The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1090
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Landsborough, Gordon Holmes (1913-1983); used pseudonym L. G. Holmes (about) (chron.)
- * Editor: Science Fiction Fortnightly #3, #4, #5 Mar 1, #6 Mar 15, #7 Apr 1, #8 Apr 15, #9 May 15, #10 Jun 15, #11 Jul 15, #12 Aug 15 1951, as by L. G. Holmes
- * Something in the Air, (nv) Fantasy Adventures #4 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
Landwehr, Richard William (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * Avatar Spawning, (ss) Moonbroth #9, 1973
- * Casket of the Sea Queen, (nv) Spoor Anthology #2, 1974
- * The Dance of the Devil Scourge, (vi) Space and Time #32, September 1975
- * The Flowers of the Ebon Mountains, (ss) Space and Time #47, April 1978
- * For We Are Men No More, (ss) Wyrd #1, June 1973
- * Release of the Daemon Thralls, (pm) Space and Time #36, May 1976
- * To Touch the Dark Cloud, (ss) Space and Time #30, May 1975
Lane, Andy; [i.e., Andrew Lane] (1963- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Closing Time [Torchwood], (ss) Torchwood #16 Jul/Aug, #17 Sep/Oct 2009
- * Hacks, and What Happened to Them, (ar) Odyssey #5, July/August 1998
- * Hollywood Babylon 5, (ar) Odyssey #1, November/December 1997
- * Lovers, and Other Strangers, (ss) Interzone #87, September 1994
- * No Experience Necessary, (vi) Odyssey #2, 1998
- * Nothing Dates Faster Than Science Fiction, (ar) Odyssey #3, 1998
- * State of the Arts:
* ___ Hacks, and What Happened to Them, (cl) Odyssey #5, July/August 1998
* ___ Hollywood Babylon 5, (cl) Odyssey #1, November/December 1997
* ___ Nothing Dates Faster Than Science Fiction, (cl) Odyssey #3, 1998
- * Steampunk Timmy: Tim Powers, (iv) Skeleton Crew April 1991 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * The Unkindest Cut, (ar) Skeleton Crew December 1990
- * An Unremarkable Sod: Stephen Gallagher, (bg) Skeleton Crew December 1990 [Ref. Stephen Gallagher]
- * Who by Fire [Torchwood], (ss) Torchwood #14, March/April 2009
_____, [ref.]
Lane, Bev (fl. 1970s-2000s) (chron.)
- * A Logical Extrapolation, (pm) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2, 1978
- * On Man’s First Contact with an Alien Lifeform, (pm) Boggle #2, August 1977
- * Planar Conjunction, (pm) Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #2, 1978
- * A Shove in the Right Direcion, (ss) Boggle #3, Summer 1977
- * [unknown story] (with Rick Kennett), (ss) Redsine (online) #2, October 2000
Lane, Dennis M. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Carine, (ss) Probe #153, September 2012
- * Enemies Reunited, (ss) Probe #150, November 2011
- * Growing Up, (pm) Star*Line July/September 2012
- * Lox, Stocks and Smoking Salmons (with Simone Puterman, Liz Simmonds & Franz Tomasek), (vi) Probe #145, September 2010
- * A New Jerusalem, (ss) Probe #152, June 2012
- * Rise Up!, (ss) Probe #157, September 2013
- * Science Fiction Poetry Association, (ms) Probe #155, March 2013
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #171 Sep, #173 Nov 2001, #175 Jan 2002
Lane, Douglas J. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Floor Is Lava, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2018
- * The Golem-Maker of Buchenwald, (ss) Abyss & Apex #59, 3rd Quarter 2016
- * How to Speak to Monkey, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #17, November 2022
- * Lorem Ipsum Donald, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #31, 2014
- * Mister Eddie, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #27, Autumn 2006
- * One Man’s Famine, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2011
- * Tacklesmooches, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #30, April 2010
- * To Sleep, Perchance, (ss) Radon Journal #2, September 2022
Lane, Joel (Richard) (1963-2013) (chron.)
- * Absence, (pm) Dark Horizons #27, Summer 1984
- * Against My Ruins, (ss) Midnight Street #1, Winter/Spring 2004
- * Alone in the Dark, (br) Squane’s Journal #4, 1997
- * Among the Dead, (ss) Cemetery Dance #52, 2005
- * Among the Leaves, (ss) Peeping Tom #12, October 1993
- * Ashes in the Water (with Mat Joiner), (ss) The New and Perfect Man ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2011
- * Behind the Curtain, (ss) Dark Horizons #52, Spring 2008
- * Beneath the Streets, (ss) Supernatural Tales #15, Summer 2009
- * Bitter Angel, (ss) Dark Horizons #61, Autumn 2011
- * The Black Window, (pm) Talebones #24, Spring 2002
- * Blind Circles, (ss) Fusing Horizons #2, Spring 2004
- * Book of the Dead, (pm) Fantasy Tales #15, Winter 1985
- * The Brand, (ss) Dark Dreams #2, Spring 1985
- * Breaking the Surface, (ss) Kimota #5, Winter 1996/1997
- * BritShock: British Horror Fiction, 1980-1995 (with Pauline E. Dungate & Chris Morgan), (ar) The Scream Factory #17, Spring 1996, as by Joel Lane, Chris Morgan & Pauline Morgan
- * The Charcoal Burner, (vi) Vollmond #4, Winter 1992/1993
- * Charnel Knowledge, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #30, Eastertide 1985
- * City of Night (with John C. Pelan), (ss) Subterranean #7, 2007
- * City of Pillars, (ss) The Magi v1 #1, 1979
- * Climacteric, (pm) Dark Horizons #28, Spring 1985
- * Cobweb and Clay, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #4, 1983
- * The Condensed Lovecraft, (pm) Lovecraft’s Disciples #4, June 2006
- * Contract Bridge, (ss) The Urbanite #7, 1996
- * Crow’s Nest, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #1, Autumn 2010
- * A Cup of Blood, (ss) Supernatural Tales #8, Autumn 2004
- * Curtain Call, (vi) Kimota #16, Spring 2002
- * The Dispossessed, (nv) Fantasy Tales, v.10 #2 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1989
- * Double Cross, (ss) Aklo Spring 1988
- * The Double Edge: Robert Aickman’s Supernatural Stories, (ar) All Hallows #2, 1990 [Ref. Robert Aickman]
- * The Drowned, (ss) Nemonymous #2, May 2002, uncredited.
- * The Drowned Market, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- * The Earth Wire, (ss) Winter Chills #3, Winter 1988/1989
- * Empty Mouths, (ss) Exuberance #4, Winter 1991/1992
- * The Face, (pm) Dark Horizons #24, Winter 1981
- * Facing the Wall, (ss) The Third Alternative #38, Summer 2004
- * Famous Blue Metro, (pm) Roadworks #13, Winter/Spring 2002
- * Feels Like Underground (with Chris Morgan), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1999
- * The First Time, (ss) Aklo Autumn 1992
- * For Their Own Ends, (ss) Black Static #23, June/July 2011
- * The Gardener, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #11, March 1999
- * The God of Clay, (ss) Dark Horizons #27, Summer 1984
- * The Great Unknown, (pm) Off the Coastal Path ed. Jo Fletcher, Stanza Press, 2010
- * Guest Editorial: Call of the Wild, (ed) The Third Alternative #41, Spring 2005
- * A Hairline Crack, (vi) Roadworks #11, Winter 2001
- * The Hard Copy, (ss) The Third Alternative #32, Autumn 2002
- * Hard to Find, (pm) The Third Alternative #5, Winter 1994/1995
- * His Master’s Voice, (ss) Kimota #10, Winter 1999
- * The House in the Woods, (ss) Kimota #14, Spring 2001
- * Incry, (ss) New Horizons #6, Winter 2010
- * In This Blue Shade, (ss) Black Static #34, May/June 2013
- * Into the Garden, (ss) Midnight Street #10, Winter 2008
- * Invocation, (pm) Dark Horizons #26, Spring 1983
- * Irene’s Garden, (ss) Dark Horizons #28, Spring 1985
- * I, Said the Sparrow, (ss) Dark Dreams #7, February 1989
- * Keep the Night, (ss) The Third Alternative #12, 1997
- * The Landlady, (pm) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- * The Last Cry, (ss) Roadworks #12, Summer 2001
- * The Last Gallery, (ss) Midnight Street #12, Spring 2009
- * The Last Train in the Station, (ss) Kimota #8, Spring 1998
- * Losing Touch, (ss) Peeping Tom #21, January 1996
- * The Lost District, (ss) The Third Alternative #27, 2001
- * Making Babies, (ss) The Urbanite #8, Spring 1997
- * Mark McLaughlin: Refusing to Overreact, (si) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998 [Ref. Mark McLaughlin]
- * The Master of Masks, (ar) Nyctalops #19, April 1991
- * The Melt, (pm) Sackcloth & Ashes #2, December 1998
- * The Messenger, (ss) Black Static #28, April/May 2012
- * Midwinter, (ss) Weirdbook Encores #13, 1993
- * The Moon Never Changes, (ss) Peeping Tom #24, October 1996
- * My Stone Desire, (ss) Black Static #1, September 2007
- * Never Always Comes, (ss) The Company He Keeps ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2010
- * No Secret Place, (ss) Fusing Horizons #1, Winter 2003
- * Nowhere to Go, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #10, December 1998
- * Other Than the Fair, (ss) Maelstrom #6, December 1992/May 1993
- * The Outer Districts, (pm) Chills #8, Summer 1994
- * The Outside World, (ss) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- * Piano Without Strings, (ss) The Urbanite #7, 1996
- * Pieces of Silence, (ss) Chills #8, Summer 1994
- * Power Cut, (ss) Skeleton Crew April 1991
- * Premium Rate, (vi) Here & Now #3, Spring 2003
- * Prison Ships, (ss) The Third Alternative #17, 1998
- * Quarantine, (ss) Where Furnaces Burn by Joel Lane, PS Publishing, 2012
- * Ramsey Campbell, (bg) Ghosts & Scholars #18, 1994 [Ref. Ramsey Campbell]
- * The Sleep Mask, (ss) Black Static #19, October/November 2010
- * Some (Further) Remarks on Ghost Stories, (sy) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #10, September 2006
- * Some of Them Fell, (ss) Black Static #13, October/November 2009
- * The Spoils, (ss) The Silver Web #14, 1997
- * Stigmata, (ss) Exuberance #4, Winter 1991/1992
- * Still Water, (ss) Supernatural Tales #11, Spring 2007
- * Strange Eons & The Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) Dark Horizons #24, Winter 1981
- * Take Me When You Go, (ss) The Third Alternative #1, 1994
- * Tell the Difference, (ss) Skeleton Crew January 1991
- * This Spectacular Darkness, (ar) Supernatural Tales #3, 2002
- * The Victim Card, (ss) Midnight Street #3, Winter 2004
- * Vintage Year, (pm) Lovecraft’s Disciples #2, February 2006
- * Vocal, Bass, (ss) Fusing Horizons #5, 2006
- * Waiting for the Thaw, (ss) Weird Tales Winter 2012
- * Welcome to The Magi! (with Laurence Westwood), (ed) The Magi v1 #1, 1979
- * The Willow Pattern, (ss) The Ex Files ed. Nicholas Royle, Quartet, 1998
- * Windows of Flesh, (vi) The Third Alternative #8, Autumn 1995
- * Winter Journey, (ss) Black Static #5, June/July 2008
- * The Worm, (pm) Fantasy Tales #11, Winter 1982
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * All Hallows Talks With…Joel Lane by Brian J. Showers, (iv) All Hallows #40, October 2005
- * The Complete Joel Lane Bibliography by Jason R. Smith, (bi) Exuberance #4, Winter 1991/1992
- * The Earth Wire by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #92, February 1995
- * Folktales and Myth in Joel Lane’s Where Furnaces Burn by James Goho, (ar) Penumbra #5, 2024
- * From Blue to Black by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * Joel Lane by Nicholas Royle, (bg) Fear #26, February 1991
- * Joel Lane (1963-2013) by Simon Clark, (ob) Cemetery Dance #71, 2014
- * Joel Lane Bibliography, (bi) Midnight Street #3, Winter 2004
- * Joel Lane: The Conscience of the Circuit by Nicholas Royle, (ob) Black Static #38, January/February 2014
- * The Lost District by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales April/May 2007
- * Show Case: Joel Lane by Jason R. Smith, (iv) Exuberance #4, Winter 1991/1992
- * Trauma, Possession, and Witnessing in the Noir Supernatural Cityscapes of Joel Lane by James Goho, (ar) Penumbra #3, 2022
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