The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 542
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Dunwoody, David (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Ellie Elemental, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #8, October 2009
- * The Last Room, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #7, April 2012
- * Pandora the Pious, (ss) Liquid Imagination #6, May 2010
- * Portrait of the Artist as a Thought, (ss) Shroud #12, Summer 2012
- * Sandbox, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #12, October 2010
Dunyach, Jean-Claude (1957- ) (about) (chron.)
- * All the Roads to Heaven, (ss) Interzone #156, June 2000; translated from the French (“Tous les Chemins du Ciel”, 1999) by Sheryl Curtis.
- * Birds, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #24, March 2009
- * Come Into My Parlor, (ss) Altair #1, February 1998
- * Enter the Worms, (ss) On Spec Summer 2002
- * Footprints in the Snow, (ss) Interzone #150, December 1999; translated from the French (“Nos Traces dans la Neige”, 1998) by Sheryl Curtis.
- * God, Seen from the Inside, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #6, January 2014
- * The Hitch-Hikers Guide to French Science Fiction, (ar) Altair #4, August 1999
- * Love Your Enemy, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #20, May 2016; translated from the French.
- * Orchids in the Night, (ss) Interzone #160, October 2000; translated from the French (“L’Orchidée de la Nuit”, Futurs Antérieurs, 1999) by Jean-Louis Trudel.
- * Paranamanco, (ss) The Big Book of Science Fiction ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2016
- * Queen’s Robot Sacrifice (with Mike Resnick), (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #47, November 2020; translated from the French (“Son dernier coup d’echecs”, Fées et automates ed. Jean-Claude Vantroyen, Mnémos, 2016).
- * Station of the Lamb, (ss) Altair #6/7, 2000
- * Unravelling the Thread, (ss) Interzone #133, July 1998; translated from the French (“Déchiffrer la Trame”, Galaxies #4, April 1997) by Ann Cale, Sheryl Curtis & Brian M. Stableford.
- * Watch Me When I Sleep, (ss) Interzone #174, December 2001; translated from the French (“Regarde-moi Quand Je Dors”, 2000) by Sheryl Curtis.
- * What the Dead Know, (ss) On Spec Winter 2003; translated from the French (“Ce que Savent les Morts”, Territoires de l’Inquiétude #9, 1996) by Wildy Petoud.
- * With a Wink of the Heron’s Eye, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #29, November 2017
du Pisani, A. L. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Probe #146, November 2010
- * In the Cave (with Ron Cowley, Eileen Jamieson & Michelle Santos), (vi) Probe #132, Year End 2006
- * “Manipulation” (with Gail Jamieson & Nial Mollison), (vi) Probe #150, November 2011
- * No Tomorrow, (br) Probe #137, June 2008 [Ref. Philip Machanick]
- * Rescue (with Norman Pringle & Iain Sinclair), (pm) Probe #166, December 2015
- * Turning Under a Blood Red Sun (with Norman Pringle, Iain Sinclair & Stephen Tatham), (vi) Probe #174, December 2017
- * untitled (“He had done all that was ordered.”) (with Eileen Jamieson & Norman Pringle), (vi) Probe #182, December 2019
- * untitled (“I always get the shakes before a drop”) (with Norman Pringle & Liz Simmonds), (vi) Probe #139, December 2008
- * untitled (“The troubles all started after the Borg Cube assimilated the Museum of Ancient Curiosities”) (with Gavin Kreuiter, Nial Mollison & Matthew Ouzman), (vi) Probe #150, November 2011
- * untitled (“Trouble began and not for the first time…”) (with Myron Alexander, Ron Cowley & Gail Jamieson), (vi) Probe #145, September 2010
Durant, Frederick C(lark), III (1916-2015) (about) (chron.)
- * Cosmic Surrealism, (pi) Omni November 1981
- * Critics in Orbit, (pi) Omni April 1984
- * Eastern Star, (pi) Omni June 1981
- * Eyewitness to Space, (pi) Omni September 1979
- * The First Extraterrestrial Art Exhibit, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1978
- * Infinite Voyager, (pi) Omni February 1980
- * Memory of the Moon, (pi) Omni July 1984
- * Prelude, (pi) Omni March 1984
- * Science, (cl) Science Fiction Age November 1998
- * Soviet Space Art, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1975
- * Space Witness, (pi) Omni September 1980
- * Visions of the Cosmos, (pi) Omni May 1979
- * [letter from Chevy Chase, MI, 20015], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1975
_____, [ref.]
Durbin, Frederic S. (1966- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bone Man, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 2007
- * The Gift, (ss) Mooreeffoc Magazine #6, Winter 2001/2002
- * The Place of Roots, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 2001
- * A Request of the Minstrel, (pm) Weird Tales August/September 2006
- * Under the Tower of Valk, (ss) Ozment’s House of Twilight #7, Fall/Winter 2007
- * Where the Witches Dwell, (pm) Weird Tales July 2005
- * World’s End, (ss) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011
_____, [ref.]
Durham, Bruce (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Anezka, (ss) Paradox #8, Winter 2005/2006
- * The Countess d’Argenton, (ss) Abandoned Towers #1, November 2008
- * The Fall of Rome, (ss) Abandoned Towers #2, March 2009
- * Marathon, (ss) Paradox #10, Winter 2006/2007
- * Missing in Action, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #11, Spring 2006
- * Upstream, (ss) Beyond Centauri January 2006
Duric, Simon (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Dream Zone #10 Sep 2001, #12 Jun 2002
- * [front cover], (cv) Roadworks #13, Winter/Spring 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Dream Zone #10 Sep 2001, #11 Jan, #12 Jun 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Kimota #15 Aut 2001, #16 Spr 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Legend: Worlds of Possibility #4 Aut/Win 2001, #5 Spr/Sum 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Roadworks #13, Winter/Spring 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Redsine #9, July 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Peep Show #4, December 2002
Durisen, Richard H. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Aging, (pm) Disturbed Digest #14, September 2016
- * The Box, (pm) Disturbed Digest #2, September 2013
- * Dragon, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #8, May 2015
- * Dragontalk, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #8, May 2015
- * The Dryad’s Orchard, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine June 2019
- * Firestorm, (ss) The Weirdbook Annual #1 ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2017
- * Flight of Fancy, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #6, November 2014
- * Let There Be, (vi) New Myths #44, September 2018
- * Multiverse I, (pm) Space and Time #124, Fall 2015
- * Pickman’s Editor, (vi) Disturbed Digest #14, September 2016
- * Upstairs, (pm) Disturbed Digest #7, December 2014
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