The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 69
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Infinity Science Fiction (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, November 1955 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Robert Engle) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, February 1956 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, June 1956 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, August 1956 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, October 1956 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, December 1956 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, February 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, April 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, June 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, July 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, September 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #6, October 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, November 1957 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, January 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, March 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #4, April 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #5, June 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #6, August 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, October 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, November 1958 (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
Iniquities (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ Premiere Issue, January 1990 (Pasadena, CA, free, 4pp, quarto, cover by Alan M. Clark) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #1, Autumn 1990 (Pasadena, CA, $4.95, 112pp, quarto, cover by Alan M. Clark) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, Spring 1991 (Pasadena, CA, $4.95, 96pp, quarto, cover by J. K. Potter) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, Autumn 1991 (Pasadena, CA, $4.95, 88pp, quarto, cover by Alan M. Clark) (Contents)
Insidious Reflections (about)
- ___ #1, January/February 2005 (Insidious Publications, 84pp) (Contents)
- ___ #2, April 2005 (Insidious Publications, 144pp) (Contents)
- ___ #3, July 2005 (Insidious Publications, 100pp) (Contents)
- ___ #4, Fall 2005 (Insidious Publications, $8.95, 88pp+, quarto, cover by Jason Beam) (Contents)
- ___ #5, Winter 2006 (Insidious Publications, $8.95, 88pp+, quarto, cover by Robert Ford) (Contents)
- ___ #6, Summer 2006 (Insidious Publications, $6.99, 88pp+, quarto, cover by Zach Pennington) (Contents)
- ___ #7, Fall 2006 (Insidious Publications, $6.99, 64pp+, quarto, cover by Patrick Byers) (Contents)
Inspired Novels (about)
It is probable that other issues exist.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #A-1, Winter 1961 ($2.00, 252pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
- ___ #A-2, Spring 1962 ($2.00, 324pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
- ___ #A-3, Summer 1962 ($2.00, 234pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
- ___ #A-4, Winter 1962 ($2.00, 240pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
- ___ #D-2, Spring 1965 ($2.50, 264pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
- ___ #D-3, Summer 1965 ($2.50, 176pp+, 6½″ x 9½″, cover by John A. Williams) (Contents)
- ___ #D-4, Fall 1965 ($2.50, 304pp+, 6½″ x 9½″) (Contents)
Interfictions Online (about)
- ___ #1, May 2013 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #2, October 2013 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #3, May 2014 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #4, November 2014 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #5, June 2015 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #6, November 2015 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
- ___ #7, October 2016 (The Interstitial Arts Foundation, online) (Contents)
International Science Fiction (about)
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, November 1967 (Galaxy Publishing Corporation, 50¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Jack Gaughan) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, June 1968 (Galaxy Publishing Corporation, 50¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Jack Gaughan) (Contents)
International Speculative Fiction (about)
- ___ #0, June 2012 (54pp, ebook, cover by João Fonseca) (Contents)
- ___ #1, November 2012 (32pp, ebook, cover by Rafael Mendes) (Contents)
- ___ #2, December 2012 (42pp, ebook, cover by Thomas Maronski) (Contents)
- ___ #3, January 2013 (76pp, ebook, cover by Hauke Vagt) (Contents)
- ___ #4, May 2013 (72pp, ebook, cover by George Munteanu) (Contents)
- ___ #5, December 2013 (70pp, ebook, cover by Sergi Brosa) (Contents)
InterNova Online
Title relaunched as InterNova Online, subtitled “International Science Fiction”.
- ___ #1, July 2022 (104pp, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ #2, November 2022 (155pp, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ #3, January 2023 (p.machinery, 116pp, ebook, cover by Stefan Keller) (Contents)
- ___ #4, May 2023 (p.machinery, 116pp, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ #5, January 2024 (p.machinery, 125pp, ebook, cover by Gerd Altmann) (Contents)
Interzone (about)
Semi-professional magazine. Note that the title Interzone Science Fiction and Fantasy was used on the cover from Winter 1986/87 and on the masthead from September/October 1988, but the magazine was always referred to simply as Interzone in all other internal references.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1, #1, Spring 1982 (Interzone, £1.25, 32pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #2, Summer 1982 (Interzone, £1.25, 32pp, A4, cover by Philippa Bramson) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #3, Autumn 1982 (Interzone, £1.25, 36pp, A4, cover by Philippa Bramson) (Contents)
- ___ v1, #4, Spring 1983 (Interzone, £1.25, 36pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #5, Autumn 1983 (Interzone, £1.25, 40pp, A4, cover by St. John Child) (Contents)
- ___ #6, Winter 1983/84 (Interzone, £1.25, 40pp, A4, cover by Ian Sanderson) (Contents)
- ___ #7, Spring 1984 (Interzone, £1.25, 40pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #8, Summer 1984 (Interzone, £1.25, 44pp, A4, cover by Ian Sanderson) (Contents)
- ___ #9, Autumn 1984 (Interzone, £1.25, 52pp, A4, cover by Richard Kadrey) (Contents)
- ___ #10, Winter 1984/85 (Interzone, £1.25, 52pp, A4, cover by Iris Smith) (Contents)
- ___ #11, Spring 1985 (Interzone, £1.25, 52pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #12, Summer 1985 (Interzone, £1.25, 52pp, A4, cover by Ian Sanderson) (Contents)
- ___ #13, Autumn 1985 (Interzone, £1.25, 52pp, A4, cover by Les Edwards) (Contents)
- ___ #14, Winter 1985/86 (Interzone, £1.50, 52pp, A4, cover by Pete Lyon) (Contents)
- ___ #15, Spring 1986 (Interzone, £1.50, 52pp, A4, cover by Pete Lyon) (Contents)
- ___ #16, Summer 1986 (Interzone, £1.50, 56pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #17, Autumn 1986 (Interzone, £1.50, 56pp, A4, cover by John Avon) (Contents)
- ___ #18, Winter 1986/87 (Interzone, £1.50, 60pp, A4, cover by Pete Lyon) (Contents)
- ___ #19, Spring 1987 (Interzone, £1.50, 60pp, A4, cover by Paul Rickwood) (Contents)
- ___ #20, Summer 1987 (Interzone, £1.95, 64pp, A4, cover by Paul Rickwood) (Contents)
- ___ #21, Autumn 1987 (Interzone, £1.95, 64pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #22, Winter 1987 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by Pete Lyon) (Contents)
- ___ #23, Spring 1988 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #24, Summer 1988 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by Pete Lyon) (Contents)
- ___ #25, September/October 1988 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by Andrew Forrest) (Contents)
- ___ #26, November/December 1988 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by Josh Kirby) (Contents)
- ___ #27, January/February 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 68pp, A4, cover by Brian Salmon) (Contents)
- ___ #28, March/April 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #29, May/June 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Peter Gudynas) (Contents)
- ___ #30, July/August 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Keith Scaife) (Contents)
- ___ #31, September/October 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #32, November/December 1989 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Mark Salwowski) (Contents)
- ___ #33, January/February 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Mark Harrison) (Contents)
- ___ #34, March/April 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #35, May 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #36, June 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Dave McKean) (Contents)
- ___ #37, July 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by David O’Connor) (Contents)
- ___ #38, August 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Ian Sanderson) (Contents)
- ___ #39, September 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Tim White) (Contents)
- ___ #40, October 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Ian Miller) (Contents)
- ___ #41, November 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Paul Mumford) (Contents)
- ___ #42, December 1990 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Judith Clute) (Contents)
- ___ #43, January 1991 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Oscar Chichoni) (Contents)
- ___ #44, February 1991 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #45, March 1991 (Interzone, £1.95, 76pp, A4, cover by Geoff Taylor) (Contents)
- ___ #46, April 1991 (Interzone, £1.95, 72pp, A4, cover by Simon Watkins) (Contents)
- ___ #47, May 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Paul Chadwick) (Contents)
- ___ #48, June 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 76pp, A4, cover by Mark Harrison) (Contents)
- ___ #49, July 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Tim White) (Contents)
- ___ #50, August 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 76pp, A4, cover by Paul Mattock) (Contents)
- ___ #51, September 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 76pp, A4, cover by Josh Kirby) (Contents)
- ___ #52, October 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #53, November 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #54, December 1991 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #55, January 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Martin McKenna) (Contents)
- ___ #56, February 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #57, March 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Kevin Cullen) (Contents)
- ___ #58, April 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #59, May 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Kevin Cullen) (Contents)
- ___ #60, June 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Jay Blakemore) (Contents)
- ___ #61, July 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Tony Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #62, August 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Tony Roberts) (Contents)
- ___ #63, September 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #64, October 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Peter Gudynas) (Contents)
- ___ #65, November 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Mark Harrison) (Contents)
- ___ #66, December 1992 (Interzone, £2.25, 72pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #67, January 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #68, February 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 67pp, A4, cover by Mark Harrison) (Contents)
- ___ #69, March 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 70pp, A4, cover by David A. Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #70, April 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 70pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #71, May 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 65pp, A4, cover by Gerry Grace) (Contents)
- ___ #72, June 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 69pp, A4, cover by David O’Connor) (Contents)
- ___ #73, July 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 71pp, A4, cover by Mark Harrison) (Contents)
- ___ #74, August 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 71pp, A4, cover by Geoff Taylor) (Contents)
- ___ #75, September 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 70pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #76, October 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #77, November 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by J. K. Potter) (Contents)
- ___ #78, December 1993 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #79, January 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #80, February 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #81, March 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by Martin McKenna) (Contents)
- ___ #82, April 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #83, May 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #84, June 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by Geoff Taylor) (Contents)
- ___ #85, July 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 72pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #86, August 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #87, September 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4, cover by Tim White) (Contents)
- ___ #88, October 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4, cover by Lee Gibbons) (Contents)
- ___ #89, November 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4, cover by David A. Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #90, December 1994 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #91, January 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 67pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #92, February 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 66pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #93, March 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 66pp, A4, cover by David A. Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #94, April 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Alex Ostroy) (Contents)
- ___ #95, May 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 66pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #96, June 1995 (Interzone, £2.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Santos Garijo) (Contents)
- ___ #97, July 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 66pp, A4, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #98, August 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 67pp, A4, cover by Santos Garijo) (Contents)
- ___ #99, September 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 66pp, A4, cover by Maurizio Manzieri) (Contents)
- ___ #100, October 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 66pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #101, November 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 67pp, A4, cover by Bob Eggleton) (Contents)
- ___ #102, December 1995 (Interzone, £2.75, 67pp, A4, cover by Maurizio Manzieri) (Contents)
- ___ #103, January 1996 (Interzone, £2.50, 68pp, A4, cover by Fred Gambino) (Contents)
- ___ #104, February 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Santos Garijo) (Contents)
- ___ #105, March 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by David Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #106, April 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 66pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #107, May 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 65pp, A4, cover by David A. Hardy) (Contents)
- ___ #108, June 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by John Harris) (Contents)
- ___ #109, July 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Maurizio Manzieri) (Contents)
- ___ #110, August 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Fred Gambino) (Contents)
- ___ #111, September 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by J. K. Potter) (Contents)
- ___ #112, October 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 66pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #113, November 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Maurizio Manzieri) (Contents)
- ___ #114, December 1996 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Nicholas Royle) (Contents)
- ___ #115, January 1997 (Interzone, £2.75, 68pp, A4, cover by Santos Garijo) (Contents)
- ___ #116, February 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #117, March 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Shaun Tan) (Contents)
- ___ #118, April 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Ian Brooks) (Contents)
- ___ #119, May 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #120, June 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #121, July 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #122, August 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Fred Gambino) (Contents)
- ___ #123, September 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Paul Young) (Contents)
- ___ #124, October 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #125, November 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #126, December 1997 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #127, January 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #128, February 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Maurizio Manzieri) (Contents)
- ___ #129, March 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #130, April 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #131, May 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #132, June 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #133, July 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #134, August 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Fred Gambino) (Contents)
- ___ #135, September 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #136, October 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #137, November 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #138, December 1998 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #139, January 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #140, February 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #141, March 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #142, April 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #143, May 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #144, June 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Trevor Scobie) (Contents)
- ___ #145, July 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #146, August 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Nick Stathopoulos) (Contents)
- ___ #147, September 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #148, October 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #149, November 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 66pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #150, December 1999 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #151, January 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 65pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #152, February 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #153, March 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #154, April 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #155, May 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #156, June 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #157, July 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #158, August 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #159, September 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #160, October 2000 (Interzone, £3.50, 68pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #161, November 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #162, December 2000 (Interzone, £3.00, 68pp, 8½″ x 10¾″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #163, January 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #164, February 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #165, March 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Paul Brazier) (Contents)
- ___ #166, April 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #167, May 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Fred Gambino) (Contents)
- ___ #168, June 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #169, July 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #170, August 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #171, September 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #172, October 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by D. W. Winter) (Contents)
- ___ #173, November 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #174, December 2001 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #175, January 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #176, February 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #177, March 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #178, April 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #179, May 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #180, June/July 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #181, August 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #182, September 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #183, October 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #184, November/December 2002 (Interzone, £3.00, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Jason Hurst) (Contents)
- ___ #185, January 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #186, February 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #187, March 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #188, April 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Judith Clute) (Contents)
- ___ #189, May/June 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #190, July/August 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #191, September 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Dominic Harman) (Contents)
- ___ #192, November/December 2003 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by Roy Virgo) (Contents)
- ___ #193, Spring 2004 (Interzone, £3.50, 67pp, 8.25″ x 10.75″, cover by SMS) (Contents)
- ___ #194, September/October 2004 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Edward Noon) (Contents)
- ___ #195, November/December 2004 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Edward Noon) (Contents)
- ___ #196, January/February 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Josh Finney) (Contents)
- ___ #197, March/April 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Kenn Brown) (Contents)
- ___ #198, May/June 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Kenn Brown) (Contents)
- ___ #199, July/August 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 66pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #200, October 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 79pp, A4, cover by Pawel Lewandowski) (Contents)
- ___ #201, December 2005 (TTA Press, £3.50, 64pp, A4, cover by Fahrija Velic) (Contents)
- ___ #202, February 2006 (TTA Press, £3.50, 80pp, A4, cover by Dan Dos Santos) (Contents)
- ___ #203, April 2006 (TTA Press, £3.50, 80pp, A4, cover by Mark Garlick) (Contents)
- ___ #204, June 2006 (TTA Press, £3.50, 64pp, A4) (Contents)
- ___ #205, August 2006 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, A4, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #206, October 2006 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, A4, cover by Fahrija Velic) (Contents)
- ___ #207, December 2006 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Richard Marchand) (Contents)
- ___ #208, February 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Kenn Brown) (Contents)
- ___ #209, April 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 7.75″ x 10.25″, cover by Jim Burns) (Contents)
- ___ #210, June 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 72pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Douglas A. Sirois) (Contents)
- ___ #211, July/August 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Richard Marchand) (Contents)
- ___ #212, September/October 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Osvaldo Gonzalez) (Contents)
- ___ #213, December 2007 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Kenn Brown) (Contents)
- ___ #214, February 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Paul Drummond) (Contents)
- ___ #215, April 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 68pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Darren Winter) (Contents)
- ___ #216, June 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Christopher Nurse) (Contents)
- ___ #217, August 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Paul Drummond) (Contents)
- ___ #218, October 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Warwick Fraser-Coombe) (Contents)
- ___ #219, December 2008 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Kenn Brown) (Contents)
- ___ #220, February 2009 (TTA Press, £3.75, 64pp, 8″ x 10.5″, cover by Adam Tredowski) (Contents)
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