The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 634
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Herbertson, Craig (G.) (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Soap 7, (ss) Works #7, 1990
- The Glowing Goblins, (vi) Auguries #16, 1992
- School: The Seventh Silence, (ss) infinity plus January 2007
- Timeless Love, (pm) Filthy Creations #2, February 2007
- Strange Fruit, (ss) Filthy Creations #3, Autumn/Winter 2007
- Dumarest: The Coming Event?, (ar) Dark Horizons #55, September 2009 [Ref. E. C. Tubb]
- The Death Tableau, (sl) Filthy Creations #6, Summer 2010, etc.
- A Tribute to Charles Black, (sy) Phantasmagoria Magazine #22, Spring 2023 [Ref. Charles Black]
Herman, Louis (Helmar) (1905-1972?); used pseudonym Helmar Lewis (items)
- Helmar Lewis, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1943, as by Helmar Lewis
- The Man Who Lost His Face, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1943, as by Helmar Lewis
- The Aura of Death, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1943, as by Helmar Lewis
- Journey in Time to Cleopatra, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1944, as by Helmar Lewis
- The Headless Horror, (nv) Amazing Stories May 1944, as by Helmar Lewis
- Curse of the Phantom Legion, (ss) Fantastic Adventures June 1944, as by Helmar Lewis
- The Whips of Doom, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1944, as by Helmar Lewis
Herman, Paul (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- News (with S. T. Joshi), (ms) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #11, April 2007
- Letter from the Secretary, (in) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #2, 2007, etc.
- The Search for the Desk of Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #3, 2007
- The Writing Table of Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Howard Review #14, October 2008
- Hunting for Deer but Finding Bigfoot, (ar) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v4 #4, 2010
- The Writing Table of Robert E. Howard Comes Home, (ar) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v17 #1, 2023
Hermanson, Eric (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Death’s Run, (ss) Crossroads #22/23, October 1998/February 1999
- Invisible Army, (ss) Frightmares #4, October 1998
- Odd Tracks in the Snow, (pm) Frightmares #6, February 1999
- The Urge, (vi) Deadbolt Magazine #3, Spring 1999
- Scrunge, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #4, 1999
- Eater of Soles, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #16, Summer 1999
- Shadow Play, (ss) Burning Sky #4, 1999
- Fine Rides, (ss) Dread #10, 2000
- Lunar Tick, (vi) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000
- Slumpbuster, (ss) Talebones #18, Winter 2000
- A Spirit Born from Bigotry, (ar) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000
- Be Yourself, (ss) Alien Worlds #2, May 2000
- Called Back, (vi) Not One of Us #24, September 2000
- A House on the Beach, (pm) Imelod #17, Autumn/October 2000
- Longtooth, (ss) Black Satellite Spring 2002
- What It Was or Could Really Be, (ss) Mythos Collector #4, Fall 2002
- The Frail Poet, (pm) Book of Dark Wisdom #4, Fall 2004
- Well Preserved, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2005
- Song of the Symbols, (pm) Dark Wisdom #9, Spring 2006
- The Thief of Life, (ss) Forgotten Worlds #5, October 2006
- In a Goddess’s Spare Time, (pm) OG’s Speculative Fiction #4, January 2007
- The Watching Dead, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss June 2007
- Adaptation, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #11, July 2010
Hernandez, Alberto (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Shamrock Part 2: Into the Fray (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #7, June 2015
- Shamrock Part 3: Fury Uncaged (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #8, August 2015
- Shamrock: Part 4: Hero’s Scream (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #9, October 2015
- Shamrock: Part 6: Perseverance (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #11, February 2016
- Shamrock: Part 7: Shadows (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #12, April 2016
- Shamrock: Part 8: Illusion (with Josh Brown), (cs) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #13, June 2016
Hernandez, Carlos (1971- ) (items)
- The Macrobe Conservation Project, (ss) Interzone #202, February 2006
- Cingulate Gyrus, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #9, 2006
- Exvisible, (ss) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
- The International Studbook of the Giant Panda, (nv) Interzone #245, March/April 2013
- Fantaisie Impromptu No. 4 in C#min, Op. 66, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #24, December 2014
- American Moat, (ss) A Robot, a Cyborg, and a Martian Walk into a Space Bar ed. J. Alan Erwine, Nomadic Delirium Press, 2015
- Saturn Devouring His Young, (pm) Strange Horizons September 14 2015
- Origins, (ss) The Grimm Future ed. Erin Underwood, NESFA Press, 2016
- The Magical Properties of Unicorn Ivory, (ss) The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria by Carlos Hernandez, Rosarium Publishing, 2016
- On Collective Resistance (with Adrienne Maree Brown, Nino Cipri, Charles Payseur, Bogi Takács & Troy L. Wiggins), (ar) Strange Horizons January 16 2017
- In Lieu of the Stories My Santera Abuela Should Have Told Me Herself, This Poem, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #14, January/February 2017
- Latin American Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: A Round Table Discussion (with William Alexander, David Bowles, Ernest Hogan, Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Sabrina Vourvoulias), (iv) Mithila Review #7, January/March 2017
- Geppetto, (vi) Fireside Magazine #48, October 2017
- A Minnow, or Perhaps a Colossal Squid (with C. S. E. Cooney), (ss) Mermaids Monthly #4, April 2021
- Accost Me, SFF, and Waste My Time, (ar) Apex Magazine #127, 2021
- On the Möbius, (pm) The Deadlands #8, December 2021
- I Will Have This Diamond for a Heart, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #45, March/April 2022
Hernhuter, Albert (fl. 1950s-1980s); used pseudonym Bert Ahearne (items)
- The Smiler, (vi) If July 1952
- World of Ice, (ss) Dynamic Science Fiction March 1953
- The Good Pilot, (ss) Vortex Science Fiction v1 #1, 1953
- Red Chrome, (vi) Vortex Science Fiction v1 #1, 1953, as by Bert Ahearne
- Texas Week, (vi) Fantastic Universe January 1954
- The Plague, (vi) Spaceway June 1954
- Last One, (vi) Spaceway June 1955
- Of Mice and Monsters, (ss) Fantasy Book December 1981
Hero, J. Davidson (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Elegy for Bardo, (pm) Aphelion #121, May 2008
- Osiris Rising, (pm) Aphelion #122, June 2008
- The Crab of Gamma Doradus, (pm) Aphelion #123, July 2008
- Universal Toads, (pm) Aphelion #124, August 2008
- The Clone, (pm) Aphelion #129, February 2009
- “hardboiled boy on deck”, (pm) Aphelion #130, March 2009
- The Ship of Theseus Paradox, (pm) Aphelion #133, June 2009
- Memento Mori, (pm) Aphelion #134, July 2009
- Odyssey, (pm) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- The Cyborg, (pm) Aphelion #137, October 2009
- Lava Planet, (pm) Aphelion #139, December 2009
- 2012, (pm) Aphelion #140, February 2010
- Impacts, (pm) Aphelion #141, March 2010
- To Boldly Wait [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #141, March 2010
- The Cryptozoologist, (pm) Aphelion #142, April 2010
- The Magic of the Quooda, (ss) Aphelion #143, May 2010
- gynoide fatale, (pm) Aphelion #170, February 2013
- The Chrononaut, (pm) Aphelion #171, March 2013
- The Unicorn in Captivity, (pm) Aphelion #172, April 2013
- The Aphelion Project (with Casey Callaghan, Nathan J. Kailhofer, Robert Moriyama, Richard Tornello, William R. Warren, Jr. & Bill Wolfe), (nv) Aphelion #175, July 2013
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