The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 584
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Guzzi, Deborah (fl. 2010s) (items)
- A Kneaded Life, (pm) Liquid Imagination #22, August 2014
- Brooding Rooted, (pm) Latchkey Tales October 2014
- Sink Holes and Whirlwinds, (pm) Latchkey Tales December 2014
- A Dryad’s Mourning, (pm) New Myths #30, March 2015
- Crows in Four-Four Time, (pm) Latchkey Tales April 2015
- Cutout NOW Tools, (pm) Liquid Imagination #26, August 2015
- Daughter of Oak and Ash, (pm) Not One of Us #55, April 2016
- Hermione Untouchable, (pm) Bloodbond #6, May 2016
- Straight of Nemuro, (vi) Liquid Imagination #29, May 2016
- Corpus Delecti, (pm) Bloodbond #9, November 2017
- Tender Parts, (pm) Bloodbond #9, November 2017
- Speaking in Tongues, (pm) Disturbed Digest #22, September 2018
- Bardic Dreams, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #39, 2019
Gwaltney, Jane (fl. 2000s) (items)
- The Fix, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #58, January 2001
- Hidden Agenda, (ss) EOTU Ezine August 2001
- Rumor Has It…, (pm) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #7, 2001
- And the Meek Shall Inherit, (pm) Wicked Hollow #1, January 2002
- Useful Things, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #2, Winter 2002
- The Long and Winding, (pp) EOTU Ezine April 2002
- The Dawning, (pm) EOTU Ezine June 2002
- The Blinking Cursor, (ss) Wicked Hollow #3, July 2002
- Experience Is the Best Teacher, (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002
- Bless Their Beastly Hearts, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- No Men Were Injured in the Making of this Poem (Dead Guys Do It with a Guitar), (pm) Scared Naked Magazine #1, 2002
- The Subtle Difference Between a Ceiling Fan and a Sidewinder, (pm) Wicked Hollow #5, January 2003
- The Night She Left Our World, (sl) Thirteen Stories #6, February 2003, etc.
- Malignanly Befriended, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #2, May 2003
- A Walk in the Park, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #3, November 2003
- Bloodsport, (pm) Scared Naked Magazine #3, 2003
- Expectations, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine June 2004
- Unrehearsed Verse Is…, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2005
- Bloody Fingertips, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2006
- Until Proven Guilty, (il) Aoife’s Kiss June 2006
- Bird of Prey, (nv) Spinning Whorl #3, Spring 2007
- Blood Letters, Wed, (pm) Champagne Shivers #3, 2007
- With Wings Raised, (pm) Champagne Shivers #4, 2008
- Perimeter’s Pause, (pm) Sounds of the Night February 2009
- Memorial Day’s Next Wave, (pm) Champagne Shivers #5, 2009
Gygax, (Ernest) Gary (1938-2008); used pseudonym Garrison Ernst (items)
- The Gnome Cache, (uw) The Dragon June 1976, etc., as by Garrison Ernst
- A Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Aboard the Starship Warden, (ss) The Dragon August 1978
- Cantrips, (ar) Dragon March 1982, etc.
- Cantrips for the Aspiring Illusionist, (ar) Dragon May 1982
- The Big, Bad Barbarian, (ar) Dragon July 1982
- New Magic-User Spells, (ar) Dragon November 1982
- New Druid Spells, (ar) Dragon March 1983
- Introduction and Credits (with Don Turnbull), (ed) Imagine #1, April 1983
- The Thief-Acrobat, (ar) Imagine #6, September 1983
- The Cavalier, (gm) Imagine #11, February 1984
- Social Status & Birth Tables, (gm) Imagine #11, February 1984
- New Clerical Spells (with Lenard Lakofka), (ar) Imagine #20, November 1984
- At Moonset Blackcat Comes [Gord the Rogue], (nv) Dragon August 1985
- The Return of Gord [Gord the Rogue] (with K. R. Bourgoine), (ss) Dragon June 2006
Ha, Thomas (fl. 2020s) (about) (items)
- Hold On Tight, (ss) The Colored Lens #36, Summer 2020
- Where the Old Neighbors Go, (nv) Metaphorosis September 2020
- Balloon Season, (ss) Fusion Fragment #3, November 2020
- Horangi, (nv) Cossmass Infinities #4, January 2021
- A Compilation of Accounts Concerning the Distal Brook Flood, (ss) Metaphorosis April 2021
- The Liminal Men, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #5, September/October 2021
- Where You Left Me, (ss) Lightspeed #136, September 2021
- Orla, Always, (ss) Metaphorosis December 2021
- To People Who’d Never Known Good, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #350, February 24 2022
- Sweetbaby, (nv) Clarkesworld #193, October 2022
- In That Crumbling Home, (ss) Bourbon Penn #28, November 2022
- Our Quiet Guests, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #37, November 2022
- For However Long, (ss) Khōréō v3 #1, 2023
- Window Boy, (ss) Clarkesworld #203, August 2023
- Cretins, (ss) Weird Horror #7, Fall 2023
- The Mub, (ss) Clarkesworld #206, November 2023
- Behind the Gilded Door, (ss) Haven Speculative #13, January 2024
- To Be a Happy Man, (vi) Lightspeed #164, January 2024
- The Brotherhood of Montague St. Video, (ss) Clarkesworld #212, May 2024
- St. Fario’s Feast, (ss) New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine Summer 2024
- The Fairgrounds, (nv) Metaphorosis July/September 2024
- Grottmata, (ss) Nightmare #142, July 2024
- The Sort, (ss) Clarkesworld #215, August 2024
- Cages, (ss) Fusion Fragment #23, November 2024
- House Traveler, (ss) Bourbon Penn #34, December 2024
Haag, Wayne (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #246, May/June 2013
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #247, July/August 2013
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #248, September/October 2013
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #249, November/December 2013
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #250, January/February 2014
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #251, March/April 2014
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #252, May/June 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #252, May/June 2014
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #253, July/August 2014
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #254, September/October 2014
- Editorial, (ed) Interzone #255, November/December 2014
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #255, November/December 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #255, November/December 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #257, March/April 2015
- [illustration(s)], (il) Black Static #47, July/August 2015
Haas, Arthur (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #138, March 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #139, April 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #140, May 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #144, September 2018
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #149, February 2019
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #150, March 2019
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #151, April 2019
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #197, February 2023
- [front cover], (cv) Clarkesworld #200, May 2023
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