The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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McLaughlin, Dean (Benjamin, Jr.) (1931- ) (about) (items)
- [letter from Ann Arbor, MI], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction September 1950
- For Those Who Follow After, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951
- The Evidence at Hand, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction October 1952
- See No Evil, (ss) If November 1953
- The Last Thousand Miles, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction February 1956
- How to Be a Saucer Author, (ar) Fantastic Universe February 1957
- Welcome Home, (nv) Infinity Science Fiction October 1957
- Hands of Steel, (ss) Fantastic Universe March 1958
- The Man on the Bottom, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1958
- Brink of Creation, (ss) If October 1958
- Interview with an Open Mind, (vi) Fantastic Universe March 1959
- The Brotherhood of Keepers, (nv) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction July 1960
- The Voyage Which Is Ended, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1962
- One Hundred Days from Home, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1964
- The Permanent Implosion, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1964
- Hawk Among the Sparrows, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1968
- The Trouble with Project Slickenside, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1973
- Promise Them Anything, (nv) Worlds of If May/June 1973
- To Walk with Thunder, (na) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1973
- West of Scranton and Beyond the Dreams of Avarice, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1974
- The Astronomical Hazards of the Tobacco Habit, (vi) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Summer 1977
- Omit Flowers, (vi) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Fall 1977
- Beachhead, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1977
- Long Shot, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1979
- Dawn, (n.) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 27 1981, etc.
- The Eternal Juice Machine, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1 1982
- The Epsilon Probe, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1989
- The Cosmic Implications of Your Mailing Label, (vi) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact November 1990
- Ode to Joy, (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1991
- On Secret Wings, (vi) Analog Science Fiction & Fact February 1992
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction & Fact February 1992
- Mark on the World, (na) Analog Science Fiction & Fact July 1992
- Always, There’s Somebody Doesn’t Get the Word, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1996
- Mary Had a Little…, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1998
- He Who Carried the Moon, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2001
- Tenbrook of Mars, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2008
McLaughlin, J. P. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Lasers, Turrets & Claws, (br) Figment #1, October 1989, etc.
- Notes from Our Desk, (ed) Figment #2, January 1990
- Slice of Life, (ar) Figment #3, April 1990
- Mélange, (ar) Figment #5, October 1990
- Tales from the Land Where Horror Dwells: Mark Rainey Interview, (iv) Figment #6, January 1991 [Ref. Mark Rainey]
- Ejection Zone, (cl) Figment, etc.
- Glyphs & Runes, (br) Figment, etc.
- Sound Speculations, (cl) Figment, etc.
McLaughlin, Mark (fl. 1970s-2020s) (items)
- Grotesque, (pm) The Diversifier February/March 1979
- The Vampires, (pm) The Diversifier February/March 1979
- Last Kiss, (pm) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979
- A Wee Visitor, (pm) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979
- In Zeth, (pm) Space and Time #52, July 1979
- Witch-House, (pm) Nyctalops #15, January 1980
- The Metal Gods, (pm) Dark Fantasy #22, 1980
- Devil’s Food, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- Inspiration, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- The Garden of Death, (pm) Hor-tasy #1, 1980
- As Osiris Wills, (ss) Space and Time #60, July 1981
- Pet Show, (pm) The Argonaut #8, Fall/Winter 1981
- Dreamscapes, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- The Cat-Woman, (pm) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- Gugu, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- Leave Her Alone, (ss) Not One of Us #7, January 1991
- A Swim in the Moonlight, (ss) Atopos #1, Spring/Summer 1991
- No Promotion for Pitt, (vi) Argonaut #15, Summer 1991
- In the Cathedral, (vi) The Silver Web #7, Fall/Winter 1991
- Drool Tool: The Meltdown Mix, (ss) The Urbanite #1, 1991
- Welcome to the City: An Introduction, (in) The Urbanite #1, 1991
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #1, 1991
- Agatha Says, (ss) Tekeli-li! #4, Winter/Spring 1992
- Loki, (ss) Palace Corbie v1 #1, 1992
- The Moon Is Our Mother, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #1, June 1992
- Mrs. Belegruchka, (ss) Not One of Us #9, June 1992
- Sheep, (ss) Gaslight August 1992
- Noblesse Oblique, (ss) Palace Corbie v1 #2, 1992
- Absolute Darkness, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #1, 1992
- Large Yellow Teeth, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #13, 1992
- Pass the Hors D’eouvres: An Introduction, (in) The Urbanite #2, 1992
- Steamroller Concerto (in B-Flat), (pm) Wicked Mystic 1992
- Venus Satisfaction, (pm) The Urbanite #2, 1992
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #2, 1992
- Another Fine Product from Plasmex, (ss) Vicious Circle #1, Winter/Spring 1993
- The Queen of Halloween, (ss) Spellbound #1, Summer 1993
- Adroitly Wrapped, (ss) Gaslight August 1993
- The Last Poetry Night at the Saturnalia Coffee House, (ss) Not One of Us #11, November 1993
- Introduction, (in) The Urbanite #3, 1993
- Poetry & Discipline, (pm) Wicked Grin 1993
- Soft Bones, Hard Feelings & The Insekt Moste Effluvious, (ss) The Urbanite #3, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #3, 1993
- Commercials for a Twilight World, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #13, 1994
- Askew, (pm) Random Realities #5, Summer 1994
- Green, (vi) Aberrations #20, June 1994
- The Food of Love, (ss) The Third Alternative #5, Winter 1994/1995
- Hello! My Name Is Halja, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #16, 1994
- Our No-/Two-/Four-/Six-Legged Friends, (in) The Urbanite #4, 1994
- Waltz of the Dernatophobes, (pm) The End #2, 1994
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #4, 1994
- But Is It Art?, (pm) Not One of Us #13, February 1995
- The Prince of Dreadful Magick, (ss) Not One of Us #13, February 1995
- Tread the Backward Spiral, (pp) Cyber-Psychos AOD #6, 1995
- Fine Print, (ss) Ghosts & Scholars #19, 1995
- Silky, Slinky, Fabulous—To Die For, (vi) Galaxy March/April 1995
- True Love, Special Effects and Unspeakable Devistation in the Amphitheatre of the Glitterati, (ss) TransVersions #2, 1995
- Regarding the Situation on Clove Street, (vi) Argonaut #20, Summer 1995
- Feel the Spin, (ss) The Third Alternative #8, Autumn 1995
- Introduction: Break Out the Bonbons, (ed) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- Strange Relationships: Putting the ’Funk’ Back in ’Dysfunctional’, (ed) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- Thousandskins, (ss) Carnage Hall #6, 1995
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- Personal Mythology, (ss) Talebones #2, Winter 1996
- Tears of the Expressionist Aphrodite, (ss) The Third Alternative #10, Spring 1996
- What Not to Name the Cat, (pm) Not One of Us #15, March 1996
- The Lady with Little Friends in Her Hair, (pm) Chills #10, 1996
- The Next Science, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #16, 1996
- Mixology, (vi) Psychotrope #4, June 1996
- Planet of the Secret Agents, (pm) Talebones #5, Fall 1996
- Pretty-Boy, (ss) Night Terrors #2, November 1996
- Death of the Party (with M. R. Scofidio), (ss) Bloodsongs #7, 1996
- A Dream of Shrieking Insects, (pm) Mermaid Tavern 1996
- From the Cocoon, (ed) The Urbanite #7, 1996
- The Guy Who Never Leaves the Mall, (pm) Lady with Little Friends in Her Hair and Other Urban Legends by Mark McLaughlin, 1996
- The Man Who Puts Stuff Up There, (pm) Lady with Little Friends in Her Hair and Other Urban Legends by Mark McLaughlin, 1996
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #7, 1996
- Social Insects, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #7, 1997
- Dad, (pm) Not One of Us #17, February 1997
- Here Comes the Beast, (ed) The Urbanite #8, Spring 1997
- Just Like Shakespeare, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #5, Spring 1997
- The Piano Player Has No Fingers, (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- Blue-Haired, (ss) The End #5, April 1997
- The Soundtrack Makes It, (ss) The End #5, April 1997
- And Baby Makes Three, (il) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #6, Summer 1997
- Cold Plastic, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #4, June 1997
- The Formulaic Ways of the Abysmal Elite, (vi) Cenotaph #1, Summer 1997
- I Am Not Painsettia Plont, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #9, 1997
- Caligari, Inc., (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #7, Autumn 1997
- From Barn to Boardroom, (ed) The Urbanite #9, Fall 1997
- Lipstick on Your Straightjacket Collar, (pm) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- Bite, (pm) Talebones #9, Fall 1997
- Consummate Blasphemy of the Rustmad Technogod, (pm) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998
- Lord of the Canals, (pm) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998
- Miss Begotten, (vi) Utter Entropy ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy, 1997
- Miss Informed, (vi) Utter Entropy ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy, 1997
- Miss Shapen, (vi) Utter Entropy ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy, 1997
- Bio, (pm) Dark Horizons #37, Spring 1998
- The Ruins of Chicago, (pm) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #5, Winter/Spring 1998
- Striped Like a Tiger, with Cobalt-Blue Eyes, (vi) Dark Matter #1, 1998
- Ascloseasthis, (ss) Talebones #12, Summer 1998
- The Weatherworn Banshee Declares Her Undying Love for Some Accountant She Met at a Party, (pm) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1998
- Cinema Diabolique, (vi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #8, 1998
- Otis the Respectable, (ed) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- In the Attic, (pm) Cenotaph #2, Winter 1999
- Office Politics, (pm) TransVersions #10, 1999
- Too Bad, (pm) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #8, 1999
- Adorable, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #11, March 1999
- Bobby LeBu, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #11, March 1999
- Grammy, the Serial Killer, (pm) Sackcloth & Ashes #3, March 1999
- Reed Thin, (pm) Not One of Us #21, March 1999
- You Don’t Want to Know, (vi) Enigmatic Tales Spring 1999
- And Now, Our Feature Presentation, (ss) Palace Corbie #8, 1999
- Friends Don’t Let Friends, (pm) Talebones #15, Spring 1999
- Hungry for Faces, (ss) Mindmares #6, Spring 1999
- Squidd, Inc., (vi) Midnight Shambler #11, 1999
- Tiny Smiling Icons of Death, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #4, 1999
- Cleopatra World, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #14, Summer 1999
- He Comes to Me, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #12, June 1999
- Finesse, (ss) Mindmares #7, Summer 1999
- Unleashed, (vi) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #1, October 1999
- Alien Cavemen on Parade: The Movie, (ed) The Urbanite #11, Fall 1999
- In the Gutter, (ss) Masque Noir January 2000
- The Murdermobile, (pm) Talebones #18, Winter 2000
- Reviews of Silk (with Michael McCarty), (br) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000 [Ref. Caitlín R. Kiernan]
- What the Noisy Little Idiot in the Seat Next to Me Had to Say, (pm) Delirium #1, January 2000
- The Doorknob Song, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #4, 2000
- Dainty Magic Pixie Dust, (pm) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #14, Winter/Spring 2000
- Why the Cathartoleptic Approach Is Now Looked Upon with Disfavour, (ss) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- Spiderbread, (vi) The Dream Zone #6, May 2000
- Dawn of the Incredibly Strange, Mixed-Up Film Critics Who Have Risen from the Grave (with Michael McCarty), (cl) Delirium #2, 2000, etc.
- Gorgon, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- The Ten Klown-Mandments (with Michael McCarty), (ss) Delirium #2, 2000
- Muffler, (pm) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #8, 2000
- My Goodness, Those Robots Are Bleeding, (pm) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #8, 2000
- Why Prisoner 689174 Calls Himself “Fall”, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #19, Autumn 2000
- Zombiology, (pm) Talebones #20, Fall 2000
- What Must You Think of Us? (with M. R. Scofidio), (ss) Roadworks #10, Autumn 2000, as by Marni Scofidio Griffin & Mark McLaughlin
- E3—Beneath the Banner of Lions: Part 1, (cs) Legend: Worlds of Possibility #2, Winter 2000
- What I Said When the Two Preppy Girls in the Park Asked if They Could Tell Me About Their Friend, the Lord, (pm) Space and Time #93, Spring 2001
- The Awkward Bastard’s Guide to Attending a Writers’ Convention, (ar) Roadworks #11, Winter 2001
- It’s 2001, Where’s My Personal Jetpack So I Can Fly to the Grocery Store?, (ed) The Urbanite #12, Spring 2001
- [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #12, Spring 2001
- Autopsy! The Musical (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Delirium #4, 2001, as by Hertzan Chimera & Mark McLaughlin
- Look Now!, (pm) Aphelion #46, April 2001
- Super Digital Nekronomi Pals Are Zing!, (ss) Shoggoth Cacciatore and Other Eldritch Entrees by Mark McLaughlin, Delirium Books, 2001
- Spawn of the Rancid Deepnesses, (vi) The Dream Zone #9, May 2001
- Ten Things to Feed an Infant Zombie, Should You Find Yourself Having to Care for One, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #1, Fall 2001
- Succubuzz, (pm) ChiZine #10, October/December 2001
- Workshopping the Gorgon, (pm) Dark Horizons #40, Autumn 2001
- The Groveler in the Grotto, (ss) The Night the Lights Went Out in Arkham, Undaunted Press, 2001
- Perseus, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- The Abominable Nurse Friendly, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #3, Spring 2002
- Wake When Some Vile Thing Is Near (with Michael Kaufmann), (ss) Redsine #8, April 2002
- The Monsters of Enlightenment (with Michael Kaufmann), (ss) Here & Now #1, Summer 2002
- The Loiterer in the Lobby (with Michael Kaufmann), (ss) Black Gate Summer 2002
- Cure All, (pm) Dark Animus #3, May 2003
- The Further Adventures of Lizzie Borden, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #5, 2003
- Uncle Caesar, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- The Dung-Hag, the Dead Dwarf and the Tailor’s Son or, For Womb the Bell Tolls, (ss) Cthulhu Sex v2 #15, 2003
- Tiny Hooks and Dainty Door Keys (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Flesh & Blood #13, 2003
- The Titterer in the Twilight, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v2 #14, 2003
- The Voice of the Pangyricon, (ss) Horror Garage #7, 2003
- Four Letter Word Beginning with “F”: Failure’s Just Another Word for…, (ar) Flesh & Blood #14, 2004
- Coffee Shop Casualties No. 3, (pm) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- Evil Soap Opera, (pm) Men are from Hell, Women are from the Galaxy of Death by Mark McLaughlin, Kelp Queen Press, 2004
- Diagnosis and Treatment, (ss) Black October Magazine v1 #5, 2004
- Coffee Shop Casualties No. 1: Sad Blonde Hippy-Chick with Heavy Thighs, (pm) Flesh & Blood #16, 2004
- Always Falling, (pm) Space and Time #99, Spring 2005
- A Flaming Death Is Not for Me, (pm) ChiZine #24, April/June 2005
- The Pecker at the Passageway, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v2 #21, 2005
- Now the Healing Begins, (ss) Kopfhalter! Fall 2005
- Adrienne Barbeau: “A Real Gun-Totin’, Ghost-Fightin’ Heroine” (with Michael McCarty), (iv) Horror Garage #10, 2005
- Help Yourself (with Michael A. Arnzen), (ss) Cemetery Dance #55, 2006
- Diddle, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Old Zombie Hubbard, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- The Other White Meat, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Zombie Bo Peep, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Zombie Jack Horner, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Zombie Nimble, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Zombie Spratt, (pm) Dark Jesters 2006
- Cthulhu Royale, (ss) Lovecraft’s Disciples #7, January 2007
- When We Was Flab, (ss) Lovecraft’s Disciples #10, September 2007
- Blood from a Stone (with Michael McCarty), (ss) Hungur Magazine May 2008
- Unspeakable, (ss) Lovecraft’s Disciples #12, May 2008
- Der Fleisbrunnen, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine Summer 2009
- Epitaph, (pm) Space and Time #108, Fall 2009
- A Chat with the Ghoul Next Door, (iv) Shroud #9, Summer 2010 [Ref. Kyra Schon]
- Interview: Robert Dunbar, (iv) Icarus #6, Fall 2010 [Ref. Robert Dunbar]
- Always Look under the Bed, (pm) Spectral Realms #3, Summer 2015
- To Reach Carcosa, (pm) Spectral Realms #3, Summer 2015
- The Black Sarcophagus of Nyarlathotep (with Michael Sheehan, Jr.), (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #8, 2022
- A Streak of Gray, (ss) Weirdbook #46, 2023
- The Big Red Button, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- Halloween in the Years 5000 and Beyond, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- Snowman with a Surprise Inside, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- The Creaker, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- Voices from a Distant City, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- Mask of the Leopard Princess, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- Fabulous Careers, (pm)
- Notes Concerning the Death and/or Decomposition of Reality, (ss) Dark Infinity
- Under Scrutiny, (pm)
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