The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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McGuire, Seanan (1978- ); used pseudonym Mira Grant (items)
- Paper Moon, (pm) Aphelion #112, July 2007
- Less Than Art 10th Anniversary Reissue, (br) Aphelion #113, August 2007
- You’re Going to Suck, (ar) Aphelion #124, August 2008
- Your Grammar Is Eating the Neighbors, (ar) Aphelion #125, September 2008
- You May Not Be a Novelist (and That’s OK), (ar) Aphelion #126, October 2008
- People Are Going to Be Mean to You, (ar) Aphelion #127, November 2008
- People Are Going to Be Mean to You: Take Two, (ar) Aphelion #128, December 2008
- Kill Your Darlings, (ar) Aphelion #129, February 2009
- Write What You…Hell, No., (ar) Aphelion #130, March 2009
- God Made the Mosquito, (ar) Aphelion #131, April 2009
- Control Your Children, (ar) Aphelion #132, May 2009
- Validate Yourself As Well As Your Parking, (ar) Aphelion #133, June 2009
- Suffer for Your Art, (ar) Aphelion #134, July 2009
- Anthony’s Vampire, (ss) Book View Café August 2009
- Good Critique, Bad Critique, (ar) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- Reading Outside the Box, (ar) Aphelion #136, September 2009
- A Citizen in Childhood’s Country, (ss) Book View Café October 2 2009
- Inspirations, (ss) The Edge of Propinquity October 2009
- Know Your Territory, (ar) Aphelion #137, October 2009
- Follow Your Bliss, (ar) Aphelion #138, November 2009
- Be Realistic About the Market, (ar) Aphelion #139, December 2009
- Have Faith in Your Editor, (ar) Aphelion #140, February 2010
- Thesaurus vs. Velociraptor, (ar) Aphelion #141, March 2010
- Brontosaurus Bones, (ar) Aphelion #142, April 2010
- Dying with Her Cheer Pants On [Fighting Pumpkins], (ss) Apex Magazine #11, April 2010
- Boundaries, (ar) Aphelion #143, May 2010
- Magpie Moments, (ar) Aphelion #144, June 2010
- Changing Time, Tone, and Type, (ar) Aphelion #145, July/August 2010
- Embrace Revision, (ar) Aphelion #146, September/October 2010
- Revise or Die, (ar) Aphelion #147, November 2010
- Bibliophile Heroin, (ar) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- The Tolling of Pavlov’s Bells, (ss) Apex Magazine #20, January 2011
- Hermitage, (ar) Aphelion #149, February 2011
- A Matter of Perspective, (ar) Aphelion #150, March 2011
- For the Critics, (ar) Aphelion #151, April 2011
- Outlines, (ar) Aphelion #152, May 2011
- Clockwork Chickens, (pm) Apex Magazine #25, June 2011
- Continuity Trapper Keeper, (ar) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- This Is Not a Race, (ar) Aphelion #154, August 2011
- Deadlines, (ar) Aphelion #155, September 2011
- Not Making People Hit You, (ar) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- Obligations ‘R’ Us, (ar) Aphelion #157, November 2011
- Crystal Halloway and the Forgotten Passage, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #57, December 2011
- Gimme a Break, (ar) Aphelion #158, December 2011
- Plotting Against You, (ar) Aphelion #161, April 2012
- Hype, (ar) Aphelion #162, May 2012
- It Isn’t Good Just Because It’s Bad, (ar) Aphelion #163, June 2012
- Lost, (ss) Lightspeed #25, June 2012
- Wounds, (pm) Apex Magazine #37, June 2012
- Getting Jealous, (ar) Aphelion #164, July 2012
- Starting the Discussion, (ar) Aphelion #165, August 2012
- Something Old, Something New, (ar) Aphelion #166, September 2012
- The Very First You, (ar) Aphelion #167, October 2012
- Research Is Love, (ar) Aphelion #168, November 2012
- I Don’t Gotta Like You to Love You, (ar) Aphelion #169, December 2012
- Rat-Catcher [October “Toby” Daye], (nv) A Fantasy Medley 2 ed. Yanni Kuznia, Subterranean Press, 2012
- You Brilliant Hack You, (ar) Aphelion #170, February 2013
- ’Easy’ Is for Other People, (ar) Aphelion #171, March 2013
- Different Strokes, (ar) Aphelion #172, April 2013
- Homecoming, (ss) Lightspeed #40, September 2013
- Hook Agonistes (with Jay Lake), (ss) Subterranean (online) Fall 2013
- Frontier ABCs: The Life and Times of Charity Smith, Schoolteacher, (ss) Raygun Chronicles ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Every Day Publishing, 2013
- Red as Snow, (ss) Fiction River #5, Hex in the City, December 2013
- Burning Questions, (ms) Albedo One #43, 2013
- Parasite, (ex) Orbit, 2013, as by Mira Grant
- Spores, (nv) The End Is Nigh ed. John Joseph Adams & Hugh Howey, Broad Reach Publishing, 2014
- Graveyard Rose, (pm) Apex Magazine #60, May 2014
- Each to Each, (nv) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
- Lady Antheia’s Guide to Horticultural Warfare, (ss) Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs Aliens ed. Patricia Bray & Joshua Palmatier, Zombies Need Brains, 2014
- My Love Can Destroy, (ar) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
- The Right of It, (pm) Goblin Fruit Winter 2014
- Symbiont [Parasitology], (ex) Orbit, 2014, as by Mira Grant
- There Is No Place for Sorrow in the Kingdom of the Cold, (nv) The Doll Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2015
- Dropping the Vial, (ar) Nightmare #31, April 2015
- The Myth of Rain, (ss) Lightspeed #60, May 2015
- Following the Symptoms, (ar) Nightmare #35, August 2015
- Chimera, (ex) Lightspeed #66, November 2015, as by Mira Grant
- Hello, Hello, (ss) Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft ed. Jennifer Henshaw & Allison Linn, Microsoft, 2015
- Dragonflies, (ss) The Doomsday Chronicles ed. Crystal Watanabe, Windrift Books, 2016
- The Jaws That Bite, the Claws That Catch, (ss) Lightspeed #72, May 2016
- Ye Highlands and Ye Lowlands, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #10, May/June 2016
- Threnody for Little Girl, with Tuna, at the End of the World, (ss) July 1 2016
- And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls, (ss) Unfettered II ed. Shawn Speakman, Grim Oak Press, 2016
- Carry On, (ss) March 1 2017
- How the Maine Coon Cat Learned to Love the Sea, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #17, July/August 2017
- With Graveyard Weeds and Wolfsbane Seeds, (ss) Haunted Nights ed. Ellen Datlow & Lisa Morton, Blumhouse Books, 2017
- Down Among the Sticks and Bones, (ex) 2017
- Wayward Children Series, (br) Speculative City #1, 2018
- Swear Not by the Moon, (nv) Infinity’s End ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2018
- Under the Sea of Stars, (ss) Lightspeed #103, December 2018
- Too Late Now, (ss) Weird Tales #364, 2020
- Riparian, (ss) Mermaids Monthly #6, June 2021
- In the Deep Woods; The Light Is Different There, (ss) When Things Get Dark ed. Ellen Datlow, Titan, 2021
McGuirt, C Ra (items)
- Evermore, (pm) Penny Dreadful #3, 1997
- October Again, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- Elegy for Death, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- The Good Little Girl & the Great God Pan, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7, 1998
- Wading, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7, 1998
Machado, Carmen Maria (1986- ) (about) (items)
- Inventory, (ss) Strange Horizons January 14 2013
- We Were Never Alone in Space, (ss) Shimmer #17, 2013
- Observations About Eggs from the Man Sitting Next to Me on a Flight from Chicago, Illinois to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, (ss) Lightspeed #47, April 2014
- Help Me Follow My Sister Into the Land of the Dead, (ss) Help Fund My Robot Army!!! ed. John Joseph Adams, John Joseph Adams, 2014
- Mothers, (ss) Interfictions Online #4, November 2014
- Descent, (ss) Nightmare #29, February 2015
- I Bury Myself, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #33, July 2015
- Horror Story, (ss) Granta (online) October 30 2015
- My Body, Herself, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #12, September/October 2016
- The Old Women Who Were Skinned, (ss) Fairy Tale Review v12 #1, 2016
- Blur, (ss) Tin House Summer 2017
- There and Back Again, (ss) Mixed Up ed. Nick Mamatas & Molly Tanzer, Skyhorse Publishing, 2017
- The Things Eric Eats Before He Eats Himself, (ss) The Mythic Dream ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2019
Machan, Katharyn Howd (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Merlin’s Son, (pm) Penny Dreadful #4, 1997
- Daughter’s Song, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- The Hermit, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- Story, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2009
- Etilatep, (pm) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #1, June 2012
- Ask for Rabbit, (pm) Abyss & Apex #61, 1st Quarter 2017
- He Believes It, (pm) Abyss & Apex #65, 1st Quarter 2018
- On the Edge, (pm) Abyss & Apex #73, 1st Quarter 2020
- He Saw, (pm) Abyss & Apex #78, 2nd Quarter 2021
- Beaks, (pm) Abyss & Apex #81, 1st Quarter 2022
- Drinking Sapphire Wine, (pm) Abyss & Apex #85, 1st Quarter 2023
- Soon the Moon Will Slip from Its Mooring, Ride the River of Night Alone, (pm) Abyss & Apex #87, 3rd Quarter 2023
- Albino Raven, (pm) Abyss & Apex #93, 1st Quarter 2025
McHaney, Dennis (fl. 1970s-2010s) (items)
- Introduction to the Howard Review, (in) The Howard Review #1, November 1974
- Editorial, (ed) The Howard Review #2, March 1975, etc.
- Editorial Notes, (ed) The Howard Review #3, June 1975
- Reviews (with J. P. Manteel), (rc) The Howard Review #3, June 1975
- Cross Plains: The Final Issue, (lr) The Howard Review #4, September 1975
- Plugs, (ms) The Howard Review #4, September 1975
- Introduction to the Second Edition, (in) The Howard Review #1, October 1975
- [letter], (lt) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #4, Spring 1976
- REH Editors-Publishers Roundtable Discussion (with Jonathan Bacon, Arnold M. Fenner, George T. Hamilton, Byron L. Roark, Damon C. Sasser, George H. Scithers & Wayne Warfield), (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976, etc.
- Robert E. Howard and the Ring, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #3, Winter 1976
- Editorial /Introduction, (ed) The Howard Review #7, April 1977
- A Cracked Voice from the Dim Forgotten Past, (ed) The Howard Review #8, Summer 1988
- The Series Characters of Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Howard Review #8, Summer 1988
- The Short, Sweet Life and Death of a Fan’s Magazine, (ar) The Howard Review #8, Summer 1988
- Whatever Happened to The Howard Reader?, (ar) The Howard Review #8, Summer 1988
- A Few Remarks, (ed) The Howard Review #3.5, December 1990
- The Illustrators of Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Howard Review #3.5, December 1990
- An Informal Look at REH Fanzines, 1975-1976, Part One, (ar) The Howard Review #9, Winter 1990/1991
- Introductory Remarks, (ed) The Howard Review #9, Winter 1990/1991, etc.
- More Unborn Robert E. Howard Books, (ms) The Howard Review #11, July 1998
- Introduction, (in) Robert E. Howard: World’s Greatest Pulpster #1, September 2001 (unpublished), etc.
- Letters from Mom, (ar) The Howard Review #12, October 2004
- Oriental Stories, The Magic Carpet Magazine, and The Souk, (ar) The Howard Review #12, October 2004
- The Golden Age of Howard Fan Publishing, Part Two, (ar) The Howard Review #10, December 2007
- Hello Goodbye, (in) The Howard Review #14, October 2008
- The Howard Collector, (ar) The Howard Review #14, October 2008
Machanick, Philip (fl. 1970s-2020s) (items)
- Rebellion Mine, (ss) Probe #48, May 1981
- On Surprise, (ar) Probe #123, July 2003
- Arthur C. Clarke—A Tribute, (ob) Probe #139, December 2008 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- May Contain Nuts, (ss) Probe #143, March 2010
- Probe 154 Comments, (ms) Probe #155, March 2013
- [letter of comment], (lt) Probe #163, March 2015
- The Uncanny Valley, (ss) Probe #171, March 2017
- Don’t Look Back, (ss) Probe #183, March 2020
- Relife, (nv) Probe #186, December 2020
- Book Review, (rc) Probe #188, June 2021
- Substrate, (ss) Probe #195, March 2023
McHardy, Vincent (1955- ) (items)
- Better than the Streets, (ss) The New Quarterly Fall 1982
- Sweet Trick, (ss) The Horror Show Fall 1983
- In the Bag, (ss) The Arkham Sampler v2 #2, 1984
- My Game, (ss) The Horror Show Fall 1984
- Lucky You, (vi) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- Through a Chestnut Clearly, (nv) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- Fright Night, (ss) Night Cry Fall 1985
- Buzzed Off, (ss) Grue #2, 1986
- Time’s Up, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
Macharia, Keguro (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Nimoy and Spock: Reflections and Farewells (with O. J. Cade, Fábio Fernandes, Erin Horáková, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Tim Phipps & Iona Sharma), (ar) Strange Horizons March 2 2015 [Ref. Leonard Nimoy]
- Octavia Butler’s Survivor: Romance & Speculation, (ar) Interfictions Online #5, June 2015 [Ref. Octavia Butler]
- False Starts, (ar) Fantasy Magazine #59, December 2015
- black gay ordinary: scenes, (ar) Strange Horizons July 25 2016
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