The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1471
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Vogt, Josh (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- The Soul Shop, (ss) Leading Edge #52, October 2006
- Even Songbirds Are Kept in Cages, (ss) Shimmer v2 #4, 2008
- Odd Jobs, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #16, January 2010
- Conversations with a Ghost, (vi) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #7, June 2015
- Escape Mechanism, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #15, July 2015
- From the Moment I Laid Eggs in You, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #17, November 2015
- Have You Seen Me?, (ss) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #11, February 2016
Voleur, Cat (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Sole Survivor, (vi) The Sirens Call #27, June 2016
- Advice from a Friend, (vi) The Sirens Call #31, February 2017
- The Dripping Thing, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
- An Artist and a Writer, (vi) The Sirens Call #50, Summer 2020
- Creepy Window, (vi) The Sirens Call #57, Spring 2022
- Just One Taste, (vi) The Stygian Lepus #1, 2023
- Other Mommy, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
Volgushev, Nikolaj (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Pete and the Elephant, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #55, August 2015
- Three Stories, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #72, November 2019
- Three Stories, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #74, May 2020
- Three Stories, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #77, February 2021
- Appetite, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #82, May 2022
- Book, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #82, May 2022
- Some Stray Woods, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #82, May 2022
- At the Midnight Museum, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #88, Fall 2023
Volk, Stephen (1954- ) (items)
- In a Tube Darkly, (ar) All Hallows #10, October 1995
- The Anamorph of Hans Baldung Grien, (ss) All Hallows #21, June 1999
- The Fall Children, (ss) All Hallows #26, February 2001
- A Pair of Pince-Nez, (ss) All Hallows #29, February 2002
- Sleepless Nights, (ss) All Hallows #33, June 2003
- Electric Darkness, (mr) The Third Alternative #39, Autumn 2004, etc.
- Curious Green Colours Sleep Furiously, (nv) Postscripts #3, Spring 2005
- A Whisper to a Grey, (ss) All Hallows #41, February 2006
- A Paper Tissue, (ss) Postscripts #7, Summer 2006
- Some (Further) Remarks on Ghost Stories, (sy) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #10, September 2006
- 25 TV: 25 Years of TV, (ar) Interzone #209, April 2007
- Who Dies Best, (ss) Postscripts #10, Spring 2007
- Can Hammer Ever Rise from the Grave?, (ar) Pantechnicon #6, 2008
- Fear, (ss) Black Static #9, February/March 2009
- Coffinmaker’s Blues, (cl) Black Static #22, April/May 2011, etc.
- The Comfort of the Seine [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Gaslight Arcanum ed. J. R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2011
- Celebrity Frankenstein, (ss) Exotic Gothic 4 ed. Danel Olson, PS Publishing, 2012
- Ten Ways Comedy and Horror Are Almost the Same Thing, (ar) BFS Journal Autumn 2012
- Domestic Uncanny: The Writing of TV’s “Afterlife”, (ar) BFS Journal Winter 2012/2013
- Whitstable, (ex) Spectral Press, 2013
- Those Who Fan the Fire, (ar) Black Static #39, March/April 2014
- Visiting the Madhouse, (ar) Black Static #40, May/June 2014
- Star Wounds, (ar) Black Static #41, July/August 2014
- Giving the Devil His Due, (ar) Black Static #42, September/October 2014
- How to Stay Insane, (ar) Black Static #43, November/December 2014, etc.
- On the Selling of Souls, and Other Commodities, (ar) Black Static #45, March/April 2015
- Horror (Not Horror), (ar) Black Static #46, May/June 2015
- Alfred and Jack: Ripping Yarns, (ar) Black Static #47, July/August 2015
- Mirrors for Eyes, (ar) Black Static #48, September/October 2015, etc.
- 10 Ways Comedy and Horror Are Almost the Same Thing, (ar) Black Static #50, January/February 2016
- The Human Centipede, (ar) Black Static #51, March/April 2016
- To Beat the Dark, or the Disquiet Man, (ar) Black Static #52, May/June 2016
- Update Status, (ar) Black Static #53, July/August 2016
- The Question of Violence, (ar) Black Static #54, September/October 2016
- Where Was I?, (ar) Black Static #55, November/December 2016
- Unchain the Beast, (ss) Black Static #68, March/April 2019
- Sicko, (ss) Black Static #73, January/February 2020
- Agog, (ss) The Dark #62, July 2020
- Adventurous, (ss) Weird Horror #2, Spring 2021
- Electrocuting an Elephant, (ar) Black Static #82/83, 2023
- Not Wanted on Voyage, (ss) Nightmare Abbey v7, 2024
Volk, Steve (fl. 2000s) (items)
- The 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years (with Michael Batz, K. Tempest Bradford, Scott Connors, John R. Fultz, Elizabeth Genco, Craig Laurance Gidney, Mary Robinette Kowal, Matthew Kressel, Nick Mamatas, Stephen H. Segal & Paul Tabachneck), (ar) Weird Tales March/April 2008
Voltz, William (Willi) (1938-1984) (items)
- The Horror [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #66, 1975
- The Sleepers [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #79, 1975
- Secret Mission: Moluk [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #84, 1975
- Friend to Mankind [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #91, 1976
- Horn: Green [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #96, 1976
- Spoor of the Antis [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #102, 1976
- The Emperor and the Monster [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #107, 1977
- Seeds of Ruin [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #111/112, 1977
- The Psycho Duel [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #115/116, 1977
- Killers from Hyperspace [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #120, 1978
- Robots, Bombs and Mutants [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #125, 1979
- Humans Keep Out! [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #135, 1979
- World Without Mercy [Perry Rhodan], (n.) Perry Rhodan #131, 1979
VonAllmen, David (Ryan) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- An Unfamiliar Face, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #30, January 2018
- Tomorrow’s Eyes, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #6, Summer 2018
- The Lost God-Warriors of Dhujapur, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #3, October 2018
- The Star Jumpers, (ss) Black Infinity Magazine #5, Fall 2019
- Blackheart, (ss) Deep Magic #69, Summer 2020
- Warchild, (vi) New Myths #52, September 2020
Vonarburg, Élisabeth (Ferron-Wehrlin Morché) (1947- ) (about) (items)
- Home by the Sea, (ss) Tesseracts ed. Judith Merril, Porcepic, 1985; translated by Jane Brierley
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #2, August 1987, etc.
- In the Pit, (ss) Tesseracts2 ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Porcepic, 1987; translated by Jane Brierley
- Cogito, (nv) Tesseracts3 ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Gerry Truscott, Porcepic, 1990; translated by Jane Brierley
- Chambered Nautilus, (nv) 1992, etc.
- The Knot, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1993; translated by Alyocha Kondratiev
- Bande Ohne Ende, (na) Tomorrow June 1994
- Amber Rain, (nv) Tomorrow April 1995; translated by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Janus, (nv) Tomorrow December 1995
- The Invisibles, (ss) Interzone #216, June 2008; translated by Howard Scott
Von Halder, Thomas (items)
- Fiber Optics, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- Grounders, (vi) Galaxy November/December 1994
- Cure 134, (ss) Crossroads February 1995
- ETA, (ss) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- Resurrection, (pm) Dead Lines #4, April 1996
- The Gates of Darby Manor, (pm) Outer Darkness #10, Winter 1997
- Clean Cuts, (vi) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #4, Fall/Winter 1997
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