The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1751
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Shire, John (1964- ) (about) (chron.)
- * After Summer, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #15, Hallowmas 1998
- * The Alternate Manuscript, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #10, Eastertide 1997
- * Beneath the Black Tower, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #6, Spring 2005
- * The Edge of Sanity: The Crisis of Narration, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #96, Lammas 1997
- * Ex Libris, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #10, Autumn 2000
- * Hunting Diana, (ar) Here & Now #5/6, Spring 2005
- * Lovecraft, Lacan and the Lurking Fear, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #105, Lammas 2000
- * Signs & Signals, (ss) Lovecraft’s Disciples #6, November 2006
Shirey, D. L. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Amy’s Face, (vi) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- * Bloom, (ss) Black Sheep #3, September 2023
- * Body Neutral, (ss) The Chamber Magazine August 27 2021
- * Just Breathe, (ss) Dark Horses #15, April 2023
- * Pyrophilia, (ss) Liquid Imagination #33, May 2017
- * Rita’s Finger, (ss) 96th of October Winter 2020
- * What the Lord Giveth, (nv) The Society of Misfit Stories Presents… February 2019
Shirley, John (Patrick) (1953- ); used pseudonyms D. B. Drumm & Gustav Flurbert (about) (chron.)
- * Aftertaste, (nv) Bones of the Children Fall 1996
- * An Alien in L.A., (cl) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * An Alien in L.A., (cl) Stardate March/April 1986
- * All Hangy (with Rudy Rucker), (ss) Flurb #7, Spring/Summer 2009
- * And I’ll Burn Like a Vampire in the Sun, (pm) Weirdbook #42, 2020
- * …And the Angel with Television Eyes, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1983
- * Animus Rights, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2009
- * Anvil Rock, (ss) Weirdbook #42, 2020
- * Any Damn Thing I Please, (cl) Wetbones #1 Spr, #2 Fll 1997
- * The Artificial Kid, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980 [Ref. Bruce Sterling]
- * The Beast— Screening the Monster That Is Hollywood, (ar) Journal Wired #1, Winter 1989
- * Beyond Cyberpunk: The New Science Fiction Underground, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * Bitters, (ss) Flurb #10, Fall/Winter 2010
- * Black Glass Samples, (ss) Flurb #5, Spring/Summer 2008
- * The Book of the SubGenius, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- * Broken on the Wheel of Time, (nv) Lovecraft Alive! by John Shirley, Hippocampus Press, 2016
- * Buried in the Sky, (nv) Weird Tales October/November 2006
- * Burning Questions, (ms) Albedo One #43, 2013
- * Calaphais and the Demon Malchance, (ss) Dark Wisdom #11, 2007
- * The Claw Spurs, (ss) Horror Garage #3, 2001
- * The Cold Fog of Regret, (pm) Spectral Realms #5, Summer 2016
- * Cory for Coriolis, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2016
- * Cram, (ss) Wetbones #2, Fall 1997
- * Cul-de-Sac, (ss) Flurb #2, Winter 2006/2007
- * Dad’s Nuke, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. Marc Laidlaw]
- * Damiano, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. R. A. MacAvoy]
- * Damiano’s Lute, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. R. A. MacAvoy]
- * The Dead Have Left a Wake-up Call, (pm) Penumbra #4, 2023
- * Dhampire, (br) Science Fiction Review #46, Spring 1983 [Ref. Scott Baker]
- * Dime Bag Reviews, (rc) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * The Doom of Parentheses, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1981
- * The Egregious Error of Werner Witherbye, (pm) Spectral Realms #5, Summer 2016
- * Everything Is Broken, (ss) Flurb #12, Fall/Winter 2011
- * Faces in Walls, (ss) Black Static #17, June/July 2010
- * The Fiddlers Unseen, (pm) The Weird Fiction Review #7, Fall 2016
- * A Final Paranoid Critical Statement, (ar) Thrust #16, Fall 1980
- * Five Reasons I Wear Black, (ar) Horror Garage #2, 2000
- * Flesh Flowers, (pm) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * Gaia’s Prophecy, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Garden Statuary, (ss) Penumbra #5, 2024
- * Gotterdammergun, (ss) Horror Garage #6, 2002
- * I Met a Girl in a Cemetery, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * The Impostor, (cl) The Spook #6, January 2002
- * The Incorporated, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1985
- * The Initiation of Larry Schor, (ss) Dark Discoveries #29, Fall 2014
- * Irene Leaves the Werehouse (with Charlie Anders, Marc Laidlaw & Rudy Rucker), (ss) Flurb #4, Fall/Winter 2007, as by Gustav Flurbert
- * It’s Hell Being Your Guardian Angel, (pm) Spectral Realms #7, Summer 2017
- * John Shirley Rebuts, (ms) Science Fiction Eye #12, Summer 1993
- * John Shirley replies, (ms) Science Fiction Eye #11, December 1992
- * Just Like Suzie, (ss) Cemetery Dance #9, Summer 1991
- * The Kindest Man in Stormland, (ss) Interzone #249, November/December 2013
- * The Lost City of Los Angeles, (ss) Startling Stories v34 #2, 2022
- * Machen Spoke the Hidden Thing, (pm) Spectral Realms #4, Winter 2016
- * Make It Scream, (cl) Thrust #27 Sum 1987, #30 Sum 1988, #33 Spr 1989
* ___ Science Fiction Cowardice, (cl) Thrust #25, Fall/Winter 1986
* ___ Winners of the Alternative Convention Programming Contest!, (cl) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
* ___ “A Writer Meets Himself”, (cl) Thrust #32, Winter 1989
- * The Man Who Melted, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986 [Ref. Jack Dann]
- * The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. John Barnes]
- * Master of Space and Time, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- * Meerga, (ss) Michael Moorcock’s New Worlds #2, May 2013
- * Memento Mori, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * My Sweetheart’s Name Is Despair, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * My Victim, (ss) Cemetery Dance #34, 2001
- * Naked Expression, (ss) Forbidden Futures #10, All Punk 2023
- * Nineteen Seconds, (ss) Horror Garage #1, 2000
- * Nodding Angel, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #8, Fall 2017
- * One Stick, Both Ends Sharpened, (ss) Horror Garage #4, 2001
- * Parakeet, (nv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy April/May 1987
- * Paranoid Critical Statements, (cl) Thrust #11 Fll 1978, #12 Sum, #13 Fll 1979, #14 Wtr 1980
- * The Peculiar Happiness of Professor Cort, (ss) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #10, March 1988
- * Political and Corporate Censorship in the Land of the Free, (ar) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Preach, (vi) The Edge #4, 1997
- * Provocatourist, (ss) Flurb #1, Fall 2006
- * Quill Tripstickler Eludes a Bride [Quill Tripstickler], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1980
- * Quill Tripstickler Hits Bottim [Quill Tripstickler], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1982
- * Quill Tripstickler Out the Window [Quill Tripstickler], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1981
- * Raise Your Hand if You’re Dead, (ss) Dark Discoveries #17, Summer/Fall 2010
- * Raphael, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. R. A. MacAvoy]
- * Red, Green, Blink, Black (with Don Webb), (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #7, Fall 2016
- * Rejuve Blues, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2025
- * Reward and Punishment, Ha Ha, (nv) Iniquities Autumn 1990
- * Sacrificial Drones, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2022
- * Science Fiction Cowardice, (ar) Thrust #25, Fall/Winter 1986
- * Screens, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1989
- * Screw, (ss) Interzone #189, May/June 2003
- * A Search for Light in Night; A Search for Dark in Day, (pm) Spectral Realms #2, Winter 2015
- * The Secret of Life, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- * Secret Tree, (pm) Spectral Realms #7, Summer 2017
- * Seven Rooms and the Key, (ss) Big Echo #13, October 2019
- * SF Alternatives, Part One: Stelarc & the New Reality, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #2, August 1987
- * SFRA Panel: Cyberpunk or Cyberjunk? Some Perspectives on Recent Trends in SF (with Gregory Benford, David Brin, Norman Spinrad & Jack Williamson), (ar) Science Fiction Eye #1, Winter 1987
- * SF Writers: A Responsibility to the Future, (ar) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #15, September 1989
- * Shadow of a Snowstorm, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories October 1977
- * Shaman, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1988
- * Shattered Shadow, an excerpt from: Eclipse Corona, (ex) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #14 May, #15 Sep 1989
- * She’s a Legend: A Song Sung by the Unsung, (pm) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * Silent Crickets, (vi) Fantastic Stories April 1975
- * Sleepwalkers, (ss) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #12, October 1988
- * Slither Eyes, (vi) Forbidden Futures #2, Fall 2018
- * The Social Future: An Evolving Essay: Part 1: Business Ethics: An Oxymoron, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #10, June 1992
- * The Social Future: An Evolving Essay: Part 2: Deception as Usual…, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #11, December 1992
- * The Social Future: An Evolving Essay: Part 3: Completely Unauthorized Possibilities, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #12, Summer 1993
- * Spider Eggs, (pm) Spectral Realms #6, Winter 2017
- * The Sudden Raving of a Quiet One, (pm) Spectral Realms #8, Winter 2018
- * Swords of Atlantis, (na) Weirdbook #42, 2020
- * Tahiti in Terms of Squares, (ss) Fantastic Stories October 1978
- * Talisman, (ss) The Spook #3, September 2001
- * TechnoTriptych, (ss) Dark Wisdom #8, Winter 2006
- * That Ambulance Again, (ss) Weirdbook #42, 2020
- * That Certain Day with Magdalen, (ss) Flurb #3, Spring/Summer 2007
- * That Part of the Bran, (ss) Dark Discoveries #31, Spring 2015
- * This Mountain of Skulls, (pm) Spectral Realms #7, Summer 2017
- * Ticket to Heaven, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1987
- * Tim Powers, Poet, (ar) Spectral Realms #7, Summer 2017 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * To Live at the Edge of a Black Hole, (pm) Penumbra #1, 2020
- * A Tourist in Hell, (pm) The Audient Void #5, 2018
- * The Toxic Cloud, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. Michael H. Brown]
- * Triggering, (ss) Omni January 1982
- * Two Strangers, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Summer 1977
- * Undermuck with Quill Tripstickler [Quill Tripstickler], (ss) Eternity Science Fiction v1 #2, 1980
- * The Unfolding (with Bruce Sterling), (ss) Interzone #11, Spring 1985
- * Violence, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #13, Spring 1994
- * Vreedeez, Hermiss and You, (ss) The Edge v2 #2, 1996
- * Waiting for the End of the World, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988 [Ref. Madison Smartt Bell]
- * A Walk Through Beirut, (nv) Newer York ed. Lawrence Watt-Evans, Roc, 1991
- * We Are Becoming Demonic Machines, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * Weedkiller, (ss) Interzone #260, September/October 2015
- * Welcome to Freedom, (ex) Shroud #7, Autumn 2009; excerpt from the upcoming novel.
- * What Cindy Saw, (ss) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983
- * What He Wanted, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1975
- * What It’s Like to Kill a Man, (ss) Stardate January/February 1986
- * What the Madman Knows, (pm) The Audient Void #7, 2019
- * When Enter Came, (nv) Yellow Silk #33, 1990
- * When Rose Petals Fall, (pm) Spectral Realms #2, Winter 2015
- * Where It’s Safe, (ss) R.E.M #2, November 1992
- * Winners of the Alternative Convention Programming Contest!, (ar) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
- * Woodsmoke: A Folk Song That Never Was, (pm) Spectral Realms #6, Winter 2017
- * “A Writer Meets Himself”, (ar) Thrust #32, Winter 1989
- * Wyst: Alastor 1716, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, May 1979 [Ref. Jack Vance]
- * Yo, Check It Out: Dime Bag Reviews, (rc) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- * You Are the Emperor!, (ss) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- * You See Me as You See Me, (pm) The Audient Void #6, 2018
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #18 Aug 1976, #22 Aug 1977, #25 May, #28 Nov/Dec 1978, #31 May 1979, #37 Win 1980, #40 Fll 1981, #42 Spr 1982, #47 Sum 1983,
#55 Sum, #57 Win 1985, #60 Fll 1986
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #11 Fll 1978, #13 Fll 1979, #34 Sum 1989, #35 Wtr 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #3 Mar, #4 Aug 1988, #7 Aug 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Spring 1991
- * [response to Gregory Benford], (ms) Thrust #26, Spring 1987
- * [response to Harlan Ellison], (ms) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- * [response to Harry Lawton], (ms) Thrust #28, Fall 1987
- * [response to Joel Rosenberg], (ms) Thrust #30, Summer 1988
_____, [ref.]
- * Cellars by William Gibson, (br) Science Fiction Review #44, Fall 1982
- * City Come A-Walkin’ by William Gibson, (br) Science Fiction Review #36, August 1980
- * Doyle After Death by Andrew Hedgecock, (br) Interzone #250, January/February 2014
- * Dracula in Love by William Gibson, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979
- * Dracula in Love by Norman E. Hartman, (br) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991
- * Eclipse by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * Eclipse by Elton Elliott, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * Eclipse by Pascal J. Thomas, (br) Thrust #24, Spring/Summer 1986
- * Eclipse by Michael Bishop, (br) Thrust #26, Spring 1987
- * Eclipse by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
- * Feverish Fiction with John Shirley by Angela Yuriko Smith, (iv) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021
- * Free John Shirley Interview by Kelly Burnette, (iv) Michael Moorcock’s New Worlds #2, May 2013
- * Heat Seeker by Nancy A. Collins, (br) Thrust #33, Spring 1989
- * Heatseeker by Glen Engel-Cox, (br) Nova Express Winter 1988
- * Heatseeker by John Clute, (br) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- * In Darkness Waiting by Henry W. Wagner, (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005
- * Interview: John Shirley by Elton Elliott, (iv) Science Fiction Review #6, January 1992
- * Interview with John Shirley by Takayuki Tatsumi, (iv) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * John Shirley by Richard Kadrey, (iv) Interzone #17, Autumn 1986
- * John Shirley by Joey Zone, (iv) Cyber-Psychos AOD #7, 1997
- * John Shirley: Alien Viewpoints by Charles de Lint, (ar) The Horror Show Spring 1989
- * John Shirley: Cyberpunk and Just Plain Punk by Paula Guran, (iv) Weird Tales October/November 2006
- * John Shirley: The Tao of Identity by Jason V. Brock, (iv) Dark Discoveries #17, Summer/Fall 2010
- * Speaking with John Shirley by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Startling Stories v34 #2, 2022
- * A Splendid Chaos by Glen Engel-Cox, (br) Nova Express Summer 1988
- * A Splendid Chaos by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #30, Summer 1988
- * Sunshine Over Shirleyland? by David Mathew, (iv) Interzone #137, November 1998
- * Three-Ring Psychus by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #38, Spring 1981
- * Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back… by Andrew Hedgecock, (iv) Interzone #249, November/December 2013
- * Transmaniacon by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, May 1979
- * Visionary by John Sayers, (sa) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Magazine #12, 1995; adapted from the teleplay by John Shirley, story by Ethan H. Calk.
- * Words from the Wise: John Shirley, Nick Antosca, and Geoff Brown by Chris Kelso, (iv) Dark Discoveries #35, Summer 2016
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