The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 614
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Harvey, Jon M. (?-2022) (items)
- Lemuria, Once Land of Legend, (ar) Balthus #1, March 1971
- The Tolkien Society of America, (ar) Balthus #1, March 1971
- [front cover], (cv) Balthus #1, March 1971
- The Eternal Huntsman, (ar) Balthus #2, 1971
- Source Notes in Reverse, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
- [letter], (lt) Macrocosm #3, Summer 1972, etc.
- On Conan’s Psychology, (lt) Amra v2 #58, 1973
- The Bookshop (with Jessica Kimball-Cook & Pat McIntosh), (br) Anduril #4, July 1974
- Fantasy in the Theatre, (ar) Dark Horizons #14, Summer 1976
- A Vampire by Any Other Name, (ar) Dark Horizons #22, Spring 1981
- The Angels of Mons, (is) Worlds of the Unknown #2, 2015
- Beyond Fantasy Fiction, (ar) Worlds of the Unknown #2, 2015
- Introduction, (in) Worlds of the Unknown #1, 2015, etc.
Harvey, Lewis A. (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Apartment 613, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #8, 2000
- It’s Out There, (sl) Blood Moon Rising #10, March/April 2002, etc.
- Blips on the Sensor Screen, (ss) Alien Worlds #28, July 2002
- Knock, Knock, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #17, May/June 2003
Harvey, P. G. (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- Hope, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #7, April 2012
- Dr. Fulsom’s Experiment, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #10, January 2013
- Two Roads, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #17, October 2014
- The Devil’s in the Details, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #19, April 2015
- The Caregiver, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #20, July 2015
Harvey, William F(ryer) (1885-1937) (about) (items)
- August Heat, (ss) Midnight House and Other Tales by William Fryer Harvey, J.M. Dent, 1910
- Sambo, (ss) Midnight House and Other Tales by William Fryer Harvey, J.M. Dent, 1910
- The Clock, (ss) The Beast with Five Fingers by William Fryer Harvey, J.M. Dent, 1928
- The Traveller, (pm)
- untitled (“I will tell you what always has frightened me most…”), (pm)
Harwood, Alex (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Book of the Dead, (pp) Star*Line Winter 2016
- Exorcism, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- 451°, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- Tidings, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- untitled (“by this time …”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- Hourglass Figure, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2016
- Partial Science, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2016
- Live Specimen, (ss) Severed Souls, Space Cat Press, 2022
Harwood, Edmund (Donald) (1924-2002) (about) (items)
- Alf, (pm) Auguries #6, 1987
- The President’s Staff Course, (vi) Maelstrom #2, July 1988
- Alderney Revisited, (ss) Maelstrom #3, November 1988
- Double Billing with Marilyn Monroe, (vi) Maelstrom #5, May/August 1990
- On a Plate, (ss) Maelstrom #6, December 1992/May 1993
Hasell, K(atherine) L(oughrey) (1958- ) (items)
- Frigid, (ss) Space and Time #95, Spring 2002
- Valentine’s Day 2001, (pm) Space and Time #97, Spring 2003
- [front cover], (cv) Space and Time #98, Spring 2004
- Whole Lotta Love, (ss) Space and Time #100, Spring 2007
- Pro-Life, (pm) Space and Time #120, Spring 2014
Hasford, (Jerry) Gustav (1947-1993) (items)
- Twilight, (vi) Space and Time #16, August 1972
- The Disneyland Man, (ss) Edge Autumn/Winter 1973
- Sunchild, (ss) Eternity #2, 1973
- Black Roses, (ss) Eternity #4, 1975
- Cezanne, Dying in the Rain, (vi) Weirdbook #11, 1977
Haskell, Merrie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Huntswoman, (ss) Strange Horizons January 24 2005
- Dead Languages, (ss) Farthing #4, September 2006
- An Almanac for the Alien Invaders, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2008
- Sun’s East, Moon’s West, (ss) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- Fine-Tuning the Universe, (vi) Nature #7260, September 3 2009
- Five Rules for Commuting to the Underworld, (ss) Strange Horizons August 23 2010
- Zebulon Vance Sings the Alphabet Songs of Love, (ss) Apex Magazine #45, February 2013
- The Heart That Saves You May Be Your Own, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #313, September 24 2020
Haskins, Maria (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Scent, (ss) Flash Fiction Online #36, September 2016
- Firstborn, (ss) Capricious #7, May 2017
- The Machine of the Devil, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #44, May 2017
- Metal, Sex, Monsters, (ss) Gamut Magazine #5, May 2017
- Bioluminescence, (ss) Phobos Magazine #4, 2017
- Solstice Blót, (pm) Polar Borealis July/August 2017
- The Gates of Balawat, (ss) Samovar September 25 2017
- Hare’s Breath, (ss) Shimmer #39, September 2017
- Seven Kinds of Baked Goods, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #31, September 2017
- The Ghost in Angelica’s Room, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #54, March 2018
- The Guitar Hero, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2018
- It Begins in the Garden, (ss) Aliterate Spring 2018
- Mothers, Watch Over Me, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2018
- The Root Cellar, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #251, May 10 2018
- It’s Easy to Shoot a Dog, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #260, September 13 2018
- Margaery the Wolf, (ss) See the Elephant #4, 2018
- And You Shall Sing to Me a Deeper Song, (ss) Interzone #280, March/April 2019
- Clear as Quartz, Sharp as Flint, (ss) Augur Magazine v2 #1, 2019
- The Brightest Lights of Heaven, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Summer 2019
- Dead Meat, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #7, July 2019
- Cleaver, Meat, and Block, (ss) Black Static #73, January/February 2020
- Short Fiction Treasures: Quarterly Short Fiction Round Up, (cl) Strange Horizons March 23 2020, etc.
- Six Dreams About the Train, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #82, July 2020
- Down to Niflhel Deep, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2020
- Tony Roomba’s Last Day on Earth, (ss) Diabolical Plots #70, December 2020
- Short Fiction Treasures: Quarterly Fiction Roundup, (cl) Strange Horizons September 27 2021, etc.
- A Blank Space Where She Ought to Be, (ss) LampLight September 2021
- Sunlit Surface, Depths Below, (vi) Mermaids Monthly #11, November 2021
- One Thing, (vi) Martian #2, Winter 2021
- The Morthouse, (ss) The Deadlands #12, April 2022
- A Dog, a Heart, A Box of Ashes, or Whom Rhodope Shed Tears For, (ar) The Deadlands #24, April 2023
- A Piece of Paper, Burned, (ar) Nightmare #127, April 2023
- The Whisper of That Blood, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #382, May 18 2023
- Death by Water, (vi) Lightspeed #160, September 2023
- Smiley, (ar) Gamut Magazine #9, September 2024 [Ref. John le Carré]
Hasse, Henry (Louis) (1913-1977) (about) (items)
- [letter from Indianapolis, IN], (lt) Air Wonder Stories March 1930, etc.
- Some Interesting Statistics, (ar) Science Fiction Digest May 1933
- The End of Tyme [Tyme] (with A. Fedor), (ss) Wonder Stories November 1933
- The Return of Tyme [Tyme] (with A. Fedor), (ss) Wonder Stories August 1934
- An Index to Tales of Magic and Mystery, (bi) Fantasy Magazine September 1935
- He Who Shrank, (na) Amazing Stories August 1936
- The Guardian of the Book [Cthulhu], (nv) Weird Tales March 1937
- Lost Soul, (pm) Futuria Fantasia Fall 1939
- [letter from Seattle, WA], (lt) Weird Tales January 1940
- Aw, G’wan!, (ar) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- A Miracle of Time, (nv) Astonishing Stories June 1940
- The Man Who (with A. Fedor), (ss) Marvel Stories November 1940
- Mission Unknown!, (na) Super Science Novels Magazine May 1941
- Proktols of Neptune, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1941
- Farewell to Fuzzies, (ss) Astonishing Stories September 1941
- The Star of Satan, (ss) Planet Stories Fall 1941
- Pendulum (with Ray Bradbury), (ss) Super Science Stories November 1941
- Thief of Mars, (ss) Planet Stories Winter 1941/1942
- The Missing Day, (nv) Super Science Stories May 1942
- Out of This World, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1942
- Mars Warning, (ss) Super Science Stories August 1942
- City of the Living Flame, (nv) Planet Stories Fall 1942
- Star of Panadur (with Albert dePina), (ss) Planet Stories March 1943
- Gabriel’s Horn (with Ray Bradbury), (ss) Captain Future Spring 1943
- Alcatraz of the Starways (with Albert dePina), (na) Planet Stories May 1943
- The Angular Stone, (na) Super Science Stories May 1943
- Horror at Vecra, (nv) Acolyte Fall 1943
- Revenge of the Vera, (ss) Planet Stories Fall 1943
- Passage to Planet X, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1945
- Final Victim (with Ray Bradbury), (nv) Amazing Stories February 1946
- Dread-Flame of M’Tonak, (nv) Planet Stories Fall 1946
- Final Glory, (ss) Planet Stories Spring 1947
- P.S.’s Feature Flash, (bg) Planet Stories Spring 1947
- Walls of Acid, (ss) Fantasy Book #1, 1947
- Trail of the Astrogar, (na) Amazing Stories October 1947
- Eternal Zemmd Must Die!, (nv) Planet Stories Spring 1949
- Tomb of the Seven Taajos, (nv) Amazing Stories February 1950
- Survival, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- Don’t Come to Mars! (with Emil Petaja), (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1950
- The Eyes, (nv) Fantasy Book #8, 1951
- The Secret of Satellite Seven (with Emil Petaja), (nv) Amazing Stories February 1952, as by Theodore Pine
- One Purple Hope!, (ss) Planet Stories July 1952
- …And Return, (ss) Space Stories October 1952
- Three Lines of Old Martian, (ss) Space Stories February 1953
- Ultimate Life (with Albert dePina), (ss) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
- Subject for Today, (ss) Fantastic Universe November 1954
- Via Paradox (with Albert dePina), (ss) Spaceway December 1954
- Clansmen of Fear, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures April 1957
- We’re Friends, Now, (na) Amazing Science Fiction Stories April 1960
- The Violin String, (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination April 1961
- The Beginning, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1961
- The Way to Casm’s Place, (ss) Whispers December 1973
- The Ensorcelled, (ss) Whispers June 1975
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