The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 275
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Cacek, P(atricia) D(iana Joy Anne) (1951- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Above and Beyond the Call…, (ss) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Assistance, Inc., (vi) Amazing Experiences September/October 1990
- * The Bogeyman, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #4, 1991
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * Bumps in the Night Nocternal Additions, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * By a Silken Thread, (ss) Bizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion #2, 1993
- * Cacek’s Tattered Pages, (br) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, v1 #2, v1 #3, v1 #4 1991
- * Cacek’s Video Outlook, (mr) Midnight Zoo v1 #4, 1991
- * Cacek’s Video Outlooks, (mr) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, v1 #2, v1 #3 1991
- * Call Waiting, (ss) Postscripts #10, Spring 2007
- * A Cat’s Wish, (pm) Cat Tales #2, April 2010
- * Contract Incorporis, (ss) Figment #3, April 1990
- * Deathwreck, (ss) The Haunted Sun #3, Spring 1991
- * Down at the Ol’ Double Helix Bar-N-Grill, (ss) The Tome #5, 1990
- * Dust Motes, (ss) Gothic Ghosts ed. Wendy Webb & Charles Grant, Tor, 1997
- * Frightfully Sorry, (ss) The Spook #5, December 2001
- * The Good Wife, (ss) Cemetery Dance #70, 2013
- * The Grave, (ss) 999 ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon, 1999
- * Hey Kids!, (vi) Amazing Experiences September/October 1990
- * If Wishes Were Fishes, (ss) Cat Tales #2, April 2010
- * In the Eyes of the Beholder, (ss) Beyond #18, 1990
- * In the Meantime, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- * The Last Act of a Desperate Man, (nv) Amazing Experiences December 1990
- * Marco the Magnificent, (ss) The Company He Keeps ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2010
- * Memento, (ss) LampLight September 2015
- * Mime Games, (ss) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine #19, 1995
- * The Music Box, (ss) Cemetery Dance #45, 2003
- * Night Patrol, (ss) Amazing Experiences July 1990
- * Other Book Reviews, (rc) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Other Reviews, (rc) Amazing Experiences September/October 1990
- * Payback, (ss) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- * Piece by Piece, (ss) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Realities, (pm) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Recession, (ss) The Urbanite #4, 1994
- * Repeat Performance, (ss) City Slab #4, 2004
- * Sans Incendi, (ss) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Seat of Inspirations, (ss) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- * The Storybook, (ss) Dark Regions #16, Fall 2001
- * Tattered Pages, (br) Midnight Zoo v1 #5, 1991
- * Tattoos, (ss) Deathrealm #21, Spring 1994
- * Valedictory, (vi) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * The Way to a Man’s Heart, (ss) Space and Time #100, Spring 2007
_____, [ref.]
Cade, Cathy (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * After Life, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Bolt-Cutter Blunder, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Goodnight Eileen, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Snowfall, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- * Stopping Him, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
Cade, O(ctavia) J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Absence of Feathers, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #17, March 2014
- * The Atomic Hallows and the Body of Science, (ss) Shimmer #40, November 2017
- * The Backward Lens of Compromise, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2018
- * The Better Part of Drowning, (ss) The Dark #30, November 2017
- * The Birth and Death of Islands, (ss) Kaleidotrope Summer 2020
- * Bone Length, Wavelength, (ss) Capricious #2, December 2015
- * Border Run, (ss) Clarkesworld #192, September 2022
- * Breathless in the Green, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * Burning Green, (ss) Aurealis #66, November 2013
- * Carnival Microbial, (ss) GrendelSong #2, April 2016
- * Come Water, Be One of Us, (ss) Strange Horizons December 21 2020
- * Crow, (ss) Apex Magazine #71, April 2015
- * Crown of Thorns, (ss) Clarkesworld #126, March 2017
- * The Cuckoo, (ss) Cover of Darkness #11, June 2012
- * Eating Science with Ghosts, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2016
- * Ernestine, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2023
- * Fact, Fiction, and Feeling: Ecological Grief in a Changing World, (ar) Clarkesworld #217, October 2024
- * The Feather Wall, (ss) Reckoning #3, 2019
- * From the Editors, (ed) Reckoning #7, Winter/Summer 2023
- * Gone to Earth, (ss) Shimmer #43, May 2018
- * Happiness, (nv) Clarkesworld #199, April 2023
- * The Haunted Boundaries of House and Body, (ar) Nightmare #98, November 2020
- * The Huntsman’s Sequence, (ss) GlitterShip Autumn 2017/Winter 2018
- * The H Word:
* ___ The Haunted Boundaries of House and Body, (cl) Nightmare #98, November 2020
- * Imago, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #32, November 2020
- * In(con)solation, (vi) Lightspeed #153, February 2023
- * Inside the Body of Relatives, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2019
- * The Lending Library of Final Lines, (ss) The Dark #80, January 2022
- * The Little Beast, (ss) Respectable Horror ed. K. A. Laity, Fox Spirit Books, 2017
- * Longfin’s Daughters, (ss) Strange Horizons June 17 2013
- * Mary Shelley Makes a Monster, (pm) Strange Horizons November 2 2015
- * The Meiosis of Cells and Exile, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2017
- * Milk Teeth, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021
- * The Mythology of Salt, (ss) Strange Horizons November 11 2013
- * Nation Building and Baptism, (ss) Capricious #10, September 2018
- * Nimoy and Spock: Reflections and Farewells (with Fábio Fernandes, Erin Horáková, Keguro Macharia, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Tim Phipps & Iona Sharma), (ar) Strange Horizons March 2 2015 [Ref. Leonard Nimoy]
- * Older, (ss) The Deadlands #17, September 2022
- * Otto Hahn Speaks to the Dead, (ss) The Dark #59, April 2020
- * Our Flesh Was Bred for This, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #1, Fall 2019
- * The Ouroboros Bakery, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2017
- * Palimpsest, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2015
- * The Pandemic Residency, (ar) Reckoning Creativity and Coronavirus, September 2021
- * The Past and Future Lives of Scientists, (ar) Dark Matter Magazine #1, January/February 2021
- * The Past and Future Lives of Test Subjects, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #1, January/February 2021
- * Pollen and Salt, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2022
- * Radioactivity, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #41, July/August 2021
- * The Sea Bank of Svalbard South, (ss) Metaphorosis March 2016
- * Seedling, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2021
- * The Signal Birds, (ss) Liminal Stories #1, Spring/Summer 2016
- * Stomp All Over That, (ar) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
- * The Stone Weta, (ss) Clarkesworld #131, August 2017
- * The Temporary Suicides of Goldfish, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2018
- * To Bear Witness: The Polar Bear as Refugee in Speculative Fiction, (ar) Clarkesworld #191, August 2022
- * Tommy Flowers and the Glass Bells of Bletchley, (ss) The Dark #5, August 2014
- * Trading Rosemary, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2010
- * The Tree of Life in Lisbon, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #23, September 2015
- * We Feed the Bears of Fire and Ice, (ss) Strange Horizons May 7 2018
- * The Women Who Didn’t Win Nobels, and How World Trees Are Not a Substitute, (nv) Fusion Fragment #6, May 2021
- * Worm Blood, (ss) The Dark #71, April 2021
- * You’re Not the Only One, (ss) Clarkesworld #185, February 2022
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Cadger, Rick (1960- ) (chron.)
- * Armageddon in Gordon’s Garage, (vi) Nightfall #3, 1991
- * A Breath of Not Belonging, (ss) The Third Alternative #5, Winter 1994/1995
- * The Bucket of Wrath, (ss) Exuberance #4, Winter 1991/1992
- * Editorial, (ed) Strange Attractor #1, #2 Oct 1992, #3 Mar 1993
- * Essences, (ss) Dark Horizons #35, 1994
- * Family Ties, (ss) Frighteners #2, August 1991
- * Fire and Ice, (vi) Works #6, 1989
- * Fragments, (ss) The Third Alternative #7, Summer 1995
- * Heart of the Machine, (ss) Dark Horizons #37, Spring 1998
- * House Calls, (ss) Violent Spectres #2, 1995
- * Inside and Out, (ss) Peeping Tom #16, October 1994
- * Losing Track, (ss) Orion #3, July 1993
- * Of Weather Signs & Absolution, (ss) The Third Alternative #11, Winter 1996/1997
- * A Pinch of…, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #17, Winter 1990
- * Symphony, (ss) The Third Alternative #9, Winter 1995/1996
- * Through a Glass, (ss) Fear #29, May 1991
- * Trespassers, (ss) Grotesque #5, 1994
- * The Unquiet Soul, (cl) Violent Spectres; #2-4.
- * The Unquiet Soul, (cl) Violent Spectres #2, #3 1995, #4 1996
- * The Unquiet Soul, (cl) The Third Alternative #10 Spr, #11 Win 1996, #12, #13, #14 1997, #15, #16, #17 1998
- * Whistling in the Dark, (ss) The Scanner #11, 1990
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Cadigan, Pat(ricia Oren Kearney) (1953- ) (about) (chron.)
- * After the Days of Dead-Eye ’Dee, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1985
- * Angel, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1987
- * Another One Hits the Road, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1984
- * Beauty and the Beast (with Robert Haas), (pi) Shayol #2, February 1978
- * The Boys in the Rain, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine June 1987
- * Cody, (ss) TRSF: The Best New Science Fiction ed. Stephen Cass, Technology Review, 2011
- * The Coming of the Doll, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1981
- * Datableed, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1998
- * The Day the Martels Got the Cable, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1982
- * Death from Exposure, (nv) Shayol #2, February 1978
- * Death in the Promised Land, (na) Omni Online March 1995
- * Dervish Is Digital, (ex) Infinite Matrix August 1 2001
- * Dispatches from the Revolution, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1991
- * The Emperor’s New Reality, (nv) New Worlds ed. David Garnett, White Wolf, 1997
- * 50 Ways to Improve Your Orgasm, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1992
- * Fool to Believe, (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1990
- * 14 Questions: Michael Whelan (with Arnold M. Fenner), (iv) Shayol #5, Winter 1982 [Ref. Michael Whelan]
- * The Genie-us of Tom Reamy (with Arnold M. Fenner), (iv) Shayol #1, November 1977 [Ref. Tom Reamy]
- * The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi, (nv) Edge of Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2012
- * Has Success Spoiled Stephen King? (with Arnold M. Fenner & Marty Ketchum), (iv) Shayol #6, Winter 1982 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Headset, (vi) Omni January 1988
- * Heal, (vi) Omni April 1988
- * Home by the Sea, (nv) A Whisper of Blood ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow, 1991
- * In the Shop, (vi) Omni November 1983
- * Johnny Come Home, (ss) Omni June 1991
- * Last Chance for Angina Pectoris at Miss Sadie’s Saloon, Dry Gulch, (ss) Chacal v1 #2, 1977
- * Lateral Genius and the Persistence of Neuromancer, (ar) Nova Express Winter/Spring 1998 [Ref. William Gibson]
- * Linda, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2002
- * The Mudlark, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe October 2008
- * My Brother’s Keeper, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1988
- * Nearly Departed [Deadpan Allie], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1983
- * Nightflying with George R.R. Martin (with Arnold M. Fenner), (iv) Shayol #6, Winter 1982 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Nothing Personal, (na) Alien Crimes ed. Mike Resnick, SFBC, 2007
- * Paris in June, (ss) Omni September 1994
- * Pat Cadigan: A Bibliography, (bi) Nova Express Fall 1989
- * Patterns, (ss) Omni August 1987
- * The Power and the Passion, (ss) Patterns by Pat Cadigan, Ursus, 1989
- * Pretty Boy Crossover, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1986
- * Roadside Rescue, (ss) Omni July 1985
- * Scanman, (vi) Omni April 1990
- * Second Comings—Reasonable Rates, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1981
- * Shine of the Times: An Interview with Stephen King (with Arnold M. Fenner, Marty Ketchum & Lewis Shiner), (iv) Shayol #3, Summer 1979 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Shoot the Moon, (ss) Omni July 1989
- * The Sorceress in Spite of Herself, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- * Ten SF/Fantasy/Genre Films That Should Not Have Been Made, (ms) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1998
- * Ten Years After, (ed) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1993
- * True Faces, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1992
- * Two, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1988
- * Unfair Exchange, (ss) Nightmare #25, October 2014
- * Variation on a Man [Deadpan Allie], (nv) Omni January 1984
- * Vengeance Is Yours, (ss) Omni May 1983
- * What I Got for Christmas, (ss) Interzone #127, January 1998
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Trumpet #12, Summer 1981
- * [untitled], (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019 [Ref. Gardner Dozois]
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- * Avatar by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #146, August 1999
- * The Cadigan Interviews: Interviews with, yup, Pat Cadigan by Dwight Brown, Jill Engel, Glen Engel-Cox, Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera, (iv) Nova Express Fall 1989
- * The Cyberpunk Technofeminist: Pat Cadigan by John Kenny & Robert S. Neilson, (iv) Albedo One #5, Summer 1994
- * Dervish Is Digital by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * Driving Through a Cloud with Pat Cadigan by Jeremy L. C. Jones, (iv) Clarkesworld #88, January 2014
- * Fools by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #69, March 1993
- * Indigo Falls by Paul Brazier, (rv) Interzone #152, February 2000
- * Interview with Pat Cadigan by Andy Watson, et al., (iv) Journal Wired #2, Spring 1990
- * Introduction to “Home by the Sea” by Tricia Sullivan, (is) Strange Horizons August 29 2011
- * Japan Futures, Cadigan’s Future by Laurie Goffin, (iv) Interzone #127, January 1998
- * Mindplayers by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
- * Mindplayers by John Clute, (br) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- * Patterns by Dwight Brown, (br) Nova Express Fall 1989
- * Step Outside: Interview with Pat Cadigan by David Mathew, (iv) The Zone #9, Summer 2000
- * Tea from an Empty Cup by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone #138, December 1998
- * Trying to Look Behind the Picture, (iv) The Fractal #5, Fall 1995/Winter 1996
- * Women Remember: A Roundtable Interview by Mary Robinette Kowal, (iv) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
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