #2, Autumn 1999 [Ref. Jack M. Dann]
- * The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road, (br) Interzone #259, July/August 2015 [Ref. Abbie Bernstein]
- * The Art of Rejection: British Rejections Lag Behind U.S., (ar) The Rejected Quarterly Summer/Fall 2006
- * The Art of Straub, (ar) The Spook December 2001 (Bonus Issue)
- * The Art of the Pastiche, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Michael Harrison]
- * Art Portfolio: R.E. Howard’s Women Characters, (pi) Fantasy Crossroads #3, May 1975
- * The Arts: Books, (ms) Omni January 1979
- * The Arts: Television, (rv) Omni August 1981
- * As He Desired Me, (ss) True Mystic Confessions #1, 1937
- * ASIM Flight-Times Increased!, (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46, #49 2010
- * Asimov’s Hugo- and Nebula-Award Winners, (ms) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2007
- * Asimov’s Poetry Award, (ms) Star*Line July/August 1995
- * Asimov’s Readers’ Award Ballot, (ms) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2025
- * Asimov’s Science Fiction Congratulates the Winners of the 2008 Hugo Awards, (ms) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2009
- * Asimov’s Science Fiction Congratulates the Winners of the 2014 Hugo Awards, (ar) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2015
- * Asimov’s Science Fiction Salutes the Winners of the 2009 Nebula Awards, (ms) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2009
- * ASIM “We’ll Get You There, Somehow” Writing Competition, (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #7, June/July 2003
- * Ask Dr. Bernofsky: An Advice Column, (hu) Kaleidotrope Spr, Sum 2013, Sum 2014
- * Ask Houdini, (ms) Weird Tales March 1924
- * Ask Theaker’s!, (iv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015 [Ref. Stephen Theaker, Douglas J. Ogurek, Howard Watts & Jacob Edwards]
- * Ask the Professor, (hu) Aurealis #23, #24 1999, #25/26 Jun/Jul 2000, #27/28 2001
- * Assignment in Eternity, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Assignment in Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * The Assistant to Dr. Jacob, (ss) (by Eric Schaller) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Associational, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #8, Winter 1971
- * Associational Items, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #7, Summer 1970
- * As Space Available, (ms) Star*Line v15 #7, 1992
- * Asteroids, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #38, October 15 1953
- * Asteroids, (ms) Another Earth #1, 1974
- * The Astonishing Atom, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955 [Ref. John Rowland]
- * Astounding Index!, (ms) Operation Fantast #3, March 1948
- * The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #24, August 15 1952 [Ref. John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- * Astrochemistry?, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1940
- * Astronomers Peer Inside a Quasar, (ar) October 6 2006, as by Fraser Cain
- * Astronomy in Ancient China, (ms) Fantastic Universe October 1958
- * Astryiah the Vampire, (vi) From Lilith’s Cave, 1986
- * Atlantean Chronicles, (br) Amra v2 #56, 1972 [Ref. Henry M. Eichner]
- * The Atlantic Ocean, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. F. George Kay]
- * An Atlas of Fantasy, (br) Amra v2 #63, 1975 [Ref. J. B. Post]
- * At Last—A British Fantasy Magazine, (ms) Scientifiction June 1937
- * Atmosphere Explored in Polar Areas, (ms) Fantastic Universe July 1958
- * Atmosphere of Venus Dangerous?, (ms) Fantastic Universe January 1960
- * The Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets, (br) Science Fiction Fortnightly #7, April 1 1951 [Ref. Professor G. P. Kuiper]
- * The Atom Dawns on the Navy, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction November 1946
- * Atomic Confusion, (ms) Imagination April 1957
- * Atomic Energy for the Layman, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #15, November 15 1951 [Ref. Sir Arthur L. Dixon]
- * Atomic First!, (pi) Omni January 1979
- * Atomic Light Bulbs, (ar) Popular Mechanics
- * Atomic Power?, (ms) Science-Fantasy Review #3, June 12 1939
- * Atomic Power Plant, (il) If September 1954
- * Atomic Power Plant, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1939
- * Atomic Research at Harwell, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955 [Ref. K. E. B. Jay]
- * The Atomic Story, (br) Astounding Science Fiction Feb, Jun 1947 [Ref. John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- * The Atomic Submarine, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954
- * The Atomic Submarine, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #64, December 15 1955 [Ref. Clay Blair]
- * An A to Z of This Issue’s Contributors, (bg) Whispers of Wickedness #13, Summer 2006
- * Attention Fans, (ar) Galaxy February 1938
- * Attention, Readers!, (ms) Planet Stories Summer 1949
- * At the Editor’s Desk, (ed) The Master Thriller Series #22, 1938
- * At the Hearth, (cl) The Willows May/June 2008
- * At the Time Centre, (mu) (by Pete Pavli) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- * Attila’s Treasure, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine October 1936
- * Attitude Is Everything, (ms) XOddity #2, March 1998
- * ATV’s Science Fiction Theatre, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #44, February 1956
- * Auctions, (ms) Star*Line January/February 1982
- * Auction Watch, (ms) Mythos Collector #1 Sum 2001, #2 Win, #3, #4 Fll 2002, #5 Spr 2003, #6 Win 2004
- * Audience Reaction to Horror, (ar) Suspense Tales September 1959
- * An Audience with Freddy Krueger, (ar) Fear #5, March/April 1989
- * An Audience with the King, (iv) The Scream Factory #4, Fall 1989 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Audiobooks Received, (ms) Interzone #83, May 1994
- * August Derleth and Jesse Stuart, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968
- * Aura, (pm) HPL Supplement #2, July 1973
- * Aurealis Award Frequently Asked Judges’ Questions, (ms) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- * The Aurealis Awards, (ms) Aurealis #16 1995, #18 1996
- * Aurealis Awards Guidelines, (ms) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- * Aurealis Premiere Genre Stockists, (ms) Aurealis #30, 2002
- * Aurelie: Sadistik Virgin, (pi) Red Scream #0.1, July/August 2005
- * Aurora winner: James Beveridge, (ar) On Spec Winter 2002 [Ref. James Beveridge]
- * Australian National Conventions, (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2, 1982
- * Australian SF—1990 and Beyond, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1990
- * Australian SF Achievement Awards, 1969-1981, (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2, 1982
- * Australian SF Achievement Awards: 1982 Nominations, (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2, 1982
- * The Australian Society of Speculative Fiction Writers, (ms) Aurealis #20/21, 1998
- * Australia’s Greatest Short Film Festival, (mr) Lighthouse Magazine #2, December 2003
- * Author and Artist Biographies, (bg) The Leading Edge #33 Oct 1996, #36 Sep 1998, #37 Mar, #38 Nov 1999, #39 Mar 2000, #44 Dec 2002, #45 Apr, #46 Oct 2003, #47 Apr, #48 Oct 2004,
#49 Apr, #50 Oct 2005
- * Author and Artist Bios, (bg) Leading Edge #63, December 2012
- * Author, Author, (bg) Future Science Fiction #36 Apr, #37 Jun 1958
- * Author, Author!, (bg) Future Science Fiction #30 1956, Mar, Jan, #37 Jun, Aug, Jul 1958, Nov 1957, #36 Apr 1958, #34 Fll 1957, Jun 1958, #33 Sum 1957,
#35 Feb, May 1958
[Ref. Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague de Camp, Frederik Pohl & Eric Frank Russell]
- * Author, Author: David H. Keller MD, (bi) The Fanscient Fall 1948
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #3 Win, #4 Spr 1999, #5 Jan, #6 2000, #7, #8 2001
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Spring 1999
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Harbinger #2, 1999
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Flesh & Blood #13, 2003
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #24, #25, #26 2006, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31 2007, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36,
#37 2008
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Crowded Magazine #1 Feb, #2 Sep 2013
- * Author Biographies, (bg) The Silent Companion #14 2018, #15 2019, #16 2020
- * Author Biographies, (bg) Hexagon Magazine #2, Fall 2020
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