The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1520
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Pollard, Geoff (chron.)
- * The Art of Geoff Pollard, (pi) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2, 1978
- * A Vance Bestiary, (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #3, 1979
- * [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978, v1 #3, v2 #2 1979, v3 #3 1981
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2 1978, v1 #3 1979, v4 #2 1982
Pollard, J(ean) A(nn) (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Fire!, (ss) Space and Time #93, Spring 2001
- * The Flag Burners, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1992
- * The Fox in the Attic, (ss) Shelter of Daylight #1, April 2009
- * Interview: William Forstchen, (iv) Thrust #31, Fall 1988 [Ref. William R. Forstchen]
- * Reality Check: Tom Easton’s Gengineered Future, (bg) Mindsparks #5, Fall 1994 [Ref. Thomas A. Easton]
- * Rejection, (ss) Sounds of the Night August 2009
- * Sarahan Surprise, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1992
- * Turn-About, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss June 2008
Pollett, Shawn J. (fl. 1990s-2000s); used pseudonym Shawn James (chron.)
- * Adept, (ss) Fables Autumn 2000, as by Shawn James
- * Alone, (vi) Nemonymous #1, November 2001, uncredited.
- * The Ballad of Finnich Moore, (pm) Glyph #1, Spring 2000, as by Shawn James
- * Boneyard Diva, (pm) Darkness Within #2, Autumn 1999, as by Shawn James
- * Dargeth, (ss) Darkness Within #1, 1999, as by Shawn James
- * Domestic Bliss, (vi) Blood Samples #1, December 2000, as by Shawn James
- * An Eye for an Eye, (ss) GateWay S-F Magazine Fall 2001
- * Home on the Range, (vi) Blood Samples #2, August 2001, as by Shawn James
- * A Kingdom Falls, (pm) Legend: Worlds of Possibility #6, Summer/Autumn 2002, as by Shawn James
- * Lessa, (vi) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000, as by Shawn James
- * The Master, (ss) Parchment Symbols #3, October 1999, as by Shawn James
- * Mave of Holden Brae, (pm) NFG #1, 2003, as by Shawn James
- * Mawallace, (pm) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Summer 1999, as by Shawn James
- * Midnight Feast, (pm) Parchment Symbols #2, August 1999, as by Shawn James
- * The Ruak, (sl) Parchment Symbols #5 Feb, #6 Apr, #7 Apr 2000, as by Shawn James
- * See You in November, (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #1, October 1999, as by Shawn James
- * Sonnet—to Death, (pm) Darkness Within #3, Winter 2000, as by Shawn James
- * To Catch a Thief, (ss) Black Satellite Spring 2002, as by Shawn James
Pollotta, Nick; [i.e., Nicholas Angelo Pollotta, Jr.] (1954-2013) (about) (chron.)
- * The Collar, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #23, Summer 2002
- * Illegal Aliens (with Phil Foglio), (ex) Aphelion #46, April 2001
- * The Incredibly Civil War, (ss) The 14th Alternative #1, 1990
- * A Matter of Taste, (ss) The Time of the Vampires ed. P. N. Elrod & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * Power to the People [Gamma World], (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 2000
- * Raw Terra, (nv) How to Save the World ed. Charles Sheffield, Tor, 1995
- * That Darn Squid God (with Phil Foglio), (ex) Aphelion #71, June 2003, as by James Clay & Nick Pollotta
- * Turnabout, (vi) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Fall 1992
_____, [ref.]
Pols, Auke (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Afterword to “The Breather of the Waters”, (as) Forbidden Knowledge De Lage Landen 2015; translated from the Dutch (Wonderwaan, No. 8, December 2008).
- * The Breather of Waters, (ss) Cyäegha #7, Autumn 2012; translated from the Dutch (Wonderwaan #8, December 2008).
- * Can You Survive the Moon-Beast?, (ss) Cyäegha #18, Winter 2016
- * The Transformative Three and the Clean Cooking Revolution (Grant No. 437-775), (nv) The Future Fire #70, 2024
Polson, Aaron A. (1975- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Abernathy’s Snowflake, (ss) Perihelion March 12 2014
- * The Brass Menagerie, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #24, Festival Special 2008
- * Catalog Sales, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #4, October 2008
- * Distillation, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2010
- * The Distillery, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #10, April 2010
- * Down There, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #29, April 2011
- * Empty Vessels, (ss) Morpheus Tales #8, April 2010
- * Enough, (vi) Necrotic Tissue #13, January 2011
- * Fresh Produce, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2009
- * Greenwillow, (ss) Encounters Magazine #12, January/February 2015
- * Guided by Wire, (ss) Night Chills Winter 2010
- * Lucky Numbers, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #16, July 2014
- * Lullaby, Little Monster, (ss) Champagne Shivers #6, 2010
- * A Most Unfortunate Gaffe, (ss) Morpheus Tales #1, 2008
- * My Favorite Photos of Anne, (ss) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #3, September 2014
- * One-Tenth of One Percent, (ss) M-Brane SF #17, June 2010
- * Permuted Press Presents:
* ___ A Plague from the Mud, (ss) Monstrous: 20 Tales of Giant Creature Terror ed. Ryan C. Thomas, Permuted Press, 2009
- * A Plague from the Mud, (ss) Monstrous: 20 Tales of Giant Creature Terror ed. Ryan C. Thomas, Permuted Press, 2009
- * Precious Metal, (ss) Albedo One #38, 2010
- * Rats of the Roscinante, (ss) Space and Time #118, Spring 2013
- * Seeing Things, (ss) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * Shoes for the Journey, (ss) Murky Depths #12, June 2010
- * A Sort of Honeymoon, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #2, Spring 2009
- * Tap, Tap, (ss) Encounters Magazine November/December 2010
- * This House Was Never a Castle, (ss) Shimmer #14, 2011
- * To Put Away Childish Things, (ss) Kaleidotrope #7, October 2009
- * Upon Leaving the Candy Factory, (ss) Bourbon Penn #2, June 2011
- * Wanting It, (ss) Shock Totem #3, 2010
- * Warden of the Dry Plain, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v10 #2, 2014
- * The Weight of Children’s Stories, (ss) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * When Megan Could Fly, (ss) Liquid Imagination #8, January 2011
Pomeroy, John H. (fl. 1940s-1960s); used pseudonym Daniel Whitton (chron.)
- * Answer for the Cookie-Crumb Phenomenon, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1966, as by Daniel Whitton
- * Funny Coincidence, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1968
- * Icicle Built for Groo, (vi) Astounding Science Fiction September 1944
- * Micro, Macro and King Size, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction January 1957, as by Daniel Whitton
- * No Green Cheese, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction September 1951, as by Daniel Whitton
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Icicle Built for Groo, (vi) Astounding Science Fiction September 1944
- * Progress Report, (fa) Astounding Science Fiction September 1949
- * That’s the Way the Cookies Crumble…, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1966, as by Daniel Whitton
- * Venus of Troy, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction September 1953, as by Daniel Whitton
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction August 1949
Pomeroy, Wardell K. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Cad Aver, (pm) Haunts #23, Spring/Summer 1992
- * Death’s Death, (ss) Random Realities #6, Spring 1995
- * Fountain of Genesis, (pm) Dead Lines #4, April 1996
- * Glass Lives, (ss) Dark Regions v3 #3, 1998
- * Intelligent Life, (vi) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #121, February 1994
- * Modern Mind Set, (pm) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- * The Monsters Behind the Words, (ss) Plot #2, Spring 1995
- * Protest the Morning, (pm) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- * Truer Love, (pm) Dead Lines #1, January 1995
Ponce, Sean Erik (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Anomaly, (ss) Thin Ice #16, 1994
- * Beware the Wrath, (vi) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * Circle in the Sand, (ss) Haunts #24, Fall/Winter 1992
- * Dragonslayer, (vi) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * Never Enough, (ss) Aberations #14, 1993
- * Night Moves, (ss) Aberations #3, 1992
- * Nirvana, (vi) The Silver Web #7, Fall/Winter 1991
- * Pure of Heart, (ss) Spellbound #1, Summer 1993
- * Redemption, (vi) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Summer 1993
- * The Tower of Charm, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #11, 1993
- * Tremorspawn, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #5, 1992
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