The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1371
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Strang, Linda Ann (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Mertopia, (pm) Mythic Delirium #19, Summer/Fall 2008
- Charity for Nightmares, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2009
- Fabula, (pm) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- Kimono Monochrome at Midnight, (pm) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- Magic Realists in Love, (pm) A Cappella Zoo #2, Spring 2009
- Two Corpses with Butterflies After the War, (pm) Kaleidotrope #10, October 2010
- Scheherezade of the Fully Automatic, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2011
- Lyssa Depressed, (pm) Bull Spec #6, Autumn 2011
- Preparing Fresh Mermaid, (pm) Sounds of the Night #10, February 2012
Stranger, The; pseudonym of Nigel Taylor (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- A Gothic Tale, (ss) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016
- The Great Escape: H. Rider Haggard’s She, (ar) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016 [Ref. H. Rider Haggard]
- Heated Argument, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016
- Rosita, (ss) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016
- The Stranger Speaks, (ed) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016, etc.
- Tomorrow Lies in Weight, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016
- White-Mare, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016
- The Cold Light of Stars, (ss) Worlds of Strangeness #2, 2017
- The Lost World Lost, (ss) Worlds of Strangeness #2, 2017
- Mr. Hide, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #2, 2017
- Palm, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #2, 2017
- Parallel Lives: Magritte & Herge, (ar) Worlds of Strangeness #2, 2017 [Ref. René Magritte & Hergé]
- Borderland, (ss) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019
- Golem II, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019
- Homage to Harryhausen, (pm) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019 [Ref. Ray Harryhausen]
- The Invisible Made Visible, (ar) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019
- Through Others’ Eyes, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019
- Dysmorphia, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #4, Spring/Summer 2021
- A Farce in Metropolis, (nv) Worlds of Strangeness #4, Spring/Summer 2021
- Imperfect Muder, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #4, Spring/Summer 2021
- The Last Trainspotter, (vi) Worlds of Strangeness #4, Spring/Summer 2021
Strantzas, Simon (1972- ) (about) (items)
- A Chorus of Yesterdays, (ss) All Hallows #39, June 2005
- The Autumnal City, (ss) Wicked Hollow #9, November 2005
- Behind Glass, (ss) Bare Bone #8, 2005
- Something New, (ss) All Hallows #42, October 2006
- Headspace, (vi) Fusing Horizons #5, 2006
- Off the Hook, (ss) Supernatural Tales #10, 2006
- You Are Here, (ss) Supernatural Tales #12, Autumn 2007
- Poor Stephanie, (ss) Supernatural Tales #14, Winter 2008
- Some (More) Remarks on Ghost Stories, (sy) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #15, May 2009
- Unreasonable Doubt, (ss) Edison’s Frankenstein ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2009
- Everything Floats, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #1, Autumn 2010
- Out of Touch, (ss) Cemetery Dance #64, 2010
- The Cornucopia, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #2, Fall 2011
- On Ice, (nv) Burnt Black Suns by Simon Strantzas, Hippocampus Press, 2014
- Youth’s Folly, (ss) Dark Discoveries #29, Fall 2014
- The Strange Story, (ar) Nightmare #27, December 2014
- Scraps of Paper, (ss) Breakout ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2015
- In the Tall Grass, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees v7, 2017
- Our Town’s Talent, (ss) Nothing Is Everything by Simon Strantzas, Undertow Publications, 2018
- Antripuu, (ss) Nightmare #82, July 2019
- Best Left in the Shadows, (ar) Weird Horror October 2020
- The Somnambulists, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees v8, 2020
- A Firm Grounding in the Knowable World, (ar) Weird Horror #2, Spring 2021
- A Thing of Extremes, (ar) Weird Horror #3, Fall 2021
- Ambiguity—What Does It Mean?, (ar) Nightmare #111, December 2021
- That House, (ss) Bourbon Penn #25, December 2021
- Next Wave Horror, (ar) Weird Horror #4, Spring 2022
- Fear Without the Threat, (ar) Weird Horror #5, Fall 2022
- Horror’s Mount Rushmore, (ar) Weird Horror #6, Spring 2023
- Primordial Soup, (ar) Weird Horror #7, Fall 2023
- Shepherd Not Sheep, (ss) Bourbon Penn #32, March 2024
- What Is Anti-Horror?, (ar) Weird Horror #8, Spring 2024
- The Fantastique and the Weird, (ar) Weird Horror #9, Autumn 2024
Strasser, Dirk (1959- ) (items)
- Australia’s Grand Master: An Interview with George Turner, (iv) Aurealis #1, 1990 [Ref. George Turner]
- Editorial, (ed) Aurealis #2, 1990, etc.
- The Final Birthplace [The Run People], (ss) Aurealis #3, 1991
- Book Review, (br) Aurealis #8, 1992
- The Tale of Valkyra and Verlinden [Ascension], (ss) Aurealis #12, 1993
- Watching the Soldiers, (ss) Borderlands 4 ed. Elizabeth & Thomas Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 1994
- The Dark Under the Skin, (ss) Eidolon Spring 1997
- In Theory, (ss) Aurealis #20/21, 1998
- The Farewell Editorial (with Stephen Higgins), (ed) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- The Skerricks of Truth, (ss) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- One of a Kind: Dirk Strasser interviews Peter McNamara, (iv) Aurealis #31, 2003 [Ref. Peter McNamara]
- Primal, (ss) Aurealis #38/39, December 2007
- Conquist, (ss) Dreaming Again ed. Jack Dann, HarperCollins Australia, 2008
- The Vigilant, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #29, August 2009
- Stories of the Sand, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2009
- Exploring New Worlds for Twenty Years, (ar) Aurealis #44, September 2010
- From the Cloud, (ed) Aurealis #45, October 2011, etc.
- At Dawn’s Speed, (ss) Dimension6 #2, 2014
- 2084, (ss) Stories of the Sand by Dirk Strasser, Satalyte Publishing, 2014
- The Mandelbrot Bet, (ss) Carbide Tipped Pens ed. Ben Bova & Eric Choi, Tor, 2014
- Tales of the Flame, (ss) Aurealis #121, June 2019
- Conquist, (n.) Aurealis #127, February 2020, etc.
Stratford, H. Philip; pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer (1921-2005) (items)
- Time Travel Business, (nv) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #64, December 15 1955
- According to Tradition, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956
- The Hidden Power, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction #70, June 15 1956
- Lucky Number, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #74, November 1956
- Wrong Impression, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #75, December 1956
- Asymptote, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction #78, March 1957
- The Thoughtless Island, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #22, 1957
- Lethe Lend, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #23, 1957
- Vale!, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction #85, October 1957
- The Covetous, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #30, May 1958
- Agent Provocateur, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #34, September 1958
- Medicine Man, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #38, January 1959
- Don’t Cross a Telekine, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #8, 1959
- Song of Ages, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #41, June 1959
Stratmann, H(enry) G., M.D. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- [letter from St. Louis, MO, 63129-1795], (lt) Analog Science Fiction & Fact August 1992, etc.
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 1994, etc.
- Tin Angel (with G. David Nordley), (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July 1994
- Symphony in a Minor Key, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 1996
- The Best Is Yet to Be, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 1996
- The Eumenide, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1998
- Sex in Space: The Fantasy and the Reality, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 1998
- Biological Hazards and Medical Care in Space (with G. David Nordley), (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1998, etc.
- The Human Touch, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1998
- Phoenix, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 1998
- Cardiovascular Medicine: The Current State of the Heart, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1999
- Going Home, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1999
- [letter from MO], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1999
- Tempora Mutantur, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 1999
- To Him Who Waits, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 1999
- Achromamorph’s Burden, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 2000
- Suspended Animation: The Cold Facts, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2000
- Jurisimprudence, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2000
- Naked Came the Earthling, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2001
- Hearts in Darkness, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2002
- The Paradise Project [Katerina & Martin], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2007
- The Last Temptation of Katerina Savitskaya [Katerina & Martin], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2008
- When All Else Fails (with Henry Stratmann, III), (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2009
- The Invasion, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2009
- Wilderness Were Paradise Enow [Katerina & Martin], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2009
- Thus Spake the Aliens [The Paradise Project], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2010
- The Day the Music Died, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2010
- Bad Medicine: When Medical Research Goes Wrong, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2010
- Primum Non Nocere, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2010
- Space Weather: The Latest Forecast, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2012
- To Save Man, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2012
- Neighborhood Watch, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2013
- Prometheus, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2013
- Galactic Cannibalism: Who’s on the Menu, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2013
- Does Medicine Have a Future?, (ed) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2013
- The Science Behind “The Final Nail”, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2017
Stratton, James R. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- On the Road to Galilee, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #10, 2002
- Oops!, (ss) Nth Degree #5, April 2003
- Meat Bag, (ss) Nth Degree #8, December 2003
- In the Slammer!, (ss) Nth Degree #16, September/October 2009
- Pink Flamingoes from Hell, (ss) Nth Degree #24, July/September 2014
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